Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1) (26 page)

Read Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1) Online

Authors: Pixie Moon

Tags: #'alien abduction, #scifi romance, #fururistic romance, #alpha male, #alien love, #otherworld romance, #innocent heroine, #kidnapped by an alien'

BOOK: Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)
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I look up into Zar’s
marvelous eyes and know I will be ready to change soon. He’s my
future. I have to get with the program.



~ Hallie ~




He stands and slaps the
cuff back on my wrist and then on his. I kind of like being
attached to him now. It feels right and good—very good. The corner
of his lips kicks up and approval lights his pretty


Warmth heats my veins. I’m
falling hard for him.


We’re going to our table
in the wrestling area tonight. Come, seema.” The command in his
tone has me melting as I follow him.


I wonder what the
wrestling area is. A small trip through the club is all it takes to
get to our destination. My jaw drops when I see a raised, padded
floor. Different hues of green and some silver lights gently strobe
the area. As I watch, a zaphinian male and a pink female, that is
the same species as Tling By, step up onto the floor. Zar leads me
to a table. His grunt and nudge draws my attention to him and then
to the others at the table.


A blast of heat sears my
cheeks. I must look like the most naïve seema ever. Smiles and
knowing looks greet me. I flush even hotter. Fuck. I hate being so


Go easy on
Hallie Mead. Every day you learn
something new which means you become less innocent. In time
you’ll be as educated as everybody else
, my logical side whispers soothingly.
She’s right. If I stay alert and learn as much as I can I’ll fit in
real soon.


Trying to act like other
seemas, I look into Din Von’s silver eyes. His gaze penetrates my
soul. I long to look away but know I better not. On Zaphin, looking
into the predator’s eyes is how you survive. Relief blasts through
me when he nods.


My gaze obediently moves
over to Din Ryk’s ice blue eyes. I swallow as the huge male looks
into my eyes. When he nods I quickly glance at Din Lor. His blue
and silver gaze locks mine in place. I hold my breath as I wait to
be released. A slight smile curls the corner of his mouth right
before he winks and then nods. When I start at his wink, laughter
rumbles from his chest. Damn, I forgot he’s a flirt.


Flustered, I next look at
the only female at the low table. Her blue gaze freezes mine. I
remember how tough she was in battle the day I came to Zaphin. Once
again I hold my breath. When she nods, I release it. I wish I could
remember her name. Her leather skirt and top look good on her—sexy
yet tough.


My gaze travels to the
last person at the table. He’s a mewmosian. I’m not sure what I’m
supposed to do. Din Zar puts is arm around me and gestures to the
female. “Din Treia LarPe, this is Hallie Mead, my


Din Treia nods, making
strands of her black hair brush her wide shoulders. My gaze is
drawn to the male sitting next to her. I barely withhold a gasp
when I notice that her hand is caressing the male’s erection which
is visibly outlined through his black briefs.


The male with Din Treia is
her seema, Lank,” Zar informs me in a formal tone.


My mouth falls opens when
I realize that Lank is to Din Treia what I am to Din Zar. A finger
pushing my jaw up snaps me out of my shock. Scrambling to find my
manners, I look into Lank’s light blue eyes and smile. The
mewmosian’s eyes light up as his bright pink lips split into a kind


Laughter pours from Din
Treia. “You’ve got yourself an innocent one this time,


Wildfire flames across my


She’s adorable, TocGar. I
see why you’re infatuated with her,” Din Treia says as she
continues to stroke her maroon seema’s erection. He shivers when
she strokes the hard flesh with more force.


Grunting and moaning from
the wrestling area has me looking in that direction. As I stare at
the couple on the padded floor, Zar pulls me into his lap and
starts stroking my thigh. A tremor dances down my spine. I hope he
truly is infatuated with me because I’m so attracted to him it


A whoosh of air coming
from the pink female on the padded area has me wincing. I look up
at Zar and whisper, “Is he hurting her? What species is she?” I’ve
forgotten what Tling By is, otherwise I’d know what the female is.
My mind can only retain so much in a short amount of


I look back at the
wrestling couple. My breath hitches when the zaphinian rolls onto
his back and locks his legs around the female’s. He’s got her hands
pinned with one of his and is now caressing her nipple with his
free hand.


Zar nuzzles my ear causing
heat to flare between my legs. His voice whispers across my ear
stoking the fire within me. “She’s a petrokian. They love rough
sex. Din Noleb FabKe would never hurt a plaything. What they’re
doing is normal here and it gives them both the release they need.”
He gestures toward his friends. “All of us have played on the


Shock and passion ripples
through me when Zar’s hand spreads my thighs and starts caressing
my slit. I watch in a state of surprised desire as Din Noleb flips
his prey over and then pulls his cock out of his pants and stabs it
into the petrokian’s lower back.


My eyebrows shoot up in
stunned disbelief. Din Noleb thrusts in and out of his pinned
prey’s body. The zaphinian’s lips caress the petrokian’s pink
shoulder tenderly as he continues to thrust into her. They both
seem to be enjoying the sensual yet rough sex.


I look up at Zar. He’s
smiling down at me. Heat infuses my cheeks as I realize he’s been
watching me. I remind myself that each new thing I learn helps me
fit in. Glancing back at the couple, I frown as I wonder how they
can have sex that way.


Looking back into Zar’s
amused gaze, I ask, “How is that possible? Shouldn’t he be blocked
by her spine? I think that would hurt but she doesn’t seem to be in
pain. It looks like she’s enjoying him entering her there.” I look
at my tablemates and see several of them grinning at me. A new wave
of heat blasts my cheeks.


Zar tugs my cuffed hand
effectively drawing my attention back to him. “Petrokians don’t
have spines. Their skin is what holds them up. Petrokians have
three entrances other than their mouths. Din Noleb is pleasuring
her back entrance. She has another one a little higher up on her
front side and another entrance between her legs.”


Din Lor leans in and grins
wickedly. “Petrokians are fun to play with. They do get testy if
they don’t get pleasured every day though.”


That’s true. Some of them
need a good fucking every few hours. That’s why they like to work
here,” Din Ryk states and then waves someone over.


I look up to see a smiling
Babshi walking over. She touches Lank’s shoulder as she passes by
him. I wonder if the mewmosians are friends. The smile they give
each other says they are. I’m happy for them.


The longing to be one of
them and find friends here fills me up and takes me by surprise. As
a wildling, I never desired friendship.
Girl, that’s because you couldn’t trust any of those
desperate humans
in your
, my logical side points out. She’s
right. Here on Zaphin people aren’t as desperate as they were on
Earth. They are happier and more relaxed. I’m lucky to be here
among these people.


Din Ryk pulls Babshi onto
his lap and whispers something into her ear. I look away and see
Lingma coming over. Looking around, I see that Din Von is grinning
wickedly at the pretty green being. The warrior’s attention is
drawn to Babshi as she properly addresses him. Zar only holds
Babshi’s gaze for a moment. It dawns on me that the longer they
know a person the quicker they release the person from their soul
searching gaze.


I watch Lingma get pulled
down onto Din Von’s lap. She smiles as she looks into his eyes. At
his nod, Lingma properly addresses all of the Dins at the table.
When she’s done she waves at me.


My heart warms up as I
wave back at the tasrocian. Babshi’s wave has me looking into her
friendly eyes. I wave at the mewmosian and hope sparks to life in
my heart.


Zar sniffs and nuzzles my
ear. “Yes, little one. You’ve already made some friends.” His hand
moves up and starts caressing my breast. Embarrassment burns my
nerve endings. In this seating arrangement, everyone can see what
the others are doing. I wish the table was taller.


A low growl comes from
Zar. “You don’t have a reason to be embarrassed, seema. Touch is
good for the body and mind. You’re going to have to get used to our
ways.” He nips at my ear causing me to tremble. “Look around. Touch
is natural and is to be enjoy at every opportunity.”


Covertly, I look around
and see the wrestling couple walking off the padded floor and
heading for a lounge. To my surprise, Din Noleb bends the female
over and spreads her legs wide. She tosses her head back and
shivers when the warrior lines his cockhead to the entrance between
her legs and thrusts forward burying his erection in her


I can’t hear the pink
skinned female over the music but she looks like she’s groaning as
she thrusts back into the male fucking her. Desire swirls through
my core.


I look over when I hear
Lingma groan. Din Von is rolling her nipples between his rough
fingers. She’s got her green tail wrapped around his wrist as
though she’s trying to keep his hand right where it is. For the
moment he’s letting her have her way. He rakes his bearded chin
along her neck and his vents flare when she shivers.


Din Ryk growls and shifts
Babshi so that he can kiss her neck. She rotates her maroon hips
and reaches down to touch Din Ryk’s erection. The warrior growls
low and nips at Babshi’s neck. I watch as he makes her stand next
to him.


I didn’t tell you to touch
me. Now strip and bend over my lap, plaything,” Din Ryk orders in a
commanding tone that has Babshi quickly stripping her top and skirt
off. With desire gleaming in her eyes, she drapes herself over his
lap and rests her hands of the floor.


Babshi’s curvy naked ass
is up high in the air. I’m embarrasses and turned on at the same
time. Zar inhales and his length grows harder. The pulsing shaft
under my ass has a new wave of lust coursing through me. My Din’s
rough fingers pinch and roll my taut nipple with increasing
pressure. An electrical pulse shoots straight to my


The slapping sound of Din
Ryk spanking Babshi’s rounded cheeks has my gaze darting to the
couple. I watch in fascination as Ryk’s large hand slaps her ass
again and then starts gently rubbing Babshi’s wounded flesh. Her
pink lips part as Babshi moans in pleasure.


The white jagged scar on
his left forearm reminds me that he’s a warrior and of how
important the club is to zaphinians. It’s better to be making love
than fighting in your down time. Ryk slaps her fleshy maroon bottom
a few more times and then soothes his hand lightly over her heated


Zar sniffs me and then
slides his hand down between my thighs. I gladly part them for him.
He growls in that approving way I love so much. As his fingers move
up and down my wet slit, he nips at my neck.


Din Ryk sniffs the air and
growls. “Spread your legs, plaything,” he commands


The pretty plaything
immediately does as she’s ordered. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever
seen. I wonder if that’s what I look like to Zar when I hurriedly
do as he commands. If so, that must be why he loves watching me
follow his commands. It’s fucking hot.


Mesmerized, I watch Din
Ryk smooth his hand up and then down Babshi’s back. She squirms and
he slaps her butt six times. When Babshi’s starts panting and her
arms begin to tremble, Ryk runs his fingers down her crack and then
pushes two of his thick fingers into her pussy. From here, I can
just make out the bright pink of her inner lips as his fingers pull
back. Against her maroon skin the pink is shocking and


As Zar continues to stroke
my damp folds, I stare at Din Ryk. He presses his fingers deep into
Babshi’s pussy and then stops. His powerful forearm muscles flex as
he moves his fingers inside of Babshi. The mewmosian is now moaning
and grinding against Ryk’s hand. He growls and his free hand rains
a few more blows down on her rounded cheeks. She tosses her head
back and cries out as her body stiffens and then shakes


Din Ryk soothes his hand
over her butt and lightly strokes the damp flesh between Babshi’s
thighs. When she’s calmer, the warrior lifts her up and flips her
around. He settles Babshi in his lap and croons in her ear as her
body trembles in the last throes of passion.

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