Highland Burn (4 page)

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Authors: Victoria Zak

Tags: #Dragon, #Dragon Shifter, #Dragon Shifters, #Dragons, #Highlander, #Historical Paranormal Romance, #Historical Romance, #Love Story, #Medieval Romance, #Medievel Romance, #Paranormal Romance, #Romace, #Scotland, #Scotland Highlands, #Scots, #Scottish Highland, #Scottish Medieval Romance, #Shifters, #Warrior, #Warriors, #Highland, #Highland Warriors, #Highlanders, #Highlands, #Romance, #Scotland Highland, #Scottish, #Scottish Highlander, #Scottish Highlands

BOOK: Highland Burn
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“So, ye be the princess of Scotland, aye?” Abigale froze at the sheer roughness of his tone.

He bent down and whispered in her ear. “What’s wrong, lass? Afraid of the Bogeyman?”

On the inside Abigale shook with fear, but on the outside she held firm. She caught her breath and nervously let it go before she answered him.

“Nay.” Slowly she lifted her veil, tilted her head back, and met his icy stare. “Ye can no be the man from the loch.”

It didn’t go unnoticed when she saw his brows slightly arch as if he was surprised as well. She must have had some kind of effect on the Bogeyman, because he broke their stare swiftly and began to circle her like an animal hunts its prey.

“And what makes ye think that?”

She swallowed hard to quench her dry throat. “The man at the loch… was a gentleman.”

Being this close, she could feel the warmth of his breath sweeping over her skin like a hot summer’s night. Her heart pounded so hard that she could feel it drumming against her chest. But what disturbed her the most was the desire heating up deep within her, waking up the flutter of butterflies in her stomach. Aye, this was indeed the same man.

Stopping in front of her, he lifted her chin. The coarseness of his skin reminded her of scales. He arched a black brow and pinned her hard with his amber eyes. “I’m most definitely the same man and I’ve no claimed to be a gentleman, lass.”

Chapter 3

Better to sit all night then to go to bed with a dragon. ~ Zen Proverb


James glanced down at their joined hands. A shaking, tiny hand sat perfectly in his palm as he finished muttering his vows and slipped a ring on Abigale’s fourth finger on her left hand. “I receive ye as mine,” he repeated and turned back to the priest who stood in front of the pulpit. Frankly, this whole process was taking way too long for James’s liking. He clasped his hands in front of him and shifted his weight on his heels. Damn, the priest had a lot to say. A simple “Aye” from both parties would suffice; no need for all these drawn out details.

A blinding glare caught his attention coming from Abigale’s left hand. He glanced at her hands, squinting from the sun reflecting off of her wedding band. He cursed silently. Abigale was his wife.

The priest motioned for them to kneel and bow their heads for the blessing. As the ending of the ceremony was closing in on James he realized what came next; consummating the marriage. Sweat began to form on his forehead. He needed to think of something quick, because in no manner was he going to lie with Abigale tonight. Without a doubt he felt her dread in every fiber woven within him; terror had shone through her eyes the moment she entered the kirk. Although his reputation would say differently of him, James was not the monster everyone made him out to be. He would not bed an innocent; not like this.

There was no other way around it, he had to fake the consummation and he had better make it look convincing, for he was going to have to lie to a priest. Since it was customary for the holy one to view the consummation, James had to have a fool-proof plan, but the real problem that lay ahead was convincing Abigale to play along. With her growing up in a nunnery it might not be that easy to persuade her to lie to a priest.

Mayhap he should bed her and be done with it. After all, Abigale’s beauty enticed him… beckoned him. Being his wife, she had to know what was expected of her. James pondered this thought a while until his bloody dragon began to pulse through his body reminding him of why he could not bed Abigale. Demons he wished not to speak of ran soul deep, too deep to be forgiven. Abigale deserved better.

“Ye may rise as I announce ye man and wife.” With his white robe billowing off his arms, the priest opened them over James and Abigale, embracing their marriage.

James hopped to his feet like his arse was on fire. As soon as Abigale was on her feet, James crouched down in front of her and flung her over his massive shoulder. The plan was in motion.

Tiny hands pounded at his back in protest. ”Put me down, James Douglas!” Abigale demanded.

Not listening to a word she was saying, James quit the kirk and made his way to Castle Douglas. As he maneuvered his way through the bailey, Abigale kicked at him, almost causing him to drop her. He slapped a firm, giant hand across her backside. “Enough or I’ll drop ye,” James warned.

“Ouch!” Abigale squealed and squirmed.

James dodged and weaved through the village; time was of the essence. He had to reach the bedchamber before the priest arrived. If he didn’t make it on time then there was no way around it, he would have to bed Abigale in front of the holy one and that could not happen.

Enormous wooden doors opened as James reached the keep of Castle Douglas. His brother, Archibald, stood opening the doors with a confused expression on his face as he looked at James.

“Don’t ask.” James glanced at his younger brother sternly.

Archibald shook his head and closed the doors behind him.

Walking right past his brother, James continued his way through the great hall until he reached the stairs leading to the second floor. With haste, his long muscled legs took the stairs two at a time until he reached the corridor. Abigale still protesting on his back, he ran down the corridor and slammed into a chambermaid. White linen sheets flew from the chambermaid’s hands and littered the floor. The force of the impact turned James’s body around and he now faced the maid. “Sorry lass,” he said breathing heavily. “Where’s the closest unoccupied bedchamber?”

The chambermaid, with a look of surprise on her face, clenched a white sheet to her chest, bowed her head and pointed down the hall. “My Laird, last door to yer left.”

There was no time for small talk as he quickly continued to close the distance between him and the nearest bedchamber.

“That-a-lass.” The maid called out and shook her head as if she wished it was her being hauled off to a room by a man such as the laird.

Finally, they reached the bedchamber. James shouldered the door open and quickly placed Abigale on her feet, shutting the door behind him.


Abigale stumbled a step back as she gained her balance. Her neatly shaped bun now hung in a ball of tangles. “James Douglas, I demand to know what’s going on.”

Raking her fingers through her hair, she tried to tame her mass of locks, while her head spun. One moment she was kneeling in front of the priest and then the next she was swept off her feet and carried through the village like a sack of oats. What was going on?

“James?” Abigale harrumphed when he ignored her request.

Without replying, James peeked out of the small window of the chamber’s door.

“Who are ye looking for?” Realization hit her like a stone to the head… the priest.

Oh dear God, she had to bed her husband. Even though she knew this day would come it didn’t mean she had to like it. Abigale’s heart began to race and her palms began to sweat as she started to panic. The man who stood before her was intimidating and intense, but not as vile as she had imagined. Though she couldn’t help but feel that he wasn’t too fond of her.

What if it hurt? What if she couldn’t please him? Worse yet, what if she repulsed him? Every bit of her skin beaded with sweat and her stomach went queasy. Innocent and never being with a man before, Abigale was scared, and completely confused by this man’s actions.

Quickly James strode over to Abigale and without saying a word he grabbed her arm and spun her so that her back was facing him. Two large hands grabbed the back of her dress at the neckline and started to rip the material in two. Blessed Mary, he was going to be rough with her. She squeezed her eyes closed, trying to fight back the tears.

A loud rip echoed throughout the bedchamber. On weakened legs, Abigale tried to escape James’s grip, but it was of no use, he was too powerful for her to fight. “Stop, please, my Laird,” she pleaded. “Please… not like this.”

Abigale was swiftly turned around so she had to face him. Her dress barely hung from her shoulders and tears filled her deep blue eyes.

“I dunno how much time we have before the priest arrives.” He ripped Abigale’s dress off of her and flung it on the floor. She stood naked from the waist up.

Her eyes wide, her body trembling, Abigale’s arms immediately flew across her chest trying hard to cover herself.

James tugged his tunic off at the same time he hurried to remove his boots. “Unless ye want to bed me lass, we have to make it look like we’ve consummated our marriage.”

“I dinnae understand.” Abigale stood confused. “Are ye telling me we are going to lie and say we’ve consummated the marriage? Lie to a priest?” This was a mortal sin, lying… to a priest of all people. She would be stripped of grace, condemned to damnation unless she confessed.


Abigale shook her head in disbelief. “’Tis a sin. I can no do it.” Was he really asking her to choose between her virginity and faith?

James advanced on Abigale, making her take a step back. “Maybe in your world ‘tis a sin but not in mine. I know ye dinnae want to bed me, but the fact is, Abigale, sometime ye must stretch the truth.”

Either way she would have to bed her husband, if not tonight then when she confessed her sin. Question still unanswered.
Abigale Bruce what do ye value most your virginity or faith?
Mayhap a little lie now, confess later was her best option right now.

Holding James’s amber depths, Abigale, with remorse, tugged the St. Andrew’s cross from around her neck and dropped it to the floor. She closed her eyes and prayed for forgiveness as she listened to the ping of the cross hitting the floor.

At that time a loud rap on the chamber’s door broke their attention. Their heads snapped toward the door… the priest.

Quickly James bent down in front of her and shoved his hands up her skirts. Callused yet gentle hands slid up her thighs sending an erotic sensation through her body and settling between her legs. Oddly enough, her body began to ache for his touch so much that she almost forgot about the priest. Her hands slowly started to leave her breasts. All she could think about was wanting to plunge her fingers through his hair, and draw him in closer so she could feel his bare skin next to hers
. So, this is lust
, she thought. How quickly he had turned her into a wanton woman.

He unsheathed the dirk strapped to her thigh and dropped her skirt. “Good lass.” He smirked.

Before he let her go he bent down and whispered in her ear, “Start moaning.”

Confusion swept her face. “What?”

Both of them looked at each other bringing Abigale out of her lustful daze. James nodded, motioning for her to start moaning.

“Oh, my Laird,” Abigale moaned uncomfortably but convincing enough.

“Good lass,” he whispered with a smile.

All the while Abigale moaned a series of my Lairds, she watched James. With the dirk in one hand he had slit the other until blood dripped to the floor. Racing to the bed he pulled the blankets and furs back until he reached the crisp white linen sheet. Immediately he ripped the sheet from the bed and stained it with his blood.
Perfect evidence
, Abigale thought. He really had thought of everything, for the bloody material looked as if he had in fact penetrated her maidenhood and consummated the marriage. The priest would never know the difference.

As James went forth with his plan, he gestured for her to climb in the bed. Happy to oblige, the moaning ceased and Abigale slipped into bed pulling the covers up to her chin. Somehow being shrouded under the soft furs made her feel protected as if she was invisible. Oh how she wished she could sink further into the blankets.

Peeking over the edge of the fur, her eyes never left James. With the bloodstained sheet in hand, he walked over to answer the door. Before he cracked the hatch he untied his trews and disheveled his hair. This man had thought of everything, Abigale mused. He threw the stained sheet and her ripped wedding dress at the priest then slammed the door.

The priest left as quickly as he came.

James had been right, she did not want to bed him, not after the last couple of days she had been through. Her mind was confused and muddled; one moment she had freedom then the next it was taken away. She had met a beautiful man at the loch only to find out that he was the Bogeyman she was to marry. When James brought her up to the bedchamber she'd thought for sure he would stake his claim, take her roughly, and rob her of everything she held sacred. Men like him took what they wanted and didn’t care who they hurt in the process
yet he had showed her mercy. Her nerves threatened to break down and shatter.
Dear Lord, please just make him leave.


James leaned his back against the door and sighed in relief. The priest was gone, but he still felt like an arse for making Abigale choose between her virginity and her faith. Even though it was her choice, he couldn’t shake the feeling; he almost wished he had made the choice for her, to bed the lass and be done with it. After seeing her flawless, peachy skin, her full breasts, and touching her soft thighs, it wouldn’t have taken much to change his mind. Like the greedy beast he was he would have taken everything she offered, if she was offering. This is why the lass had to go, he could not be trusted around her and he could feel his self-control slipping away.

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