Heat (12 page)

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Authors: Jamie K. Schmidt

BOOK: Heat
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He moved his fingers faster. He caught her head as it tilted back. “Yes,” he hissed as her body jerked. Her wetness coated his fingers as he rubbed her. Her thighs squeezed together.

“Come for me,” he ordered.

“Oh,” she sighed, her eyes electric on his.

The only sound in the stairwell was their ragged breathing and the wet sound of his fingers pleasuring her.

Her fingers tightened on his shoulders and Max grunted in approval as the orgasm shook
her. He gentled his touch, barely touching her bud. He wished they were in Club Inferno. He’d strip her bare while she was recovering and then start all over again with his tongue.

Gasps escaped Mallory with each minute tickle. Max slowly withdrew his hand, his eyes burning into her sleepy blue ones. He’d like to see her hands tied over her head while he fucked her.

“That was incredible,” she said.

He pulled her pants back up and secured them. She was too tempting undressed and trusting.

“What about you?” Mallory asked.

Max licked her sweetness from his fingers and stifled a groan. “There’s time for me later. Right now, it’s about you.”

He took her hand and led her up the stairs. How could he get her to go downstairs with him? He knew he should walk away, but he kept playing scenarios through his mind and she was the star attraction. Just her and his rope.

“I’m still a little shaky,” she said.

“That’s okay.” He hugged her one-armed as they entered Couture.

“But I feel like some of those scattered pieces of me are coming back together. So I’m only a half-finished jigsaw puzzle now instead of a broken doll.”

Max kissed the top of her head. “I know how you feel.”

“There you are,” Colleen said, rounding the corner.

Max dropped his arm just as Mallory stepped away. Luckily, Colleen was too focused to notice anything amiss.

“I’ve got a great idea,” Colleen said.

Max suppressed a groan. That usually meant more work for him.

Chapter Nine

Still reeling from the scene—if that was what it was—in the stairwell, Mallory went back to her room to lie down for a bit. After a nice nap with a few erotic dreams, she took a shower to freshen up. Then she put on one of her new outfits and went out to see if she could find Max. It was payback time. She was going to make him come so hard, his head was going to explode.

But first, a cup of coffee was in order. As she walked around the fashion area trying to find the free coffee and cookies the brochure said they put out at teatime, Mallory heard a familiar voice.

“What time is the cosplay parade tonight?”

That was David’s sister, Chrissie. She was a sweetheart, if a total flake. Completely ga-ga over comic books. She took her mother’s maiden name because her father had been such a prick. Probably where David got his flying fists from, now that Mallory thought about it.

Mallory turned her back as Chrissie and her friend entered the room. Ducking her head, she fixed her coffee.

“Some people think
Sailor Moon
is too cliché, but I think it’s old school, you know?”

Mallory peered through the wave of her hair and saw that the man Chrissie was with was wearing a “My Little Pony” shirt and was listening intently. Hoping they were too involved in their conversation, Mallory snagged a cookie and sidled out of the room.

“Mal?” Chrissie said, just as she was about to get away clean.

Mallory didn’t break stride, but when she stepped into the hallway she ran as fast as she could without spilling her coffee. As soon as she hit the corner, she saw a door marked private and darted inside.

The gray industrial-strength carpet was like the yellow brick road and she followed it down the corridor. The door at the end was locked. Mallory looked over her shoulder to see if Chrissie had followed her. Jiggling the handle, she felt trapped and exposed. She couldn’t go back out there. If Chrissie knew she was here, she’d mention it to David and all Mallory’s escape plans would be blown to shit. A buzzer sounded and she felt the lock click open. Pushing inside, she closed the door behind her and the lock reengaged. Mallory let out a sigh of relief and leaned her back against the door.

Unlike the fashion wing, this section didn’t have glass windows overlooking sculpted gardens. The lights were dimmer, as if to give it an underground feel. She could hear running water and as she followed the sound, the light changed to reflect and shimmer and give the impression that she was walking under the sea.

“This is seriously neat,” Mallory said.

She heard the door she’d escaped through open and quickened her pace just in case Chrissie did have the magical pass to sexland. The corridor opened up to a large common area. Moving through it, avoiding everyone’s eyes, Mallory opened the first door she came to and walked into a session.

The teacher was a handsome man dressed like he’d walked out of the pages of
. She smiled and waved when everyone looked up at her, hoping she wasn’t going to get in trouble for crashing the course.

“Hi, sorry I’m late,” she said and made her way to the back of the class. If she could just lay low for a while, Chrissie would get distracted or bored and Mallory could go find Colleen and let her know that they might have a problem.

“Are you here for the blow job class?”

Mallory bumped into a desk and nearly spilled her coffee.

“Uh-huh,” she said, sliding into her chair.
Of all the gin joints in the world …

“Good, you’ve just missed the introductions. I’m Alex. Tell us a little bit about yourself and why you chose this class.”

All eyes turned on her and Mallory blanked. “Well, I’m a doctor,” she stuttered out. “I’m on vacation.” Well, not really, but it was better than blurting out the whole sordid tale. There were some friendly nods. “And I want to learn the fine art of …” she looked around helplessly, “sucking cock.”

There was a brief smattering of applause and Mallory’s face felt hot. She slurped down some coffee and was relieved when the teacher went on with his short lecture.

He demonstrated on a banana. It was hard not to picture her and Max doing the things Alex was demonstrating. She was looking forward to showing Max her new moves. But then Alex moved on to the advanced techniques. He stretched his lips around the bottom of a beer bottle to show off. Mallory opened her mouth and figured she’d have to unhinge her jaw to take in that width. But she gamely tried the techniques he demonstrated on the banana and wound up with a healthier snack than the cookie. She drank her coffee and glanced around the room. Men and women giggled and laughed. Mallory smiled at the eclectic demographics in the room. All ages, shapes, and colors, the only thing they all had in common was … well, the banana.

Maybe if the banana were frozen it would last longer? She put that suggestion on the feedback card Alex handed around. The class broke up shortly after a few questions about the gag reflex were addressed. Mallory remained in her seat, unsure if she should risk running into Chrissie again. She desperately looked around the room to find something to disguise herself with. All too soon she was the last one there, except for the teacher.

“Let me guess—you’ve got a question that you were too embarrassed to ask in front of
the group.”

“Hi, I’m Mallory. I’m actually ditching someone.”

“Is someone bothering you?” Alex frowned and took out his cell phone.

“Oh no, it’s nothing like that.”

“Are you sure? You look a little scared.”

“I almost ran into someone who I didn’t want to know I was here.”

“I see,” Alex said. “I’ve got just the thing.” He went back to his desk and rifled around in a drawer until he came up with a cardboard domino mask. It had fake feathers around the eyebrow line. “I apologize for the tackiness. This was from last year’s Mardi Gras celebration. But it should do the trick until you find something a little more you.”

“I really appreciate it.”

“Think nothing of it.”

Mallory slipped on the mask and left the room. There were a bunch of people gathered around a buffet table in the large common area. Max was standing with a group of other men. They were dressed in sweat suits with name brands on them. Mallory took the time to really look him over. He stood with a casual ease that made him seem approachable and friendly. He really was a good guy.

Her mind compared him to David, who always seemed to be throwing attitude around. Max, of course, was bigger and more muscular. David was more handsome in a pretty-boy Yalie way. Max looked rough, but she quivered as she remembered his gentle touch and how careful he was with her. David would have nailed her into the floor if they went that far. Max’s control was far sexier. He made her feel cherished. Was that all she needed to drop her panties like they were on fire? Max’s shirt clung to the curves of his shoulders and she licked her lips. God, she had it bad. Just that one little taste of intimacy and the first orgasm she’d had in months made her want to give in to the want. It was pure, healthy lust; that was all. She could keep it that way. As if he sensed her thoughts, their eyes locked. Max did a double take when he saw her and elbowed his way through the crowd.

“What are you doing around these parts?” he drawled.

“I like your parts.” She nudged him with her hip. “How did you know it was me?”

He dipped his head to whisper in her ear. “You were coming on my fingers only a few hours ago. Think I’d forget that hot body so soon?”

Mallory smiled and ran her hand over his bicep. “What did Colleen want? Did she bust us?”

“Didn’t mention it if she did. She was too excited about the event we’re having here tonight. She got a sweet deal by undercutting the casino to have a mixed martial arts event. It’s sold out. So we’re expecting a good crowd.”

“Why? What’s that have to do with sex or fashion?”

“The fight is being sponsored by Kimura. They do fight gear and exercise clothes. One of the fighters, Kevan Deane, bankrolls them. Lucky bastards.” Max shrugged. “I think Colleen just likes to host events and she thinks the MMA will bring in more men to Couture. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’ve got a lot more women than men here.”

“I noticed,” Mallory said dryly. “So what’s this got to do with you?”

“She wanted me in one of the under matches. You know, the warm-up act.”

“Do you know the guy you’re fighting?”

“I saw him on TV once. He failed out of the mixed martial arts reality show.”

“Do you think he’s got something to prove?”

“They all do.” Max hugged her to him. “How are you feeling?”

“Better,” she admitted, hugging him back. “But still horny.”

His laughter vibrated against her cheek and she held him tighter. “What are you doing on this side of Couture?” he asked.

“I ran into someone I knew on the fashion side, so I’m hiding again.”

“Anything I can help with?” He tilted her chin up. “Want me to beat someone up?” He grinned and she knew he wasn’t serious.

“I really should go talk to Colleen.”

“She’s in a private session until six.”

“What kind of private session?”

Max coughed into his hand. “I think it has something to do with sex toys.”

“Sorry I asked.” Mallory leaned into him. “I took a class in the art of the blow job. Want me to show you what I learned?”

“Hell yeah,” he said, looking around. “But too many people saw us together just now. I don’t want it to get back to Colleen.”

“Who cares?”

“Some people just like to make trouble,” he said. “I don’t want you touched by that.”

“I’m wearing a mask,” she protested.

“That’s true,” he said, running his finger down her cheek. He tipped her chin up and kissed her quickly. It was light and delicious. She wanted more. Standing on her tiptoes, she brushed her lips with his, darting her tongue inside his mouth. He smiled appreciatively and touched his forehead to hers.

“Let’s go fool around,” Mallory said.

“Mallory, I am so damn tempted.” He rubbed his hand up and down her back. “I want to play around with you some more.”

“Can we go back to your studio? I think I need more beach therapy.”

“There’s a class there.”

“Well, what do you suggest?”

“I suggest walking a fine line. Another class.”

“I’m not doing any circus classes. No way.”

Max steered them down another hallway. “Remember, you have to trust me.”

“Tell me the truth about something,” she said, angling her head so she could look him in the eye.


“Are those bushes in the front of Couture penises or dolphins?”

“Dolphins? What kind of dolphin wears a helmet?”

“The Miami ones.”

“The ones Colleen calls the dickheads?”

“I knew it!” Mallory said. Still, it was interesting that Colleen kept something that reminded her of Chase close by—even if it was a seven-foot penis bush. Mallory hoped she wasn’t still pining for that turd.

“But that’s what we tell people who aren’t on the list, if you know what I mean.”

Mallory enjoyed having his arm around her as they walked. He made her feel special. “So I hope you’re taking me somewhere you can have your evil way with me.”

Max leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Do you want to come again?” His hot breath caused shivers to run up her spine.

“Only if you do too this time.”

“I’m taking a tantric class. Don’t worry about me. I want this to be about you.”

“I liked how your fingers felt in me,” she said softly, and he pulled her closer.

They walked into a classroom that had several areas curtained off into smaller sections.

“Ugh,” Mallory said. “It reminds me of the ER.”

“Those are for privacy,” he said.

“Yeah, I know. What is this class?”

“The art of erotic massage,” Max said, pulling the curtain closed so they were cut off from the rest of the room. The only thing aside from them in the enclosure was a massage table.

“Another art class.” Mallory grinned. “I don’t see any bananas in this one.”

“I’ll show you a banana.”

“Promises, promises.”

“Attention, class,” a disembodied female voice from the center of the large room rang out. “For the next hour, there will be no speaking. I want complete silence.”

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