Her Godfather: A Dark Romance (With FREE Bonus Book: Trapped In His World) (6 page)

BOOK: Her Godfather: A Dark Romance (With FREE Bonus Book: Trapped In His World)
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Chapter 11


Rhonda had made it through surgery and was resting in the Intensive Care Unit. Dr. Evans explained they had found the source of the bleeding and stopped it before it was too late. She would still have to undergo surgery on her leg, but her prognosis had improved greatly. Dr. Evans warned Joel that Rhonda would require many months of rehab, and he could expect a long recovery period.

Joel didn’t care how long it would take to get Rhonda back on her feet. He would do whatever was necessary to see her well again. The guilt he was feeling was a constant companion, reminding him that he was the reason she was in the ICU fighting to survive. He heard his name called and looked up to find a nurse motioning for him. Finally, he was going to get to visit Rhonda and see for himself that she was still alive. He followed the nurse to the room where Rhonda was being held.

The room was filled with beeps and equipment and Rhonda was hooked up to all kind of monitors that were connected to the nurses’ station. Her respirations, heart rate, and blood pressure was being constantly monitored. She looked so small, and so helpless, lying there. A new sense of guilt washed over Joel as he stood beside her bed, feeling helpless to do anything for her.

“My name is Holly, and I will be Miss Fallon’s nurse for the remainder of the day. She will be kept heavily sedated until Dr. Evans feels it is safe enough to do her leg surgery, so I fear she will not be able to communicate with you, but we are watching her closely. Any change in her condition and we will be right on top of it,” Holly said.

“Thank you, Holly. Perhaps it is better if she stays sedated for now. I’m sure she will experience a lot of pain when she finally wakes up,” Joel said.

But probably not the kind of pain he had inflicted on her
. Damn, he wished he could go back and do it over again. He should never have degraded her in the manner he did, and if she would let him, he would spend the rest of his life making it up to her.

Joel surprised himself with his latest thought.
Spend the rest of his life
?  When had he fallen in love with Rhonda? Was it when he forced himself on her the first time and discovered she was a virgin, or was it when she faced him bravely each time after that? He was not sure exactly when it had happened, but he now knew that he loved Rhonda. And that was something that was totally foreign to him.

Rhonda was slowly regaining consciousness, and for some reason she was hurting over her entire body. She struggled to open her eyes and find the source of her pain. She had no idea where she was, what that beeping sound was, or what had happened to her. She let out a groan when she tried to move her body.

Joel was immediately standing beside her bed. Rhonda had moaned, so she must be waking up. He had no idea how much she would remember, so he just stood there and allowed her to clear some of the fog before speaking to her.

The first thing Rhonda saw when she finally opened her eyes was Joel standing beside her. She stared at him for a long time, trying to figure out what was going on. She suddenly remembered her last night at Joel’s house, her trek through the woods, and feeling her body fly through the air. The beeping in the room increased when her heart rate shot up in fear.

Holly came flying into the room to see what had caused Rhonda’s heart rate to increase. She saw that Rhonda was awake and looking at Joel in what appeared to be fear. She walked over to the bed and smiled while she tried to explain to Rhonda where she was and what had happened.

“Rhonda, my name is Holly. You are in the ICU of Beaumont Hospital, and I am your nurse. You were involved in an accident and the doctors had to do surgery on you to stop internal bleeding. I am sure you will have plenty of questions, but right now you need to calm down. I am going to give you something for pain now so that you can rest.”

Rhonda made a feeble attempt at talking, but she was just too weak and in too much pain. She felt the pain medicine when it hit her veins, and almost instantly she fell asleep, still scared and confused.

Joel sat back down in the chair, watching the steady rise and fall of Rhonda’s chest. When she had seen him she had been scared of him. He guessed he had nobody but himself to blame for that. After all, he was the one who had abused her, causing her to flee his home in hopes of finding freedom. How was he ever going to earn her trust after that awful evening?

For the next couple of days, Rhonda hovered in and out of consciousness, not really awake but not really asleep. She was aware of movement in the room, of the beeping of the machines and her pain, but she somehow didn’t care. All she wanted to do was sleep. When she was asleep she did not suffer from the pain, and she didn’t have to look at Joel.

Joel was only allowed in the room during certain visiting hours, but he kept a vigil in the waiting room, afraid to leave for fear that Rhonda would get worse. She looked so frail lying in that bed with all of the machines hooked to her, and it was all his fault. Damn, he would give anything if he could go back and erase that night. Rhonda had been a perfect lady during the dinner party, but he could not get past his own rage to see it at the time.

The next time visiting hours came around, Joel walked into Rhonda’s room to find her awake and looking around the room. When she spotted him, the fear was immediately back in her eyes. He was about to say something to her when Dr. Evans walked into the room.

“Hello Rhonda. It is good to see that you are awake. My name is Dr. Evans and I have been taking care of you since you were brought here. I know you probably don’t feel like talking, but I have some things I need to discuss with you. Can you nod your head that you understand me?”

Rhonda slowly shook her head yes, but she was still staring at Joel, wishing he would leave.

“When you arrived here you had been hit by a car. You had internal bleeding and were taken into surgery. We were able to repair your bleeding, but we needed for you to get a little stronger before we would consider surgery to repair your broken leg. Do you understand what I am saying,” Dr. Evans asked.

Again, Rhonda shook her head yes.

“Good. You have continued to improve and I feel like you are strong enough now that we can go ahead with surgery on your leg. You sustained a compound fracture and we will have to go in and place a rod to help your bones fuse back together. If it is okay with you, I will schedule your surgery for tomorrow.”

Rhonda shook her head, but she was starting to have feelings of despair. She knew her arm was in a cast, and now she was going to have leg surgery. She would be helpless for several months, having to depend on others for her survival. She knew that could only mean one thing. She would have to return to Joel’s home.

Chapter 12


After the surgery on her leg, Rhonda was moved out of the ICU and into a step-down unit where things were not so strict. This meant that she was allowed to have food, but it also allowed Joel to visit more. For the most part she tried to ignore him, but he seemed intent on making small talk, acting like nothing was wrong between them.

Rhonda hated being a patient, although she had no complaints against the staff at the hospital. Everybody had been good to her, but she was so helpless. She had to have help cutting up her food, bathing, changing clothes, and even going to the bathroom. She quickly learned there is no such thing as modesty in a hospital. She was starting to feel better, and the pain was controlled with medication, but she could not help but worry about being dismissed. She absolutely, in no way, could allow Joel to take care of her the way the nurses did.

She had just finished breakfast one morning when Joel suddenly appeared with a dozen roses. She didn’t know what he expected, but she was sure he didn’t expect her to turn her head away from him and look out the window.

“Rhonda, we need to talk. I have been waiting for you to get to feeling better, but I think this has waited long enough. I know why you tried to run away, and I am so sorry for what I did to you that evening. You did not deserve it, and I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you.”

“I don’t want to hear your apologies, Joel. They mean nothing to me. I thought I could go along with your desires, but I will never allow you to humiliate me that way again. I did nothing to deserve that,” she said.

“You are right, Rhonda. You did not deserve it, and I have been beating myself up ever since I did it. I was angry, and I took it out on you, but I promise, I will not allow that to happen again,” he said.

“Why are you apologizing to me, Joel? I am nothing more than an interference in your life. You should have just let me go. Then you would be free to live your life.”

“You are wrong about that Rhonda. You are much more than an interference, but we will talk about that later. I made a promise to your parents that I would take care of you, and now you need me more than ever. It will be months before you get back on your feet. There is no way that you can live on your own right now.”

“Well, we have you to thank for that, now, don’t we? If you had just left me alone I would have found a place to stay. I would have been out of your life, and you would not be looking at months ahead when I can’t even walk,” she exclaimed.

“Rhonda, I don’t think that you realize how dangerous it can be for a young woman out on her own. There are plenty of people who would gladly offer to take care of you, simply because you will come into a fortune when you turn twenty-one, but I assure you, when the money is gone, they will be gone. And besides, if you knew anything at all about living on your own, you would know that you cannot live on two hundred dollars a week.”

“I was going to look for a job. But as you can see, that is now out of the question.”

Joel could see that the conversation was going nowhere. There would be plenty of time in the upcoming months to try and get Rhonda to forgive him, but for now he decided to let it rest. Whether she liked it or not, she would require his help if she was going to get back on her feet. He would do whatever it took to help her heal, both mentally and physically.

It was later in the week when Dr. Evans stopped by to tell Rhonda she could leave the hospital the following morning. It was news that she had been dreading, but she was helpless to do anything about it.

“You will have Home Health workers stop by to check on you three times a week, and they will be able to help you with anything you need. You will also have physical therapy three times a week. They will be working with you to help you become independent once again. I can’t stress enough how important this is for you. Work with them and do the exercises they ask. That is the only way you can expect to regain your ability to ambulate on your own,” Dr. Evans said.

Joel assured Dr. Evans that Rhonda would have everything she needed. She almost snorted at the lies that were coming from his mouth. His idea of what she needed was completely different from hers. If he had not interfered in her life, she would likely be somewhere working right now. She hated the thought of spending the next few months depending on him for her well-being, but right now she saw no way around it.

Dr. Evans shook hands with both Joel and Rhonda before leaving the room. Joel turned to Rhonda, hoping to ease her fears of going home with him.

“I have arranged for a hospital bed to be set up in the front sitting room, since you will not be able to negotiate the stairs anytime soon. I have spoken to Anna, and she has agreed to help you with anything you need. Between her and Home Health, you should be taken care of. If at any time there is something you need, please speak up and let me know,” Joel said.

“What about you, Joel? What do you need? I am clearly not in any condition to satisfy your evil desires, so what is in this for you?”

“Rhonda, I give you my word, I will not touch you again, unless you want me to. The only thing I want right now is for you to get well.”

“Well, if you are telling the truth, you will never touch me again, because I will never want it. I never wanted it in the first place, but you always became so angry, and I finally decided to give in just to keep you happy. But that has all changed now. I will never again willingly give in to you. You have seen the last of your pleasure where I am concerned,” Rhonda swore.

Joel dropped his head. He had a long way to go to win Rhonda’s acceptance. He really couldn’t blame her. He was guilty of all she said. His treatment of her was nothing short of criminal, but now he sincerely wanted to make up to her for all of the pain he had caused her.

Finally, Joel left and Rhonda had the room to herself. She dreaded the next few months of her life. Not because she would be so dependent on others, but because she would have to live under the same roof as Joel. She was fond of Anna, and even enjoyed talking with her, but Joel would be just a short distance away in his office. He could probably hear everything that was said, making her even more of a prisoner. For the first time in several days, Rhonda thought of her parents. How she wished that they were still here, giving her a loving home and allowing her the freedom to live without fear. So much had happened since they died. She had been a distraught teenager while planning their funeral, but today she was a bitter woman who would probably never trust a man again. Joel had taken her innocence from her, and left hatred and bitterness in its place. Now she would probably never know the joy of finding the right man, never get to flirt, nor ever feel the love a parent feels for their child. She was forced to stay with him for a few more months, but she vowed that she would one day walk away from him, never to see him again.

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