Hidden Memories

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Authors: Robin Allen

Tags: #love, #romance, #campaign manager, #political mystery, #race, #PR, #political thriller, #art, #campaign, #election, #Retro, #voting, #politicians, #relationships, #suspense, #governor, #thriller, #scandal, #friendship, #multicultural, #painting, #secrets, #Politics, #lawyer, #love triangle

BOOK: Hidden Memories
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The brush of a butterfly’s wing can lead to a devastating storm…

As the campaign manager for Cameron Hudson, candidate to be Georgia’s first black governor, nothing much about the racially charged race shocks Sage Kennedy any more. Except for the electrifying passion she feels every time Ramion Sandidge takes her in his arms.

With Ramion gearing up to run for senator against his revengeful ex-lover, Sage plots around the scandals and plans to be the one at his side helping him light up the state, maybe even the nation and eventually the world. But it’s a bomb that turns Hudson’s campaign office into a raging inferno.

The crude device doesn’t stop Sage’s candidate from sweeping the election. But its impact shudders through her present, her future, and a painful past that she thought was forever dead and gone.

Hidden Memories

Robin Hampton Allen


Dedicated in loving memory to my brother, William Edwin Hampton Jr.


I am blessed to have two wonderful little girls, Cara Allen and Cassidy Allen.

My heartfelt appreciation goes to my parents, William and Julia Hampton. Daddy: Your unsinkable support has lifted my spirits on many occasions. Mommy: My strength and determination comes from you. I thank you for your prayers.

Much love to my Pittsburgh family: Lynn Manley, Tyrece Mitchell, Leah Stroman, Brandon Hampton, Karen Stroman, Jerome “Mann” Stroman, Jada Mitchell, Richie Mitchell, Tiara Hampton and Javonta Stroman.

This book has gone through many revisions, and I thank my special friends for their words of encouragement: Yvonne Wells, Sharon Flake and Marilyn Polite.

Special thanks to my editor, Donna Julian, for her patience and expertise.

To my brother’s only son, Ramion Drew Hampton: Much love and happiness.

Chapter One

Sage Kennedy stared at the words on the computer screen, pondering the right spin on Cameron Hudson’s gubernatorial speech to the New Generation Party. She wanted a different twist on their “The Dream Reborn” theme, an inspiring message that would rouse the young voters to help elect the first black governor of Georgia.

The unusual quietness of the campaign headquarters penetrated Sage’s concentration as she looked around and realized she was the only person in the office. Sage glanced at the clock on the wall and, noticing that it was almost eight o’clock, decided to finish the speech at home. As she copied the speech file to a diskette, she reviewed her schedule for the next day, noting important priorities: finalize copy for campaign brochures, meet with production crew for television commercial and attend luncheon fundraiser.

“Something told me I would find you here,” a deep-timbered voice said.

“You know me too well,” Sage said, without looking up. When Ramion Sandidge reached her desk, she raised her head to peer into his charcoal eyes. He returned her warm, familiar smile, revealing a showcase of white teeth and a cleft chin. “I was supposed to leave here an hour ago. I wanted to finish Cameron’s speech, but I’ve run out of steam. I’ll work on it at home.”

“Cameron never sticks to the speech,” Ramion said, shrugging his shoulders. “Why bother?” His wavy hair was trimmed neatly and precisely with a razor-sharp part on one side.

“You know why. If Cameron doesn’t have a speech, he preaches.”

Ramion laughed and bent down to kiss the most strikingly attractive woman he had ever seen. Sage was an exotic combination of amber skin, curly black hair and olive-green eyes. “You’re probably right.”

“How did the trial go?” she asked.

“They decided to settle out of court. My client is going to take money for silence. He’ll get a healthy amount.”

“Sounds like you got more than you expected.”

“Yes, but let’s get out of here, baby. You promised me you wouldn’t be here late, especially after the threats Cameron’s been getting.”

“I know,” she said, nodding. “Security is very tight now. Anywhere Cameron goes, they secure the building before he gets there. We even canceled some of his engagements because they were in open places that are hard to secure.”

“Yeah, well, crazy people always find a way.”

“At first, Ramion, I really wasn’t frightened by those threats,” Sage said, her heavy eyebrows drawn together in a worried expression. “But every time the media reports that Cameron is closing in on Baker’s lead, the threats increase. And it’s not just threats from known white hate groups,” Sage continued. “We’ve gotten threats from people that just hate the idea of a black man being elected governor.” Sage removed the speech diskette from the computer and tucked it inside her briefcase. “I don’t know why I’m shocked by their deep-seated hatred, but I am.”

“I’m not. That’s why you have to be careful.”

“You’re right.” Sage swept back her black hair, parted in the center of her oval face, and tucked it behind her ears. “I’m ready,” she said, standing up and putting several file folders into her briefcase.

“Let’s go,” Ramion said, placing his arm around Sage’s waist. He wasn’t satisfied with merely touching her waist. He wanted to remove the black double-breasted dress, caress her curvaceous body, nibble on her bountiful breasts and slide between her seductive hips.

They weaved their way through rows of desks and file cabinets. Campaign brochures were scattered around the room, envelopes and mailing labels piled on desks, and posters of “Cameron Hudson for Governor” hung on the walls.

“You can lock up,” Sage said to the burly security guard standing at the doorway of the campaign headquarters. “We’re leaving.”

“You got it,” the guard said, pulling out a mass of keys. He announced into a handheld radio that he was “securing the eighth floor”.

Inside the elevator, Ramion pressed his body against Sage’s and kissed her fully on the lips. His kisses grew in intensity with each passing floor. “Come home with me tonight,” he said with a sensual smile.

Sage had to chase away thoughts of Ramion’s rum-dark muscular body entwined with hers. She looked into his eyes shrouded by long, straight eyelashes and heavy black brows. His long, hawkish nose flared whenever he smiled; she could read his thoughts in that smile. She ran her hands across his cheek and said reluctantly, “I can’t. I know I won’t get any work done.”

“I know,” he said. He was disappointed, but that’s what he loved about her: her commitment and compassion, her vitality and vision. From their first meeting, he had felt connected, drawn to her mesmerizing beauty—oval-shaped eyes, high cheekbones and full lips. The huskiness of her voice had singed his soul when they first met and left an indelible imprint.

The elevator stopped on the ground floor, but Ramion pressed the Stop button, preventing the doors from opening. “I love your passion for the campaign,” he said, kissing her lips and unfastening the buttons on her dress. He worked his fingers inside her clothes and slid his hand into her bra. “Right now, I want to feel your passion for me.”

“Ramion, what if the doors open?” she protested, feeling desire ignite.

“They won’t.”

Sage’s resistance waned when Ramion massaged her nipples with his mouth, and by the time he wriggled his fingers into the waistband of her pantyhose to touch between her legs, she could no longer resist. She was on fire.

“Let me just feel you,” Ramion said, dipping his fingers inside her.

Sage moaned. She didn’t want him to just feel her.

* * * * *

When the elevator doors opened, Sage hoped no one was standing in front of the elevator. She quickly freshened up in the bathroom before walking through the lobby, past the security guards watching video surveillance cameras of the building.

“I hope there isn’t a camera in the elevator,” Sage ruefully said.

“Yeah, well,” Ramion laughed, “might be the only action the guards will get.”

They walked out of the building onto Peachtree Street, where the night air was unseasonably brisk for October. “Where are you parked?” Ramion asked.

“The parking lot across the street,” she answered, pointing at the open parking lot between the convenience store and a restaurant.

“Tell me you wouldn’t have walked there by yourself.”

“Honey, if you weren’t here, one of the security guards would have escorted me to my car.”

As Ramion and Sage headed down the street to the traffic light at the corner, a loud crash sounded behind them like an unexpected boom of thunder and the ground trembled like an earthquake. With a cry of surprise, Sage lost her footing and tripped on the street curb. As she struggled to her feet, she was hit in the back of the neck and on her cheek by flying glass. When Ramion saw the glass blow out the windows of the building, he grabbed her hand, dragging her across the street and zigzagging through the steady stream of Midtown traffic. Jagged splinters of wood and debris and particles of glass fell from the sky like a hailstorm.

They ran, but not fast enough. The blast hurled a piece of wood that struck Sage’s head. Ramion pushed the wood away and, in the next instant, the impact of the explosion sprayed their bodies like gravel shot from the barrel of a gun. Ramion pulled Sage into a convenience store and shouted at the shocked store clerk to call 911.

The last thing Sage heard before slipping into unconsciousness was the melodious sound of her father’s voice—loud and boisterous and beckoning. She was terrified. It was a voice she hadn’t heard in twenty-two years.

* * * * *

Sage opened her eyes and saw a blurred image of a woman dressed in a white uniform. The nurse was saying something, but Sage couldn’t make out the words. The ringing in her ears drowned out the sounds of emergency room drama: a cacophony of patient screams and moans, doctors yelling out orders and nurses frantically running around administering to the hurt and wounded.

“My ears,” Sage complained.

“The ringing will subside by tomorrow,” the nurse said, a tall, thin white woman in her mid-thirties. “It’s your head that we’re concerned about.”

“It’s killing me.” Sage winced as she attempted to sit up.

“We’ll need to keep you for twenty-four hours just to make sure you don’t have a concussion.”

“What about my other injuries?”

“It took several stitches to close the wound on your neck. Everything else is minor. You were very lucky, considering,” the nurse told her.

Ramion threw the curtain back and repeated the nurse’s words. “Very lucky.” He grasped Sage’s hand, squeezing it tightly as he kissed her. Her fragile condition was the only thing that stopped him from taking her in his arms and cradling her in his embrace. “Baby, I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“What about you?” Sage asked, noticing the bandages on his forehead and wrapped around his left hand.

“Nothing serious. A few pieces of glass.”

“You’ll be moved to a room shortly,” the nurse told Sage before leaving.

Ramion sat on the edge of the bed, his arms wrapped gingerly around her as Sage leaned into his chest. “I love you,” he said, running his fingers through her hair.

“I love you too,” Sage said tenderly. As the reality of their brush with death descended upon her, tears rolled down her face. She didn’t cry out loud; she just let the tears flow. When they stopped, she wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“Oh, baby, don’t apologize. You have every right to cry.” He planted soft kisses on her forehead, realizing the depth of his love for her at the possibility of losing her. He was torn between wanting to prosecute the responsible parties and physically hurting them.

They were silent for several minutes, absorbed in the comfort and security of their love.

“Was anybody else hurt?” Sage asked.

“One of the security guards is in surgery now. Minor injuries for two guards.”

“Any word on who planted the bomb?”

“Not yet.”

* * * * *

The first thing Sage noticed when she opened her eyes the next morning was that the ringing in her ears was gone. She could clearly hear hospital sounds: hurried footsteps pounding the floor, the whisking wheels of hospital beds and rolling trays spinning against the floor.

A whiff of bacon turned her attention to the food on the bedside tray. She lifted the tray cover, but the scrambled eggs, toast and greasy strips of bacon did not rouse her taste buds. As she sipped the orange juice, she fumbled with the remote to turn on the television.

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