Hidden History: Lost Civilizations, Secret Knowledge, and Ancient Mysteries

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Authors: Brian Haughton

Tags: #Fringe Science, #Gnostic Dementia, #U.S.A., #Alternative History, #Amazon.com, #Retail, #Archaeology, #History

BOOK: Hidden History: Lost Civilizations, Secret Knowledge, and Ancient Mysteries
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Brian HaughLon

or my mum and dad


For help with photographs, I would like to thank Dr. Erich Brenner of
the University of Innsbruck, David Hatcher Childress, Carlos A. GomezGallo, Julie Gardiner of Wessex Archaeology, Martin Gray of Sacred Sites,
John Griffiths, Paul Haughton, Thanassis Vembos, and Rien van de
Weygaert. Many thanks also to Frank Joseph for providing a wonderfully
erudite Foreword while going through the traumatizing experience of moving house. Special thanks go to Michael Pye at New Page, and my ever
helpful agent Lisa Hagen of Paraview. Finally, I would not have been
able to write this book without the encouragement and support of my wife,
Dr. A. Siokou, who also read the manuscript.

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