Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1) (13 page)

Read Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1) Online

Authors: Pixie Moon

Tags: #'alien abduction, #scifi romance, #fururistic romance, #alpha male, #alien love, #otherworld romance, #innocent heroine, #kidnapped by an alien'

BOOK: Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)
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Needing to know, I ask,
“Can zaphinians smell emotions, Din Zar?” Deep down, I expect him
to say no. Maybe he’s just good at reading body


The smile he gives me
makes my heart stop. “Yes, seema. Your scent tells me exactly how
you’re feeling.” He steps back and points at the sheer material I’m
holding. “Now get dressed and meet me in the living room. You have
a lot to learn.”


Oh, shit! I’m not going to
be able to hide anything from him. His chuckle lets me know that
he’s well aware of my feelings.


I wait for him to leave
the bedroom before I get dressed. The sheer material feels heavenly
against my skin. I don’t care for the see-through part of my
“uniform” but at least wearing it will make me feel like I’m
partially covered. All I have to do is not look at


Ignorance can equal



~ Zar ~




I hide a smile when Hallie
Mead walks out of the corridor and into the kitchen. I’m sitting on
the living room floor doing a little meditation before I have to
continue teaching her our ways. She looks just as beautiful in the
sheer material as I knew she would.


My cock jerks to
attention, but I ignore it. I refuse to have sex with her until
she’s healthier and is accustomed to my touch. I want her arousal
to be so powerful that it scents a whole room before I take her.
The dominant in me looks forward to the challenge.


As she hesitantly steps
into the living room, I stand. “Stay still, seema.” I slowly walk
around her appreciating her toned form. I long to touch her full
breasts but know now is not the time. I circle her again. The sheer
material just barely covers her taut buttocks. A lovely sight for


She nervously fidgets
causing light to catch in the lighter shades of her brunette hair.
Lust fires my veins. Fisting her hair while I fuck her is going to
feel so good. I let my gaze travel down her length again as I move
to stand before her. I can’t wait to see her filled out a bit more.
She is going to be gorgeous.


You look real good,
seema.” The blush that covers her cheeks pleases me. Finding her
was like accidently finding hidden treasure in your own backyard.
So rare and so unexpected.


She’s not the first seema
I’ve brought home but she is the first to intrigue me. I don’t know
how long she’ll fascinate me and truly I don’t care. I plan on
living in the moment and enjoying every minute of it.


As a warrior, I know life
can be short and therefore needs to be enjoyed to the fullest.
Hardship and sometimes death lurks around every corner. She is
going to make my life interesting, at least for a while.


I look her over and smile.
Her scent tells me she’s nervous and a little aroused. Wearing sexy
clothes does that for a lot of females. I’m glad she’s one of


Knowing I can’t just stare
at her all day, I order her to pick up my dirty clothes and then
show her were to put them. I’m happy that she’s not grumbling about
my bad habit of tossing clothes everywhere at the end of a long
day. My interest in her would fade quickly if that had been the
case. I’m surprisingly relieved that she is turning out to be so


After she tosses the
clothes into a basket in the laundry room, I lead her to her
bathroom. In efficient movements, I show her where all of the
female products are kept. She could use a little lotion for sure.
After I show her a razor, I order her to start shaving her legs. My
cock jerks at the thought of her with smooth silky skin.


Moving on, I take her hand
and lead her to the closet I keep the plant food in. I like the way
she trembles when I touch her. I plan on touching her as much as
possible every day. The quicker she fully accepts my touch the
better. My cock can only handle so much torture. And believe me,
waiting on her is going to be sweet torture.


Getting back to the lesson
at hand, I grab up the spray bottle we need and lead her to the
plant closest to us. “This is a purrdot.”


I laugh when the yellow
flower suddenly opens its petals wide and leans toward Hallie. She
jumps back and stares at the plant as though she expects it to


Is that normal?” Her voice
is a little higher than normal. So cute.


Yes, purrdots love the
scent of humans. You give off a chemical that is like fertilizer to
them. They can’t lean out past their length so as long as you stay
out of reach it won’t touch you. Not that the plant’s touch will
hurt you. It doesn’t have teeth and it’s not poisonous.”


I smile as I watch her
look the plant over with curious eyes. “Purrdots are important.
They can be found indoors and outdoors. They help filter the air.
You’ll have to spray the flower petals once a day for it to be most
efficient.” I hand her the bottle. “Give it a try,


She takes the bottle.
Staying a safe distance from the wide open yellow petals, Hallie
aims the bottle and quickly sprays the begging petals. Yellow
petals close and then open wide. The plant leans a little closer to
Hallie. She squeals and backs up a step.


I can’t help but laugh.
“It’s not going to hurt you. Always remember that it’s just a plant
with no poison, teeth, or claws. You’ll get used to purrdots soon
enough, little seema. Let’s move to the next type of


With my hand on her lower
back, I guide her across the room to the next plant in need. “This
is a snaplot. They are indoor plants that release vitamins into the
air on a regular bases. These plants are to be watered on the
leaves and stems. Go ahead, give it a try.”


Hallie aims the nozzle at
the plants dark green leaves and then quickly sprays them. “Now the
stem,” I encourage.


Oh, yeah, I forgot about
that.” Concentration has her dark chocolate eyes keenly looking the
stem over as she wets the entire four foot length. I’m happy to see
her trying so hard. She is a true survivor.


You’re doing fine, seema.”
I watch as the lower section of the snaplots two blue petals move
ever so slightly. Wanting to gain her trust, I warn, “Watch it. The
petals are about to open and release some vitamins into the


I rest my hand on her
shoulder as we wait. The feel of her silky skin has my cock aching
to get inside her. After taking a cleansing breath, I promise the
erect flesh between my legs that it’ll get what it wants soon
enough. I silently remind myself that I’m a warrior and that I can
be patient.


The plants blue petals
open, pause, and then snap shut. Hallie jumps and then looks up at
me with wide innocent eyes. “That was amazing. The plants here are
so interesting.”


Joy leaps through my
chest. I want her to be happy here. The look on her sweet face says
that day is coming. “Yes, they are, little seema.” I personally
think she’s amazing and interesting.


Let’s move on to the last
type of plant I have. I think you’re going to like it.” I slide my
hand down from her shoulder to her lower back.


The feel of her warm flesh
under the sheer material has a new wave of lust washing over me. I
long to take her but know the time isn’t right. A slight shiver
runs through her as I caress the sensitive area above her butt. Her
arousal scents the air but only lightly. Since she’s learning to
take care of the plants, her being only slightly aroused is all I


We stop before the blue
vine growing near one of the living room windows. “This is a


I love the blue colors of
this one. The dark and light shades of blue on the leaves is
wonderful. Does it clean the air as well?” Her dark gaze never
leaves the plant as she asks her question.


I’m thrilled that she’s
interested in the plants. Although her quick acceptance of her new
home makes me wonder if she was totally alone on Earth. The thought
of her roughing it all by herself causes my heart to ache. She’s
here with me now. That’s all that matters.


I give her hip a small
squeeze before removing my hand from her delicate body. She shivers
and her gaze darts to mine. Not wanting to press her further, at
least not for the moment, I answer her question. “Yes, brists
filter our air. It is an indoor/outdoor plant. Most zaphinians have
at least one of these in their home. This one likes to be watered
all over. I think you’re going to like the plant’s reaction to
being wet. Go on, see what happens.”


Shortly after she starts
watering the blue leaves, the plant begins jiggling. I smile when
she gasps and her gaze darts to mine and then back to the


As she continues to spray
the wiggling plant, she says, “It looks like its dancing.” The
excitement in her voice fills me with happiness. She is a lovely


Yes, it does, little
seema.” I watch in wonder as she smiles beautifully while caring
for the active plant.


Earth’s plants are nothing
like these.” After she finishes watering the whole plant, she
watches it until the thing stops dancing. Her gaze shoots up to
mine. “Do all of the plants here do amazing things?” The awe in her
voice causes my heart to soften.


Most of them do. I never
really thought about how amazing the plants here are compared to
other planets. Thank you for showing me how special our plants are.
You are a good, seema.” The blush that spreads across her cheeks
makes me long to pinken her cheeks for a whole other reason. That
thought seems to be on a repeating loop in my brain.


A fresh wave of lust
spikes through my groin. She’s the most tempting female I’ve ever
been around. I take a deep breath but instead of it being calming
it’s filled with her unique scent. An aroma that makes me long to
bend her over the couch and take her.


Needing to be away from
her tempting body, I order, “Go around the house and water all of
the plants as I’ve shown you. I’ll be in my office doing some work.
If you have any questions, feel free to come in and ask.” Deep down
I hope she doesn’t come to me for a long cock cooling


Her face brightens as she
looks around for the next plant she’s going to water. I smile as I
walk down the corridor, passed my bedroom, and into my office. Her
delicious scent lingers on my hands. I sniff them and glory in the


My communicator goes off.
The sight of my brother, Von’s, code snaps me back to reality. Now
is not the time to be thinking of my little seema. As I answer my
brother’s call, I ground myself, she cannot be allowed to dominate
all of my thoughts.


I work from my office
until it’s time to prepare the midday meal. I’m more determined
than ever to teach her without letting her control my thoughts. I’m
supposed to be a warrior. My spirits lift as I remember that
controlling my urge to bed her will make me a stronger


Later, I find her in her
room fluffing a bright purple pillow that’s on her bed. She starts
when she realizes I’m in the doorway. I hide a grin and order,
“Come, seema. It’s time for you to learn to prepare my midday
meal.” At the expressions flitting across her face, I once again
note how cute she is.


Oh, okay. I’ll do my best.
I have to be honest though. I don’t have much experience cooking.
On Earth, I mostly just foraged for food in the woods.” As she
nears me, I gesture for her to lead the way.


The sway of her hips
causes desire to pool in my groin. I watch in fascination as her
taut butt muscles flex with every step she takes. The urge to toss
her on my bed and ride her hard rises up from deep within me. I
adjust my erection and move my gaze to her hair. The natural
highlights in her brunette hair catch my attention. The need to
pull her waist length hair back as she sucks my cock overwhelms


Her sweet chocolate gaze
captures mine a second after we arrive in the kitchen. Zyf! I want
her now but know I can’t have her just yet. Staying busy should
take the edge off my raging need. Using my commander voice, I start
teaching her how to prepare my meal as well as how much to prepare.
Her eagerness to learn pleases me—more than it should.


As we sit down to eat, her
gaze scans the table. “I can’t believe you can eat so much at one
time and not get sick.”


I hide a smile and gesture
toward her plate. “Eat, seema. Zaphinians are genetically born with
stomachs that digest a large meal slowly over an entire


She glances down at her
abdomen. “I wish humans were that way.”


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