Her Heart's Desire (12 page)

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Authors: Lauren Wilder

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Her Heart's Desire
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Mrs. Reed had not failed to notice the closeness between Marisa and James. She crept around spying on them whenever she could. One afternoon, she decided to see what they were up to in the lounge as Marcus and Felicity had yet another heated argument upstairs.

Entering the room, she watched in horror as Marisa giggled and wrapped her arms around James.
, she thought.
How could this have happened so fast?

She felt her blood boil and jealousy overwhelm her. She adored Lord St. John, but, my God, he could be an impetuous fool!

The little American must have seduced him with her wily ways and big, bouncing tits!

Mrs. Reed fumed as she caught Marisa’s eye and scowled at her with animated hatred. Mrs. Reed noted the nervous look in Marisa’s eyes.
Good., you should be nervous, I’m onto you
. Marisa looked away quickly and snuggled in closer to James.

‘Let’s eat out this evening honey. I want you all to myself,’ she whispered to James as Mrs. Reed coughed to signal her entrance.

‘If you’d like to, of course, I can take you into Marlow. I know a great little Italian restaurant on the river. It’s very romantic.’

‘Yep, sounds great.’ She hugged him tight.

Mrs. Reed coughed. ‘Excuse me, sir, I just wanted to collect the seating plan and menus for the Ashford function,’ Mrs. Reed said, trying to keep her agitation out of her voice.

released Marisa gently and cleared his throat,

Marisa has passed all the details to Mrs. Rose and Alfred. Please liaise with them, Mrs. Reed,

he replied curtly.

Very well, sir, will you be requiring dinner tonight?

No, thank you, Mrs. Reed. Marisa and I shall be dining out this evening.

She nodded and retreated quickly.


* * * *


‘That damn
woman seems to be everywhere lately, interrupting us unannounced,’ he said as he smoothed Marisa’s hair back from her face to plant a kiss on her forehead.

‘I know. She acts kind of weird around me. I have to admit, I don’t like her James, she seems a bit odd to me.

‘Oh, she’s harmless, don’t worry. She’s been here since for years! She is a bit prickly, but she means well.’

‘Hmm, well, if you say so, I guess you know her better than me, but I can tell she doesn’t like me, so don’t expect us to be buddies ever.’

‘Of course not, she’s staff; just keep it professional and cordial, no cat fights in the great hall please.

‘Ha ha, funny, I think you would secretly like that, wouldn’t you?’

‘Oh yes, you and Mrs. Reed, naked, writhing around on the floor, what a sight!’

They laughed as he closed the door and turned the key.

‘Just in case, we don’t want her to catch us in flagrante on the sofa.’


* * * *


Mrs. Reed undid her plain black dress, pulled it off, and threw it across her bedroom in a fit of fury. She went to the dressing table and sat doubled over with rage.

She caught sight of herself in the mirror and straightened up. Attending to her hair, she pulled grips out of the severe bun and let her hair fall loose. She was hyperventilating with anger as she lit a Marlboro and inhaled deeply.

That little bitch,
she thought.
How dare she touch him, her beloved Lord St. John!
She began talking to her reflection, having an animated conversation with herself.

I will see to it that bitch is gone from Highcroft before the month

s end, yes I will!’ She spat, slamming her fist onto the dressing table in fury.

The first part of her plan was to inform the former Lady St. John of her husband

s latest dalliance. She knew Clara would be furious to learn he was bedding yet another young woman, just eighteen months after their divorce.

Clara always had been the jealous type. Mrs. Reed knew she hated anyone who was involved with James. She still hadn

t gotten over him divorcing her, and all because of a silly fling with the then gardener.

Of course he didn

t know about Clara

s affair with Marcus, only she knew about that, and she made sure Clara
. Their little secret had always come in useful for her when she required Clara

s assistance.

It didn

t take much to get Clara to agree an impromptu visit. Mrs. Reed suggested she should inform Miss Lowell of her place in the house and to let her know she certainly wasn

t the first PA Lord St. John had taken to his bed.



Chapter Eight


A few weeks later, Marisa was playing with the children, who were on their weekend visit. They were running around the garden playing hide-and-seek when she heard a car approaching. She was instantly curious to see a gleaming black Mercedes SLR turning into the drive, tires crunching over the gravel.

Mama, Mama,

shrieked the children as they appeared from their hiding place and jumped off the tree house swing running towards the car.

Marisa followed, figuring she should introduce herself finally. When she saw the leggy blonde step from the sports car, she sucked her breath in. The woman was stunningly beautiful, and Marisa recognized her straight away as the blonde she’d seen having sex with Marcus in the maze!

Clara visibly steeled herself as the children rushed her. Lunging into her, they hugged her legs, and she struggled to shrug them off, smoothing her expensive silk dress, making a grand fuss.

Careful, my darlings, don’t mess my dress up. Mama has a dinner to go to!

she chided.

They clung on anxiously as Clara unclenched strong little fists that clung fast to her skirts. They reluctantly relinquished their grasp and ran to Marisa.

Marisa, this is our mama!

they trilled happily.

Mama, Marisa is Daddy

s special friend, and she works for him, too!’ They grabbed one of Marisa

s hands each and swung on them, giggling.

Hello, you must be Clara. It

s great to meet you finally,

Marisa said as she stepped forward and offered her hand.

Clara nodded.

Hello, you must be the new Corinne,

she replied, her tone sarcastic. Marisa let her hand drop, feeling dejected as Clara turned away, deliberately ignoring her gesture.



m sorry, I don

t understand, do you mean the previous PA?’ Marisa inquired, baffled by Clara

s comment.

Clara cut her off.

Yes, dear. The PA before you, yes, of course.

Look is Lord St. John around? I just popped in on the off chance, I need a quick word, in private,’ she added icily.

Marisa cringed. Okay, so clearly this wasn’t to be a pleasant call.

Yes, he

s in the estate office. Go right ’round, I

m sure he won

t mind.’

Mind, of course he won’t mind,

Clara replied haughtily.

I…didn’t mean…

Marisa began, but Clara dismissed her with a wave of her hand, as though she was swatting an annoying fly away. Marisa

s heart sank.
What a bitch,
she thought.
How fucking rude!

Clara gave the children a peck each on their heads and strutted off across the courtyard.

See you later, Mama!

they cooed after her. She stuck her slim arm up and waved behind her.

, thought Marisa.
What a coldhearted cow
! She took the children

s hands, and they all ran back towards the gardens.

Come on, last one to the tree house gets tickle torture!

she yelled.

She tackled them both to the grass, tickling them until they were giggling little heaps begging for mercy.


* * * *


Clara knocked on his office door and walked in before James could answer.

He groaned at the sight of his ex-wife. He tolerated her because of the children, but she rarely came to see him. He knew it meant trouble.

Hello, James, darling,’ she drawled seductively. ‘You look great, sexy as ever.’

What brings you here, Clara?

he replied, sounding agitated.

Oh, James, don

t be a bore. I come in peace,’ she trilled.

I doubt that,
he thought. He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms defensively, watching her.

Clara perched on the edge of his desk.

Gosh, I remember you fucking me over this very desk after our wedding, do you remember that?

she asked suggestively as she trailed a manicured fingertip across the polished wood.

He sucked his breath in.

Clara, please don

t come here to play games. I

m very busy today. What is it that you want exactly?

Rebuffed but undeterred, Clara continued goading him.

You loved it. You said it was the hardest anyone had ever made you come as your cock spat all over my Vera Wang wedding gown. The stains never did come out of the raw silk, you know.

He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, wishing she would stop it. He felt his blood pressure rising. She actually repulsed him now, but it wouldn

t do to tell

Get to the point, Clara, for God

s sake!

He was losing patience.

Fine, I want to know what

s happening with the American. Is it serious?

James was stunned. How on earth did she know


I don

t know what you

re talking about, Clara. You have obviously been misinformed.’

Oh, I don

t think I have, James. I have it from a
reliable source.’ Clara eyeballed him defiantly.

Well, I really have no idea what you

re talking about. Now if you don

t mind, I have work to do.’

Clara got off the desk and flicked her silky mane, admiring herself in the mirror behind his chair.

Very well, James, play it that way, but I

m warning you. I will not be amused if I hear talk of anymore weddings...You are behaving like a total fool.’ She turned on her heel and left the room, slamming the door behind her. James grimaced as the door shook on its hinges, the shock reverberating around the room.
he thought bitterly.


* * * *


How did things go with Clara?

Marisa asked softly as she lay in his arms that night after making love.

He replied

Oh, fine, you know, okay.

He did not elaborate, making her feel shut out.


well, what did she want?

Marisa pressed further.

Oh, she was just sticking her oar in as usual. There are several reasons she is no longer my wife, and her interfering meddling is one of them. No need to concern yourself, darling, I can handle her.’

She wasn

t very friendly to me. I found her quite rude.

Ah, and that would be another reason.’ He stroked her cheek.

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