Her Mistletoe Protector (18 page)

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Authors: Laura Scott

Tags: #Fiction, #Christian, #Romance, #Suspense

BOOK: Her Mistletoe Protector
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If she didn’t show up soon, he’d have no choice but to go to her.

“Knock-knock,” a voice said from the doorway. Relief flooded him when he realized that Rachel and Joey had arrived.

“Come in,” he called, struggling to sit farther up in his bed. He was tired of looking and feeling like an invalid.

The first thing he saw was a small pine tree about three feet tall covering most of Joey’s face. His smile widened when he saw Rachel coming in behind the boy, lugging a large bag.

“Merry Christmas,” she said as Joey set the small pine tree on the bedside table.

“Merry Christmas,” he responded, unable to suppress his broad grin. It was after all, Christmas Eve.

“Close your eyes,” she said, as she plunked the bag down on the guest chair. “We’ll tell you when you can open them again.”

He’d rather have gazed at Rachel all day but did as she requested. He could hear Joey giggling amidst the sounds of paper rustling. With his eyes closed, he could smell the refreshing scent of pine from the small tree.

It seemed like forever, but finally the rustling and the giggling stopped. “You can open your eyes now, Nick,” Joey said excitedly.

He opened his eyes and gasped in surprise at the way they’d transformed his room. Not only was the tiny tree decorated with miniature lights, but there was a small nativity scene set out on display along with several strands of garland strung festively around the whiteboard on the wall.

“Beautiful,” he murmured, and he wasn’t talking about the Christmas decorations.

Rachel looked lovely, no doubt in part because she’d finally gotten a decent night’s sleep. Her smile was shy and it took him a minute to realize she had what looked to be a brand-new Bible in her hands.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I thought we could read the Christmas story again tonight,” she said. “Or we could read the Psalms since I know you mentioned they’re your favorite. I read Psalm 23 this morning and I can certainly understand why you like them so much. I feel blessed to have found God. And I owe it all to you.”

His throat was tight with pent up emotion and he had to clear it before he could speak. “I’d like that,” he managed, keeping his gaze centered on her. “Very much.”

“I, um, didn’t know how to get in touch with your family, so they don’t know that you’ve been injured....”

“Rachel, come here,” he said, holding out his good hand.

She approached him and put her hand in his. He was conscious of Joey watching them curiously so he couldn’t say exactly what he wanted, but she needed to know the truth. “I’m happy just having you and Joey here, and I don’t need anyone else.”

Her gaze was uncertain. “Are you sure? Christmas is a time for families.”

“I’m sure.” He lifted her hand and kissed it, wishing that Joey wasn’t there so he could kiss her properly. “You and Joey are all the family I need.”

She blushed but didn’t pull her hand away. “I’m glad,” she murmured.

And it wasn’t until much later, when Joey had fallen asleep in the chair, that he was able to tell Rachel how he felt.

“I’m falling in love with you, Rachel,” he said softly.

She sucked in a quick breath. “How can you be so sure?”

He tried to think of a way to put his feelings into words. “I thought I was happy, living my life alone, doing my best to put the bad guys behind bars. But when you and Joey came into my life, I realized that I never felt as alive as I did with the both of you.”

Her eyes glistened with tears. “I’ve been so afraid to get involved with anyone after Anthony. I told myself that I was protecting Joey, but I think in reality, I was protecting myself.”

He took her hand and drew her closer. “Rachel, give me a chance to show you how much I love you. There’s no rush, you can take all the time you need, if you’ll just give me a chance.”

“All right,” she whispered.

“Is that a yes?” Nick asked, needing to hear her say the words.

She smiled and leaned over to kiss him, which was perfect since he wasn’t able to get up and cross over to her thanks to the IV pumps keeping him tied to the bed. “That’s a big yes, Nick. Because I’ve fallen in love with you, too.”

He grinned, wishing she’d kiss him again, hardly able to believe his good fortune. Or rather, maybe he could.

For God had known the path he should take, all along.


Three months later...

ick paused outside Rachel's doorway, patting the pocket that held the ring he'd purchased for her as he tried to quell his nerves.

He'd gone back to work last week, although he was still on desk duty thanks to his arm injury. He was grateful that each week his arm strength seemed to get a little better, so he didn't complain. Turns out there really wasn't any Mafia connection to Global Pharmaceuticals. Just a greedy CEO who'd hated Rachel's father. When Karl had implicated him in the espionage related to the defective diabetes drug, he'd crumpled like a house of cards.

Rachel and Joey's nightmare was truly over.

As glad as Nick was to know they were safe, getting back into the normal routine of doing investigations had cut into the time he'd been able to spend with Rachel and Joey.

Especially Rachel.

Last night, he'd picked up Joey after his last basketball game and had asked the boy's permission to marry his mom. Joey had been thrilled and Nick could only hope that the youngster had managed to keep his secret.

He pushed the doorbell, listening to the chimes echo through the house. He was pleasantly surprised when Rachel opened the door. “Hi, Nick.”

“Hi, Rachel.” He drew her in for a long kiss. “I've missed you,” he murmured, gazing down at her upturned face.

“I missed you, too,” she said with a smile. “Are you ready to go?”

“Sure. Is, uh, Joey around?”

“Yes, he's decided to have a friend sleep over tonight. Suzy, the babysitter, doesn't seem to mind.”

Nick grinned. “Just give me a minute to say hello.”

“All right,” she agreed, standing back so he could come inside. The boys were sprawled in front of the television in the living room, playing some sort of basketball video game. Suzy was sitting with earbuds in place, listening to music.

“Hey, Joey, how are you?” Nick greeted him.

“Pause the game,” Joey said to his friend, as he jumped off the sofa. “Hi, Nick!”

Nick bent his head down to Joey's. “Did you keep our secret?” he asked.

Joey's eyes gleamed as he nodded. “Yep.”

“Good.” He relaxed a bit. “Thanks, buddy. Now try not to interrupt us at dinner, okay?”

Joey rolled his eyes. “Why would I? Suzy is here. Besides, me and Ben are going to be busy playing our game, anyway.”

“All right, see you later, then.”

“Suzy, text me if you need anything,” Rachel called out as he returned to her.

“Don't worry, we'll be fine,” Suzy responded.

Nick drove Rachel to the small Italian restaurant where he'd reserved a private table in the corner. “How was work today?” he asked.

“The lawsuit has been settled and the new researchers seem to be doing all right so far.” Rachel's smile dimmed. “The company will be on shaky financial ground for a while, but we'll make it.”

“I know you will,” Nick replied, admiring her determination. He pulled into the parking lot and handed his keys to the valet service before escorting Rachel inside.

“My favorite restaurant.” Rachel beamed as they were seated. “I already know what I'm having.”

“You should, since you have the menu memorized.” He waited until the server had taken their order before reaching across the table to take her hand. “Rachel, these past few months with you have been wonderful.”

She smiled and squeezed his hand. “For me, too, Nick.”

The timing seemed right, so he took a deep breath and rose to his feet. Two steps brought him to Rachel's side and when he went down on one knee, her eyes rounded and her mouth formed a small O.

“Nick?” she whispered, looking a bit like she was in shock.

He smiled gently as he pulled the ring box out of his pocket and opened it. “Rachel, Joey has already given me his blessing. He told me he'd be thrilled to have me as his dad. So now it's up to you.”

Her eyes filled with tears and for a moment he almost panicked, until he saw the tremulous smile bloom across her face. “I love you, Rachel. Will you please marry me?”

She barely looked at the ring, instead holding his gaze with hers. “Yes, Nick. I'd love nothing more than to be your wife. And to have you be Joey's father. Of course, I'll marry you.”

He did a mental fist pump but managed to draw her to her feet so that he could kiss her. He held her tight, wishing he never had to let her go.

The entire restaurant erupted into a round of applause.

He had to chuckle as he pulled away. “I love you, Rachel. And I promise to make you happy,” he vowed.

She tilted her head to the side, her gaze solemn. “I love you, Nick, and I promise to make you happy, too.”

He didn't doubt the sincerity in her tone for a moment and knew that he was doubly blessed to have found true love for the second time.

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from HIGH-STAKES HOLIDAY REUNION by Christy Barritt.

Dear Reader,

You may remember Detective Nick Butler from my most recent story
Undercover Cowboy
. Once I finished writing Logan and Kate’s romance, I decided I couldn’t leave poor Nick hanging out there without a story of his own.

Rachel Simon is the CEO of Simon Inc., but when her nine-year-old son, Joey, is kidnapped right from under her nose, she’s willing to give up everything she owns to get him back safely. Especially when she fears the Mafia might be the mastermind behind the kidnapping.

Detective Nick Butler lost his own wife and young daughter several years ago, so he understands the angst Rachel is going through. But while he’s willing to do whatever is necessary to help her get Joey back, he’s determined not to let anyone replace his wife and daughter in his heart.

Working together to stay safe, Rachel and Nick both slowly learn to trust each other. Can they also open their hearts and their minds to the possibility of love?

I hope you enjoy reading Rachel and Nick’s story. I’m always thrilled and honored to hear from my readers and I can be reached through my website at

Yours in faith,

Laura Scott

Questions for Discussion

  1. In the beginning of the story, Joey is kidnapped and Rachel is beside herself. Discuss a time when you felt the same sense of despair and hopelessness.
  2. In question number one above, discuss how different Rachel may have felt if she’d had faith in the beginning of the story.
  3. As Rachel and Nick search for Joey, Rachel begins to pray. Discuss a time when you first began to pray and learned how to lean on God’s strength.
  4. Once Joey has been freed from his kidnappers, Rachel is worried about her son becoming too attached to Nick. Do you think her fears are warranted? Why or why not?
  5. Rachel feels guilty when she hears Joey say he wished he knew God was always with him, because then he wouldn’t have felt so alone. Discuss a time when you felt alone and had to lean on your faith.
  6. While Rachel and Nick are in the cabin, Rachel finds the Bible and begins to read. Discuss the first time you began reading the Bible and how that experience impacted your faith.
  7. Nick reads the story of Christmas from the Bible. Discuss and share your favorite Christmas tradition.
  8. When Nick has been injured, he thinks God is calling him home and he isn’t quite ready to go. Discuss whether or not you might feel the same way in a similar circumstance.
  9. After Nick is in the hospital, he can’t feel his arm and he has a brief moment where he loses his faith. Discuss a time when you had a similar experience.
  10. Toward the end of the story, Rachel realizes she gave up on Nick too soon when she left him in the hospital to go home. Discuss a time when you were upset with someone you loved and how you overcame your feelings.

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