Highland Shadows (Beautiful Darkness Series Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Highland Shadows (Beautiful Darkness Series Book 1)
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His breath quickened when she lifted her nose. She had smelled them. In a flash, he dragged Hamish behind the tree line just as her keen eyes turned their way. His breath hitched when he glimpsed their sky blue luminescence and her flawless skin. Desire snaked through him as she shifted back to a wolf and bounded away.



Cora stood outside the narrow door, which blended into the castle wall. Her powerful eyes scanned the surrounding hills. She did not know what she had smelled out on the moors, but she knew it had not followed. With confidence, she looked away. Fear would no longer be her guide. She could trust her instincts, and at that moment, she was far from danger. Turning back to face the door, her heart quickened. Alex, on the other hand, was close at hand.

She pulled open the door and slipped inside. Her body still trembled with excitement as she reached for her kirtle draped on the first steps, steps that would bring her to her husband’s room. She closed her eyes and inhaled Alex’s scent. Eager to see him, she started to pull the fabric over her head, but then she stopped. A smile curved her lips.

Dare she?

Her body still burned with the power of the wolf and the thrill of the night.

Grasping her kirtle in one hand, she mounted the stairs. Her hips took on a sultry swing. She would be true to herself with the one man she knew would accept her. When she reached the narrow door she pushed it open.

Her eyes flitted to the warm fire that blazed in the hearth, then to the open window, and then to the man who was sitting up in bed, staring at her.

“Please God, tell me I’m not dreaming,” Alex said, his voice low and husky.

A wicked smile curved her lips as she tossed her kirtle aside. She crossed the room, slowly. Her hands caressed her taut, lean body. She pulled her shoulders back, thrusting her full breasts out while she stared hard into his beautiful mismatched eyes. His tongue darted out and licked his lips. His eyes ravished her sleek form like a predator ready to pounce, making her whole body ache and throb. She hungered for his touch. His body grew hot and hard. Her own body burned, but instead of fighting it and being afraid of the fire, she savored it, reveling in the heat.

She stood in front of the bed, eying the blanket covering just above his hips. Her eyes raked over his strong, thickly muscled chest and arms, and the beauty of his chiseled stomach. Her eyes traveled past his hips and stopped to feast on the hard length of him, which the blanket could not hide.

Hunger surged through her, and she felt her teeth sharpen. She ran her tongue across her pointed canines while she stepped onto the bed and stood in front of him. Her hands skimmed down her waist, following the curve of her hips. Then she knelt and slowly crawled toward him, easing the blanket down his hips as she moved. Her heart pounded. Her body blazed. A growl rent the air, but it was not she who made the sound.

Alex gritted his teeth and reached for her, pulling her into his arms. He kissed her with wild abandon. His fingers roamed over her body, teasing her nipples, coursing down her waist, and then at last stroking her heat. She cried out when he slipped his finger deep inside her. She flung her head back and straddled him, letting his touch plunge deeper. She arched her back, running her fingers over her full breasts, but his lips forced her hands away, drawing a nipple into his mouth.

“Harder,” she cried.

He growled again and tossed her off of him, pushing her back onto the bed. His fingers pulled on her nipples. Then his tongue and teeth raked across their hard, taut peaks. His hands squeezed her hips as his lips and tongue trailed down her stomach. And then his mouth hovered above her warmth, and she watched him inhale her scent. She arched her back as the ache within her begged for relief. His tongue delved inside of her, driving her wild. She hungered for the ache. She wanted to shatter. Her fingers gripped the bed, tearing at the sheet.

“I want ye,” she cried. She reached down and grabbed his shoulders, pulling his weight over her. She writhed beneath him, spreading her thighs apart, arching into his warmth.

“Open your eyes,” he said, his voice hoarse. Her eyes flipped opened and locked with his. “I want to watch your face while I make ye mine.”

She felt the tip of his hardness against her wet heat, and then slowly he pressed into her. She closed her eyes and jerked her head to the side as sensation gripped her. But then his hand forced her head straight.

“Open your eyes,” he growled.

She opened her eyes. Her hands reached up and cupped his face while he slowly sank inside her. And then he stopped.

She gritted her sharp teeth at him, thrusting her hips, but he continued to stare hard into her eyes while she writhed beneath his still, taut body. It was exquisite pain, a torture that drove her need higher and higher. A wicked smile curved his lips as he slowly eased his body out of hers—slowly, so slowly until his hard length pulled free and a rush of cool air caressed her. She cried out and gripped his shoulders. Agonizing pain shot through her, and then at last he thrust into her, hard. And then again, harder. She wrapped her legs around his hips. Arching against him, she lifted her hips to meet each thrust. The higher she rose, the greater the ache. Then her body seized. Shuddering, she cried out against the release that tore through her. Sweat dripped from his body, pooling with hers, and at last he cried out and poured himself into her.



Morning light drifted through the open window, alighting upon the long, trim leg draped across Alex’s waist. The fire had long since burnt out. Crisp air chilled his lungs. He could see his breath with each exhale. Still, he did not feel cold. Cora’s body warmed him to his core. What’s more, all he had to do was think of the night before and heat coursed through him. She had been wild with the strength of an animal kept just beneath the surface. They had preyed on each other’s bodies, loving the other without restraint.

She stirred beside him. He snuggled close, savoring the warmth that came off of her in constant waves. Her lids lifted and sleepy blue eyes looked up at him. He smoothed her tangled, golden hair away from her porcelain skin. She had the face of an angel, the strength of a predator, the soul of a saint, and the passion of a woman unleashed.

“Dear God above, but I love ye.” The words fell from his lips as naturally as the breath that followed.

She threw her arms around him, squeezing hard. “I love ye, too.”

The might of her arms choked the breath from his lungs. “A bit too hard,” he blurted, straining to say the words.

“Forgive me.” She loosened her grip. “I forgot.”

He arched his brow at her. “Ye forgot that ye could likely break me in half.”

Blushing, she said, “I could. Does that bother ye?”

He shook his head, pulling her warm body fully onto his. Her breasts pressed against his chest. “Ye’re a miracle, my miracle,” he said, growing serious. He stared into her sky blue eyes and then slowly kissed her with all the love and desire he felt pulsing though him.

Her skin burned, beckoning his touch, but he drew away. “I want to savor every inch of your body. But first, I must replenish my strength to keep up with yours.” He sat up, taking her in his arms, and then he swung his legs off the side of the bed and cradled her.

“Will ye come downstairs with me?” he asked.

A spark glinted in her eye. For a moment he thought she would join him, but then she shook her head. “Nay, my love, not today. Forgive me, but I’m not ready.”

He smiled and pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’m a patient man.” Then he set her on her feet and crossed to his wardrobe. From inside, he withdrew a sapphire blue tunic. He turned with the dress draped over his arms.

“I had this made for ye when ye first arrived.” He set it on one of the chairs near the window. “There it shall remain. And when ye’re ready, ye can dress and surprise me one morning in the great hall.”

Cora touched the fabric, a soft smile curving her lips. “I love it.” She threw her arms around his neck. He cupped her face and looked her hard in the eye. “Ye’ve made me whole,” he breathed. Then he kissed her long and hard. Tearing his lips from hers, he set her away from him.

“Truly, if I do not eat, I am going to fall flat on my face.”

She helped him dress, tying the inner cord of his plaid tightly around his waist. Then she buckled his belt around the outside and draped the extra folds over his shoulder. “There,” she said. “Go be laird, but do not forget about me.”

He smiled wickedly. “There’s no magic strong enough to will ye from my mind, not after last night.”

He turned back when he reached the door. “Shall I have your things moved here until your door can be repaired?”

“Nay,” she said.

He turned away not wishing her to see his disappointment. If she were not ready to leave the comfort of her room, he would not force her.

“I can move my own things.”

He looked back at her with unconcealed surprise.

“And ye need not rush to have the door fixed. If ye don’t object, I want nothing more than to share this room with ye.”

His heart raced. Crossing the room, he kissed her, slowly at first and then deeper. “Food can wait,” he said and tossed her on the bed.


~ * ~


That night Cora followed Alex again down the staircase to the hidden door. This time, however, he joined her as they both stepped out into the night. She allowed him to lead her to the stables where he showed her the progress they had made since her coming. She stayed just inside the gates, fearing the wolf within her would make the animals nervous, but she admired how Alex managed them. The horses strained to reach him, leaning out of their stalls. Even the barn owls swooped down to be closer. Cora could not blame them. She wanted nothing more than to disappear in his arms. His presence alone chased away fear.

She laughed when he flinched. One of the owls had flown down from the rafters to make a nest of his thick, black hair. “Is there something on my head?” he asked, straight-faced. Her laughter rang out. She forgot herself and crossed the stables. Standing on the tips of her toes, she plucked the owl from his head and opened her palms to set it free. But instead of flying away, it jumped to her shoulder.

“Ye’ve made a friend,” he said.

She smoothed the bird’s soft feathers against her cheek. “I’ve not had a friend for a long time.”

Promising to return, she blew kisses to the animals before following Alex outside. They crossed the courtyard arm and arm. All was quiet. Everyone slept but for the garrison who kept watch atop the tall battlements. Passing through the front gate, he led her up the steps of the keep. She had not been inside the great hall since the morning they arrived. Fresh rushes lined the floors, mingling with the scent of lavender. She could not hide her delight when she saw her tapestries lining the walls. The chairs and tables were crafted of sturdy oak, but she noticed none of the pieces were painted or adorned with fabric.

“Ye could use a woman’s touch in here.”

He ran his thumb down her cheek. “All in good time.”

Her arms stretched to reach around his neck. She lost herself in his exquisite eyes. He kissed her, tenderly at first, but then it deepened. Their hearts thundered in her ears as he pressed the back of her thighs against one of the long tables.

“Not here,” she said when she felt him tug on her skirt. “I’ve not seen any of your servants since I arrived, and even then I do not believe I spoke a word to anyone. I would rather their first real impression of me at least be dressed.”

“The tour is over then.” He brought his arm under her legs and carried her beyond the high dais and up the stairs to his rooms where he made her forget all about being lady of the keep.


~ * ~


They lay with legs entwined. Alex’s even breaths calmed her soul. She loved to watch him sleep. She leaned over to press a kiss to his lips but then froze. She sat up and trained her ear toward the hidden door. Someone had just entered from the outside. Her heart pounded. Feet padded up the stairs. Her head jerked back to Alex. She considered waking him, but then she changed her mind. In the end, she was stronger, faster, and naturally better armed than her beloved.

Easing from bed, she tiptoed toward the door. She froze, catching the intruder’s scent. It was unmistakably that of a wolf like her. She dashed toward the door and jerked it open. The intruder retreated. She raced down the stairs. Reaching the empty landing, she kicked the door open and stepped out into the snow. Only strides away, stood a man. He was tall, taller even than Alex with the same coal black hair. His shoulders stretched broad and bare. A plaid hung low on his hips and his bare feet sunk into the snow.

“Who are ye?” she said.

“I would ask ye the same question, but I believe ‘tis safe for me to assume ye’re my brother’s new wife.”

She gasped. “Ye’re Murdock?”

Alex’s brother was a wolf?

He eyed her, his head cocked to one side as he closed the distance between them. He did not stop until their bodies touched. She stared up into his luminous blue eyes that glowed with an inhuman light.

He cupped her cheeks in his large hands. She had to meet his gaze. He gave her no choice. He resembled Alex with his strong jaw. His appeal might have been undeniable were it not for his eyes. They mirrored darkness. The weight of his troubled heart surrounded her. He was hard. Despite how she searched, she could find no trace of joy in his eyes. He leaned close, causing her to tremble, and pressed his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply. Her breath hitched when he stepped closer still and the hard strength of his body pressed against hers. His heart beat strong and even in her ear, and his scent surrounded her with its male potency. She felt his hot breath on her skin and shivered though she felt no cold. He shifted his head then, once more looking down at her. His hand stroked down her cheek with a gentleness that surprised her.

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