Highland Tigress (Tiger Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Highland Tigress (Tiger Series)
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Cara came to the daze where she would be seated with her father and, she shuttered, Ramsey. As she made her way though, she felt six pairs of masculine eyes on her. The hall fell silent and she felt her face warm.

“Cara,” Liam whispered.
Lauchlan stopped in mid sentence.
“Aye, there she is.”
“Lauchlan, I mean you no disrespect, but that lass is nay yer daughter.”
“Nay, only in my heart. I took her to protect her,” he whispered.
“Aye, well, her safety is in question if she stays here.”

“Aye, Lad. I feel it too. I am to give her over to the McKenzie to save my own clan. I’m not able to do it though. I would see everyone here in their grave before I could give her over to him.”

“He’ll kill her, ye ken?”

“Aye, he will. I have a plan in place. Your arrival will only aid what has already been prepared. Will ye speak with me after we dine?”

“Aye, I will.”

Cara heard the last part as she came to her seat and felt hope stir in her breast again. These men were to be her salvation, she was certain of it.


“Ah, Cara, come and great our guest.”

Lauchlan greeted his beloved daughter and led her to the seat beside Liam. This was an insult to Ramsey. She was to share a trencher with their guest instead of her intended.

“This is Liam McNeal, Laird of McNeal Clan.”
Her eyes widened when she realized this was the very man she was to go in search of.
“It is an honor sir,” she said formally.
“Mine alone lass,” Liam replied meeting her eyes as he placed his lips on her knuckles.

When his lips met her skin Cara’s knees went weak. She sank into hr seat helplessly and stared into his face. He retained her hand and continually rubbed her knuckles with his wide thumb.

Cara felt struggled for breath as her body trembled.
Liam smiled broadly. “Aye, Lass. Ye feel it too, do you not?” Liam whispered close to her ear.
“Aye, I do. What is it? Have ye infected me then?” She asked shaken.
“Nay, Lass,” Liam said and chuckled. “’Tis desire, my bonnie lass, and it is strong between us.”

“Nay,” she insisted, horrified. “I am to marry another. That would be too cruel of fate to let me feel this for ye and never to have it satisfied.”

“Nay, Cara. Ye’ll marry none but me, and I swear to ye lass that I will satisfy all yer needs.” He said and again caressed her knuckles with his lips. “I will find a way. Fear not, my dear one, all will be well.” He whispered again and stiffened as Ramsey entered the hall.

“What is the meaning of this?” Ramsey insisted glaring at Liam who still held Cara’s hand.

“Calm yerself McKenzie,” Liam said in a calm voice. “The lass only wishes to spend the evening with a mon not a dog, such as yerself.”

“You will regret this Cara.” Ramsey insisted.

“Nay, I will not accept punishment for what is not my own design.” Cara said bravely, even though her voice tried to quiver.

Ramsey drew back his hand to slap her, but found the blade of Liam’s claymore at his throat. The huge sword did not even quiver as Liam held it close enough to draw a small trickle of blood.

“You should rethink your actions I think,” Liam cautioned in a quiet voice.
Ramsey snarled an inhuman sound that made Cara shiver.
“Be sure you know who you threaten, McNeal,” Ramsey snarled.
“Och, we knew the moment we entered and smelled yer foul stench,” Liam said casually.
At his words the hall erupted in vicious snarls. Liam knew they were outnumbered, but he refused to back down.

“Now Lads,” Lauchlan soothed. “We simply did not know if you would dine with us tonight. No insult was intended. The McNeal has been our friend for many years. In my excitement at seeing my guests I forgot Cara’s proper place, but as it is done now, shall we enjoy our meal in peace?”

Ramsey snarled again. “I will not share a meal with a McNeal or those like him. I will retire to my chamber until they are gone. See that young Alice comes to me. She will see to my needs nicely.” He smiled evilly. “Cara, while these undesirables are in residence I will insist that my men guard you. I would be displeased if you were spoiled before our wedding. Oh, and Cara, I have not forgotten that you disobeyed me. If I tell you to come to me, you will or I will have my men drag you.” He then left the hall and was followed closely by several of his men.

“Father, he will kill me,” Cara said to her father.
“Nay daughter. It will not come to that. Now you must eat all you can. I fear you will need your strength this night.”
Cara nodded and tried to eat.

Liam again reached for Cara’s hand as if he couldn’t help himself. He placed another kiss on her hand, this time on her palm and he was pleased when she again shivered.

She used the dirk Lauchlan had given her to cut her meat.

“Cara, what is that you have there?” Liam asked curiously. The dirk resembled one he had given to his friend many years ago. He knew that she was his mate, but her possession of this dirk brought it all crashing down on him.

“My father gave it to me,” she looked puzzled, “well, that is to say Lauchlan gave it to me. He said it belonged to my real father, although I didn’t know him as anything else until a few days ago.”

Her confusion and hurt tore at something in Liam that he did not recognize.

“Aye Lass, ‘twas yer father’s. I know, because I gave it to him myself. ‘Twas a wedding present.” He said in a voice that told her he was lost in memories. “It was precious to me, for I had taken it in my first raid. I gave it to honor your parents on their wedding day. Yer father was my dearest friend. I thought you were lost to me as weel. I admit I suffered greatly at the thought.” He smiled down at her lovely face and she saw the sorrow he still carried.

“So, you are the man my mother spoke of sending me to then?”
“Aye. ‘Tis me she spoke of.”
“Will you fulfill your oath and protect me then?”

“With my very life,” he bent his head and placed a kiss on her warm cheek and such feelings swam through her that she could not hold back the moan that escaped her lips.

“How? What shall we do?”

“Leave it to me, Lass. I will explain everything very soon, but understand this one wee thing,” he took her chin in his large rough hand, “I will never lose you again. That I do add to my vow. I will honor ye, and I will love ye all yer life.”

She was astonished. This rough highlander spoke to her of love and he’d only just met him. She scowled up at him.

“How can you profess your love for me, having only just laid eyes on me? I do not believe such things can be done. What are you after?”

Liam was stung. “I am after only you Cara, as you were given to me by your mother and father before your birth. I cannay explain it all here, but we are destined to be bound as one forever. It cannay be changed.”

She inhaled deeply and tried to fight off the feelings that swamped her. “So I am to be taken from one man only to be given to another? What is the difference then?” She started to rise, but Liam caught her arm.

“The difference is you were made for me as I was for you. I will care for you. McKenzie will use and destroy you for his pleasure. I ken that you are verra confused, but you were entrusted to me by yer parents. I will not go back on my word.”

Cara sighed and tried to finish her meal. The tension between her and Liam was unbearable and it wasn’t all anger. Her body was warm and moist in the most uncomfortable places and Liam kept watching her and breathing deeply. Was he smelling of her? She was miserable. She finally ate all she was able and began to rise again, but again found Liam restraining her.

“I am finished with my meal. Would you kindly let me go?”
She huffed. “God’s teeth you are frustrating!”
Liam chuckled loudly and Cara noticed his men were watching and wore huge smiled.

“Cara, it is nay safe for ye to be off on yer own with a mon such as Ramsey in the place. You’ll wait until you can be escorted by someone we can trust.”

“This is my home! I will go where I please, when I please.” She tried to rise again and again he pulled her back to her seat.

“Nay lass you will not. As I said I will see to yer safety. When we are safely home you may again have yer freedom, but until I am certain that you will come to no harm, ye’ll be watched carefully.”

“This is the most ridiculous and persecuting demand that I have ever heard and I will not stand for it.”

“Aye ye will Lass or ye’ll find yer wee arse stinging from my hand. I will not see you in the hands of that monster, McKenzie.

“You wouldn’t dare strike me,” she said in a low tone, almost a growl that shocked even her. She then looked to her father who wore a look of stern disapproval. He was agreeing with Liam!

Liam looked at her glowing green eyes and watched as they became that of her cat. He then smiled broadly and enfolded her in his arms. Before she could even protest Liam had pulled her across his lap and kissed her deeply. She gasped and then moaned as she felt his hands move on her back. Her breasts pressed flat against the hard planes of his chest. His chest rumbled with a low growl and she could feel the most shattering feeling of ecstasy envelope her. She could barely breathe when she heard her name being called as if from a great distance and realized it was her father calling her.

“Cara, I think it is time for you to retire.” He said sternly, but a smile twinkled in his loving eyes.

Cara shook her head, trying to clear it and tried to stand, but her legs refused to support her and she collapsed into Liam’s waiting arms. His chuckle along with the roar of approval from the men in the Hall brought her out of her daze and she turned to glare at him. She found that she could not be cruel to him however. His amber eyes swirled with desire and his smile held genuine feeling. She found herself smiling back at him before she found her feet. She saw that the man she had feared so, stood and made to escort her and she turned again to Liam.

“I can find my own way. I do not need a nurse maid. There is no need for him to leave his trencher.”

“Nay, lass. It is what will be. He will see to it that no harm come to ye,” then he whispered, “and he’ll tell me how to find ye should the need arise.” He chuckled at her blush.


“Nay, Lass,” he shook his head sadly. “I’ll not come to ye unless ye wish it.”

She stood still and tried to stop the tingle that raced down her spine at the thought of Liam McNeal coming to her chamber. Moisture seeped down her thighs and she saw Liam inhale again.

“Aye, it appeals to me too, but not this night. Your safety is more important than my needs at the moment. This is Darren,” he introduced as the huge Scott stepped to her side, “he will protect you while I speak with yer father.” He leaned close to her ear again and his words were barely more than wind. “Be ready. Pack a small bundle and hide it well. There may be a need to flee this place verra soon.”

She looked up at him with eyes wide and nodded. She had done that very thing days ago at the insistence of her father, but she was to wed on the morrow. Time was dwindling away. They must escape and tonight.




Darren escorted Cara to her chamber. With each step he felt her fear for him grow until he could no longer hold himself back.
“Why do you fear me?”
“Because you can read my thoughts. I don not like it.” Cara faced him on the stairs and honestly stated.
“I only seek to calm and protect you. I would never hurt you.”

“I feel that you are being truthful, but I feel also that there will come a time when you will have to make a choice between my life and that of another. I feel that you will not make the right choice, and I will suffer for it. I don’t understand it myself, but that is what my mind tells me.”

Darren stood completely still. Would he face this choice? Would this be part of the deal with the wolf to save Eva? Could he sacrifice Liam’s mate for his own. He prayed he would not be forced to make such a choice.

“Lady Cara. Liam is my Laird and I have sworn my allegiance to him. Each of us follows him because we seek leadership and he gives it. We have all suffered the destruction of our own clan and Liam has accepted us into his as family. He allows us to keep our honor. Our people are dying. I would never harm ye or allow ye to be harmed, even if it meant my own death,” he swallowed hard, “or the death of my mate. I will never betray you.”

Cara smiled at this fierce warrior and slowly nodded. “I do know that. Somehow I do, but I do feel that there will be a time when your choice will perhaps seem like a mercy. I will ask you to also trust in me to know what is best for me.” She smiled as he raised one eyebrow. “Nay not in folly, but in serious matters that may concern me. I am not fool hardy and I do think things through. I ask your allegiance in this.”

He nodded. “I will try. It will not be easy to see you in danger and I may falter in this, but I will try to protect you without hindering you.”

“I will accept this and ask no more.”
Cara turned and made her way to her chamber.

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