His Captive, The Unabridged Collection: Billionaire Dark Romance (13 page)

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“Ma’am, can you please confirm your name? We need to get a positive ID,” the younger policeman said, his eyes narrowed and fixed on me.

“Please enter the foyer, ma’am!” barked the other from his position behind Rafe.

Rafe’s hands stretched at his sides. He looked ready to raise them over his head if commanded.

My heartbeat hammered in my ears but I gathered the kimono around my thighs and began walking down the stairs. Each step was cool against the soles of my feet, and the air was so quiet I could hear each gentle slap.

What are you doing? Run to them! Get out of here! You’re saved!

But instead of running to the police, something told me to stop. Bronson’s beady eyes flashed with hate and disgust. Fear clenched my chest again, and I remembered the sight of him trembling as he stood over me. He wanted to kill me.

Think. If you leave here with them, who’s going to stop Bronson the next time?

“Jolie?” said the officer standing behind Rafe, guarded and suspicious. “Jolie what?”

The younger officer nodded to me as I finally found myself standing in the foyer. Bronson’s eyes shot daggers at me and I pointedly turned away from him. I called out silently to Rafe.

Look at me!

Rafe’s black eyes drilled into mine, so inky and deep I could feel myself falling toward them. He looked me over quickly, settling his gaze on the burning pits in my cheeks where Bronson’s fingers had probably left a mark. I saw his expression soften with remorse, and he shot Bronson a warning glare before looking back to me. There was a connection between us, I was sure of it. A spark traveled back and forth, setting us both alight. I could feel it flickering in my heart.

“Well, it’s Julie, actually,” I heard myself whisper. “Jolie is... a nickname. Julie Hatner.”

Rafe’s eyes blinked slowly and the corner of his mouth curled in an affectionate smirk. He wanted to say something to me, I could tell. But there were too many people around.

The young officer dipped his head toward his shoulder and muttered into his radio.

“Julie,” Rafe said in a low, slow growl that thrilled my heart.
My name.
He was saying it aloud and the sound of the desire in his voice was clear.

“Miss, can you please step to the side? Miss?” the other officer commanded. He sidestepped toward the stairs and glared at me, pointing me away from Rafe.

“What? Why?” I cooed demurely. My body went on autopilot. In three steps I crossed the foyer and landed against Rafe’s chest, staring up at him with unabashed affection. I felt his chest cave to make room for me and his arm tightened protectively around my shoulder. It felt good. Safe. I stared Bronson down, who stood with his arms out slightly, hands trembling, his neck sweaty and reddened.

“Step to the side, ma’am!”

“What’s going on, darling?” I asked Rafe, my chin tipped toward his, so close I could have almost kissed him. I saw his nostrils flare and the slight, almost invisible nod he gave me. He was proud of me.

Yes, this is right. This feels so right.

“Ma’am, we had a report—” started the younger officer. He cocked his head at the older one, trying to draw his attention toward my obvious body language.

“What kind of report?” I said innocently from the shelter of Rafe’s embrace. Bronson’s angry glare sizzled across the room and I studiously ignored it.

The younger one shifted his weight, adjusting his heavy belt at his hip. I noticed his hand was nowhere near the holster of his weapon.

“We had a report come in that you were missing, possibly in the company of this man. Your friend... Rachel?”

He paused, his eyebrows raised. I nodded tentatively to acknowledge that I knew her and saw Bronson’s disgusted snarl out of the corner of my eye.

“Well, she was begging and pleading with us to find you, but...” he continued, letting his voice trail off. There was a hint of a blush creeping up his neck. He looked around, his eyes coming back to mine. “Ma'am, do you feel you are in any danger?”

I straightened up, shaking my head with a convincing laugh and tugging the loose, revealing robe around my bosom. I could feel the other officer circling to the side, assessing the situation from every angle. 

“Danger?” I repeated incredulously. “No, of course not! Just... A little, um, fling? It's embarrassing, but... ah, you know how it is, right? Meet a tall, handsome stranger at a bar, one thing leads to another...”

“You've been missing for a long while,” the older one interrupted, peering suspiciously up the stairs with his hand still on the gun at his hip.

“Then why are you just looking for me now?” I shot back automatically, then corrected myself. I didn’t want them to see any deeper than my surface or to raise any questions.

This is a simple hookup. Convince them. Show them.

I breathed deeply, allowing the neckline of my robe to fall off my shoulder, arching my back toward Rafe and dragging my hip across his prominent erection. He quirked an eyebrow at me and I stifled the urge to wink back.

“Well… Look around, officers. Can you blame me?”

I raised my eyebrows theatrically as though it should all be obvious. My palm pressed flat against Rafe’s chest and I could feel his racing pulse, though he seemed perfectly calm on the outside.

“I just kinda got caught up in it all,” I continued shyly, my voice barely above a whisper. “Don't worry—I'll give Rachel a call. I'm really sorry she wasted your time, but I'm fine. So fine! Right?” I tipped my chin back up to Rafe, connecting with his eyes again. I loved the surge of electricity between us, how it bound us completely together.

“Thank you for coming, though,” I added, not tearing myself away from Rafe. He buzzed and throbbed like a caged animal and I couldn’t wait to hear what he would say to me when they left. “I feel good knowing that there are men like you out there to protect people.”

The officers shared a silent conversation for several seconds, ending with a small, satisfied nod of agreement.

I did it.

“If you need anything, you know how to reach emergency services. Have a good day, ma'am.”

Apparently convinced, the younger officer looked Bronson up and down before walking backward toward the tall front door. He motioned with his chin for his partner, who hesitated a few seconds longer.

The older one turned to Rafe before reaching for the door. “Sir,” he growled officiously. Rafe nodded once but kept his eyes on me.

With that, both officers turned and left. Bronson slowly walked the massive front door closed behind them, staring back at me incredulously.

“What the
was that?” Bronson hissed when the door was finally shut. He started toward us with one hand clawing the air menacingly and Rafe pivoted, drawing me behind him.

was a shot across the bow,” Rafe growled, his suppressed rage beginning to cut through his polished exterior. “Obviously our security is not what it should be.”

!” Bronson yelped, coming closer and pointing at me. “She brought them here, she—”

“—She saved us both,” Rafe interrupted. His hand closed protectively over my hip and I pressed myself to him, unable to keep the smile from my lips.

Bronson stopped, quaking where he stood. He shook his head in disbelief and licked his lips with a desperate, reptilian flicker of his tongue.

“Oh no, no, no! No
you are falling for this little bitch’s fucking lies!”

“Quiet!” Rafe boomed, his voice a thunderclap in the marble room. “Jolie seems to have a better grasp of our situation than you do at this point. How did they get through the gate? How were they even dispatched?”

Bronson held his hands palm out, trying to push back.

“All I’m saying is—”

“—You’ve said more than enough! I want answers to these questions, Bronson. Things you were already supposed to have taken care of. How did two uniformed, armed police officers just walk in the front door of my home?”

Bronson ran a freckled hand through his wiry hair.

“Well, it’s like they said, maybe, Rachel—”

“Exactly!” Rafe boomed. He took a step toward Bronson, leaving me in his shadow. “The Rachel you were tasked with procuring, yes?”

Heaving a frustrated sigh, Bronson cast his eyes around the room. He scratched at his pockmarked throat and sniffed.

“Listen, we already—”

“—I will
listen, Bronson,” Rafe said, his voice suddenly a low snarl. “Not until you have answers. Find out
those officers were dispatched here. And
find Rachel.

“I am!” Bronson bawled, then caught himself short. He ground his yellowed funhouse teeth together and stared at the floor.

“I will,” he finally said in an insolent growl. “I have a lot of questions that need answers too.”

His eyes cut toward mine and I stepped closer behind Rafe.

Rafe crossed his arms over his chest. I watched his muscles bunch under his silken shirt and felt the tremble in the air. What was he threatening to do if Bronson didn’t come through again?

After a few long seconds, Bronson shrugged casually and jammed his hands into his trouser pockets. Then he shook his head angrily and stalked from the room. When he was gone I finally took a deep, clear breath.

Rafe turned back to me and inhaled hungrily. His eyes narrowed and took a long while looking me up and down. I stood forward expectantly on my bare toes and arched my back. My mind raced with anticipation.

“That was not what I was expecting,” he murmured. His warm breath bathed my collarbones and seeped into the opening of my kimono. I said nothing but couldn't suppress the nervous smile on my lips.

“I suppose now that it is safe to say I have truly reached you, yes?”

I nodded slightly. “I promised you... obedience,” I said in a small, timid voice.

His eyes were shadowed as pools of dark liquid.

“You have exceeded my wildest expectations, Jolie… Or should I call you

“I… I love it when you say my name,” I whispered.

He nodded slowly, his face as inscrutable as the Sphinx. Slowly he stepped toward me and I felt my body lean toward him. I could almost feel his arms around me and could hardly wait for him to make the move.

“You should be rewarded for your obedience,” he said slowly and I watched the very tip of his tongue trace the bottom ridge of his upper teeth.

I nodded, afraid to do anything else to break the spell. Then he leaned in and stroked the outer edge of my ear with his soft lips. My heartbeat hammered in my veins and I struggled to listen.

“But you have also lied to me, yet again,” he growled. “And for that, I'm sorry, but you must be punished.”




Rafe dragged me by the arm just as harshly as Bronson had, his slender fingers digging into my skin, hard. He growled menacingly and I wasn't sure if he meant for me to hear or not.

“I told you... I
you to be truthful, but you didn't listen. Of course you didn't.”

I clutched the robe closed with one hand as he pulled me forward, my feet barely keeping up.

“Rafe, I’m sorry… I’m so sorry I just…”


Eventually, we reached a large open area, some sort of study. Bookcases lined the walls at either side, stretching up the full two-story height of the room. The ceiling was arched and cavernous, with dramatic, stained wooden support beams overhead.

My eyes were darting around, trying desperately to figure out where he was taking me, but I was surprised when he stopped. He turned to me, his eyes still burning with that anger and indignation.


I stood with my head down and my hands clasped in front of me for a moment, waiting for his return. I heard a strange sort of impact, a low scratching thud. The silk robe left my body with a quiet billow and my skin instantly raced with goosebumps. He stood in front of me, his breath determined and even. I kept my eyes down as my core trembled.

His fingers reached for mine. In a flash, my hands were expertly bound. I chanced a peek at him and saw him gathering up the thick rope in his hands, having tossed it up and over one of the support beams. He pulled me up until I was barely supporting myself on my tip-toes before tying the rope off at a curtain hook.

He opened a tall cabinet, drawing out a short leather whip and weighing it against his open palm thoughtfully.

My whole body flinched. I found myself searching for any words that would lessen the punishment.

“I... I'm sorry. Rafe? Please don’t...”

A quick lash across my belly sent a wildfire of pain surging up through me, and my legs gave out beneath me, leaving me swinging by my wrists until I could get my toes back into contact with the slick wood floor.

“I'm sorry I didn’t tell you, Rafe. I didn't... I didn't mean to lie, I swear!”

He walked around to my back and gave several quick lashes there to my upper back and ass, each one of them causing my legs to reflexively draw up in some sort of protective instinct. I couldn't stop myself from trying to curl up each time I was struck with the whip, the high hiss of it sailing through the air preceding each of the vicious strikes. They only seemed to get more severe the more I apologized, but I continued until I was babbling a stream of both apologies and confessions.

“Please, Rafe! Why? Please… AaaahhhHH!!!”

The blaze of pain that filled my body was turning into something else entirely. I felt a deep shame for what I'd done, as if my apologies made what I was apologizing for more true. Exposed. Laid open. But then the strikes almost seemed to scrub them away. I found myself nearly leaning into each lash.

I deserve this. I do.

A buzzing sensation washed through me, followed by a cooler, drowning wave. Relief. After so long lying, hiding, running away... I was finally caught. I knew it would happen one day. I just didn’t know it would be like this.

“It almost seems to me that you cannot
from lying, Jolie,” Rafe growled into my ear from behind. I nodded miserably, my face suddenly wet with tears and sweat.

“I’m so… so sorry, Rafe!”


The strike was sudden, searing, and I couldn’t control it anymore. I dissolved into sobs, letting my weight hang fully from my wrists. Misery poured through me as though a dam had exploded, finally letting all that emotion flood my body. Everything I had been holding back for years, since before I left home. Since my mother left with Ricky, since Aunt Rinna grudgingly took me in, since I bit the hands that tried to feed me over and over, my whole life.

I wanted to tell him. I wanted to confess everything to Rafe, to be scrubbed back to shiny by his discipline and come out all new again. Worthy. I wanted to tell him everything so he could punish me for it for once and for all.

He circled me slowly as the sobs choked in my throat. I wanted to confess everything, but I couldn’t make my tongue obey. My jaw chattered as the words garbled on their way out, sounding altogether like an undifferentiated groan of defeat.


I arched into the strike, letting my head fall back and the moan burble from my lips without stopping. My whole weight hung from my hands and I felt wrung out. Drained. Overwhelmed.

Rafe drew the whip up slowly between my legs, giving a quick tap at my clit, just enough to cause me to yelp out. He walked around me with purpose, surveying his work. Looking down, I could see crisscrossing red welts forming up at my stomach, and the same burn was spread over my back and ass.

He seemed to be calming down quickly, a slow smile spreading at his lips. I was relieved, and even found myself happy that he was enjoying it. The whip was turned on my breasts then, each receiving a single hard lash before he laid it aside.

The tears were still streaming freely down my cheeks by the time he stopped, and I could feel my own lips opening into a wide grimace as my body was racked with several hard, silent sobs. I didn’t even try to cover up the ugly expression I must have been making. Let him see it all. I stared up at the ceiling, watching the rope that held me shift and strain.

Rafe brought his hands up my sides, his fingertips trailing just beneath my arms as he leaned in to speak softly at my ear. “Are you sorry, Jolie?”

I nodded desperately.

“I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, forgive me.
, forgive me.”

“I only want your honesty from this point on, Jolie.”

“J-Julie,” I sobbed.

He chuckled softly. “That’s my girl,” he purred. “Such a brave thing you did. You’re stronger than you think, Julie.”

I nodded haltingly, my chest racked with sobs. He cupped my face in his hands, gently directing my gaze into his. I was flayed, bare. He could see right into the center of me, and I knew it.

“It takes courage to be honest, I know,” he whispered. “But you can do it. You will. For me.”

“Y-yes. Rafe,” I agreed, my voice wet and broken. “For you.”

He licked his lips slowly, nodding, his features thick with satisfaction and desire. “Now, for your reward.”

No sooner than the words left his lips, I found him kneeling in front of me. He grabbed my legs, throwing them over his shoulders, holding me up just as much as the rope was, wildly lapping and sucking at my clit. I knew that this was my reward—not for obedience, but for taking the punishment for disobedience the way he wanted me to. I suffered for him and was being rewarded.

His fingers never slipped into me. His hands remained strong and supportive at my lower back as he lavished me with that warm, silken tongue. It wasn't long before I took in a quick breath, holding it to keep from screaming as I reached the apex of pleasure. Rafe gave a sharp, hard nip at my clit, causing me to release the scream, bucking wildly against his face as he sucked and licked at me.

The moment I began to come down, Rafe stood wordlessly, letting my legs slip from his shoulders. He walked to the curtain hook, untying the knot quickly and letting me fall into a heap on the ground, my legs completely useless now.

He came to stand over me, his arms crossed, seeming more than satisfied with the punishment and reward.

“Your question, Jolie.”

I laid exactly as I was for a long moment before looking up at him, propping myself up on my palm with some effort.

What do I want to know? So much.

I swallowed hard, trying to control my throat. My voice sounded cracked and hollow.

“Are... you going to kill me?”

He stared down at me for an unnervingly long time before shaking his head slightly. “I don't think so.”

I took a deep, shuddering breath. Every part of me felt raw, inside and out, like I was covered in new skin that seared under the dimmest light.

The chime sounded and Rafe stood straight, his gaze going toward the chapel, his eyes suddenly distant and unfocused.

“I trust you can see yourself back to your—”


He quirked an eyebrow at me and tipped his head to the side.

“No?” he repeated, amused but plainly impatient.

I gathered myself up, commanding my legs to straighten underneath me.

“I… want to come with you,” I whispered. The sound of my own voice was strange and halting.

He shook his head. “I’m afraid not, Julie,” he said softly.

I nodded, determined. I needed to be near him now. I was too raw to be alone.

“I want to know you,” I said, surprising myself with the clarity of that thought.

He stared at me for long seconds, his eyes shadowed and inscrutable. Finally he plucked my discarded kimono from the floor and shook it out. Slowly he looped it over my outstretched arms, then arranged it over my shoulders. He knotted the sash snugly around my waist as I watched his fingers, fascinated.

Then he raised one arm and held out his hand to me. I looked at his long fingers, the strong, wide palm. Then I put my hand in his and let him lead me from the room.


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