His Absolute Assignment - Elise's Love Story: The Billionaire's Continuum (#1) (A Contemporary Romance Novel) (11 page)

Read His Absolute Assignment - Elise's Love Story: The Billionaire's Continuum (#1) (A Contemporary Romance Novel) Online

Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #popular adult books, #domination submission, #new adult romance, #modern romance, #bdsm sex, #dominant and submissive, #best romantic suspense novels

BOOK: His Absolute Assignment - Elise's Love Story: The Billionaire's Continuum (#1) (A Contemporary Romance Novel)
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Then he left.

I pouted.  "Where are you going?"

"To finish my routine," he said.  "I'm almost done.  I won't force you to exercise, Miss Tanner, but there are certain benefits to it.  As your heart pumps faster, circulating the blood throughout your body at an accelerated pace, sensations and feelings become heightened.  Adrenaline soars, increasing needs and desires, creating an almost surreal sense of calmness, joy, and ecstasy."

He was teasing me, I knew.  Teasing in a good way.  Also, maybe it was true.  Lucent and I did work out together sometimes, and afterwards we... worked out some more, horizontally on his bed, or the nearest surface he could manage to move to before tossing me down and claiming me as his after-workout trophy.  He was mine, too; my reward.

I remembered one time after doing squats—albeit with much less weight than Lucent used—and my thighs were sore.  Lucent lifted me up and we did manage to make it to his bedroom that time, somehow, despite the fact that we needed to take the elevator to get there.  We didn't do anything fancy, everything was rather simple actually, but we didn't need more than that.  My legs hurt, but in a good way, and Lucent gripped them, grabbed my thighs, spreading them until I was wide open for him, then he thrust hard into me.

That was a really nice memory.  I daydreamed, lost in thought, while Lucent rolled his eyes at me and continued his workout.

It was kind of true, though; what he said was true.  It did feel different after.  Sore, but in a good way.  Tight, my whole body taut, powerful like a spring, pressed down and ready to explode at the merest touch of awareness.  It was a struggle, though, but a good one.  With my legs wrapped around Lucent's core while he controlled me, pinning me to the bed, thrusting into me.  My thighs hurt, but I couldn't let go, because he had his arms on me, holding me in place.  His sweat-covered chest pressed hard against my own, our bodies squashed together, mixing sensuality with innate pheromones.

I loved the way Lucent smelled after he worked out, too.  His body sweltering with the heady scent of spice and sexual furor.  His scent reminded me of pure lust; and his lust was focused solely on me and my body.

I wondered if I smelled the same way to him, if I attracted him with my scents.  There were studies about that, weren't there?  Natural pheromones and things like that.  Not the shoddy sort they sold over the counter as perfumes, but actual body chemistry and awareness.  I thought there must be, but I didn't know a whole lot about it.  I should look into it later, though.

Without fully thinking about it or realizing it, my memories took a turn towards the physical and my hand wandered to the front of my pants.  My legs spread instinctively, giving me more access to fulfill my natural need, and I touched myself lightly.  My fingers teased against my pants-covered crotch, sending wicked sparks through my body.  Nothing excessive, not quite masturbation, but just a light, pleasant sensation.

I watched Lucent, his back towards me as he performed countless number of bicep curls with a pair of free weights.  His shoulders tensed, the left when he curled his left arm up, then the right when he lifted the right.  Back and forth, rhythmic, like some primal jungle beast stalking his prey.

I kind of wanted to be Lucent's prey.

Lucent finished with his weights and set them down on a padded area nearby.  Without fully realizing it, I caught myself sneaking my fingers past the waistband of my yoga pants to tease at my soft skin.  Lucent turned towards me and found me like that, sitting on his loveseat in his exercise room, legs spread, knees up, with my fingers wriggling beneath the front of my pants.

Overall, this wasn't exactly what I'd intended.  His eyes smoldered with unknown emotion, dark and compelling.  I couldn't stop looking at him, but I felt shy and affected, unable to hold his gaze for longer than a few seconds.  We stayed like that, watching one another, my eyes darting to the sides every so often to avoid his fierce stare.

Lucent sucked air in through his teeth.  "Miss Tanner," he said.  "What exactly are you doing?"

"I'm unsure," I answered, truthfully.  I really didn't know.  I mean, I thought I'd like to know, and I felt like maybe I should know, but I honestly didn't have a clear idea of my plans at the moment.

"Will you kindly open that bottle of water for me?" he asked.

I looked to the side, spotting the water bottles; one sealed and full, the other half empty.  "Which?" I asked.

"Either will suffice," he said.

It was for him, I assumed, so logically I should offer him the half empty one.  Except right at the moment Lucent seemed a little out of sorts, so I decided to give him the full one just in case.  As an offering?  Sacrificial, peace, or otherwise?  I had no clue.  I removed my hand from my pants and reached for the full water bottle, then slowly uncapped it and held it out for him.

He came to me, taking even, steady strides.  Slow, inexorable, like a lion.  He stopped once he reached the edge of the loveseat where I still sat, legs spread slightly, knees up, but now with a bottle of water offered out to him.

He took the water.  Yes, he took it, but he took more, too.

With one hand carefully accepting the water from my outstretched arm, Lucent used his other hand to grab at the rear of my yoga pants.  Not altogether easy, but in my current position I made it somewhat easier for him.  I ended up crashing down, head and upper body falling against the seat of the couch, while Lucent gripped and pulled my pants to my knees.  Skillful, presumably planned, he brought my underwear along with my pants, leaving my bare ass and sex exposed.

I squeaked and shrieked like some rude toy.  "Lucent!  What are you...?"

I wasn't able to say more.  Lucent let go of me, released my pants and my underwear leaving them tight against my knees.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw him wrench down his own track pants, revealing his throbbing erection.  His cock popped up, bouncing twice before pointed straight at me.

Somehow during all of this, he barely spilled more than a few drops of the water.  Impressive, that, I thought, except I didn't have a lot of time to think it.  With swift certainty, Lucent doused the core of my body with the water from the bottle.  Cool liquid splashed onto my heated sex, dripping across my slit and my lower lips, then down towards the pucker of my ass.

I screamed, more from shock than anything else.  That water was cold!

Lucent warmed me back up, though.  His hand glided along my lower body, smoothing the water across my skin and teasing at my slit.  He slipped one finger inside of me, tormenting and testing me.  I'd been screaming, but then I gasped, caught between two extremes.  Warm hands and cold water, heat and arousal and chilled lust.

Without further ado, Lucent kneeled before me, grabbed my legs, slid me along the water-slick seat of the couch, and thrust hard into me.  It all happened in a moment's notice, barely more than enough time for me to blink nor think.  I was empty and wet, chill and cool, then suddenly I was full and hot.

I couldn't have said I was fully aroused before that; I certainly wasn't unaroused by any means.  Regardless, the water and Lucent's fingers had lubricated the way for his thick, pulsing cock to slide right into me, and...

Well, he did.  He did that once, pressing deep inside of me, sending my hips bucking upwards in surprise.  Then he pulled out and did it again, twice.  My inner walls spasmed in shocked glee, not quite expecting this pleasant turn of events.  By the third time he thrust into me, I didn't need nor recognize the slickness of the water; I had slickness of my own aplenty for Lucent's hard intrusion.

He pulled me into his arms while thrusting deep inside of me and I latched my hands around his neck, twining my fingers together and holding tight.  Quick and steady, strong and determined, Lucent hefted me into the air.  His hands squeezed hard against my rear, holding me tight.  My legs were trapped by the halfway pulled down yoga pants, the fabric straining against Lucent's back while my knees clutched tight against his sides.

He pounded and pushed into me, standing with me.  It was a little unconventional, but oh my God.  Gravity forced me downwards, every time Lucent artfully leaned back and pulled out of me.  Our bodies slapped together, creating a slick beat, skin against skin, arousal forced into greater arousal.  There was some song playing on the exercise room sound system, but I had no idea which one.  Lucent and I created our own sexual music through the sounds of our bodies joining together.

"I suppose this is exercise, too," Lucent whispered into my ear, terse and delightful.

I nodded fast, agreeing with him.  I nearly bit my lower lip, but the speed of his thrusts and the need to keep my jaw clenched so my teeth wouldn't chatter saved me.  Our bodies mashed and meshed as one, exercise combined with passion.

We kept going, still standing like that.  Lucent loosened his grip in my ass, forcing me to tighten my legs around his body.  He let me go more, merely keeping his steady hands on my hips to hold me in place.  This wasn't fair!  I was trying to think, trying to keep myself aloft, but he wasn't even helping me.  Not only was he not helping me, but he was making it incredibly difficult to remember to keep holding onto him.  Instinct goaded me into it—an innate fear of falling—and my hands tightened around his neck, my legs squeezing at his sides, but if not for that deep need not to fall, I was fairly positive I would have.

Lucent spanked the side of my ass hard, sending a resounding smack echoing through the room.  I screamed loudly, but not in pain.  The spank sounded worse than it was, and it probably barely even left a tinge of red, if that.  I screamed for my own reasons, though, most of which were currently fitted deep inside of me, consisting mainly of Lucent's arduous cock.

I couldn't take much more.  I couldn't handle this sudden onslaught of sexual awareness, nor could I manage to keep my hold on Lucent for much longer.  My fingers slowly began to slip away, my grip loosening, and as much as I tried to squeeze my legs around his body, I wasn't in the best of shape.  I might need to work on that if we were going to make this a standard part of our exercise routine.  I thought I'd like to exercise a whole lot more if we did this all the time, too.

Before I fell, before my fingers let loose completely and my legs gave way to fatigue, Lucent caught me.  I dropped a fraction of an inch, my body sliding towards the floor, but then suddenly I was in his arms again.  Lucent bent his knees, pressing his cock deep inside of me, and lowered us to the floor.  I gained a brief respite, a moment to breathe, but not much more than that.  He became wild and rabid once the risk of falling disappeared and his thrusts and pace quickened tenfold.

I shouted.  I shouted out words that made no sense and some that did.  I didn't know what I was saying, but I wanted everyone to hear it.  Not actually, because... well, because.  But no one actually would anyways.  I felt safe and secure in Lucent's arms, in his apartment, and I could be as wanton and reckless as I liked right now.  It was just with him, only with him.

My body tensed and my core fluttered like a springtime of butterflies gliding through a light gust of wind.  Lucent pressed deep inside of me and without warning his cock twitched and tensed, ready to fill me with his seed.  I was more than on the way to my own orgasm, so I welcomed him into the deepest part of me.

He came hard, grinding his body against mine, his cock digging and thrusting deep into me.  I scratched and clawed at his bare back, fingers wanting to gain purchase and grab him while my own orgasm overtook me.  I felt strong and overworked, exhausted and tired, but desperately needing more.  Lucent spoke of a calmness during exercise, accompanied by bliss and joy, but currently I only knew the latter.

Calmness could come later.  Right now I wanted him.  I wanted Lucent so badly, wanted joy and bliss with him.  I wanted love and lust, need and desire, and more.

As my eyes closed and I let hot desire crash into the entirety of my body, I realized something that I wasn't sure I'd ever realized before.

I wanted Lucent, yes, but I wanted more than that, too.  I wanted all of him, every single part of him, even the minuscule minutiae that made up each piece of his body and his soul.  I desired it with an insane longing, a fanatical obsession, and I didn't know if I could ever sate myself with anything less.

We finished, our bodies still clinging together as one.  I lay on the floor, barely able to keep my breath.  Lucent grinned at me, obviously pleased with himself.  Rampant rutting became a bond of adoration.  I loved it.  I loved him.

"I love you, Lucent," I said, squeezing him tight; inside of me and with my arms around him.  I used every part of my body to embrace him, reveling in the sensation of him.

"I love you, too, Elise," he said.

"I'm sorry I interrupted your exercise," I said.  "I didn't mean to."

"Don't be sorry," he said.  "I wouldn't have wanted anything else.  I would never miss a chance to hold you in my arms.  Never."

I squeezed him tight again, ecstatic with his touch and his words.  I didn't know what to say, didn't know what to feel.  Everything seemed so wondrous and perfect and nothing I could think to do could ever make it better.  Not yet, anyways, but I didn't want to settle for perfection, either.  Maybe there was more, maybe we could become more than perfect together.

"I think we need to take a shower," I said, smiling, giddy.  "We don't want to be late for the party tonight."

"Of course," Lucent said, grinning.  "I'd like to rest here for a moment longer if that's alright with you, though?"

I nodded and kissed his cheek.  "Alright."


Lucent and I eventually went to the master bathroom in order to clean up.  His shower confused me so much, because it reminded me more of some space station time travel capsule or something than a regular shower.  What kind of shower needed a control panel?  Lucent's, apparently, with various buttons and switches and more.

really nice, though, with all sorts of settings and different types of sprays, this and that.  I kind of loved it, even if I had no idea how to use it.  Also, not knowing how to use the shower properly was a good reason to get Lucent to take showers with me.  I probably could have figured out how to use it, but I'd chosen to be decidedly uncertain and confused when it came to Lucent's shower.  The benefits of showering with him outweighed any of the non-existent negatives.

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