Hidden Wings (9 page)

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Authors: Cameo Renae

BOOK: Hidden Wings
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I pulled the bottle of pain pills out of the bag and shook two into my palm, but I knew I had to eat something with it. Pills made me nauseous, and the only edible things I had were Skittles and Starburst. Yuck. That sounded totally disgusting right now. I needed something with substance, like crackers. Ugh… I guess I’d have to head down to the kitchen.

I dried my tears and climbed out of bed. Everyone was probably sleeping, but just in case I happened to run into someone along the way, I looked pretty decent in my cute pajamas which were black with bright pink hearts all over.

I slowly cracked the door open and peeked down the hall. The floor was empty and the whole house seemed eerily silent. I quietly headed towards the stairway, and peered to the lower levels. They were empty as well, so I quickly bounded down the stairs, shivering as soon as my bare feet hit the ice cold marble stairs.

When I reached the bottom, I tried to remember Henry’s directions to the kitchen. Down the stairs, take a left, and head all the way back. I followed his instructions, but this was a huge house. It was dark, but there were a series of night lights guiding the way. I followed the glow down the hall, which opened up into a large, commercial-sized kitchen. The light above the stove was left on, probably for late night wanderers like me.

All the appliances were stainless steel, and the cabinetry was done in a dark cherry wood. The floors were the same earthy slate as the entry. My mother would have loved this dream kitchen.

I ambled over to the large double-door fridge and paused; a little apprehensive about opening it, knowing this wasn’t my home. I’d have to get used to it sooner or later, at least for the next year. Besides, Henry wouldn’t have given me directions if it was off limits.

I sucked in a breath and pulled the door open.

“Hungry?” a voice startled me.

I jumped and gasped, turning to see Kade sitting on a barstool behind the counter.

“Holy crap! You scared me!” I gasped, trying to catch my breath. “How the heck did you get there?”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologized. “I usually grab a bite before I head home. I actually came in right after you did.”

“So are you stalking me?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He paused and grinned. “I guess you could say that. I actually saw you round the corner, and wanted to see why you were sneaking around so late.”


“By the way…nice PJ’s,” he said with a large smile.

I could feel my face get flustered, “Thanks.” I felt so amazingly lame at this very moment, and had to come up with a question to cover.

“So how was your meeting with Alaine?”

“Boring. Malachi briefed her on the trip.”

“Oh,” I said, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

“Are you looking for something in particular?” he asked. I hated that he looked so attractive, and I was in my pajamas, with swollen red eyes and nose.

“Are there any crackers here? I have to take my pills,” I said bashfully, closing the door to the fridge.

He hopped off his stool and made his way over to one of the cupboards.

“Right here. Take your pick,” he chimed as he opened two doors that were filled with cookies, crackers and chips.

I walked over and pulled out a box of Ritz crackers. They were my mom’s favorite.

“I just need a few,” I said opening the bag and plucking out four. He made his way around to a drawer, pulled out a Ziploc bag and held it open. I dumped the remaining crackers into it, and then he zipped it shut and placed it back on the shelf.

“Thanks,” I breathed.

“No problem,” he answered. He walked back towards me and leaned in close, nearly pinning me against the counter. His closeness immediately made me dizzy, and sent my world into a state of euphoria. My breath became quick, my pulse was racing, and heat began to fill my veins. We silently gazed into each other’s eyes for a moment, and for that moment I became mesmerized by his beauty. His beautiful hazel eyes seemed to dance with warmth, his perfect features, and the way his dark brown hair fell across his forehead. He was perfection. And then he smiled at me, making me weak in the knees.

I quickly shoved a cracker in my mouth and chewed; then another, and another, trying to mask the loud poundings of my heart.

“Are you hungry?” he chuckled, leaning back and looking at me through concerned eyes.

I stared at him with wide eyes and shook my head. OMG. I was such an
, and a complete amateur.
Damn it, Emma!

The crackers were making my mouth really dry, and were plastered to my teeth and the roof of my mouth. Great. There was no way I was opening my mouth, at least not with him standing in front of me.

Kade made his way over to the fridge, pulled out two bottles of water, twisted the top off one and set it in front of me. I smiled without revealing teeth, and quickly gulped the water down. I held the two pills out in my palm and wondered if one would work. I hated the nauseous feeling I’d get from taking pain medication.

“Pain pills?” he asked.

“Yeah. I’m sore and desperately need some sleep, but I really hate the feeling I get when I take them,” I sighed, undecided.

“Well, would you like some help… you know… getting to sleep?” he asked, raising his brow. His hazel eyes were beaming, sending currents of warmth shooting through my veins. I froze. How did I answer that?

Yes! Hell yes!

But I was too embarrassed to say anything. The thought of it made my heart race even faster than before. I looked at him with wide eyes and remained speechless.

“But, if I do help you, you’ll have to promise me that you won’t tell your Aunt Alaine. If she ever found out that I was alone with you in your room, and put the sleeper on you, she would put
to sleep
in a shallow grave out back. I’ll only agree to it if you ask… and
so you can get some sleep. That’s it. I can’t begin to imagine how hard it must be for you, especially with all you’ve been dealing with,” he said with a sad sort of grin.

“So that’s what it’s called? The sleeper?” I questioned.


“It sounds like a wrestling move,” I giggled.

“Yes, it does now that you mention it,” he said with a wider grin.

“Is it magic?”

“I guess you could call it magic. I’ve never really thought about it that way,” he answered with a tilt to his head.

“Could you do it to yourself?”

“No. Although, sometimes I wish I could,” he noted with a glint in his eyes. “So…do you want my help? Just say the words.”

The words were stuck in my throat, but I managed to push

“Yes,” I exhaled, accompanied with a nod.

“Okay then. I’ll be up in a bit. There are eyes everywhere, watching, and I’d be banished in an instant if I were caught sneaking into your room. I happen to know a way in, but you’ll have to go up and unlatch your bedroom window,” he said, watching me carefully. Maybe he was checking to see if I was really game.

“Sure,” I said easily.
Heck yeah, I was game
. I instantly felt heat start to smolder deep inside of me. And then I thought about it. My bedroom window was up three stories high, and I couldn’t remember seeing a balcony, or stairs, or any other way to get up.

“Wait! How are you going to get up there?” I questioned.

“Magic,” he said with a wink and a grin. “I’ll see you soon.” He grabbed his water bottle, took a swig, and then headed for the back door.

I had to catch my breath again as I watched him close the door behind him. I clasped my sweaty fingers over my pills, and bounded back down the hallway. My stomach twisted with a mixture of excitement and apprehension at the thought of Kade being in my room. I’d never had a boy in my room except for Jeremy, and technically he didn’t count. He was more of a brother than potential boyfriend material.

My feet quickened to the pace of my heart, and soon I found myself racing back down the hallway and back up the stairs. As soon as I reached the top I leaned over to make sure no one was around or watching. The place was quiet and empty, so I hurried back down the hall, opened my door, and quickly shut and locked it behind me.

I tried to calm myself.

Breathe, Emma. Breathe. Breathe. And try to act normal.
Yeah right. Easier thought than done!

I slowly walked towards the window even though my legs begged me to run, and just as I pulled back the curtain and unlatched the window, Kade came swinging in.

“What the —? How did you—?” I stumbled backwards in awe. He laughed and turned to latch the window, pulling the curtain shut. In my meager mind, I tried to rationalize how he could have scaled the side of the building, just as fast as I could run up the stairs.

That was just… not right. He can’t be human. Could he? But maybe there was some hidden ladder, or elevator, or even a rope that I failed to see. I’d have to do some inspecting in the morning when there was light. There had to be some kind of logical explanation.

“What took you so long?” he asked, staring at me through narrowed eyes, plopping down at the foot of my bed.

I felt my mouth gaping wide open so I snapped it shut.

“Who are you? No-no…
are you?” I stammered.

“What do you mean?” he questioned with a sly look in his eyes.

“You know exactly what I mean,” I said matching his gaze. “First of all, you do something to my insides and emotions whenever you’re near. Secondly, I saw how fast and strong you were when you were fighting off that creature in the bathroom. And, by the way… thank you, for that. And thirdly, how the heck did you get up here so quick? The only explanation is that you crawled up like a spider, or you flew. So what is it?”

He glanced at me with a crooked grin. “So, you really feel something when I come near you?” he asked.

“Huh?” He threw me off, asking me a question to my question. So not fair.

“What exactly happens to you when I come near?” he said slowly walking closer to me.

“I don’t know,” I said blushing, “but did you hear anything else I said?”

Great! Selective hearing…typical male. Maybe he was human after all, or maybe he was just trying to distract me to keep from answering my question.

“Well, what do
think I am?” he suddenly asked, stopping inches in front of me. I had to hold myself together or I was going to faint, and hit the floor with an embarrassing thud. I stepped back and braced myself against my desk.

“I mean, you look human to me, but I’ve seen you do inhuman things.” I waited for him to answer, but he didn’t say a word. “Are you a vampire?”

He suddenly burst into a laugh. “No! Vampire? You seriously thought I was a vampire?”

“Werewolf?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Emma. You’ve got to be kidding me. Vampires and Werewolves are so overrated.”

“Yes, and that’s why I’m asking. You seem to fit into the modern vamp/were category. You’re strong, handsome, fast… I have NO clue what you are!”

“You think I’m handsome?” he smiled.

“Duh! Even a blind girl could see that!” I blurted, and then realized what I said. Sometimes I wish I had a plug for my mouth, but he smiled a wide smile.

“Well, haven’t you ever heard of super humans? Those people with extraordinary skills and talents?” he asked.

“Yes, but what you have is totally different. And, what about that thing that attacked me in the bathroom? What was that?”

That was the thing that was bothering me most. Kade and Malachi came to “escort” me to Alaska, but in actuality they were protecting me, and I got to see first-hand what they were protecting me against. If it wasn’t for them, I’d probably be dead. But then again, ever since I met them, my life had flipped upside down.

He paused, then sighed loudly and had that certain look of concern in his eyes. The same look he had when we were on the plane. The same look he gave when I’d asked him questions that were too personal.

“I promise I won’t say anything. I just want you to answer that one question. I know you won’t tell me why I need protection, or why that thing tried to kill me, but can you at least tell me what that creature was that tried to kill me?” He was still hesitating, but I could see him warring within himself. “Kade… Pleee-ase. This is something I deserve to know.”

His head suddenly snapped up, his eyes widened, and his lips turned upward into the widest smile I’d seen yet.

“What?” I asked, wondering what was up with his sudden change of emotion.

“That’s the first time I’ve heard you say my name out loud,” he said, his face beaming like the sun. “It just sounded so…cool… the way you said it.”

“Oh,” I breathed, feeling my cheeks blush and most likely turning a bright shade of red. Was that really the first time I’d said his name? I tried to think back. “I did yell your name when I was being attacked in the bathroom,” I admitted.

He smiled, and it was contagious.

“Okay, stop trying to stall,” I muttered.

“Sorry. What were we talking about?”

I took a seat on the swivel chair next to my desk and twisted to face him. “I want to know what the creature was that tried to kill me.”

“Oh, yeah.” His smile disappeared as quickly as it came. “Alright. You win. But remember… I didn’t tell you a thing.”

“Zip,” I said zipping my lip shut and tucking the invisible key into my pocket.

He sucked in a deep breath and clasped his hands tightly around each other, and stared directly at me. “That thing was a Darkling. The Darkling are pawns, evil assassins, used to do the dirty work of the Fallen. They are the vilest creatures who have ever walked the face of the earth, and they smell like hell because they live underground in sewers, drains, or abandoned dark places. They’ve been known to feed on anything, and I mean anything.”

“The Darkling in the bathroom was sent for you. You were his target. And if the ones that sent him ever learn of his failure, more will be sent until they’ve confirmed that you are dead.”

My breath seized.

“There are more of those things? But why? What have I done to make them want to kill me?”

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