Hell (5 page)

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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

BOOK: Hell
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Chapter 8

“Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice, Mr. Thurston. My sister and I appreciate the lead on this bid.” We’d been escorted upon arrival into a very spacious yet empty office. As in plain as fuck. “We know you are a busy man…the city has a lot of future projects in the works, and we believe we are the best fit for this particular undertaking.”

In the center of this room sat a clean-cut desk that looked opulent. Stuffy. All clean lines—metal on glass. Two very uncomfortable-looking white chairs were placed in front of it for visitors to sit. Ostentatious in a minimalist way, if that were possible.

A leather couch matching the two chairs sat across the room with a small coffee table in the same style as the desk. That’s it. No paintings, diplomas, or family pictures. Very impersonal, and it didn’t fit the portly man who stood before us shaking our hands.

“I don’t have the remotest idea of what you are talking about. A bid…” he laughed “…what bid?”

“Is that how this will be played?” Kevin played along while I watched, not understanding.

“Isn’t this meeting about the hefty donation you’ll be making toward my wife’s ‘save the mall’ foundation?”

A snort escaped me at this. The many retailers around the world that catered to the female form would give a left nut for this.

“Hey, I tried.” Mr. Thurston laughed before waving us toward the two chairs. After we were seated, he walked around his desk and sat down himself. For some reason, being inside this room left me feeling cold, weird. Screamed too much of nothing. “This is all my Mrs. Thurston’s doing,” he interjected, pulling my wandering mind back to the present.

Why the blue fuck this bothered me I had no clue, but it did. My man card was suffering because of it.

“I’m sorry?” Kevin’s shoulders shook beside me in silent laughter, and it baffled me. How was this funny?

“Minimalism, son. All her doing.” Even the old man seemed amused as he took a sip from the coffee mug to his right.

“I don’t follow.” Code words and bullshit were not my specialty.

“My office.” He waved a hand around in a circle. “She decided that clean lines and open space with little to no furniture was the way to go. Feng shui and all that nonsense. To be honest, I gave up on understanding her years ago.”

“Was I that obvious?” If I wasn’t so embarrassed at that moment, I would’ve punched or slapped Kevin in the back to quell his laughing fit. Asshole.

“Yes, but don’t feel bad. Everyone who comes in here for the first time has the same reaction.” The old fucker was trying hard to hide his own laughter by taking another sip from his cup. “I’m used to—”

“Look who I found outside in the hallway?” a male voice interrupted. Young, wearing an arrogant smirk, and he was with her. My motherfucking Janelle. Hell on earth.

With a shitty grin, he stood just inside the doorway, his hand on the small of her back.


A dark red haze overtook my vision and for a moment, I forgot to breathe. This piece of shit had his hands on her while she stood beside him. Fidgeting. Seeming nervous for some reason.

Seeing how familiar and comfortable he was within her presence didn’t sit well with me, and my hands shook. I dug my fingers into the leather, embedding my fingernails and prayed to God that he calmed me down. That I didn’t fuck this guy up. My knuckles ached from exertion—holding on to the chair was proving difficult as his smile grew.

“Calm down,” Kevin whispered low beside me. His hand shot out toward my arm—he looked poised to try and stop me just in case. I’d never experienced jealousy before and didn’t appreciate the newfound feelings emerging within me.

This was her goddamned fault.

She was ruining me.

I stood up then and took a step toward her.

“Everything all right?” the fucker spoke again, this time closer. Not once after the initial entry—the moment I saw his hand on her in such an intimate way—did I spare him a glance. My initial reaction had been enough, and I couldn’t afford to lose my job over something as trivial as feelings.

“I’m fine.” Even I could hear the undercurrent of anger in my voice. “I’m having muscle spasms in my lower back, and a particularly strong one just hit. Trying to control any sudden movements.”

“I’ve got some ibuprofen in my purse, Yoshi.” At the sound of her voice, I looked up—angry green eyes meeting amused hazel ones. Janelle knew what she was doing. What buttons she pushed.

“That’d be great, Janelle.” The grittiness in my timbre made her swallow hard. Her hand shook—she fumbled with the zipper of her bag while retrieving the offered meds.

A cough to her right pulled my attention away from her beautiful face. Again, the same fuckface stood beside her, yet this time his expression held annoyance.


I hoped he noticed the inferno that raged between her and me. An attraction so strong we lost all composure. Consumed us.

“And you are?” he asked in a not-so-polite tone, one that she didn’t like. The icy glare she shot his way while she extended the bottle of painkillers out to me almost made me smile.

Before I could reply, Janelle turned to face him with a dainty hand on her wide hips. “Who he is doesn’t concern you, Glen. And shouldn’t you be leaving…back to work and all that.”

“Why so protective, Janelle?” cocksucker asked.

“Back off,” we both snapped, and a insincere smile overtook his face.

“This is interesting.” Glen took a hold of her hand, pulled it up to his lips, and attempted to kiss it. My arm shot out before he could and pulled hers away, angling her body toward mine in the process. This made him laugh. “And to answer your earlier question, I work for my uncle, and he doesn’t mind me taking a break here or there. Especially, if I’m accompanying a beautiful guest such—”

“Enough.” Mr. Thurston’s voice rang loud and authoritative as he stood up; his eyes were on mine while he came around his desk. I’d forgotten we were in his office. That he’d been sitting down a few feet away from us.

“Please excuse my nephew, Janelle. He doesn’t seem to take hints very well.” Still, as he spoke, his eyes remained on mine. As if asking me to be patient…to not beat the little shit’s ass. Beside me, Janelle’s body language became less stiff and she let out a small sigh.

“He’s harmless, sir,” she spoke through clenched teeth, all the while giving the understanding old man a saccharine-sweet smile. “Glen doesn’t seem to understand those two simple letters—n and o—and the word that emerges from their blissful union.”

“Janelle, babe, you’re making me look bad.” Dickhead laid a hand over his heart as if he had been wounded by her words. “Did you forget about the history we share? The time we…” he trailed off, all the while smiling at me.

A deep rumble, an almost animalistic growl ripped itself from within my chest, and his face lost all trace of amusement. I’d tried for her sake and their company, but he was pushing me. Testing the last shred of patience I held.

A hand on my arm pulled my attention away from Glen and toward a worried Janelle. “Come with me,” she said, while pulling me toward the door. There was no hesitation from me whatsoever; I’d let her lead me anywhere at this point. “We need to talk.”

Janelle had one foot outside the door when Mr. Thurston spoke up. “Glen, get the hell out. This meeting does not concern you in the least…instead of stirring the pot, go focus on the stack of files I left atop your desk this morning.”


“Now!” Like the pussy he was, Glen turned around and with a glare my way, and walked out. “I’m very sorry about him. He’s been infatuated with your girlfriend for years and hasn’t learned his place yet.”

“She’s not.”

“He’s not.”

“They kill me.” Kevin’s boisterous laughter filled the room, his hand smacking the top of his thigh while trying to get control of himself. He’d been quiet throughout this entire exchange and decided now was the right time to make his presence known. “Let’s see how long that bullshit lie works out for you two.”

Mr. Thurston shook his head and walked back around his desk. Patiently, he waited for Kevin to collect himself and for Janelle to take her seat beside her brother. I, on the other hand, stood behind her, my hand resting on the back of her chair.

Janelle was blushing, yet she didn’t once move away from my touch while I twirled a piece of her hair around my finger.

“Now that everyone’s calmed down…” for some reason that pointed look was directed at me “…let’s get this meeting underway.”

After an hour-long discussion, some mild yelling, and a couple of cups of coffee, we all came to an agreement. The project was ours as of today, and we would start the ginormous demo work at the beginning of the following month. From then, we had a year to the day to hand it over to Thurston and the city.

Was I nervous? Not really. I’ve done stadium renovations before. Maybe not to the extent this one seemed to be, but I had confidence in my ability and the Walker’s company to get it done.

That left three hundred and sixty-five days to demolish, restructure, build additions to both the restaurant/food court area and bathrooms, and then beautify. The punch-out list for this job site would be a headache, but not impossible.

Orlando was looking to be more than just the tourist capital of the world. More than a popular mouse and some rides. They wanted to tap into tour stops and large concerts held by the different radio stations that dominated the airways. To create jobs and lift the economy.

Become more than a gimmick filled with basketball fans.

In addition, it would have the added benefit of being my first solo project. My site, my rules.

Janelle would be impressed and owe me, something I’d gladly let her pay me for in sexual favors.

My chance to win my hellish doll over, to give her a chance to pay me back for all that’s she’s done to me. Taking over my every fucking thought.

A lick of my balls.

A hand job on site.

Her tight pussy enveloping my dick.

All sounded promising and too easy to attain. How she managed to worm her way in—to burn my veins with lust and have me chasing after her, I’ll never know. Nothing about her made a lick of sense. But what I do admit to after the last few days is that I don’t want it to change. I like the challenge she provides. My cock appreciates the fucking shot of thrill that pulsated through him at her mere smile.

There was something special beneath that break-your-balls exterior she wore day in and day out. And I wanted to discover it with my teeth. Savor her.


Chapter 9

As the meeting wound down, I stepped away from her to shake hands with Thurston. “Nice meeting you, sir. I look forward to making your plans—and the city’s—a reality.”

“Aren’t you a bit young to handle something this size? It’s a big undertaking, son.” His tone was teasing, no condescending undercurrent behind it—this wasn’t something I was used to. I looked younger than my twenty-eight years.

“Not at all,” I answered smugly, very aware of the movement behind me. Janelle moved, stood from her chair, and I could sense her eyes on me. Could hear the heated whispers between her and Kevin. “My father taught me well. More than thirteen years of experience under my belt, and yes, I worked while still in high school. Commercial is my specialty, but I’ve done some residential as well.”

“Very sure of yourself.” It wasn’t a question. This was Thurston testing me.

“It isn’t my first merry-go-round.”


“Thank you.”

Thurston walked around the desk then, patted my shoulder, and then extended a hand out to Kevin. Kevin, who now stood beside me by himself.
Where was she?

“Was Janelle late to another meeting? She practically flew out of here.” At those words I turned around, the crack from my neck seeming loud in the now quiet room.
When did she leave? Why?

“Umm, yeah.” Kevin’s voice seemed unsure, as if he didn’t know how to answer. My eyes snapped up to his—he looked apologetic, and I fumed. “Meeting with a supplier, I believe.”

I smelled bullshit.

“Got it. Though, I wish I could’ve thanked her for coming out here today and meeting with me. You know how much I respected your father, and admire what you both have done with the company.”

“Thank you, sir.” Kevin inserted, while pulling the old man in for a quick one-arm hug. “She feels horrible about ducking out, but didn’t want to interrupt your conversation with Joshua.” His eyes met mine, begging for me not to call him out. As if I’d ever be so disrespectful or unprofessional.

Truth was that Janelle ran from me, and that didn’t sit well with me.

“No worries, I understand the demands running a successful company can put on its owners.”
I didn’t.

I ran a hand down my face in agitation before asking the one thing I needed to know. “Will she be back on-site today?” Even after schooling my features into an indifferent mask, my voice came out rough—angry. We’d shared something during the “Glen” situation, and now I had no choice but to explore.

Or was it one-sided? Confusing-as-fuck chick.

That shit right there was one of the reasons I didn’t do relationships. Apart from witnessing what love can do to a person when the other dies, I abhorred people that played games. I might be an asshole, but I’m upfront about my intentions. Don’t tease, and then play prissy bitch.

More than anger at that moment, I felt indignation. Woman was making me soft when it came to her. Breaking the rules I lived by for a piece of her ass—her. And now she ran?

She’s got me fucked if she thought I’d back off.

“No, she won’t be.” Her brother hedged, and even that pissed me off. Wasn’t he the same man warning and calling me out just a few hours ago? Like I said: asshole.

Cocky smirk back in place, I looked him in the eye and played my part. “That’s fine; I’ll deal with her later.” And I would.


I didn’t see her the next day or the two that followed. Janelle hid behind the excuse of meetings and left Kevin the responsibility of walking me through morning procedures.

Nothing differed from Tony’s company. Same start-up meeting held between the portable office and the supply room where most company-owned tools were stored. They dragged in, coffee cups in hand…some with cigarettes, others a donut. Questions were asked, inventory taken, and needed material written down for purchase mid-morning.

Mundane at best, but would’ve been better with her.

Shit was always bound to delay a project of this size. These morning talks, while annoying, gave me direction. Told me where I’d spend my day getting them caught up.

Twenty minutes and a few non-committal grunts later, the masses took off with me following the drywall installers today.

Throughout the day, I helped out where I was needed; plastering three units to help them finish the seventeenth floor, with the added bonus that I got to watch them work. Cataloging their ethics, I compared them and their skill level to that of the rest of the crews that worked for the company.

Stealthily, I scanned the areas where the heaviest work was being done. Some were great at their trade, some were shit.

I’d rectify that soon, even if I had to bring in some new blood to step on some toes.

It was on that Friday at three that Janelle graced me with her presence. She flew into the parking lot, the engine of her beast of a truck rumbling loudly as she pulled up beside my truck. It’d been just my luck that I’d come downstairs to help Mario and Kevin unload the shipment of granite countertops that’d come in. This was to be used on the lobby’s concierge area. While this may be a hotel on the lower-level floors, it doubled as a high-rise for the rich of Orlando.

No expenses were spared on this project, and the cost of the three slabs we needed to unload proved just that.

“Fuck, this shit is heavy,” Kevin groaned, his hands placed on the end of the granite still inside the delivery truck. Slowly, he and the delivery man inside began to push the slab closer to the truck’s edge where we waited to take hold and lower it to the ground. Granite was fucking sensitive and broke with an ease that scared most that handled the rock.

“Quit bitching,” I hissed through clenched teeth, taking hold of the pricy piece between Mario and myself and helped pull it out some more. Almost half out the pick-up. Heavy as balls.

“I pay enough not to get dirty!” he yelled back while flipping me off. Again, asshole.

“You don’t pay enough!” I was on the unfortunate team on the ground receiving and holding the granite upright while he and the driver came down to help. They took their sweet ass time. “And hurry the fuck up.”

“Bite me, bitch…” Kevin trailed off, his eyes looking over toward the temporary parking area.

“I’m just not into you,” Mario interjected before I could reply, but then again my eyes were already focused on my girl. Janelle fucking Walker.

Watched as she got out of the car in slow motion.

Jesus, could she be any sexier?

“Pay attention, Romeo,” Kevin hissed out suddenly from up top. The slab was right on the edge, just a foot or three inside the truck for support.

At that moment I could give a flying fuck if it broke. Janelle, my little dark angel, began to shimmy her body to the very edge of her seat. Her body, encased in a sexy little red wrap dress, hoped down from her car. Body bouncing, her tits jiggled as her stiletto-clad feet touched the ground.



I was more than screwed.

It was official; I was hers to command.

“We’re coming down.” Kevin’s loud timbre broke through my crazy, sexy, bitch-induced fog.

“Peachy,” I called back and licked my lips. A bead of sweat fell down my neck and followed the path down until it reached the waistband of my jeans. A slow caress that at the moment didn’t help my situation one bit. “Get down here.”

Then she walked closer, and from the corner of my eye I spied her looking us over and then stopping those gorgeous hazel eyes on me. Watching me. Tempting me to sin.

“You break it, you bought it.” Her goddamned voice was like pure fire roaming my veins—an electroshock straight to my balls. A shiver ran down my spine, and my cock hardened under scrutiny. “That’s double for you, Yoshi.”


“Janelle, quit it and get lost. This shit falls, and it’s on you for fucking with him,” Kevin bellowed, tone annoyed and his face scrunched up in anger. The man had more cases of whiplash than most of the women I’d fucked in my past. Temperamental as all fuck.

Her eyes narrowed at his tone, posture stiff, and it was enough to make me shrink back the tiniest of bits. “Fine. Get it the hell off the truck and in the lobby. Installation was pushed to today and my installers are here.” Her bark was sexy. “And Yoshi?” she called out to me, eyes locked on mine. “Meet me in the office in two hours. We need to talk.”

With that, she turned around and sashayed her tight body across the lot and into the office. No one moved, transfixed on the sway of her hips.

“Nasty fuckers,” Kevin huffed beside me now; he had both hands holding the slab in the middle with the delivery man taking up the end still in the truck. “Do your jobs and quit visually raping my sister.”

With slow and precise movements, we pulled the heavy rock off the truck and onto a dolly. It took all four of us to situate and maneuver it into the building’s reception area. Relieved, we all breathed in deep once it was in the installation crew’s hands. No longer our responsibility.

“How many more inside the truck?” I asked before wiping my face down with the small white towel I kept hanging out of my back pocket. The heat in Orlando was humid—most days the heat index reached well into the triple digits, and we were all feeling it today.

“Two, but they are small pieces. It’ll be fast.” We worked diligently over the next two hours, bringing down the other two slabs. It was a slow process, no matter how much smaller they were. Granite was temperamental and cracked way too easy. Our delivery guy stayed until the very end, holding the right side as I maneuvered the dolly up the small ramp and into the elevators.

Once the last granite top was in the installer’s hands, we talked shit with them for a bit and then walked back to the garage. It was late in the afternoon and I was tired. Sore, but I welcomed it. Missed the feeling of completing a grueling shift and seeing progress, no matter how small it might seem.

“Hey, catch!” Mario yelled out. In his hands he held two bottles of water. Tossing them one at a time, we caught the offered bottled and chugged the contents down in a few strong pulls. “Boss lady doesn’t want our newest employee to end up dehydrated. She cares.”

Beside me Kevin threw his empty bottle at Mario with force. “What about me? Doesn’t anyone give a shit?”

“Boss man, I grabbed you one, didn’t I?” This kid was a riot. A smartass, but a hardworking employee. “Don’t I count for anything?”

“Shut it.”

“But, but, but…”

“Mario, I swear on all that is holy!”

“Are you still pissed at me over that cheap-ass mixing drill I wrecked last week?”

“Get back to work,” Kevin hissed at him, but it didn’t have the desired effect. His lip twitched. We all saw it, and Mario went in for the kill.

Batting his lashes, he pouted his lips in that ridiculous way most girls do when taking a selfie. “It’s four, boss man, time to clock out, unless the plan all along was to become a slave driver.” That did him in and he cracked up. The painters passed by us, shaking their heads while making their way toward the company’s storage unit.

“Get the fuck out, Mariano.”

Kid just threw his head back and laughed at this, in no way threatened by his superior. “Oooh, he full-named me.” Kevin made a move to swat him in the back of the head, but the little shit was fast and ducked. “Okay…okay.” He walked backwards, holding his hands out in an “I come in peace” sort of way. “I’m leaving.”

Shoulders shaking with mirth, I watched as he almost ran to his car and peeled out. “It never changes.”

Bumping his shoulder with mine, Kevin scrunched up his nose. “What doesn’t?”

“We had three of him in my last crew—hard workers, but a pain in the ass. They make the day interesting to say the least.”

“True, plus with him, it’s cheap labor.” Raising a brow, I tilted my head to the side in confusion. “His daddy’s had us hire him for real cheap.” Kevin waved a hand around. “To teach him the value of a dollar.”

“No shit.”

“Yes, shit.”

“You know what else will make this day go faster?” he asked with a hint of frustration lacing his tone.

“No, but I know you’re all too eager to let me know.”

“If you and my sister would quit this weird mating dance the two of you have going on and admit defeat.”

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