Heat (18 page)

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Authors: Jamie K. Schmidt

BOOK: Heat
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“Captain Morgan,” she whispered.

“Want a sip?”

She shook her head. Her head was already spinning. She felt a trickle drip down her shoulder, then roll in between her breasts and down to her belly button.

“How careless of me,” he said. “Don’t worry, I’ll clean this up.” Licking and nibbling his
way from her belly button, tonguing up between her breasts, Max ended up at her lips again. Her body was on fire, shaking from the casual touch of him. He kissed her with enough tongue that she felt a little drunk on the rum.

“I’d like to put spreader bars on your feet too and bend you over a chair,” he whispered, as he stroked her hair. “Can you picture what I’d do to you then?”

She nodded and bit her lip. She stepped out to widen her stance.

“You are such a good submissive,” he said. He was behind her now, his erection pressing into the cleft of her ass. “I’ve never wanted a woman the way I want you. I like the waiting. But not enough to wait much longer.” He skimmed his hand over her chest and belly. He rested his fingers at the top of her mound.

“I want to tickle you here until you come on my fingers again.”

He played with her for a moment and her breathing sounded loud in her ears.

“But I’m not going to.”

She held in her huff of disappointment.

“I’ve got something better in mind.” He moved back from her and she missed the hard press of his cock against her flesh.

The next caress was on her thighs. Max’s strong hands eased down one leg and back up. He parted her legs so her stance was even wider than before. She knew he was kneeling in front of her.

“Max,” she whispered, not knowing if it was a plea, a demand, or the answer to his game.

She heard the buzzing and tensed.

“Relax,” Max said. “You answered all my questions correctly. You kept your eyes closed and handled the cuffs well. Now all you have to do is stand still and receive your reward.”

He kissed her hip and a little whimper escaped her.

“Shh,” he breathed against her thigh as the buzzing connected to her ankle. It was a vibrator, and he encircled her anklebone with it. He buzzed it slowly up her calf, over her slick folds, and then down the other leg.

“Max,” she cried.

“Don’t make me punish you now, Mallory. Not a sound or I will stop and leave you like this. You don’t want that, do you?”

She shook her head.

“But you do want this?” He moved it over the sensitive skin of the back of her knee.

She nodded.

Max took his time, buzzing up to her belly button and then back down over her abdomen.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked, pressing it to the top of the juncture of her thighs.

She nodded once more.

When he dipped it inside her, Mallory yanked on the handcuffs and almost lost her balance. Max held it there while he gathered her close. She was shaking. Her body going hot and flushed, then almost chill. He pushed the vibrator in and out of her.

“I wish this was me,” Max said in her ear.

She nodded.

He moved it over to her swollen bud and circled it. Her wrists pulled again as she wanted to cling to him.

“Max,” she said. “Max, I’m falling.”

“I’ve got you,” he reassured her.

But she didn’t mean physically. The wetness of her arousal enabled him to move the vibrator at a fast pace. She threw back her head and cried out. Each swirl and flick of the buzzer brought her closer and closer until she pressed up against Max.

“Kiss me. Kiss me, please.”

His mouth devoured hers and she screamed deep into it as her orgasm flooded over her. Max continued to kiss her until her pulse rate went back to normal. He unclasped the handcuffs and led her to the bed.

“You can open your eyes, you know.”

Mallory realized they were still closed.

“How did I do?” she asked. Her eyes locked on his enormous erection.

“You were wonderful.”

“I think if I was on top, we could go easy enough for you,” she said timidly.

“I don’t want easy,” Max said, curling up into bed next to her.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“We can wait until the weekend. We can make it a reward for calling your boss and going back to work.”

She bit her lip. “What if I chicken out?”

“You don’t get to have me, then,” he said.

“That’s incentive.” Mallory slid under the covers.

“I like the anticipation. And then if you are in my room, I’m going to pin your legs over your ears and fuck you until you scream my name.”

She reached over and took his hard cock in her hand.

He groaned. “I like your touch.”

“Is that all you’re going to do to me?” she whispered against his mouth as she slowly pumped her hand up and down his cock.

“Did you like playing at being my submissive?”

Mallory nodded, moving her hand faster.

“Keep doing that,” he sighed. “I want you so much. I want to bring out your kinky side. Don’t you dare stop.” Max grabbed the back of her head and brought her in for a deep kiss as his body clenched. He crushed his mouth down on hers and moaned deep into it.

Mallory’s hand moved faster and she kissed him back just as fiercely. He came all over her hand.

“I want so much more this weekend,” she said.

“Your wish is my command.”

Chapter Fourteen

She did it. She made it through a whole week of work without seeing David or having a nervous breakdown. As soon as she set foot in the ER, it was as if she never had left.

It was so easy, Mallory was mad at herself for putting it off for so long. It felt good to get back to work. Max insisted on driving, just in case David was trolling the parking garage for her car. They had breakfast together every day on the commute, and in between coffee and egg white sandwiches, they talked about everything. They grabbed lunch at the hospital cafeteria together, and on the first day she introduced him to her boss, Jen. Jen was happy he was there for her. Mallory also caught her ogling Max’s backside when she thought they weren’t looking.

On the drive home Saturday night, Mallory kicked off her shoes and massaged her aching feet. “Thanks for being there this week.”

“I’ll be there until you tell me to leave.”

“What’s Colleen going to say about that?”

“She’ll probably set up a rotating schedule of bodyguards.”

Mallory made a face.

“Just until David gets the message that you’re off limits.”

“I’ll get around to telling David soon,” she said. “Give me a few more days.”

“Take all the time you need.” Max squeezed her hand.

He didn’t let go until they were pulling into Couture.

“I’ve got a few things to do before our date tonight. I hope you haven’t forgotten about it?” Max teased.

“Are you kidding me?” she said. “I’ve been keeping Winky busy all these nights just thinking about it.”

Max groaned. “I want to see that.”

Mallory put her hand on his thigh and squeezed. “I think we can arrange that.”

“Can you be ready by nine?”

“That’s almost my bedtime.”

“Yes, it is.” His grin made all her lady parts jump for joy.

“I’ll see you then,” she said and kissed him.

He made her heart flutter. She also checked out his backside as he walked away from her.

Mallory tried one more time to find Colleen. Her sister had been scarce all week. Mallory wondered if she was having a hard time coming to terms with the colossal fuck-up that the MMA
fight had been. The press was ruthless, dredging up all the gold-digger nonsense again. Not one newscaster had mentioned that the proceeds went to a children’s hospital. It was all “dumb bimbo almost gets fighters killed.”

It wasn’t like Colleen to lick her wounds and hide.
That asshole Chase better not be sniffing around here
. Mallory wanted to tell her about her awesome week and about her feelings for Max that were starting to grow into something big. Mallory was going to tell her to take Max off bodyguard duty so she could have wild monkey sex with him without worrying about getting someone else’s panties in a bunch. She just hoped it meant something to him too. Mallory wasn’t a Couture client. She didn’t want a scene. She wanted Max. But she wanted it to mean something to him, because tonight would mean a lot to her.

Nefertiti looked up from her computer when Mallory walked in. “She’s in the conference room with Istvahn.”

Mallory wondered if she was imagining the wistful way Nefertiti said his name.

“She might be ten minutes. She might be ten hours. Do you want some coffee?”

“Love some.”

Nefertiti got them both cups and shouldered her way into Colleen’s office. “She won’t mind if you make yourself comfortable.”

Mallory sprawled on the couch, admiring the view of the falling leaves.

“So, what’s got you making that face, all dreamy-like?” Nefertiti said, perching a hip on Colleen’s desk while the coffee perked. “Or should I say who?”

“What do you think of Max?”

“I think you know him better than me,” Nefertiti said with a little smile.

“Yeah, but you work with him. Does he have romances often?”

Nefertiti shook her head. “His ass would have been bounced out the door a long time ago. We don’t play with emotions, just bodies.”

“But what about …” Mallory had to close her eyes to think of the man’s name. “Sam. What does he teach when he’s here?”

“Cunnilingus,” Nefertiti said without changing expression. “He branches out by offering private lessons to couples. Or single ladies. There’s no emotion, unless you count earth-shaking orgasms.”

“How is that not prostitution again?” Mallory asked.

“As far as Couture’s concerned, he’s teaching a course. If he does private lessons for more money, we have nothing to do with that.” Nefertiti frowned at the mess on Colleen’s desk and began to sort the piles.

“So he doesn’t do his private lessons here?”

“He’s not supposed to.” Nefertiti picked up a certificate and shook her head. “I’ve been
looking for this.”

“I saw him in that gorgeous apartment the first night I got here. He was with a woman.”

“Just one?” Nefertiti raised an eyebrow.

“That I saw.”

“We rent rooms by the hour for guests who are”—Nefertiti cleared her throat—“tired.”

“There were a lot of other interesting events going on in the Hot Spot.”

“Honey, that’s why it’s called the Hot Spot.” She fanned herself with the certificates.

“Does Sam have a girlfriend?”

“I think he’s got a bunch. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s got a few boyfriends, too.”

“What about the rest of the staff? Is anyone in a committed relationship?”

“That’s not my business,” Nefertiti said. “But we do have couples and triples who enjoy each other. If you’re looking for traditional, this really isn’t the place to find it.” She gave a small, sad smile and looked away. “But that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a good time.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. I was wondering how the significant others handled the jealousy.”

“Maybe you should talk to Sam.”

Mallory blushed. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. He might remember me.”

“From where? Are you holding out on me?” Nefertiti went over to the coffeepot and poured two cups.

“Oh, you don’t want to know.”

“I’m sure I do.”

“Is there a lot of jealousy? I mean Sam’s three o’clock appointment might be worried that his four o’clock appointment is getting better treatment.”

“That’s Sam’s business, but I don’t hear a lot of complaints. Most of the people here on the kinky side aren’t expecting a lifelong relationship.”

Mallory’s heart gave a bump at that. She looked up at Nefertiti and saw that she had a wistful look on her face. She’d bet her last dollar that she was thinking about Istvahn. “What about between staff members? Is it forbidden for two instructors to get it on? Is it bad for business?”

“Like any business, it’s not a good idea to get involved in an office romance.” There was that sad smile again. “It’s unprofessional and distracting in the workplace.” Her voice deepened, and Mallory got the feeling that she was quoting someone. “Of course, that being said, it’s not against the law. I think as long as both parties are mature enough to handle their partner potentially being groped and propositioned and if there’s trust and mutual respect … well then, anything’s possible.”

“What about during staff development parties? Max was telling me about a wild one.
Where he met a girl in a rope dress and Colleen banged a vampire.”

Nefertiti pumped her fist. “Yes! I knew she had Harold that night.”

“The vampire’s name was Harold?”

“He was a sweetie. I miss him.” She walked back to her office and filed the certificate.

“What happened?” Mallory scrambled after her, carrying both their coffee cups.

“Colleen trained him and he went with another Domme.”

“Wait, a dominatrix?”

Nefertiti nodded. “I don’t remember who.”

“He was an accountant, right?”

“When he wasn’t shining her boots.”

“Didn’t she feel bad when he left her?” Mallory squirmed a little.
Poor Colleen

“Not at what she was charging to make him the perfect submissive.”

“He paid her to do what exactly?”

“She trained him to follow her orders and do some kinky stuff. You want the details? You should ask Colleen. I’m not a sub or a Domme.”

“What are you?”

“I’m an African queen, baby.”

Mallory nodded. “Of course you are. What did Istvahn go as?”

Nefertiti smiled. “He went as himself. He doesn’t unclench very often. Why? Are you thinking of joining up for the kick-ass parties?”

“Me? Work here?” Mallory chuckled. “I don’t want to work for Colleen. No offense, but your boss is bossy.”

“I hadn’t noticed,” Nefertiti said with a wink.

“Well, it looks like Colleen isn’t going to get here anytime soon. Can you pencil us in for dinner tomorrow?”

Nefertiti shook her head. “She’s booked solid until the weekend. How about Saturday at Shira’s? It’s a Middle Eastern place on the eighth floor.”

“Sounds perfect.” Mallory held up her empty cup. “Where should I put this?”

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