His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance

Read His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Evelyn Troy

Tags: #romance, #sex, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #secrets, #billionaire, #alpha, #alpha male, #billionaire romance, #bdsm billionaire

BOOK: His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance
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His Dirty Secret

Slave To The Billionaire





By Evelyn Troy



Copyright 2014 by Evelyn Troy


All rights reserved. Except for use in any
review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in
part by any means, now known or hereafter invented, including
xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information
storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the explicit
written permission of the author. All characters depicted in this
fictional work are consenting adults, of at least eighteen years of
age. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased, particular
businesses, events, or exact locations are entirely



Also by the author:


Lie To Me – The Complete Collection




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven



Chapter One







Isobel put the money in the register,
smiled to the customer sweetly as she gave him his change, and then
hid a laugh as she caught the glance of one of her co-workers.
Melanie discreetly made a face at the guy Isobel had just served,
indicating that she’d noticed that, once again, there was no tip
forthcoming, which was nothing unusual these days. Isobel shrugged
her shoulders in response and was about to mouth something
sarcastic back to her friend when the customer captured her
attention once more.


“Excuse me, but this
what I
ordered.” His tone was as mean as his tip had been, and Isobel
sighed as she plastered the smile back on her face before turning
back to face him.


“Excuse me, Sir?” She made sure that
she kept her voice as polite as possible, conscious of the fact
that her boss was within earshot.


“Are you deaf as well as stupid?” The
man positively barked at her, and she could feel her smile start to
falter. “I said that this is not what I damn well ordered,


Isobel held on to her temper, but only
just. If there was one thing that she hated more than being treated
like she was incompetent, it was being called a girl. “I’m so
sorry, Sir, I thought you ordered a scotch on the rocks.” She kept
her tone apologetic, while what she really wanted to do was pour a
damn bottle of the foul stuff over his pompous head.


“Get it right, girl. I
ordered a top shelf scotch on the rocks. And, unless I’m very much
mistaken, that means that I specifically did
want this cheap ass booze that
you’re trying to fob me off with.” The man’s face was getting
redder with every word he spewed, and Isobel was seriously
wondering if he was about to have a heart attack.


“That is our top shelf
scotch, Sir.” She knew that she had about as much chance of calming
the guy down as she did of winning the lottery, but her boss was
still watching her with his eagle-eyed stare, and she really needed
this job even if she
hate it. “I’ll be happy to pour you another, if
you’d like?” The cost of another drink would no doubt come out of
her wages, but she’d rather that than get fired and


The man stared at her face for a split
second, and then his eyes travelled down her body slowly, as though
he was undressing her. Isobel could feel her skin actually crawl as
his eyes lingered on her chest, and she crossed her arms in front
of her.


“There’s another way you could make
things right.” Isobel’s eyes shot to her boss in a silent plea for
help, but there was none forthcoming. “You could meet me after work
and we could, um, work things out.” His voice was as slimy as he
was, and Isobel shuddered.


She was about to give him a
blistering response, when her fellow bartender spoke up. “That’s
against company policy, Sir.” Her voice was haughty and brooked no
argument as she defended her friend. “I’m sure that if you try your
drink again, you’ll realize that it actually
what you ordered.”


The man shot a glance across to
Melanie, his scowl an indication that he was about to shoot her
down in flames. When he saw who had spoken to him, however, his
whole demeanor changed and he went from mean to humble in an


“Oh! It’s, um, it’s f-fine. My
m-mistake, miss.” Isobel stared open-mouthed as he shot her a hasty
stuttering apology, threw ten dollars on the counter and hurried
away, taking a gulp of his ‘cheap ass booze’ as he went.


“What the hell was that all about?”
She turned to her friend with an astonished look on her


Melanie grinned at her sassily. “He’s
my next door neighbor’s dad, and I don’t think his wife would
appreciate knowing that her husband is a sleazy scum-ball who hits
on sexy young bartenders.” She picked up the money from the counter
and held it out. “Don’t forget to put your tip in the jar.” She
winked and walked back over to her side of the bar.


Isobel grinned to herself as she put
the money in the jar. It wasn’t much; tips here very rarely were,
regardless of the fact that it was an upper-class establishment and
mostly rich people drank there, so every penny was appreciated. She
wiped down the counter and served the next customer, thinking that
even though she might hate her job, she’d found a great friend
because of it, and for that she was grateful.


The next few hours were spent serving
drinks and putting up with sexist comments made by sexist men who
thought they were God’s gift to mankind; women in particular. She
checked the clock for what felt like the tenth time, and sighed
when she saw that she still had almost two hours to go until the
end of her shift. She wasn’t sure how many more pompous middle-aged
mid-life crisis businessmen or elderly and wealthy playboy
wannabe’s she could stand, but she gritted her teeth and turned
back to the bar with her usual smile plastered to her


When she saw the man who was sat on
the other side, however, her smile faltered. He looked to be in his
early thirties, which was older than she typically liked, and he
had a sullen look on his face that would have curdled milk if they
actually sold any. But, his looks made her forget all of that, if
she’d even noticed in the first place.


He had a chiseled jawline that made
him look strong, even if you couldn’t see that he was broad in the
shoulders and tapered at the waist, indicating a muscled physique.
His eyes were of the most piercing dark green that Isobel had ever
seen, and the way they were looking at her right now made her feel
as though he could see into her very soul. And those lips; oh man,
what she wouldn’t give to have those lusciously full lips on


Of course, another added
attraction was that he was obviously filthy rich, if his designer
suit and expensive masculine jewelry were anything to go by.
Always an added bonus
she thought. She gave herself a mental shake and put her smile back
on; although this time it was definitely not a fake one.


“And what’s your pleasure, Sir?” Her
voice was sultry and she knew that her double entendre had not gone
unnoticed by the way he raised one eyebrow at her.


“I don’t think it’s legal
to serve my pleasure in a place like this, so I’ll have a cognac
instead, please.” His voice was as sexy as she’d been expecting and
Isobel actually felt shivers run down her spine as he spoke.
I wonder what he does like for pleasure,
she thought briefly. His sour expression had been
replaced by a slightly more amicable one, but he still looked fed
up and Isobel made her mind up there and then to make sure that she
did everything she could to make him smile before he


She poured the man his drink and added
a little extra to the measure. She’d discovered very early on in
her job that men were always more talkative when they drank more
alcohol. And she really wanted to get this guy talking.


She placed the glass on the counter in
front of him and smiled as he opened his wallet to pay her. Holding
her finger up to her lips in a shushing motion, she leaned slightly
over the bar to talk in a hushed tone. “The first one’s on me. Just
don’t tell the boss.” She winked at him mischievously. She was
allowed to give the occasional free drink at her discretion, but
hardly ever did so she wasn’t abusing the boss or his profit


She’d expected him to be grateful, or
at the very least to crack a smile, but she was disappointed when
she got a totally unexpected response. With a look that could only
be described as scathing, the man took a bill out of his wallet and
threw it on the bar anyway.


“If all employees had that attitude
there would be a lot more businesses closing down, prices
consistently going up on items and services, and wages being
reduced to less than they already are.” Even the scowl he shot her
way was sexy, and Isobel chastised herself for finding such an
obnoxious man so appealing.


“I’m sorry sir, but you misunderstood
me.” She was quick to try and put things right, knowing that if she
didn’t then she wouldn’t get very much further with him. “The staff
here are allowed to offer a free beverage at their discretion. I’m
in no way abusing the trust placed upon me by my employer.” She
knew that her tone sounded haughty, but she hated for anyone to
think that she was dishonest in any way.


He had the grace to at least look a
little contrite as he apologized to her. “I guess I’m just a little
touchy today. I’m sorry about that.” He grinned sheepishly. “Is it
too late to accept your generosity?”


Isobel smiled warmly. “Not too late at
all.” She handed his money back to him and breathed a sigh of
relief. “I haven’t seen you in here before.” She made sure that she
didn’t sound too interested and that she was just making idle


“It’s my first time here. I’m trying
to make sure that I don’t go anywhere that a certain someone goes
to.” He took a swig of his drink. “It’s easier that


Isobel’s curiosity peaked again. She
had a feeling that he could be talking about a woman, but he didn’t
wear a wedding band, and he sure as hell wasn’t happy with whoever
it may be or he wouldn’t be trying to avoid her, so in Isobel’s
book it was all good.


“It sounds like you’ve had a bad day.”
She took his glass off him when he wiggled it in front of her,
charging him for the alcohol this time.


He laughed sardonically. “Lady, if you
had to live with what I have to live with, your day would pretty
much suck too.” He took a sip of his drink and gave an appreciative


Oh Lord. Was he going to be a complete
whiner? The one thing Isobel couldn’t stand was a man who winged
and complained at just about everything. “Well hopefully you’ll
feel a lot better about your day by the time you leave here.” She
smiled again and turned to serve another patron.


Over the next hour, the man sat there
quietly, not saying much of anything and obviously lost in his
thoughts. Isobel served him when he asked, but was too busy to
engage him in any real conversation, much to her


She’d just finished serving a very
loud, very annoying regular who had done his level best, and
failed, to get her to agree to meet him after work, when the quiet
hunk asked her for another drink. “Why don’t you have one
yourself?” he asked, as he handed her the money. “I promise I won’t
tell the boss.”

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