Herobrine's Message (55 page)

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Authors: Sean Fay Wolfe

BOOK: Herobrine's Message
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Stan said nothing. He could hardly comprehend what Lord Tenebris was saying. He had no energy left for thought.

“But for you, Stan . . . ,” Lord Tenebris said, holding up the sword that had conducted all of Stan's energy into its owner's body and running his finger across its length lovingly as if it were the most precious object in the world.

“. . . it is over.”

Lord Tenebris raised the sword high above his head. Stan didn't realize what was going on. He was lying unconscious on the ground, not a care in the world, and finally happy that, after everything that he had been through since he had first joined Elementia, he was finally resting.

The sword plunged down.

At the exact moment that the sword shattered the back of Stan's diamond chestplate, there was a rush of light and sound, followed by a metallic clang. Lord Tenebris was knocked back with fantastic force, tumbling along the ground as his golden aura trailed behind him like the flame
of an Olympic torch, his sword spiraling high into the air and landing with a clatter right next to Stan's unconscious form.

Lord Tenebris skidded to a stop yet again at the edge of the bedrock platform. Grunting with shock, he looked up and saw a figure standing in front of Stan. His vision was a little hazy due to the shock, but as he squinted, he could make out a blue-greenish body with a black cape billowing behind him in the wind.

Lord Tenebris rubbed his eyes as he pulled himself to his feet, sure that he wasn't seeing correctly. Once he was standing upright, he opened his eyes to take another look . . . only to find himself staring into a pair of white eyes, glowing as radiantly as the moon, standing a single block away from him.

His mouth dropped open, and his own white eyes widened as he stared into this mirror image of himself with a black cape, hood, and shawl wrapped around his upper body. Lord Tenebris began to shudder with pure, undiluted fear as he stared into the face with the glowing eyes, the face that was looking more and more furious and disgusted by the second. This being that he was looking at . . . he didn't exist . . . Lord Tenebris
that he didn't exist . . . he was dressed up as this demon to elicit fear in the eyes of the gullible idiots who believed that it was real. . . .

Panic overtaking all else within Lord Tenebris's mind, he
willed himself to vanish and reappear on his throne, only to find that he was locked in place by an unseen force, totally unable to warp, or even move. He was forced to stare straight ahead, into the white eyes of the demon, which seemed to be staring directly into his soul with contempt and hatred. Lord Tenebris began to hyperventilate, totally scared witless over his possession by this demon that was staring him down.

Lord Tenebris struggled, trying to use all his willpower to move, to attack, to do anything to get out of this situation. However, what happened instead elevated his panic to incredible heights. The golden aura, which had been radiating out of his body the entire time, suddenly turned cerulean blue once again, and then faded into nothingness entirely. At the same moment, Lord Tenebris felt a huge amount of energy drain out of his body.

“What . . . are you . . . doing . . . to me?” he stammered weakly as he began to shake violently.

The demon didn't respond. He simply continued to stare through Lord Tenebris, who was forced to stand immobile in front of the white-eyed monster as he started to unhinge.

More than a dozen blocks away, Stan's eyes flew open. He had no recollection of what had happened after he had let his explosive blast, imbued with all his energy, fly at Lord Tenebris. Suddenly, though, he felt wide awake, and as he looked down at his arm he saw, to his utter amazement, that
a dazzling blue aura was radiating around him, identical to that which had blazed around Lord Tenebris when he had drawn energy from the server. Stan barely had time to comprehend what this meant before another surge of energy coursed through his body, and the blaze around him changed from cerulean to a brilliant gold.

As Stan pulled himself to his feet, quivering at the sheer amount of power that had somehow been injected into his body, he looked down to the other end of the bedrock platform. There, right at the edge, he could see Lord Tenebris, looking weak, drained, and totally petrified as he stared into the face of another figure, whose back was to Stan, and whose head was obscured by a black hood. As soon as he realized who it was, a blue glint caught the corner of Stan's eye. He turned to look, and there, sitting on the ground, was Lord Tenebris's sword, which he had used to absorb Stan's dying attack.

All at once, Stan was struck by a thought. Actually, it wasn't really a thought as much as it was a fact. Stan knew what he had to do, and as he reached down to pick up the sword of the Noctem ruler, Stan felt as though it had been his purpose to carry out this plan since the very beginning.

Stan took a deep breath and, clutching the diamond sword glowing with the luster of enchantments, he began to run toward the two figures at the far end of the bedrock
platform. As he reached his top speed, he found himself able to run even faster, as if he were under the influence of QPO. Before long, Stan found that he was moving too fast for his legs to keep up with, and so he leaped into the air, accelerating even faster as he flew forward, skimming over the surface of the bedrock, directly at the two players.

Right as he was about to make contact with the Black Hood, Stan's instincts kicked in, and he stabbed the sword out in front of him. To his amazement, the Black Hood stretched his right hand out, too, mirroring Stan's position perfectly. He kept rocketing forward, not checking his speed in the slightest as the diamond sword pierced through the back of the Black Hood. In an instant, the Black Hood vanished into thin air in a cloud of purple smoke, leaving Stan to look directly into the face of Lord Tenebris, who stared back at Stan with a total lack of comprehension.

Stan couldn't have stopped if he wanted to. He was moving far too fast. Although Lord Tenebris had been released from the psychic grip of the Black Hood, he had no time to react before his own diamond sword, held outstretched, struck the center of his chestplate. The diamond armor shattered into a thousand tiny fragments, reflecting the brilliant dazzling of the enchanted sword as it entered Lord Tenebris's heart.

Stan's eyes locked onto the eyes of his greatest adversary,
and time seemed to stop as they shared their final gaze. Defeat was ripe in every single inch of Lord Tenebris's face, as he exchanged one final, sad look with Stan. Then, right as the ring of items began to burst out from his stomach, Lord Tenebris took one final breath, closed his eyes, and faded out of existence.

For a brief moment, as Stan plowed through the ring of items, scattering them wildly through the air, he was struck with a note of panic.
What if he changed the game mode again?
Stan thought to himself.
What if he finds some other way back in?

Then, all at once, Stan found himself struck by an overwhelming, calming sense of peace. A voice sounded out, clear as day in Stan's head, as a bright light appeared at the exact location where Lord Tenebris had disappeared.

Do not fret, Stan,
the Black Hood's voice said calmly, as the light expanded, soon engulfing Stan in a giant supernova of light and sound.
He will not come back. It is over.


nstantly, all fighting stopped. The hundred or so remaining members of the Noctem Alliance, who had been pushed back onto the execution platform, and the leaders of Stan's army, who made up the border between the two factions, all looked up, along with every other player in the plaza. The explosion was massive, illuminating the sky and sending a blast of sound crashing down over all the players whose faces were lit by the white light shining down from the sky. Every single player knew in their gut that, for better or for worse, the clash of the two leaders was over.

As the sky returned to its previous dull, washed-out gray color, the players all continued to look up. It was as if they had forgotten that their opponents existed, that they were even fighting at all. Slowly, each and every soldier, citizen, and villager in the plaza could see a square of blocks floating high in the sky, as if it were some sort of platform. And next to this platform, a single, almost imperceptible dot could be seen, slowly growing larger and larger as it sunk downward, and taking on the form of a player.

Slowly, this player descended from the sky, glowing sword clutched in his hand. His eyes were closed, so there was no way of telling which of the two great leaders it was. However, all the Noctem fighters felt their
hearts lift, as all the citizens of Element City and republic fighters felt theirs plummet. After all, the figure was holding an enchanted sword . . . and when was the last time that Stan had ever used a sword in battle?

Charlie, Jayden, Leonidas, Ben, Bob, the Mechanist, Sirus, Cassandrix, Commander Crunch, and the villagers all stared intently at the figure as they stepped back, creating an empty space in the midst of the crowd for the descending player to land. Even at such a close distance, they couldn't tell if this player was their best friend or their greatest enemy, who was skinned identically, save the eyes, which were still closed.

For a moment, the player just stood there, a solemn expression on his face. He took a deep breath. Then, he opened his eyes, revealing the blue pupils of Stan2012, looking victorious, yet also exhausted and, somehow, wiser than he had been.

Immediately, the entire plaza burst out into uproarious applause, with hoots and hollers abounding, ringing through the sky. Elation shone like sunlight out of the faces of every citizen of Element City who was packed into the courtyard, as they realized that their long nightmare was finally over, and that their beloved president had vanquished the harbinger of darkness and pain for good.

Charlie leaped off Dr. Pigglesworth, limping as fast as he could toward Stan, tears streaming down his face as he
threw himself at his friend, wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug. Leonidas nearly knocked the two of them over as he joined in, embracing his friend closely as he realized that Stan had destroyed the leader of the organization that had almost claimed his own life. Next to come was Cassandrix, whooping with joyous laughter. Oob and Mella followed, red smoke still spewing from the wound in her stomach, latching on to the group hug as Stull sat on his mother's shoulders shouting out “Victory! We have attained victory!”

Then Jayden, the Mechanist, Commander Crunch, Ben, Bob, Sirus, and all the others joined together in a massive group hug, as the group of players, who had been through so much together, who had given everything to their fight for justice and peace, had finally succeeded in their valiant struggle.

In the midst of the massive group hug, as he heard the joyous sobs and shouts of thankfulness for his safety and his victory, Stan allowed himself a small smile, as he realized that they were right to celebrate. After so long—after so much hatred, violence, and bloodshed—they had accomplished their goals. Elementia was free, and they had now, for the first time since Stan had been in the server, reached the true dawning of a new age.

It was only as Stan realized just what ushering in a new era would entail that his smile vanished, to be replaced again
by a look of sad solemnity.

Slowly but surely, the celebrations died down. Although the people of Element City still looked almost joyous enough to brighten the sky that was still dark and gray, they all realized something. The citizens of Elementia all looked at the cluster of leaders that held their adored president in the center and realized that, since he had landed, he hadn't said a word. Within a minute, the entire plaza had returned to being as silent as moments before, as they had watched Stan descend from the sky.

In due time, Stan's friends also realized that they were expecting him to say something. They all began to shrink away from him, giving him some space. As Charlie hopped back to Dr. Pigglesworth on one foot, Stan took a deep breath and let it out. Little did his friends know that he was thinking long and hard about what he was about to say; without a doubt, what he said here, on this day, would shape the future of the server of Elementia for years to come.

“Stan?” Leonidas asked, looking concerned as Stan looked more and more downcast the deeper into thought he went. “Are ya okay?”

Stan looked at Leonidas, his eyes wide and meaningful. He said nothing. There would be time to talk to his friends later, time to thank his followers for their selflessness and devotion to their cause. But now was not that time. Stan had
a more important matter to attend to, a matter of historical importance.

Stan took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to float into the sky. He heard countless audible gasps from the crowd at this display of his operating powers, but as Stan looked down into the crowd, he heard a commotion. The higher up he floated, the more black-adorned players within the crowd dashed away from the mass of other players. Stan was satisfied—this was the reaction that he was hoping for.

As he watched from above, it looked as though ink were trickling out of clear water as the few remaining Noctem soldiers scattered among the thousands of republic soldiers in diamond armor. As if drawn by magnetism, the Noctems made their way onto the execution platform. There, Stan looked to see General Spyro, standing as still as if he were a statue, his gaze skyward. Stan turned his head, following the stare of the petrified Noctem general. Floating in the sky next to him, pointing all three of its heads at Spyro, was the Wither.

Stan floated up to the Wither and hovered directly in front of its middle head. The skeletal boss mob looked confused, as if perplexed as to why a player was flying in the same way that it could. Stan turned around so that his back was facing the Wither, and stretched out his hand, concentrating hard on the air in front of him.

In an instant, a ring of obsidian blocks appeared hovering in front of Stan, and a split second later, the center of the ring erupted into a vibrant purple flash, which receded into the glowing purple haze of the Nether Portal. There were more gasps and even a few shouts of surprise from below at the sudden appearance of these blocks, but Stan was only focused on the Wither. Its white eyes widened as it felt the presence of the portal, almost as if some unseen force were calling it to enter the Nether.

Slowly, the Wither floated forward through the air, as if entranced, and into the purple mist. There was a flash of purple light as the Wither disappeared, having returned to the dimension that it knew as home. Stan then proceeded to raise both hands toward the portal, and at once, it vanished, disappearing into thin air as dozens of black particles rained to the ground two dozen blocks below him. Stan lowered his hands in front of him and closed his eyes.

“Go in peace,” he whispered, as the dark clouds evaporated from the sky, allowing the square block of the sun to shine down freely once more.

After a moment of silence, Stan opened his eyes and started to sink down yet again. Below him, the faces of all his friends lit up, as they assumed that he was finally going to address them. However, to their bewilderment, Stan didn't float toward them. Rather, he sunk down lower and lower,
and floated forward, toward the execution platform.

The platform was tightly packed. Every single remaining member of the Noctem Alliance had managed to fit onto the elevated wood-plank stage, which by no means was designed to fit a hundred players. As Stan approached them, still airborne, the ripple of fear that had been bubbling among them since Stan had first appeared now escalated into all-out panic. Although Stan's face still looked grave, with no hint of aggression in it, the fighting forces of the Noctem Alliance let out shouts and cries of alarm as this all-powerful player came closer and closer to them. They were afraid to move, afraid to address Stan. Even now, though, in the face of complete and utter defeat and disgrace, they still stood united as a team, a giant mass of black ready to stand together to the end.

As Stan finally landed on the edge of the platform, there was a shuffling in the crowd. Somebody was pushing their way forward. After a moment, Spyro burst out of the front of the crowd. He had a diamond sword held in his hand and wasted no time in pointing it at Stan, although he had a hard time keeping it pointed that way, his hands were shaking so hard. His face showed a mixture of loathing, grief, and terror. For a few moments, the two highest-ranking members of the two warring factions stood still, staring at each other. Then . . .

“You came down here to force us to join your side, didn't
you?” Spyro said in a rasp, his voice as shaky as his hands.

Stan said nothing. He simply looked back at the Noctem general sadly.

“Well let me tell you right now, Stan . . . it will
happen!” Spyro bellowed at the top of his lungs, his sobs of grief and fear threatening to overpower his voice as he shouted at the operator standing before him. “Not one single member of the Noctem Alliance will ever join your despicable republic! We will never stop fighting for justice in the land of Elementia for as long as we're alive! No matter how many times you beat us down, no matter how low you drag us, we will never stop coming back to fight you! You killed Lord Tenebris . . . the greatest being in all of Minecraft . . .” Spyro's sobs nearly overcame him by this point, and he was echoed by the hundred members of the Alliance behind him, before his anguish morphed into rage a moment later.

“. . . and, Stan, for this, we will
forgive you! Long live the Noctem Alliance! VIVA LA NOCTEM!”

the crowd of Noctem soldiers echoed from behind him, and from the tone of their voice, Stan knew that they believed in every single word that Spyro had said. That they truly would rather die before they cooperated with the republic.

Therefore, once again, Stan offered no response. Instead, he reached into his inventory and extracted an enchanted
diamond sword, leveling it at Spyro.

Although several Noctem soldiers totally lost it at the sight of the weapon, breaking down into sobs or screams, Spyro stood firm, his body shaking as much as ever, but his eyes showed determination as he prepared to become the next in a never-ending line of martyrs for the radical upper-level players of Element City. Closer and closer, Stan walked toward Spyro, until he was standing within striking distance of the Noctem general. Not backing down, Spyro closed his eyes, preparing for the blow to fall. . . .

“Take it.”

Spyro opened his eyes and stared at the diamond sword that Stan was holding in his outstretched hand. He wasn't holding it out in an attack stance; rather, he was holding it out in a gesture, as if he were offering it to Spyro.

“What . . . what are you talking about?” Spyro demanded.

“Take the sword,” Stan said softly to him, speaking so that only those on the platform could hear them. “This sword belongs to your leader. He used it in the last battle that he ever fought. I want you to have it. Do whatever you want with it. Build a memorial to him and incorporate the sword into it somehow, if you'd like. Just do whatever you have to and commemorate Lord Tenebris as you see fit.”

Spyro stared at Stan, uncomprehendingly. Slowly, he reached out, grabbed the handle of the sword, glowing with
enchantments of Fire, Sharpness, and Knockback, and took it from Stan. For a moment, he looked at the diamond weapon in reverence, as if it were the most priceless treasure conceivable. Then, in a swift, sneaky motion, he pocketed the sword, and looked up to Stan contentiously.

“What are you playing at?” Spyro hissed.

Stan took a deep breath and looked directly at Spyro, causing him to recoil slightly in intimidation. This effect was accidental and, not wanting to send the wrong message, Stan smiled a tiny smile. When he spoke again, it was loud enough so that even those on the ground could hear him.

“General Spyro of the Noctem Alliance, I hereby declare that you, and every member of the organization that you now command, will be allowed to live, and will not be imprisoned for your crimes against Elementia.”

A collective gasp washed through the crowd before it exploded into pandemonium. The citizens of the republic erupted into shouts of outrage and accusations of conspiracy, while the hundred Noctem troopers standing on the execution platform looked dazed and confused. All of Stan's friends looked at him as if he had lost his mind, as did Spyro. Out of the corner of his eye, Stan saw a white form burst out of the crowd, and he turned to see Cassandrix standing at the base of the platform, looking totally flabbergasted.

“Stan, what are you doing?” she demanded as Stan
looked down at her. “Do you not remember what the people of this organization have done? Do you not remember the last three months of war and suffering? Do you not remember that these are the people who . . . who killed Kat?”

At the sound of the name, a wave of anguish rippled up Stan's spine, affecting his heart, stomach, and finally his head as they all contracted in pain and he realized, once again, that one of his best friends was gone for all time. He turned around to look again at the stunned Spyro, who had done so much evil, who had caused so much pain. For a moment, as his stomach blazed with the fires of revenge, he considered retracting his statement and blasting Spyro to dust, along with every other member of the Noctem Alliance that stood behind him.

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