Hell's Glitch (LitRPG): Into a Dark Adventure (29 page)

BOOK: Hell's Glitch (LitRPG): Into a Dark Adventure
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Sam read over the stats of the formerly Silenced weapon.


Black Blood Rondel


A vicious blade used by the highest level of twilight
assassins, the masters.  The masters of the assassin Orders tend to take
contracts seldom, but the contracts they do get tend to be the most arduous and
as a result are the most lucrative contracts.  The Black Blood Rondel is
preferred by the masters for its concealable nature and for how smoothly it
slices through flesh.

ATK  120

     Weapon Damage  75

     S ATK  F = 0

     D ATK  B = 45

     M ATK  F = 0

     B ATK  F = 0

     F RAT  0

     L RAT  0

     D RAT  0

     P RAT  0

     B RAT  50

Weight: 1.5 lbs


Its bleedout rating was very high.  The way Sam understood
it, a fifty point rating meant that half the damage done by the blade would
measure directly against an opponent’s bleedout resistance.  Bleedout
resistance was so far, very rare, so Sam figured it would be a very useful
effect early on.  Bleedout was a nifty status ailment, because it drained
stamina along with HP.

Compared to his base Dagger, the Black Blood Rondel had an
obscene amount of attack power.  It was even superior to his upgraded Blighted
Dagger.  It was even stronger than his un-upgraded Rapier was.  He wondered if
it had a similar critical multiplier as his other two blades.  He’d have to
test it later, but he felt that he had a decent enough start for what was to
come.  More weapons meant more offensive options and more ways to take down
diverse foes.

He wished that he had another sword that scaled (powered up)
properly with dexterity, but he felt confident that his new and improved
Daggers would be useful for what was to come, whatever it was.

“Thanks Barrington.”

The smith grunted and went back to his other tasks.  Sam
wondered what the silver dagger was capable of, but the five thousand souls
he’d need to Awaken it seemed like they would be better used in other ways.

Sam walked over to the Soul Beacon and used what remained of
his souls to level-up a few times.  He was able to increase his speed five
times, which put him at soul intensity forty-two.  Once he was done with that,
his soul count dwindled pitifully.  He refilled his arrows with Barrington and
leveled his other weapons with the souls that they absorbed.  Both his bow and
sword went up by five levels, to Flexile Wooden Bow level twenty-five and
Rapier level thirty-three respectively.

He then absentmindedly picked through his inventory,
glancing over each of the items descriptions.  His thoughts were really on what
was next.  Alex hadn’t told him anything about the next area, nor did he
inquire any more than what she told him.  He only knew that he was going south,
to the supposed entrance of the forest.  He preferred learning the area on his
own.  There was less of a chance he would be betrayed by whatever false
information that Alex and Milner might give him.

As he stared into the fire, a shiver came over him and spread
throughout his body in a wave.  He looked down at his sword hand and noticed
that it was shaking.  He took hold of it to quell the outburst, but it just
wouldn’t stop.  He whispered harsh commands to his body in frustration.

“Stop!  Stop this, right now!”

There was nothing he could do about it.  The fear he had
been suppressing, crept up on him all at once.  It was overwhelming and sadly,
it was debilitating.  Sam cursed himself for not facing it sooner.  He had
overlooked just how scared he really was.  He hadn’t considered the entirety of
what he stood to lose from death, until now.

“If you can’t control your fucking body, Nagai then what
makes you think you’ll survive this nightmare game?” he berated himself. 
“Think about it dumbass.  If this forest was the first level then whatever else
is out there gets a lot more difficult.  Can’t wimp out now.  We need to be at
the top of our game.  We need to win.”

He laughed at his third person self-motivating absurdity,
and the act of laughter seemed to lessen his tremors.  Then he repeated the
gaming handles of those he had inadvertently killed during his encroachments.

“HolyVermillion.  3Angelo.  Infamous Sampson.  Call of
Carl.  John Washington.  Xpansion Pak.  Dick Rumsfeld.  Spearwife.  Roburn.”

Saying the names aloud helped him focus and ground himself. 
Recalling his hand in their deaths and how trivially Milner deigned to
sacrifice their lives brought forth an intense fury inside of him and that fury
brought strength.  Sam knew that he needed all that if he was going to survive
and that’s just what he planned to do.  Moments later, he received a call from

“Sam, I’m going be radio silent for a while, in order to get
some much needed sleep.  I’ve been allowed to tell you about this and to tell
you that you’ll still have some support from other staff members should you
need it.  You’ll probably get a programmer or something like that helping you

“How much time has passed since we started?” he asked.

“You can tell how many hours passed by looking at your
in-game hours played.  You started the game at four PM yesterday and now it’s going
on noon,” she explained, giving more info than Sam expected.

“How long have you been working?”

“Almost twenty-six hours.  I’m about ready to pass out any minute.”


“Yes, Sam.”

“I have no way of knowing that I can trust you and I can’t
risk it either if I want to stay alive.”

“I know, Sam.  I’ll just say again, that my only goal is to
help you and the others survive this.”

“I understand that and I just want you to know how I feel. 
Good communication, remember?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said.

“Even though I feel that whatever trust we had has been
shattered, I still want to thank you, for what you’ve done for me so far.  It
means something to me, that you had my back earlier, especially with all you
said about the Quintessence.  I know, knowing about that and human form was
vital.  Before you go, I just want to say thank you ... for that.”

“Of course, Sam.  I never—” her voice cracked and Sam could
hear her break down into sniffles and heavy sobbing before silencing her mic.

She came back, a handful of seconds later, a little more

“I never stopped having your back Sam, never.  And I always
will.”  She sobbed again.  “We’re in this together, no matter what.”

“Okay, it’s fine.  Go ahead and rest.  I’ll ... I’ll be
here, preparing for what’s next,” he told her.

“Okay, Sam.  Don’t do anything reckless while I’m gone,
okay?  I won’t be gone for very long.”

“Mm-hm,” he answered back, trying to sound disinterested. 
He wanted to maintain his distance, but the truth of it was that Alex had given
him the faintest impression of hope.  She was suffering too, from this madman’s
out of control machinations.  Maybe if they could discreetly work together,
they could find some way out of this mess other than whatever Milner had
planned.  He would be on the lookout for such opportunities, so that he could
keep the promises he made to Ru and to live the life that he and his dad wanted
him to live.

About the Author

Belart Wright here, resident gamer and indie author.  I
reside in the city of Detroit, MI where I try to write books on a daily basis
and not get too distracted.

My current games lists includes Dark Souls 3, Dragon’s
Crown, and Borderlands Pre-Sequel.  You can usually find what I’m currently
reading on my blog.  D. Wolfin’s End Online #1 was pretty good.  I read that as
I waited for the edits for HG.  It was highly imaginative.  I don’t get a lot
of time to play or read much from my lists since I’m always in front of my
laptop writing or editing or doing whatever else needs to be done for my books.

Support Me

Thanks for reading Hell’s Glitch: Into a Dark Adventure! 
I’m currently hard at work on the sequel to this book.  I wish to have it out
soon with all the bells and whistles that a book like this deserves.  If you
would care to support my efforts please visit my Patreon page at


Other Books By Me

of K: An Infinite Golden Light
– A short story about conquering brothers,
serving their lord father who—as it happens—is a planet.  The story chronicles
a massive space battle between the brothers and a rogue member of their strange

and the Dream Reader
– A short prequel story to Average Joe and the
Extraordinaires about a young girl who experiences terrifying nightmares that
threaten her health and sanity.  The girl and her parents must turn to methods
that are anything but ordinary in their desperate efforts to cure an affliction
that is frighteningly abnormal.

Joe and the Extraordinaires
– An action and adventure novel about a normal
teenage boy and his newfound magnetic pull for everything extraordinary.  Join
Joe as he tries to survive extraordinary circumstances and clear his name after
being accused of terrorizing his favorite team’s sports stadium.

Special Note

Hello readers!  I hoped you liked Hell’s Glitch #1. 
Depending on how the release of this book goes, you should have many more books
in the series soon enough.

I just wanted to take this time to address a few things. 
Hell’s Glitch proudly wears its inspirations on its sleeve.  If you read
through a sizable portion of the book, you can easily identify what those
inspirations are.  My intent isn’t to rip anyone off, or steal in any way, but
to pay homage to something I really like and that greatly inspired me.  I just
wanted to make this inspired project and make it for you guys and for myself. 
I know how hungry this audience is for new books.  I’d like to hopefully continue
forward and write many more stories for you all for many upcoming years.

As I said before, Hell’s Glitch wears its inspirations on its
sleeve, so I’d like to take the time to thank those that inspired the creation
of this book.  Thank you Hidetaka Miyazaki, From Software, CyberConnect2, Reki
Kawahara, abec, Capcom, and Kentaro Miura.

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