Hinekiri (13 page)

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Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #sci-fi romance, #aliens, #alien contact, #New Zealand

BOOK: Hinekiri
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“They must have a heap of gardeners and a hell of an irrigation system,” Richard said.

“Let’s check-in.”

Her cheeks were flushed with excitement, visible through the layer of dust on her face. Her violet eyes sparkled. “Killer, would you mind guarding the Maximus for me?”


“Should we take the bags?” she asked.

“Yeah.” Richard unhooked and swung them off the back of the three-wheeler.

Killer remained, her eyes darting from side to side. “I keep safe.”

Richard stood back to let Hinekiri go first and so he could appreciate the view. Her hips swung from side to side, drawing a rapid reaction from Richard. His cock lengthened a fraction, enough that he averted his gaze and tried to dredge up anything that would reverse the Hinekiri effect. Wrong time.
. The thought brought an even stronger reaction in his body. Richard cursed under his breath. Hell, his cock hadn’t acted this unruly since he was a randy teenager. His curse turned to an internal chuckle. Heck, perhaps he shouldn’t complain. Some men his age couldn’t get it up at all.

A doorman dressed in a garment of Masai red opened the double doors with alacrity. He nodded respectfully when they entered, his colorful beaded necklace swinging against his dark skin.

The gentle swish of ceiling fans circulated the air, making it fractionally cooler than it was outside. Tribal masks hung on the wall over to his right, their features fierce and gruesome. To his left, he glimpsed the restaurant, a shop selling clothing and another that sold souvenirs, books and chocolate. A display of spears and shields decorated the walls near the shops while outside there was a stunning display of black-and-white photos depicting animals.

Richard hoped they were for sale. He’d love to take a couple home as a memento of his trip. His fellow board members would be envious and Richard regretted that he’d have to keep the highlights and memories to himself. Apart from Luke, he thought, brightening. He could tell Luke everything. Memories of hot sex slid stealthily into his mind. Make that almost everything. A man couldn’t share some things with his son.

They stepped up to reception and lined up behind an English couple who had arrived before them.

Alongside the reception desk, there was an area devoted to booking tours around the park, with suggestions of things to do. A large white board showed the animals spotted each day. Richard scanned the impressive list with growing excitement. Leopard. Cape Buffalo. Elephant. Wildebeest. Zebra. Lion. Warthog. Various birds.

The English couple finished and Hinekiri and Richard stepped forward.

Hinekiri smiled. “We have a booking under Hinekiri Haliburton-Oxnam.”

“Welcome to Sunset Lodge,” the woman said in a rich, melodious voice. She perused an old-fashioned leather-bound book, running her forefinger down a list of names. “Ah yes. A private cabin. May I see a passport, please?”

Hinekiri turned to him with wide eyes and a frown.

“I have mine.” Richard stooped and undid the side pocket of one of the bags. “Here you go.”
Wow, that was a mouthful—if it was real. He’d thought she’d said her name was Jones—probably not important in the sum of things, but it would be nice to know her real name.

The woman opened it and glanced at his photo and name before lifting her head to study his face. She smiled. “You are from New Zealand.”

“That’s right,” Richard said.

“Do you know any All Blacks?” she asked, her expression one of fervent hope.

“I’m afraid not.” Richard had watched New Zealand’s national rugby team play at Eden Park in Auckland on several occasions but didn’t know any of them in person.

With a moue of disappointment, the woman handed him back his passport before producing a white card for them to complete. Hinekiri slid it across the wooden desk to him and the woman gave him a pen. “Breakfast is from five until ten. Lunch is from twelve to three and dinner starts at seven. You can organize tours at the desk. There is an information pack in your room and if you have any questions, please contact us at reception.”

Once he’d filled out the card with details of name, address and passport number, the woman made a notation in the leather-bound book, filed the card and gestured at a waiting man. “Cabin eight, Jonah,” she said.

Jonah rushed forward to pick up their bags. “This way, please.”

Hinekiri hesitated. “What about Killer?” Her voice was low so the porter couldn’t overhear.

“We’ll get her as soon as we know where our cabin is situated.”

Hinekiri nodded and followed Jonah outside and along a cobblestone path. They walked for several minutes and stopped when they reached a cabin at the very end near the boundary fence.

“You have a view of the waterhole.” Jonah opened the door to the cabin. “Is very beautiful.”

He placed the bags down on a special luggage rack and took them on a quick, guided tour. Shades of brown with touches of cream, yellow and orange to brighten the earth tones decorated the interior. An oil painting of a herd of elephants hung on one wall.

Richard noted a group of low, comfortable chairs in a semicircle with a view over the waterhole. No need for an entertainment center when nature provided such a spectacular view outside. The floor consisted of brown tiles with thick mats woven with the same vivid and colorful patterns Richard had seen on the shields displayed on the wall at reception. There was a small kitchenette area with a fridge, which would come in handy to store food for Killer, and tea and coffee-making facilities so he could make a cup of tea when he wanted one. The bedroom was huge with another set of double doors that opened onto a verandah. Cane outdoor furniture sat ready for use. Richard imagined sitting out there prior to sunset with a cool drink. James, one of Luke’s friends, had told him about the spectacular sunsets he’d seen in Africa. Now he’d be able to witness them himself.

“Thank you,” Hinekiri said.

Jonah stepped outside and shut the door behind him, leaving Hinekiri and Richard alone.

Hinekiri sighed in happiness. “It’s beautiful.” She studied the shimmering waters of the waterhole. An elephant stood knee-deep in water, happily splashing while another rolled in the mud at the edge. Half a dozen wildebeest stood at the water’s edge, nervously drinking and alert for danger. “We get a private game drive as part of the package. Hopefully the driver won’t mind taking Killer along.” She grinned a toothy grin. “I’m sure I can persuade him.”

“I’m sure you can. I’ll go and get Killer.”

“Good. I’m going to have a water shower to wash off the travel dust. There’s nothing more sensual than water running over bare skin.”

“Yes.” Richard gazed at her mouth as though he wanted to kiss her again.

“Hurry back and join me. I think an afternoon siesta might be in order.”

“Good…” Richard paused to clear his throat. “Good idea.”

Hinekiri chuckled when he departed rapidly, the door clicking shut after him. She hummed a few bars of a song she’d heard on the radio while in New Zealand as she sauntered into the bathroom. A large, tiled shower filled the corner of the room. A gleaming white pedestal hand basin stood against another wall along with a cabinet and shelves for them to unpack their toiletries. Hinekiri made a note to hit the store at reception. Richard would need toiletries and clothes since they’d left his bag behind.

Hinekiri opened the gleaming glass door of the shower and flicked on the water. She stripped off her jeans and cotton shirt with relief, letting them fall in a heap on the floor. Hinekiri stepped inside the tiled cubicle and let the cool water pour over her head. It ran over her hair, her breasts and shoulders, feeling like luxurious silk flowing over her body. Closing her eyes, she lifted her face to the water.

A faint bark made her smile. Richard and Killer were here. She opened her eyes and watched Richard enter the bathroom. He hesitated before lifting his robe from the hem. A visual feast of muscular thighs, a semi-erect penis, slim hips and a broad chest greeted her when he lifted the plain black robe over his head. He’d protested about the lack of underwear but she’d told him about visible boxer line and tighty whitie bulges—unattractive and not cool.

She smirked as he strode across the tiled bathroom floor to the shower cubicle. Richard Morgan rocked in his natural state and she intended to keep him this way for as long as possible. The male had come in handy at reception, producing his passport when she’d decided to make up a story. He’d even carried the bags. Hinekiri wasn’t used to that sort of consideration and she found it very seductive.

“Hello, sailor. What took you so long?”

“I’m here now.” Richard shut the cubicle door and drew her back against his chest, letting the water pound down on both of them. He made Hinekiri feel safe. Treasured. Happy. By the goddess—very happy.

Hinekiri turned in his arms and pressed against his body, wanting to purr like a tigoth cub. Her breasts flattened with exquisite friction while the press of his cock brought a surge of arousal to her sensitized body. Standing on tiptoe, she nibbled his bottom lip, soothing the sting she inflicted with a sensual lick. His hands tightened on her shoulders when she took the kiss deeper into carnal territory. The male hummed deep in his throat.

“Enjoy that, do you, sailor?”

“I do.” He reached for a bar of fragrant soap and ran it across her shoulders, pushing her hair aside before spreading suds over her breasts.

Hinekiri stared up at his brown eyes. They contained seriousness and maybe a hint of longing. Or was that her imagination? What she wanted to see? She was no good at this emotional stuff. Richard tugged at something deep inside. He made her want to try even harder to please him. Heck, she wanted to keep him for good. Silly really, since that was impossible. She had commitments elsewhere.

Richard’s fingers strummed over her nipples sending a “hello, how’d ya do” to her womanly parts. He tugged lightly, intensifying the aching between her legs. With hardly any preliminaries, she wanted him with a savage need she’d never experienced before. Hinekiri stood on tiptoe and kissed him hard, letting him know of her hunger. Her womb fluttered when his mouth brushed her ear. His teeth sank into her lobe, the jolt of pain sending an answering shard of sultry promise through her veins.

“Richard, I need you,” she whispered. Normally she would have taken the lead and shown him what she wanted but something, an instinct, told her to wait. Her friendship with Richard was different…

“I need you too,” he answered, seconds before he took possession of her mouth. The sleek thrust of his tongue past her lips brought a surge of liquid longing. They mated with their mouths for a long time, stoking the fires of passion higher inside Hinekiri with nibbles and licks that were highly suggestive of the sexual act. Finally, when frustration had her toes curling, he said, “Put your hands on my shoulders and hold on tight.”

Mystified, Hinekiri followed orders, a tiny, feminine part of her enjoying his instruction instead of having to puzzle it out for herself.

Richard lifted her easily and Hinekiri let out a shriek of surprise.

He laughed. “Part your legs, woman. Yes.” He glanced downward before meeting her gaze with heat shining in his eyes. “Exactly, like that.” He positioned his cock at the mouth of her pussy and let Hinekiri’s weight impale her naturally. Slowly. It seemed to take ages for her to sink downward onto his cock. Hinekiri felt the slow expanding as the broad head of his penis stretched her channel. She watched his thick cock disappearing into her body. It was erotic. It was arousing and she loved the sight.

She glanced up and saw Richard was watching her. His eyes glinted while his hair lay flat to his head. Water from the shower ran down his face, leaving his lashes spiky while a gentle smile wreathed his mouth.

“That’s perfect,” he said, when she was fully seated. “You’re so hot and tight.” He squeezed his eyes shut as if he were gathering control. Then he opened them again and she saw the glint of hot passion in his brown eyes. “Hold on and let me do the work.” He paused to kiss her, his cock throbbing inside her pussy. “Enjoy.”

Enjoy? Was the man mad? If she enjoyed herself much more, she’d expire, then he’d have to explain a dead alien to the authorities. Grinning, she let her eyes drift closed and prepared to savor every second of this precious gift.

Richard grasped her hips and lifted her body before letting her sink back onto his erection. Exquisite friction dragged at her delicate inner muscles. He lifted her again, repeating the move until Hinekiri felt as though she were in a sexual dream sequence. Jolts of pleasurable excitement started with a spark, building higher and higher with each steady thrust from Richard’s hard cock. She arched her back, rocking in counterpoint to each of his plunging thrusts, teasing herself. Hinekiri continued to hold on with one hand while the other roamed across his chest, testing resilient flesh with her fingers and teasing his flat nipples into prominence.

Richard started to move faster. He grunted and Hinekiri’s eyes flew open to stare at him. His face was drawn tight, his expression one of leashed power. Desire for her and only her. Their eyes met and held, and in that perfect moment, Hinekiri shattered into a spectacular release, locking her muscles in place to prolong the intense pleasure spilling through her body. Her breathing was harsh, audible above the shower of water pouring over their joined bodies.

Seconds later Richard let out a hoarse cry. Breathing rapidly, his hands gripped her tightly and he let her fall against his chest. She felt the thunder of his heart, the spasms of his cock deep in her pussy and the way he held her so tenderly brought a lump to her throat.

“Richard,” she whispered, feeling mindless, weak, and very satisfied. The man—he was sharing. He cared about his partner’s pleasure. It made what she’d experienced imminently precious. It made the males in her past seem lacking. Seem?
They had been severely lacking.

His eyes opened. “Yeah?”

“That was amazing.” Stunning. When could she do it again?

He smirked. “Yeah.”

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