Her Mother's Daughter (30 page)

Read Her Mother's Daughter Online

Authors: Lesley Crewe

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Domestic Life, #Genre Fiction, #Family Life, #FIC000000

BOOK: Her Mother's Daughter
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“I never suspected. I never suspected in a million years. You two have been carrying around this secret for almost two decades. Were you ever going to tell her, Bay? Didn't she have a right to know?”

Tansy spoke up. “Don't blame Bay. It was my fault. My mother and sister were trying to protect me.”

“What were you thinking?”

“We obviously weren't!” Bay cried. “You remember what a terrible time it was. We were grieving. Tansy was Ashley's age with an unwanted pregnancy. She didn't want to keep the baby, and I was a widow. It made sense to go away to a relative's and pretend I was already pregnant with Bobby's child. That way Mom and I could bring the baby home and raise her while Tansy got on with her life. She never wanted to be here. Even when she was a little kid, she dreamed of bigger and better things. It made sense at the time, and quite frankly I needed that child. I needed someone to hold. Bobby was gone. That beautiful boy was gone before we ever had a life together. I would have gone out of my mind without someone to hang onto.”

“Did it never occur to you that someday the truth would come out, despite all your secrecy?”

Bay jumped up from the table. “No. Nothing occurred to me. I lived my life one day at a time and that one day led into another day, and another day, and then suddenly Ashley is grown up and now how do I tell her? And then unbelievably,
becomes pregnant.
going to be someone's mother. So how do I break it to her now? It's a nightmare, an unending nightmare that I've tried to keep under control, but little by little it's been eating away at my soul and I don't know how much more I can take.”

Bay turned and fled the kitchen. They heard her run up the stairs and slam the door to her bedroom. Gertie looked at Tansy, who stared at the placemat in front of her. She looked like a ghost, someone there but not really there. It wouldn't take much to have her break into a million pieces. She turned her sad eyes to Gertie.

“Do you think Ashley will forgive me?”

“She's going to need time. This isn't something that can be fixed in a couple of days. But I have no doubt that someday she'll forgive you.”

Tansy nodded.

“I know there's one thing troubling her.”


“She wants to know who her father is.”

Tansy shut her eyes.

“You have to tell her.”

“I can't,” Tansy whispered.

“Why? She needs to know the truth. You owe it to her.”

“Because Bobby is her father.”

MARCH 1981

All the customers who blew into the store that day complained about the weather outside. And it was miserable. The snow had stopped falling hours before, but the northeast wind continued to whip it off the rooftops and snowbanks, creating almost whiteout conditions on the main street through Louisbourg.

Tansy was on the cash near the front, so every time the door opened, another blast of freezing air came in with the customer. She finally took to putting on a pair of mitts when she wasn't ringing up purchases, and had two sweaters on, though they didn't do much against the cold. She looked at her watch. One more hour and she'd be finished.

The door crashed opened and in came her next-door neighbour, Flo. “That there wind is gonna be the death of me,” she sputtered. “It's not fit for man nor beast out there.”

Tansy wished the wind would blow Flo out of town. Flo grabbed a metal basket and gave Tansy a begrudging nod before she hightailed it over to Maude Rankin, who stood in the bread aisle muttering to herself.

Tansy conceded it wasn't a bad job working here at the corner store, but she wished Mr. Beaton would let her have a stool to sit on when they weren't busy. He said it wasn't professional to have someone lollygagging behind the cash. All right for him. He was never out of his chair in the back room.

When the door opened again, Tansy silently cursed. Why on earth did people go out in snowstorms? She changed her tune when she turned around and saw who was standing there. She didn't know his name, but a friend had pointed him out one day and told her he was Lester Campbell's nephew from away. She didn't know where. He was in town to help his uncle with some job or other.

He was tall and slim, almost gangly, with straight blonde hair that fell in his eyes. He didn't have a ball cap on, which was a relief; he wore a jean jacket with the collar turned up, no gloves, and only work boots. If he was cold, he didn't let on. Glancing around, he walked up to the counter and nodded his head. “Hey.”

“Hey, yourself. Is it getting worse out there?”

He looked behind him through the window. “Is it bad out?”

Tansy smiled. “Anything I can get for you?”

“A pack of Players, please.”

Tansy turned around and grabbed a package of cigarettes off the display behind her. She put them on the counter and he put them in his jacket pocket.


“What's your name?”

“Bobby.” He passed her some money.

Tansy took the bill out of his hand and rang up the purchase. “I'm Tansy. Don't you know you shouldn't smoke?” She gave him back his change.


“But you do it anyway.”

He smiled at her. “I'm not that bright.” Bobby started to move towards the door.

“I'm sure that's not true,” Tansy laughed. “You're from away?”

He hesitated. “Yes, haven't been here too long.”

“I hope you won't get bored. This is a small town.”

“Which is why I can't go to another store to pick up my lottery tickets,” Flo interrupted. “Why don't you stop flirting with the poor guy for five minutes and give someone else a turn?”

Tansy felt her face burn with embarrassment. Bobby gave her a half-wave and hurried out of the store. It was all Tansy could do not to take the carton of eggs Flo was buying and break them over her head.

“Teenagers,” Flo muttered to Maude, who stood behind her. “They'll be the death of me yet.”

It was well into summer before she saw him again. A bunch of local kids sat on the bluffs out of town, their cars and trucks parked haphazardly. Someone had a stereo perched on the hood of a car, the music blaring. Beer flowed and so did the laughter. Tansy had had a few too many by this point, and enjoyed the attention of most of the males in the group, whether their girlfriends were there or not. The girls knew better than to make it known they were jealous of her. To hang around with Tansy meant you were with the “in” crowd.

Which is why Bay never came along.

Another truck pulled in and Tansy saw a local fellow from down the road get out of the driver's seat. He was older; she was surprised he'd shown up. And then Bobby climbed out of the truck, a cigarette hanging from his lips. He'd filled out, his arms taut with muscles, which wasn't surprising as he'd been on the lobster boats and was now in the woods cutting trees. His face and arms were a caramel brown and his blonde hair was the colour of flax from long days in the sun. He needed a haircut and a shave and his jeans were almost threadbare, but he outshone all the other guys put together.

Tansy made a beeline for him.

Bobby was nice, joking with everyone, accepting a beer and then another. He didn't give Tansy any more attention than he gave anyone else, and she wasn't used to that. She had to wait her turn.

The sun went down and things got rowdy. Everyone had too much to drink. Tansy had wheedled her way over to Bobby and managed to sit beside him on the grass as he leaned against a huge rock. He was glad to see her and put an arm around her, but she could have been anyone. He was trying to tell his buddies a joke, and since he was three sheets to the wind, he kept blowing it—and the more he flubbed it up, the more he laughed.

Soon everyone's attention was drawn to an argument between two of the guys standing over by the vehicles. People got up and left, getting closer to the action. Bobby stayed put. He leaned his head against the rock, grinning like a fool.

“Don't you want to see the fight?” Tansy asked.

Bobby looked at her. “Now why would I want to see a fight?”

“I thought all guys liked fighting.”

“Not this guy.”

Tansy smiled at him. “What do you like, then?”

“Let's see.” The arm he'd draped over her shoulder became tighter as he counted the fingers on his hand. “I really like pancakes.”

Tansy giggled.

“And I really like baseball.”

“I bet you're good,” she said.

“No, I'm terrible. Can't throw a ball to save my life. Now, what else? Umm, I really like steak and…Newfoundland dogs and…Oh Henry! bars…”

“Do you like girls?”

He laughed out loud. “Yes, I like girls. What are you suggesting?”

“Nothing. I just wondered if you liked me.”

“Of course I like you.” As he looked at her, his head swayed slightly. “You are one beautiful girl.”

“So I've been told.”

“I'm not surprised.”

“Let me hear you say it again.”

“What?” he grinned. “That I like girls?”


“I like girls.”

“Show me.”

Bobby reached down and gave her a great kiss. Tansy was completely captivated by him. His wonderful laugh and gentle manner were the sexiest things about him. She wanted him. No, she needed him.

Tansy kept kissing Bobby as she manoeuvred herself on top of him. He cradled the back of her neck with one hand while he reached around her waist and held her close.

Tansy had never felt like this before. He knew what to do. It was as effortless as breathing. She never wanted him to stop touching her. She was in a frenzy to feel him against her skin, but soon after he rolled her over on her back there was a sharp whistle. Bobby lifted his head and looked behind him.

“Hey, Romeo,” his friend shouted. “It's getting bad. We gotta get out of here before the cops show up.”

Bobby lifted himself off the ground and grabbed Tansy's hand, pulling her to her feet. “Come on, let's go.”

They ran for his friend's truck, and he helped her in ahead of him. His friend looked annoyed.

“Shit, what are we supposed to do with her?”

“I'm not going to leave her here. Tansy, where do you live?”

She told him.

His friend threw the gear shift in reverse, and they careened over the bumpy dirt road. Bobby put his arm around her so she wouldn't go flying all over the cab. She wanted to melt into the side of his shirt. He was warm and smelled so good. Tansy wanted to talk to him, but the driver insisted on telling him all about the fight. Bobby rolled his eyes and smiled at her as he listened, as if the two of them were sharing a secret.

The drive ended too soon. They stopped the truck in front of the house and Bobby got out. He extended his hand to help her down. Tansy said thanks to the driver and slid off the seat. She stayed near Bobby by the side of the road.

“Thank you for taking me home.”

“No problem.”

“Kiss me goodbye.”

Bobby gave her a smile before he kissed her cheek. “Goodnight, Tansy.” Then he got back in the truck and shut the door and his friend took off, tires squealing.

Tansy stood there and wondered if those few minutes in his arms had been a dream. As she touched her lips, she knew that her mouth was red from his stubble. She felt branded by him and knew she'd never want anyone else.

The front door opened and her father stood on the porch. “Tansy, get in the house!”

She was in for it now. She walked up the driveway and over the lawn to the front steps.

“Who the hell was that squealing his tires at this time of night?”

“No one you know.”

She tried to walk past him, but he blocked her way with his arm. His old flannel shirt stank of fish and tobacco, a smell that couldn't be removed no matter how hard her mother scrubbed. His lined and tired face looked fed up. “Have you been drinking?”

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