Read Hidden Depths Online

Authors: Aubrianna Hunter

Hidden Depths (24 page)

BOOK: Hidden Depths
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Then she glared at Josh. He smiled, though if she were
smart, she would know that he was not amused. He was pissed.

Over the next twenty minutes or so, the banter was tossed
back and forth, everyone laughing, drinking, opening the fourth bottle of wine.
It began to occur to him that the only person capable of driving anyone home
was Gia, and there was no way in hell he was letting her leave here tonight.

All of this meant that according to her rules, he would be
sleeping alone. That was unacceptable. He was sure he could convince her to
join him for a quick round of sex while everyone else was asleep, but he wanted
her in his bed all night, not for an hour or two. And the only way that was
going to happen was if he got everyone else home safely.

Just as he decided to call a damn limo to drive them all
home, Gia popped off with some snarky comment.

"Nice spa, lawyer boy. I can see there are some
definite perks to walking the straight and narrow."

That was the final straw.

Josh stood up, walked the four steps to the other side of
the spa, picked Gia up and dumped her over the side and into the pool. As she
surfaced, gasping for breath from the sudden change in water temperature, Josh
dove in after her.

By the time he surfaced she had made it into the shallow
end, backing slowly toward the stairs, her eyes focused on his.

She looked nervous. Very, very nervous.

He loved it.

"Now, Josh... I didn't mean that. Not really. You know
I don't think..."

He dove forward, tackling her and dunking them both under

She struggled, but when he surfaced, he had both arms around
her. One around mid back, and one hand splayed across her ass. Her hands, which
had been pushing at his chest, suddenly stopped. He knew she could feel his
erection, hard despite the cold water, pushing against her belly.

He could tell the moment she knew he was going to kiss her.

"Wait, no..."

Making a snap decision he may well regret later, he yelled
over his shoulder, "Is there anyone here that hasn't figured out that Gia
and I are together?"

There were lots of murmurs, but no one said anything
directly. He took that to mean 'no'.

"And is there anyone here that will be offended if I
kiss her?"

Every one turned and looked at Deb. He hadn't intended to
put her on the spot, but he needed to know. So did Gia.

"Not in the least. Promise," Deb responded and you
could hear the truth in her words.

"Thank God," Josh groaned out before planting his
lips to Gia's.

It took a moment for the shock to wear off, but when it did
Gia responded with abandon. Her arms wrapped around his neck to tangle in his
wet hair. Her legs mimicked, wrapping tightly around his waist.

Though he had made love to her last night, it didn't seem to
dull the need. It never did. He was beginning to think that he was an addict,
and Gia was his drug of choice. When he heard her little whimper, followed by a
slew of wolf whistles and cat calls, he was reminded that they were not alone.

Regretfully, he pulled back, resting his forehead against
hers while they both caught their breath.

He felt her start to tense against him, unwinding and
pulling away. It was more than just physical... he could feel her putting up
emotional barriers as well.

He lifted her chin, holding her there until she met his
eyes. "They're our friends, Gia. They deserved to know. Not like we were
doing a very good job at keeping it from them anyway."

"But you didn't know that."

"Yes, I did. Blake told me this morning when he asked
me how things were going with you and me. I know you didn't want them to know,
but I can't honestly be sorry they do. And Deb's fine with it. I told you she
would be."

After another long moment, where Josh was left to wonder
just how fast she'd run out of here, she finally nodded.


Josh spent the rest of the evening with Gia in his arms. The
fact that no one bothered to comment simply proved how poorly kept a secret
their relationship had really been. 

He took advantage of her closeness to tease her
relentlessly. He wanted her aroused to the point where there was just no
question where she was sleeping tonight. So, when they got back in the spa, he
pulled her into his lap. 

He teased her nipples, tugging gently at the little rings
through the fabric of her suit. He ran her hand between her legs, flirting with
the edge of her bikini bottoms. When he felt more than heard the little gasp,
followed by her hips grinding against his erection, he chuckled softly before
whispering in her ear.

"Are you an exhibitionist at heart Gia? Do you want me
to make you come right here in front of all of our friends?"

He felt another little gasp, her ribs expanding against his
arm as she sucked in air.

He smiled, nipping at her neck. "All you have to do is
nod... tell me that's what you want, Gia."     

Josh waited, breath held. Would she give in to the desires
of her body or adhere to her sensibilities.

When she nodded quick and sharp, he had to bite his cheek to
stop the groan.

* * * *

What the hell was she thinking? There is no way she was
going to be able to do this. At least not without everyone in the spa knowing
what was going on.

So, then why the hell did she nod yes?

As Josh's finger's brushed by her nipples again, pulling her
triangle top a little to the side, she knew why.

She wanted this.

She not only wanted Josh, wanted the orgasm she knew would
be forthcoming, that was almost a constant when she was with him.

No, she wanted to have that orgasm right under everyone's
noses. She wanted that thrill of getting caught, of someone figuring out just
exactly what they were up to.  

Now, what the fuck would a shrink make of that.

It wasn't really quite as risky as it seemed. Everyone was
fairly well intoxicated. Even Gia'd had a couple glasses of wine. Maybe that
was the problem. She could simply blame her lack of inhibitions on alcohol.

As Josh moved the other side of her top, freeing her already
throbbing nipples to the effects of the swirling water, she knew that was a
lie. She just wanted this.

As his erection pushed against her, she knew she wasn't
alone in that desire.

She bit her lip to keep from crying out when he roughly
pulled her bikini bottoms to the side, freeing her pussy to be his own little

Deciding that there was no way she could be involved in a
conversation, should someone ask her a direct question, she leaned her head
back on his shoulder, closing her eyes and feigning sleep.

When she did, he kissed her cheek, settling her more firmly
against his cock at the same time he slid one finger into her aching center.

Oh. My. God.

She was going to come right here in front of her friends.

She felt more than heard Josh's chest rumble as he spoke to
Blake. Somehow he managed to tug her nipple and add another finger down below,
all while having a conversation.

She twisted her hips, trying to keep her movements small,
not entirely sure if she succeeded. Not entirely sure if she cared anymore.

Whatever Josh had been talking about, the conversation
wrapped up because he leaned back into her and whispered in her ear. "You
need to keep it down, baby. Your only job is to lay here and be quiet while I
please you. Can you do that?"

He followed his words with another little tug on her nipple
rings. Biting her lip, she merely nodded.

She could already feel the heat and pressure starting to
build deep in her belly. It wasn't going to take long to reach the edge. Was
that because there were people surrounding her?

Josh had two fingers sliding slowly in and out of her

Just as she felt the beginning flutters in her belly, a
clear sign that her orgasm was imminent, Josh pulled his hand away with a
muttered "Fuck" against her shoulder.

After a second, he straightened her suit, quickly tugging
everything into place. She glanced back over her shoulder, a little surprised
by the abrupt end.

All of a sudden, he shifted her around, saying a little more
loudly than necessary, "I think it's time to get you to bed, Gia. Before
you pass out in the spa."

He set her beside him, jumping out and grabbing a towel,
which he quickly wrapped around his waist. Not quickly enough for her to miss
the erection he was still sporting. He grabbed another towel and turned around,
holding it out for her.

She climbed out, striving to look as exhausted as he'd just
claimed she was. When she looked up at him, she managed a little wink before
sagging her shoulders a little more.

He wrapped the towel around her, tugging a little more
tightly than was strictly necessary while whispering to her, "I think you
missed your calling, drama queen."

Gia waved at everyone, holding in a laugh while Josh made
excuses about how tired she was.

"I think it was the wine and the hot water. I'm just
totally wiped."

Everyone said goodnight and Josh told them all to grab
blankets, pillows and the spare bedrooms and crash until morning.

Blake smirked, "I know where everything is, Josh. Good

The innuendo was obvious to everyone. Gia glanced at Deb,
who merely smiled and waggled her fingers.          

As soon as they were inside the door, Josh pushed her
forward until she hit the nearest wall. He reached down and grabbed her hands,
pulling them up above head and holding them both in one of his. He reached
between her and the wall and yanked the towel loose. Leaving her standing there
in a damp bikini. His towel joined hers on the floor.

She felt the rush of heat between her thighs. Her body,
sated only moments before, sprang back to life without so much as a touch.

"I'm going to take you right here against the wall,
Gia. You have me so hard I damn near came in my shorts. God, what you do to me,

"Josh... what if someone comes in? We need to go to the

"No one's going to come in, Gia. They all know exactly
why we came in the house. And even if they did walk in... would you really
mind? I would think the potential to get caught just turns you on more."

With his words, Josh tugged the string on the side of her
bottoms, watching as they fell to the ground. Two more tugs released her top
and Gia was naked. Gloriously naked, wet and so damn ready for him.          

"Josh." She heard the pleading tone in her voice.

He groaned. "Tell me what you need, Gia. Say the

He slid his fingers into her, two at once, thrusting into
her from behind.

"Keep your hands up there."

Her legs trembled. His voice had taken on that commanding
tone she loved so much. The one that tore through every nerve ending in her
body. She whimpered a little, nodding.

She needed him inside her, filling her. Now.

"Josh... please."

That was all it took.

"Aahh, hell. I can't wait."

She had no idea when he'd dropped his shorts, but suddenly
he was there. He pulled his hand out and thrust inside her, bringing his hands
around to press against the wall for leverage.

He took her fast and hard, pounding into her. When she
couldn't hold her hips still enough for him, he reached around placing his
forearm across her hips, pulling her harder against him.

"Fuck, Gia. I'm not gonna last long. I didn't plan...
but you... I wanted this to be..."

"Shut up, Josh. Just fuck me!"

Thank God he did. She exploded around him, screaming out her
pleasure. Josh was right behind her, giving out a primal yell before biting and
sucking against her neck.

As soon as they both caught their breath, he scooped her up
and took her into his bedroom, settling them both under the covers and pulling
her tightly against him.

She was asleep in moments, never giving thought to the wet
bathing suits and towels still on the floor in his kitchen. A telltale sign
their friends would surely notice.

Chapter 34

The next few weeks flew by. She and Josh had found a rhythm,
a routine that seemed to be working really well. They spent almost every night
together, usually at his place. Even the few nights when she received her
monthly calling card from Mother Nature, he had wanted her to stay over. They
had rented a couple of movies, made some popcorn and curled up on the couch.
When she'd mentioned the treasure of cramps that always accompanied these
lovely reminders of womanhood, he had laughed and suggested they go in the spa.

It was comfortable. Almost too comfortable, if Gia were
being honest with herself. She could already see herself becoming too attached.
Not just to Josh, but to the ease with which they fit together.

When Josh had taken a business trip down to the restaurant
in Austin, Texas to approve the new head chef, he had only been gone for two
nights. Two lousy nights and she had missed him like a lost limb.

It had terrified her. Since then she had begun trying to
spend at least one or two nights per week at her own house. Without him.

She was trying to be casual about it, to put a little
distance between them without making any waves. Which had worked okay the first
week. However, when she had refused to go with him to the Black and White Ball
they held at the country club each year, he'd seemed... upset.

Lost in her own musings, Gia almost jumped out of her skin
when she heard her doorbell ring. A quick glance at the clock told her it was
only three in the afternoon... way too early for it to be Josh on a Monday

Peeking through the door, she grinned as she swung it wide.

"Hey Kell. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed
to be doing that whole work thing?"

BOOK: Hidden Depths
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