His Errant Educator (Willamette Wives Book 3)

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His Errant Educator

Willamette Wives – Book Three


Maggie Ryan


© 2016 Blushing Books® and Maggie Ryan




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Maggie Ryan

His Errant Educator


EBook ISBN: 978-1-68259-852-8

Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design


This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.




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Chapter One


"Which one?" Teresa asked, holding up a calico dress printed with white flowers on a navy background against her body. "The blue or…" she paused, tossed the dress on her bed and held up a red one with tiny white stripes, "the red?"

"Hmmm, go with the red," Barbara said from where she was sitting on the bed.

"I don't know. Maybe the green?"

Barbara rolled her eyes as her sister rejected the red and reached for another dress. "Tessie, it's not like it matters. It's just a visit from your beau and that's only if he actually manages to get here."

"Don't say that!" Teresa scolded, her eyes going to the window. Sighing, she sank down on the bed beside her sister, oblivious to the fact that she was sitting on the pile of discarded dresses she'd been considering. "I'm so sick of snow. When is it ever going to stop?"

"In the spring, I suppose," Barbara said.

"Spring seems to be taking its own sweet time arriving."

Barbara laughed and reached out to give her older sister a hug. "Don't fret about that. I have no doubt that it would take more than a little snow to keep Mr. Morrison away. Just think about how he is going to like sitting before the fire with you. You'll look so pretty in whatever dress you wear, and I'll do your hair."

"But what if he doesn't make it?" Teresa asked, looking at the frosted glass panes again.

"Then we'll play a game and drink lots and lots of hot chocolate. Catherine baked this afternoon so there are cookies, too!"

Teresa shook her head but did stand and began unbuttoning the dress she was wearing. "It must be nice to be so young," she said.

"What do you mean? You're only a few months older than I am!"

"Yes, but, dear little sister, older enough to know that you've yet to discover there are far more pleasant things to do other than drinking hot chocolate and eating cookies, no matter how delicious they are."

"Like what?"

Pulling on the red dress, Teresa waited to answer until her head popped through the neck opening. "Button me up?" she requested, turning her back. Once Barbara began to do so, she said, "Since you are still a child, I probably shouldn't answer…"

"Tessie! Don't tease me!"

"All right, all right. Like having a wonderful man hold your hand, his fingers wrapped around yours. Knowing that he is interested in hearing you talk about your dreams, and wanting to spend hours and hours listening to him talk about his own. Taking long walks where you don't even have to talk because you know your heart is doing the speaking. Looking into his eyes and feeling your cheeks flush when he gives you that special smile. Like stealing kisses…"

"Don't let Pa catch you doing any such thing," Barbara warned. "He won't cotton to Mr. Morrison smooching with his baby girl."

"I'm not a baby, I'm a grown woman."

"You just turned eighteen a few months ago," Barbara countered. "There, all done. Sit down and I'll fix your hair."

Once Teresa took a seat before her vanity and removed the pins, allowing the mass of her hair to fall free, Barbara picked up the brush and began to stroke it through the wavy chestnut colored curls. "You really like him, don't you?"

"Very much. He's different than the other boys. In fact, he's not a boy at all—he's a man."

"And there's a difference?"

"Oh yes. He makes me feel special."

"So, I'm guessing that you aren't opposed to Mr. Morrison's kisses?"

"I adore his kisses," Teresa confessed. "He is so… I don't know exactly, but do know that when he gets this look in his eyes, right before he bends down to kiss me, my tummy does the strangest things and I feel like I'm going to die if he doesn't hurry up. My body starts trembling and I can't catch my breath. It scares me sometimes and I worry that something might be wrong with me. Do you think there is?"

"How would I know?" Barbara asked, the brush pausing as the two girls' eyes met in the mirror. "I've never even held hands with a boy, much less kissed one. What happens after the kiss?"

"I want him to kiss me again," Teresa said and then sighed deeply. "I sure wish Ma were here. I can't ask Pa anything about… well, female things."

"You could ask Catherine, she's a woman," Barbara suggested, resuming drawing the brush through her sister's locks.

"No, I don't think so," Tessie said. "What if she tells Pa I'm asking such questions? I'd be embarrassed and he might forbid me from seeing Roger."

"Then the only thing to do is keep kissing," Barbara said, giggling when her sister turned her head to give her a shocked look. Shrugging her shoulders, she added. "You are the one going to be a teacher. Even if Pa catches you, you can tell him you were doing research, or pretend to swoon."

Teresa shook her head, her lips curving into a smile. "Aren't you the sneaky little one?"

"Nope, I'm just the baby sister who hopes that one day I'll be needing some answers of my own. You need to be prepared to tell me if my tummy is churning because I'm coming down with something or if I'm falling in love."

"Hmmm, maybe some more research won't hurt," Teresa said.

"That's the spirit," Barbara said, deftly twisting strands of hair into a braid and then pinning it in a bun at the base of Teresa's neck. Tugging a few tendrils free to frame Tessie's face, Barbara smiled. "What do you think?"

"I think you are the best sister ever," Teresa said. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, but if you really want to thank me, you'll do all the dishes tomorrow…"

"I need to add that you are also the worst little sister ever," she said, causing Barbara to squeal as she slapped her arm and rolled her eyes. "No way am I doing all those pots and pans by myself!"

"It was worth a try," Barbara said, bending to give her sister's shoulders a squeeze. "I was kidding, and I promise I won't even tell your beau that you hit me and rolled your eyes. I might be younger, but I've heard him talk about how he doesn't like that sort of thing."

"I know. He does tend to lecture a lot, doesn't he? That's the one thing I don't particularly care for. I hear enough lecturing from Pa."

"Does that change how you feel—about adoring those kisses?" Barbara teased, puckering her lips and making smacking sounds.

Teresa huffed and made a dramatic show of rolling her eyes again, causing her sister to laugh. "You are incorrigible. But, best or worst, I know I wouldn't want anyone else for my little sister. I love you, Barb."

"I love you too, but that doesn't answer my question." As she spoke, she looked out the window and grinned. "See, I told you he'd come."

Teresa pushed her sister aside to look down into the street. "Oh, he's here!" She gave Barbara a quick hug as she ran towards the door, pausing to say, "To answer your question, no, nothing will ever change my mind. I may hate listening to lectures, but at least Roger's end with a few kisses."

"Tessie!" Barbara exclaimed and then giggled, shaking her head. "Go show off that red dress, and don't forget to take notes!" Teresa nodded and ran out the door and down the stairs.

"Teresa, ladies do not run…"

She ignored her father's words, going to the door and pulling it open.


While he couldn't wait to see his sweetheart, Roger took the time to pause on the porch to stomp the snow from his boots and remove his hat, swiping his hands through his hair. He could just picture Matthew shaking his head but didn't care. He was in love with the prettiest gal in town and didn't care who knew it.

About to pull open the door, he was surprised when it opened before he had a chance. "I'm so glad to see you," Teresa said.

"I'm very glad to see you, as well," he said, bending down to give her cheek a quick kiss.

"I thought we'd take a walk. I've been cooped up inside for ages!"

"Are you sure your pa won't mind?" Roger asked.

"Oh, he won't care," she said, tugging on his hand.

"Honey, it's cold. You need your cloak and I need to say hello—"

Before he could finish, she'd ducked back inside, returning a moment later.

"Did you ask your pa?" When she sighed, he opened the door.

"Mr. Goldman, is it all right if I take Teresa for a walk? I won't keep her out long."

"That's fine, she's been worried all day that you might not be able to come due to the snow."

"It would take more than a few flakes to keep me away," Roger said, "thank you. We'll be back soon." Stepping outside again, he helped her into her cloak, pulling the hood up over her hair.

"I told you he wouldn't mind."

"Still, you should have asked first." Pleased to see her cheeks color a bit and her small nod, he said, "Are you sure you are going to be warm enough?"

"I'm sure," she said, giving him a dazzling smile. "Let's walk over towards the schoolhouse. I can't wait for you to see it."

Roger tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow and led her down the steps. The town had originally thought to use the same building for church services and a school. However, with the town's rapid growth, it had been decided that there was need of an additional building that could easily hold many desks and eliminate the chore of constantly moving them around in order to provide seating for church services—so the school was going up. Though it wasn't yet quite completed due to inclement weather, he knew it would be ready to open its doors by the time supplies had been ordered and a teacher hired.

"Have you heard about the job yet, sweetheart?" he asked as they walked towards the end of town.

"Not yet. I don't know what's taking the committee so long. This waiting is just awful! I've been dreaming of teaching for as long as I can remember, and even have my certificate. Who else would they hire?"

"If it were up to me, you'd get the job, but—"

"But what?" she asked, pausing in their walk. "You don't think I'd make a good teacher?"

"I didn't say that, it's just… I just don't want you to be too disappointed if they choose someone else. You know, someone with some experience."

"Oh, don't be silly. How can one get experience if never given a chance to work? Besides, everyone knows me. I'm sure they don't want some stranger teaching the little ones. Oh, there it is. Isn't it precious?"

He looked up to see the building. While he wouldn't exactly describe it as precious, he had to love her enthusiasm. She tugged her hand free, running towards the school.

"Tessa, wait for me…"

"No, stay there!" she shouted over her shoulder. "I'll ring the bell!" He didn't see a bell but he did see a sheen on the stairs.

"Stop!" He began to run after her but she was a quick little thing. Her laughter was cut off by a shriek when she lost her footing on the ice-covered landing. Flailing her arms, she began to topple backwards, her cry piercing the evening air until she gave a loud grunt when Roger caught her before she tumbled down the steps, his own boots slipping a bit with the impact.

"Are you all right?" he asked, his heart pounding in his chest. She nodded, her eyes wide.

"I'm all right. There was ice…"

"I told you to stop…"

"I just wanted to show you my school," she said. "Besides, you caught me." She lifted herself up and pecked his cheek, then pulled away.


"I'll be careful," she said, slowly walking up the steps again, avoiding the patch of ice that had formed in front of the door. "Now, pretend you are one of my pupils…"

"I think I'd prefer pretending I'm the superintendent in charge of keeping his teacher in line," Roger said.

"What?" When he flexed his hand open and closed, her eyes widened but she ignored the subtle warning. "No, you are my student. I'm going to be standing here and pulling the rope to ring the bell every day. All the children will sit at their cute little desks and listen to me teach. What could be more exciting than that? Come on, let's go inside."

"Wait, I'm not sure we should. It might not be safe…"

"Don't be ridiculous. Of course it's safe. There won't be any ice inside. Come on!"

He was actually surprised when the door he was positive would be locked, swung open as she lifted the latch. She turned to stand in the open doorway. "Ding, ding," she said, pretending to pull a bell cord. "School is starting. Don't be late, young man." Slipping inside, he could hear her giggles as he climbed the steps, taking the time to break the icy crust with the heel of his boot, scraping it from the step before following her into the building.

"I'll have my big desk up here," she said, running towards the front of the room. "The big slate board has already arrived. I saw it at the mercantile. I'll write on it every day, and the children can take turns erasing it for me." He watched as she hurried to one corner and waved her arms. "There is going to be a stove here. Too bad it's not installed yet, we could light it…"

"I don't think the committee would appreciate that. In fact, I don't think they'd approve of our being here…"

"I come in here all the time," Teresa said, again ignoring his concern. "I sit on the floor and make up lessons plans. I want to be ready when I get the job, and it takes a lot of planning." Running back to him, she pointed to the left. "You'll hang your coat on a hook on that wall and then go to your desk." Grabbing his hand, she tugged him towards the front. "This will be the first row of desks and they'll go all the way back. Oh, Roger, I can't wait to stand here and see all the children's faces." Leaning against him, she sighed. "It's going to be so perfect."

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