Her Secret Dom (4 page)

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Authors: Samantha Cote

Tags: #Contemporary; BDSM

BOOK: Her Secret Dom
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Pam snorted. “Now you’re just parsing words. You sound like one of my attorneys agonizing over semantics.”

Jared arrowed a look at her. “
attorneys, huh? Interesting. But let’s get back to me. No, I do not talk dirty to other women because I do not have a sexual relationship with anyone but you. Have I talked dirty with women in the past? Yes. Before sex, after sex, and especially during sex. And I would like to do the same with you.” He rubbed her back as he said this, and Pam couldn’t stop the goose bumps that broke out on her arms under his petting.

Jared pulled her closer. As she slid across his lap, Pam couldn’t help but notice he still had plenty of lead in his pipe. Soft lips brushed the shell of her ear, and she shivered. “Would you like that?” His warm tongue darted into her ear. In an instant, her nipples hardened. “Would you like me to talk about what I’d like to do to your hot little pussy?”

How vulgar. That was too raw. But maybe she would let him tell her anyway.

He slipped a hand under the hem of her dress. As Jared’s mouth descended on hers, he slid a couple of digits under the elastic of a thigh high. He caressed the flesh of her upper thigh in slow circles, and Pamela moaned as his tongue glided between her lips in lazy strokes.

“Answer me, Pamela.” Jared moved his mouth over her jaw to trace a path down the side of her neck.

Even through the haze of her mounting passion, Pam responded to that steely quality in his voice. “Hmm? Answer what?”

Jared impatiently snapped the elastic at the top of her thigh high.

“Oh! You asked if I like dirty talk about…” Her face heated. “Well, that…”

His mouth had reached her collarbone and headed toward her cleavage. “Say it,” he said, his voice gentle but demanding. “I don’t want barriers between us anymore. No more boundaries.”

His warm breath tickled her sensitive skin.

“Tell me what you want, what you need. There’s no shame in letting me know, sweetheart.”

Something hard and tight within her loosened at his words. Jared was giving her permission to say whatever she wished, to ask for something without fear of scorn or judgment. It was a heady feeling, knowing she could express her needs without censorious words or disapproving looks.

Pam placed a staying hand on his shoulder and touched his cheek with the other. Jared immediately lifted his head from her cleavage. Running his fingers through his tousled mane, he looked down at her, focused and intent.

Pamela’s voice was clear, if a bit tremulous. “Jared. I want you to tell me how much you desire me. I want you to use your body to show me how much you care about mine. Sweet and tender is nice, but you can be passionate. Demanding.” She stopped, struggling to find the right words.

A strange look crossed Jared’s face. “But sex has been uncomfortable for you. You were so tense. And I didn’t want to hurt you. I know I’m not a small man.” He stopped and mentally calculated. “You started the pill around that time. It takes about a month to kick in. Can we stop using condoms now? I’m clean, as I’m sure you are.”

Pamela smiled at his eager tone. “Yes. I was ready almost two weeks ago.” She gave him an arch look. “I’m glad you cared enough to notice such things.”

Jared’s countenance turned solemn. “I do care, Pam. More than you know.” He leaned in and placed a kiss on her temple, taking a moment to inhale her scent. When Jared lifted his head, Pam peered up at him, and the warmth in his expression made her toes curl. A slight smile caused fine lines to fan beside his dark eyes, and she reached up to trace them with her fingers.

“Welcome back, handsome,” she said. “I missed you.”

Jared caught a hand between his own and pressed his lips to her fingers. “I missed you too,” he said, gathering her a bit closer.

After several minutes of quiet reflection, Jared reached over and lifted her wineglass from the coffee table. He handed Pam her drink, then picked up his own. “Drink up. And be quick about it, woman. It’s almost bedtime.”

* * * *

Pam had just finished brushing her teeth when Jared entered the bedroom. He’d insisted she have a light snack after discovering she never got past the appetizers during her tryst. Once she finished eating, he waved her toward his bedroom, assuring her he would join her shortly.

It took him little time to tidy up, so she wasn’t finished with her nightly routine. Not that he had any facial wash or moisturizer in his bathroom cabinets. But he did have a couple of unopened toothbrushes, and she’d helped herself.

Pam swayed on her FM shoes, wondering what to do next. She could take a quick shower, but Jared didn’t have a robe hanging on the bathroom door. She’d be naked. As in no clothes. What was she supposed to do when she finished showering? Hop out, chuck the wet towel, and climb her bare ass into his bed?

Call her eccentric, but she wanted jammies. Besides, wouldn’t it be more romantic if he got to undress her before sex? Who cared if it was one of his ratty robes or sweatshirts?

Pamela closed her eyes, trying to calm the inner chatter. Why was she nervous and overthinking this shit anyway? Taking a deep breath, she opened the bathroom door and tottered into the bedroom. And put on the brakes.

Shirtless and marvelously ripped, Jared stood at the foot of the bed, unbuckling his belt. He observed her entry but continued undressing, an almost feral look on his face.

“Uh, Jared,” Pam began. “I need some pajamas.” Although a bit taken aback by his silent intensity, she managed to speak. “I took a shower before…um, you know, dinner, but…er…even if I don’t need one…I want pajamas.”

Jared slid the belt out of the loops of his jeans. His molten eyes held hers captive while the black leather dangled from his hand. He folded the belt in half, then seized both ends in a tight grip. Transfixed, Pamela watched as he brought his fists together, bending the leather so it bulged above and below. Suddenly, with a quick jerk, he pulled the belt from both sides. The two halves of the cowhide met with a resounding crack, and she flinched.

To her astonishment, her womb clenched moments before a gush of liquid heat dampened her panties.

Jared tossed the belt aside and gestured to her. “Come here, Pam.”

It was disconcerting to see that, even with her heels, he towered over her.

Jared threaded his fingers through her hair. “Didn’t I say you wouldn’t need clothes this weekend?”

He had. But still. “Well, yes…”

Jared pulled a pin from her upswept mane, allowing several loose curls to tumble down her back. He lifted a shining lock and gave it an appreciative kiss. “So you didn’t believe me?” he asked.

She hesitated before answering. “Well, no. I thought you were joking.” She tilted her head, unsure. “Weren’t you?”

Another pin slipped from her curls, freeing a few more tresses. Jared shook his head. “No, I wasn’t. I want you naked and in my bed the entire weekend. I want to fuck you so many times and in so many ways that you won’t be able to think of anything or anyone but me. Understood?”

Pam nodded, too dazed and aroused to do otherwise.

Jared continued. “This way, I can take you wherever I want, whenever I want. It also ensures that there are minimal barriers between us. We haven’t moved forward in our relationship because we’ve set too many parameters, don’t you think?”

She couldn’t argue with that. They often played too nicey-nice for true intimacy. “Yes, Jared. We have.”

“Well, I’m tearing them down. I want you completely exposed to me both physically and emotionally…literally and figuratively.” He stepped back. “Take off your clothes, Pamela.”

” she squeaked.


“But the lights are on,” Pam protested.

“As they should be.”

Up to that point, Jared had humored her wish to undress in the dark. Even then, she’d always scoot under the covers before his eyes adjusted and he got a good, hard look. It wasn’t that she had a horrible body—it was okay—but he was so awesome and good-looking. She bet his former girlfriends had kick-ass bodies too. Pam knew her breasts weren’t cute and perky and her buns were not made of steel. And since she could never measure up, she should cover up.

Jared crossed his arms over his chest as she continued stalling. His pecs and abs flexed, further distracting her. Man, he was hot. Right now, she wanted to lap him up like one of her sugar-free fudge bars. She focused on Jared’s face, struggling for equanimity.

He raised a questioning brow. Time to stop dawdling.

She decided to start out nice and easy. Knowing deep down she was a worthless coward, Pam bent over to remove the FM shoes first.

“No. Those stay.”

Jared’s command stopped her cold.

Hell. That meant the thigh highs stayed on too. This was getting kind of kinky.

Pam took stock of the situation. Enough with worrying. This was Jared, after all. The soft touch who put up with her eccentric, cranky ways with great aplomb. The guy who’d held his passions in check for months until she was ready for sex. The poor man who had endured three frustrating, sweat-soaked nights of her whispered pleas and panicked yelps before fully entering her.

She could do this. Pam spun around and lifted her hair off her neck. “Please help me unzip. It’s hard to reach.”

There was a moment’s hesitation before she heard the slow descent of the zipper. Its promising sound suddenly ceased when it got stuck about a third of the way down. Pam tried shimmying out of the skintight dress but to no avail. She bent over a little to give Jared a bit more leeway, which caused her ass to brush against the crotch of his jeans. When she tried moving away, he locked his hands on to her hips.

Pam straightened, and he drew her closer. Spice-scented warmth reached her nostrils, and she leaned back into Jared’s embrace. His eager lips located a sensitive spot on her neck while his hands trailed up her torso.

Jared cupped her sensitive breasts and kneaded them with gentle hands. Pam gave off a soft moan, encouraging his bold explorations by reaching behind to wind her arms around his neck. She rubbed herself against his rigid length, and Jared gave a cautionary growl.

He slipped a hand under her bodice, and his body stiffened. “You’re not wearing any kind of bra,” he stated, a thread of ice creeping into his voice.

“No. It really isn’t necessary with this kind of dress. It’s got a built-in—”

Seizing the heavy silk in both hands, Jared tore the dress from neckline to hem. He pushed the sleeves down her arms and flung away the ruined frock. Pamela watched in stunned amazement as it fluttered to the floor like some exotic bird brought down by a trail of lead shot.

Holy fucking Neanderthal! How had he done that?

She felt another trickle of arousal seep from her core.

Her heavy breasts filled his hands. Pamela jolted with shocked pleasure as he pinched her nipples, rolling the stiff peaks between his thumbs and index fingers. Jared buried his face in her curls and rested his erection against her lower back above the cleft of her ass. He released one breast and skimmed his calloused fingers over her belly, searching for the prize. Finding it, he slipped a hand under her panties and cupped her mound.

“Glad you’re wearing panties,” Jared murmured into her ear. “I was a little concerned.” He eased a finger into her tight channel while she squirmed. “So soft and wet,” he said with approval. A second digit followed. Pam trembled as he started finger fucking her with unhurried movements.

Jared chuckled at her choking gasps. “You like that?”

When she didn’t answer, the erotic play between her thighs stopped.

“Pamela,” he warned.

“Yes!” she huffed, not wanting it to end. “It feels so good.”

He dropped his hand from her breast and withdrew his fingers. Pam bit back a sound of protest as he stepped away and the comforting heat behind her vanished.

“Take off your panties,” Jared commanded. Surprised he’d spared her underwear from ruin, Pam rushed to comply.

“No,” he chided. “You’re too hasty. Do it slow and sexy. Don’t rush it, baby.”

Pam stood still for a moment and took a deep breath. So, he wasn’t going to make this easy for her. He wanted sultry, sensuous. No hiding. No hurries.

No problem.

Pamela hooked her fingers into the scrap of lace. Bending from the waist, she slid the panties down her thighs with great deliberation, swaying her hips ever so slightly. She tipped forward a bit, sticking her ass up in the air in an unspoken challenge. The silk skimmed over her calves, and she continued her slow descent until her fingertips brushed her ankles. Then, with her forehead touching her knees, she positioned the panties’ leg openings over the FM shoes. Sending silent thanks to her yoga instructor, she rose with careful precision until her spine was ramrod straight. Then, positioning her hands on top of her head, she lifted the left foot, then the right, through the panties’ leg openings.


Jared’s powerful hands closed around her waist before he whipped her around to face him. Pam smirked up at him, pleased to see the deep red flush on his chest and face.

His hands slid over her ass. “That was quite a performance,” he acknowledged. “Your teasing just earned you ten more swats.”

Swats? Her courage wavered when his smile turned wolfish.

He spoke again. “Rest assured that your amazing flexibility won’t go to waste with me.”

Pamela responded to his taunts by tilting her face up and shutting her eyes. When he made no move to kiss her, she peeped through her lashes. Jared was frowning down at her, so she rubbed her breasts against his chest.

When he ignored her silent demand, she slipped a hand between his legs and gently squeezed. He hardened more under her caresses, yet his face remained impassive and his manner stern.

“Don’t try bending me to your will, little one,” he admonished. “That’s a dangerous game to play with a man like me.”

“I want you to kiss me, damn you,” she snapped, then nipped him on the chest.

Jared gave her naked butt a hard tap, and Pam gasped at the stinging reprimand. But instead of protesting, she moved her hands over his torso, caressing his smooth, hard flesh.

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