Her Sweet Surrender: Billionaire Secrets - Book Four (5 page)

BOOK: Her Sweet Surrender: Billionaire Secrets - Book Four
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She breathed out a long sigh of desire and relief.

Beneath the softness of the exquisite, high end Italian cloth of his jacket she could feel the firmness of a perfectly toned body. This was an adult male in his prime and against her soft ass she felt the silent, insistent throb of his erect manhood.

She thought.
Yes you bastard, I've got you now.

She pushed her ass back against him and for a second she was sure she heard a stifled moan, but quickly the tables turned as his hands began to slide sensually down her arms, then to her hips, before coming together at her lower abdomen, his fingers reaching tantalizingly down to her pubic mound before separating again to rise up underneath her full breasts, causing her nipples to harden further to the point of pain.

"Fuuuuck." She hissed out slowly, uncontrollably. His hands stopped moving instantly.

"Shhh." He blew into her ear, making it even worse for her. "This is your reward for being a good girl. Don’t spoil it or there will be punishment as well."

Something in her wanted to know what that punishment would be, something in her suddenly wanted the punishment more than the reward. But she obeyed nevertheless, as best she could.

His hands began to softly circle her breasts, just lightly passing her pointed nipples at irregular intervals. The effect was excruciating pleasure. She continued to push her wet ass into the rigidness of his clothed erection.

He was soaking that ridiculously expensive suit of his for this.

What the hell was going on?

"Don’t say a word Suzy, don't make a sound or you risk invalidating our bargain. Do you understand." His voice was in her ear, the vibrations of the deep masculine tones made her want to come on the spot. Maybe he would never even know. Maybe she could get away with it in here, in the shower with the noise and heat of the running water. It was perfect cover for the lady's prerogative; the silent,  invisible orgasm.

"I didn’t say hide it." He continued, his hands still circling her breasts, just lightly touching her nipples intermittently as though by infuriating, tantalizing accident each time.

"I will always know Suzy. Don't forget that. I can always tell what you're feeling. It's one thing I'm very, very good at."

She clamped her jaw tightly shut and nodded her head as his expert fingers turned their full attention to her ridiculously pert nipples and it now it really was too much, she let out a piercing moan and his hands stopped.

"I warned you." He said and then stepped back from her. "Don't move." She waited, water still streaming down her back and then without another word a single stinging blow sliced across her exposed ass and she cried out.

"Fuck! Ruben, oh my God." She bit her lip in pain and leaned her arms against the walls of the shower in front of her as a micro-orgasm cut through her.

Never before had she had anything like this.


"Shut up Suzy. I'll tell you when you can speak. Now listen to me, you're allowed cry out once, just once." He said. "And that was it. The next time I punish you, you will suffer in silence. Do you understand?"

"Yes." She said quickly.

His hand sliced across her ass again and she cried out before she could help it.

"Silence." He said calmly and slapped her again. This time she clamped her jaw shut and uttered not a single sound despite the stinging, reddening flesh of her ass. In one moment she had suddenly felt more alive than she ever had before. She cast her eyes wildly around the room and everything looked vivid, intense, vibrant.

It was unreal.

"Good." Ruben said, acknowledging her muteness. "Very good. You learn quickly Suzy. In fact, you might be the quickest yet. Now hold absolutely still while I bathe you."

She took in a deep breath and made ready as she heard the squelch of his soaked shoes and socks approach her. One leather clad foot gently nudged her ankles wider apart until she was virtually spread-eagled against the wall of the shower.

"Your breasts are clean." he said. "Your preciously smooth abdomen is clean. Now for that perfect ass."

Instinctively her butt cheeks clenched together.

"I don’t think so." He said and there was a smile in his voice. She felt a knuckle press against the lower part of her butt, right between the cheeks, and then a long finger slid upwards crossing over the bud of her ass. No boyfriend had ever dared to venture in that direction and it was all she could do to stifle a long, quavering moan of excitement.

His finger ran back down again, ending with his knuckle at the original spot before rising slowly again with an extra finger this time, gently easing apart her rounded, still smarting ass cheeks. The sensation made her want to cry out again.

How far would he go? What would he do? Was there a limit to what she would submit to? Even to help Nadia? And what about for herself?

It was blowing her mind that she was loving this so much; that she didn’t want it to end.

"I think that's enough for now." He said and stood back from her, washing his long fingers and hands thoroughly with soapy water.

"Just one more job to attend to before I leave you to your own devices."

She heard him approach one more time and felt his left arm wrap around her, the warm fabric of his soaking wet suit pressing against her swollen breasts was terrifyingly sexy. He drew her back from wall and she reached around him to try and grip his pants but his body was so taut and strong underneath the fabric that nothing came to hand.

Next she felt his other hand slide down between her legs.

"Hold very, very still." He whispered into her ear. His cock was pressing hard against her ass again and she struggled to massage it, to press it back against him and  make the bastard come in his shorts as an act of revenge for what he was doing to her.

But he was still one step ahead.

His right hand cupped her pussy and when his fingers slid deftly inside her all resistance was gone. He moved his hand from her breasts to her mouth and it felt like a kindness on his part, as though he intended to help her remain quiet while he slowly worked his precise fingers steadily first around and then slowly back and forth over her grateful, hungry clit.

"That's it." He hissed into her ears as he felt her body begin to shudder uncontrollably against his. "Give it all to me you little bitch." He hissed into her ears as his fingers probed higher inside her and then folded in to find her G-spot. She struggled to scream out but his hand gagged her tightly. The effect was explosive. Her body struggled involuntarily for release only to be confined utterly by his powerful arms.

Suzy had never climaxed from her G-spot before and it the feeling was a whole different ball game to getting off from her clit. It was deeper, fuller, more invasive and overwhelming. She struggled like a wild animal in his arms until eventually, after a seeming age, the sensations began to subside and she wilted in his arms. His hand left her mouth  and she gasped for air, his fingers slowly left her and then the soft contact of a warm, wet towel covered her pussy and cleaned gently and thoroughly between her legs, her inner thighs, between her ass and the opening of her pussy. He was cleaning her thoroughly, gently, lovingly. The effect after what he had just done to her was divine. She pushed against him gently and felt his stone hard erection bulging and straining more than ever inside his pants.

How the hell is he doing that?
She asked herself.
Why doesn't he just fuck me? Just come inside me once and for all.

She didn't understand it but there was something nevertheless so loving in his self  restraint that made her want to fuck and please him all the more. He had given her pleasure that she couldn't have even imagined but had denied himself; it didn't seem fair. She wanted to satisfy him, ached to give him release, but as she turned to him, seeking his mouth with her own he gathered her up in his arms and pressed his lips to hers.

It was the first contact of mouth to loving mouth between them.

The kiss seemed to last forever and Suzy felt dizzy with confusion, pleasure and a myriad of conflicting emotions she didn't understand.

Was this love? After what this sick bastard had just done to her was she falling in love with him?

Then without warning he pushed her away and as before, the feeling was crushing, devastating. Once again she was bereft, naked, cold and alone.

"Dry yourself thoroughly, wear pajamas and then go to bed." He said. "And keep your hands off yourself."  He sounded angry, almost confused. Was he feeling as conflicted as her? She looked at him with indescribable longing and when he caught her eye it was as though he had been stung. He turned away instantly and without another word he was gone.


Chapter Three


It was hours later when Suzy came to, disoriented, confused,  slightly aching in her hips, pelvis and the small of her back.

But it was a good ache.

Then the memories came flooding back. She went to jump up from the bed but she couldn’t move. She was lying on her side and her hands were shackled to the bed post with velvet covered manacles. One large arm was draped over her midsection, the fingers resting softly against her abdomen.

That's right, now she remembered. He had returned to her, taken her to bed and restrained her, but then he had remained by her side, lay next to her and hugged her close to him with one strong, loving arm.

"Ruben." She whispered. "Wake up."

She felt him move and the hand on her abdomen reached absent mindedly down between her legs, as though it were the most natural thing in the world; intimate, caring and oh so sexily possessive of her most intimate place.

"Baby…" she heard his deep, masculine, half asleep voice growl behind her.

That didn't sound like him at all. He must be still dreaming, but who would he be dreaming about? A bolt of jealousy shot through her and she tried to elbow him in the ribs but the restraints wouldn't let her. She tried kicking him with her heels but he didn't seem to notice her attempts.

"It's okay baby." He murmured again. Now she jerked her ass back into him, thrusting violently into what was clearly a serious case of morning wood.

He jerked awake.

"What the fuck?"

He suddenly sounded so ridiculously human, just like a regular guy, nothing like the commanding, super rich, high IQ, obsessed-with-controlling-everything-and-everyone-around-him, alpha male billionaire.

Dig down to the bottom of it all and he was just like any other guy; a life support system for a penis most of them.

I will get you Ruben Mayweather, I will get you in ways your dreams can’t even imagine yet.

Suzy wasn't accustomed to viewing her relationships with men as a battle but Ruben had blown her mind and twisted her world upside down in so many ways that she couldn't not but want to cut him down to size. As clever as he thought he was, she was pretty sure he hadn't met anyone with her kind of intelligence before. He had been lucky up until now with her unfortunate circumstances putting her in a position where he held all the aces, but she could wait. Once all this madness with Nadia and her family was done she would take great pleasure in getting him into position directly underneath her and make him moan like a high-school virgin on prom night. He would beg her for sex, plead for the favor of being allowed to come in her presence and then he would apologize with his cock and balls for all of the humiliating, although admittedly toe-curling hot sex he had railroaded her into.

"Wake up Ruben." She said more loudly. "My arms are sore and I need to pee."

"Huh? Oh shit, yes of course. I'm sorry Suzy, please forgive me."

This was new as well; genuine apologies? Obviously there was a human being in there somewhere far below the elaborate façade of Ruben Mayweather CEO and all around boy wonder.

"You've had your fun Mayweather. The other part of the bargain is that you do what I tell you to do when we aren't in one of your seedy bedroom fantasy scenarios."

He was scrambled to release her  while she spoke and as her eyes adjusted to the dim light of the cabin she could just about make out the huge, nearly naked, and most delicious of all, slightly flustered man above her.  His perfect hair was all messed up, and my God, she hadn't seen him so undressed before; the guy's body was out of this world. He was as chiseled as a professional boxer, as broad and lean as an Olympic athlete.

She stared up at him in awe as he focused on releasing the cuffs. Once she was free and he looked down at her big eyes watching him he began to return to himself.

"Don't do that." He said, checking his watch. "We have to begin coordinating our actions on arrival."

"Don’t tell me what to do. It's my turn to give the orders now."

"You forget Suzy, we're still in the bedroom." He said, his billion dollar poise and confidence returning. He put a curled index finger under her chin and tilted her head. "Once you step in here everything belongs to me, including those snotty little lips of yours. Now get dressed. We have a lot of work to do."

Suzy tilted her head a little lower, lifted her eyes a little more.

"No Mayweather, it's you who's forgetting that until Boyevik is off of Point Nemo and has come clean with his story to Nadia, you don’t have any right to tell me to do anything."

"I stand corrected." He said. "However Ms. Falstaff, regardless of the changes to our agreement, I'm still in charge of the execution of this mission. If you want Boyevik to come of my island without a fight and you want him to get the justice he deserves, then you will need to get dressed and stop being so pissy about every tiny little thing I ask you to do."

The two stared at each other and something came over Suzy. It was all just words. What they had done together earlier on this flight had nothing to do with any agreement; it was way more complicated and way more powerful than that.

She decided to break the rules.

Looking down to his knees she put her hand out and placed it onto his thigh, causing him to breathe in sharply. He allowed it to rest there for a moment, but when she began to advance higher he swiftly circled her wrist and then easily twisted her arm away from him.

"What are you afraid of Ruben?" She said, watching his eyes intently, ready to pick up on any tiny sign of weakness. "Don’t you like it when one of your women takes charge?"

"I'm not afraid of it Suzy, I just wouldn't want you to start something that you might ultimately regret."

He released her hand, stood up and started to get dressed. She remained on the bed watching him, silently exhilarated by the power she exerted over him. He could protest all he wanted but his extreme reaction to her light touch belied any impression of calm and control that he was trying to convey.

He clearly had the beginnings of an erection which he was attempting to conceal. She eyed it with satisfaction.

You can't change that Mayweather, with all your 'cockiness'.
She sniggered to herself.

"Good boy." She said, as he fastened the belt on his jeans. "That was just beautiful, just beautiful."

He turned to her and looked down through his hooded eyes, the sexiest of knowing grins playing on his gorgeous lips.

"You think you're very clever Suzy, don’t you? But trust me, you'll pay for every word that leaves those naughty little lips of yours."

"You deliver the package Mr. Mayweather, and I'll gladly pay with interest."

"Brave promises Ms. Falstaff, very brave. I just hope your snotty little mouth isn't  writing a check that your ass can't pay."

The mention of her ass brought back the memory of his stinging blows in the shower. It had been unexpected, but then so damn good… it brought a light flush to her face.

"Exactly." He smiled. "Come on Falstaff, get dressed. We don’t have much time."

He finished buttoning his shirt and left the room. Suzy lay for a minute staring at the door. She was slightly stunned at the audacity of her own words and actions, at her own unpredictability. If Ruben's plan had been to tame her and make her his obedient slave in the bedroom then it seemed to be backfiring big time. Instead of invoking submissive feelings in her she was discovering a side of herself that was sexually feisty, provocative and fearless; one that she had been totally unaware of until now.

She was still watching the door as it began to slowly open up. Ruben must have forgotten something. She lay back in the bed on her elbow and slowly separated her legs, folding her knees to form a deep valley of invitation between her thighs.

"Back to beg for more?" She said, but the eyes that peeked around the door weren't Ruben's.

"Oh shit." she said, and snapped her legs shut. "Nadia, what the hell are you doing? This is Ruben's room you can't--"

"What is he, the king of the plane? It's your bedroom as well."

She clicked on the lights and then stood looking, aghast, at her friend.

"You're fucking him." She said like an accusation.

"No I am not." Suzy threw back.

Nadia walked over to the pile of Ruben's clothes on the floor and picked up his jacket, still soaking wet.

"What the fuck is this?" She pulled at the pair of panties sticking out of his pocket.

"That right there, is certainly not what it looks like and definitely not what you are thinking."

Nadia dropped the soaked clothing and went to the side of the bed where the velvet covered handcuffs lay on the side table. She picked them up and looked at her friend again.

"Suzy, for God's sake, what the hell is this asshole making you do?"

"Nothing. Not until…" Her voice trailed off. The truth wouldn't make things any better.

"Not until what? Come on Suzy, this involves me too. I didn’t ask you to be a whore for me in order to get my estranged father off this maniac's island."

"He's not a maniac. Your so-called father is the only maniac I'm aware of."

Nadia trembled with speechless rage, the cuffs rattling in her hand. She glared at her friend for a moment, searching for words, but then gave up and collapsed instead into the chair next the side table. She dropped the cuffs on the floor and put her head into her hands.

"Suzy," she spoke through her fingers, "I think I'm cracking up. I don't know what I'm doing anymore."

Suzy scrambled from the bed and went down to her knees in front of her friend. She was still wearing the silk and sexy pajamas that Ruben had provided for her.

"Nadia, look at me. Look." She held onto her friend's wrists until finally the distraught woman lifted her head.

"I know what this looks like but you have to believe me I'm not sleeping with Mayweather. I mean… Jesus, he's not doing anything to me that I don’t want him to."

It was an admission as much to herself as to her friend.

"I don't want to talk about it now, but please, don't waste your time worrying about me, I'm doing just fine. Stay focused on what we came here to do. That's enough for now."

Nadia looked down at her friend's form made irresistibly slinky by the black lace satin sleepwear that Ruben had given her. It was hard to believe that she wasn't being turned into some kind of rich man's sex toy. What else could this insane bargain he had come up with be all about?

On the other hand, it was Suzy who had dragged him to the bedroom a few hours ago and if her friend assured her that she wasn't being manipulated then she had no right to disbelieve her.

She nodded her head, finally, and then wiped some tears away.

"Okay Suzy, I believe you. We've always been straight with each other. If I can’t take you at your word then I might as well stop believing in people altogether."

The two women embraced, relieved to be together again, trusting each other again.

"You don’t know how happy I am that he hasn't slept with you yet." Nadia said into Suzy's shoulder.

"What?" Suzy pulled back to face her friend directly.

"He's done stuff to you but you still haven't actually done
, right? Isn’t that what you said?"

Suzy nodded stiffly.

"That's right. And what?"

"Don’t get angry Suzy, this is a good thing, believe me, you don't know this guys story yet."

"His 'story'?"

"Suzy, please don't say it like that. That came out wrong."

"If there's something about him I should know then just tell. This isn’t like you Nadia, you were never into playing petty little mind games."

"It's not like that. Not at all. It's just not my place to go into that kind of detail about another person behind their back - it wouldn't be right - only he can tell you."

Suzy was growing more resentful with every word. Her friend wasn't back in her life more than a handful of days and already she was trying to play big sister with her, interfering in her relationships.

"Nadia, listen to me; you know I'll do anything to help you but you need to stay out of my private affairs."

"This is what I'm talking about Suzy, he's already coming between us. Look, I don’t want to interfere but please, please just promise me that you will challenge him on this. Get him to tell you what he does with women and why he does it before you even think about getting involved with him and for God's sake, don’t have sex with him until he's been completely honest with you."

Suzy stared into her friend's eyes and saw only concern, unlike Ruben who was a mystery to her most of the time. She wanted to stay angry but Nadia was the easily the smartest person she had ever met and her closest, oldest friend; in spite of herself she could see the logic in what she was saying.

"Okay." She sighed, conceding defeat. "I won't get involved with him until he comes clean. Happy now?"

"No. Say you won't sleep with him either."

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