His Mistress (14 page)

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Authors: Monica Burns

Tags: #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: His Mistress
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“I understand, my Lady, but I’m fine where I am.”

“Are you always this stubborn, Tobias?” she asked in a frustrated voice.

“My Lady?” he feigned ignorance.

“I’m referring to your willful determination to surrender only a bit and nothing further.”

“But I
surrendered to you, my Lady. I am at your mercy.”

“I’m not so sure.”

“Have I not done everything you asked of me, my Lady?”

“You’ve followed my commands, but with great difficulty, which makes me question the sincerity of your surrender.”

Her hands moved to gently clutch at his hips. She took a quick step into him, while tugging him toward her until he was forced to arch his back off the cross to avoid tearing his lace restraints. With his hips pressed into hers, he could feel her thighs through her dark red skirt. The skin over his erection tugged at him in a painful, yet pleasurable manner. She pushed the tips of her breasts and her corset into him and rubbed them across his chest.

The combination of skin and soft satin against his skin sent his pulse skyrocketing. Lust snarled its way through his limbs, and he growled low in his throat. She lifted his chin so she could look into his eyes. Whatever she saw in his gaze pleased her for she smiled. He liked her smile. He liked that
had made her smile.

Light as a feather her soft lips pressed into his chest. With each gentle press of her mouth, she teased his skin until his body shuddered at her touch. The wet heat of her tongue circled the tip of his nipple. He growled as fire raced across his skin.

“Did I hurt you earlier, Tobias?” Her question made him hesitate for a brief moment as he remembered her rule about lying. He shook his head.

“No, my Lady. It was a slight discomfort that only served to excite me.” It was the truth. When she’d tweaked his nipple earlier, he’d been startled more than anything else and close on the heels of his surprise had been desire.

“Does that mean you’re like some club members who require physical pain to achieve ultimate pleasure?” There was an odd note in her voice that made him think she was afraid to hear his answer.

“If you mean someone like Edward then the answer is no,” he said with a note of disgust. “And if I had my way, that bastard wouldn’t come anywhere near you.”

“I see,” she murmured. “Lancelot rescuing the damsel in distress.”

Relief echoed in
reply, indicating she’d been worried about what type of play he preferred to indulge in. But it was the assessment in her voice that put him on high alert.
wasn’t like all the other women he’d allowed to control him for a few pleasurable hours.

She had the strength and will to break him. He stiffened at the thought. No woman had ever done that before. It scared the hell out of him. Worse, he’d unintentionally expressed his possessiveness where she was concerned. It was an insight as to how he viewed her, and she’d taken note of it.

It was the type of mistake he’d never made with any Lady in the club before. Hell, he’d
been possessive of any woman in his life before. And only one other woman in his life had ever invoked in him such an overwhelming need to protect and defend. This time he shoved his demons from the past aside to deal with the problem at hand. His slip of the tongue had made him vulnerable. Gritting his teeth, he quickly tried to repair the damage he’d caused.

“Any man who serves you should be willing to do no less, my Lady. In protecting you, I serve you.”

“Ah, yes there’s that word again. Serve,” she said. “

Sultry and seductive, her voice enticed him to give way to her as she dragged her finger down his chest. Her simple observation said she had a deeper understanding of him than he liked. Perhaps not the complete picture, but it might be enough for her to dig deeper and force him to reveal pieces of himself he wanted to remain buried. Panic welled up inside him, and his heartbeat started to race out of control. Christ Jesus, this woman could easily pull out every dark secret he harbored in his soul. He tightened his mouth. That wasn’t going to happen no matter how difficult she made it for him.

A voice in the back of his head laughed. He might be resolved where she was concerned, but the urge to break free of his bonds and pull her into his arms told him just how close to the brink he was. The impulse was like a wave cresting over his head just before it crashed downward into the sandy shoreline dragging him into the undertow of temptation. It would take little effort to free his hands and bend his head to suckle her breasts before he explored the rest of her body.

The imagery of brushing his thumbs over her peaked nipples until she cried out with desire made his cock throb as he drew in a ragged breath. Desperately, he crushed the vision filling his head. What he longed to do and what he
do were two different things. All he’d wanted when he’d offered to serve her was a brief moment of pleasurable relief to defuse the powder keg inside him.

It was a lie, but he refused to admit it. Especially to the woman holding him hostage with just a few pieces of lace. This evening had left him vulnerable in a way he’d not experienced in years. It was a sensation that threatened to undo him. Tobias’ heart pounded in his chest at the revelation. A second later, her touch allowed him to push the demons back into the hell they’d emerged from.

Her forefinger pressed lightly into his chest then proceeded to trace a path across his skin. The nerve endings in his chest fired off a volley of pleasure signals in his brain. For such a light touch, it sent an intense, erotic heat slugging through his limbs. He didn’t like how easily she could manipulate his body, but he didn’t try to suppress his enjoyment of her caresses. He simply closed his mind off to everything but the pleasure of her touch.

Heedless of the punishment he’d received the last time for tasting the lovely swell of her neck, Tobias bent his head lower to breathe in her soft scent. The smell of jasmine filled his nostrils, and he dragged in the essence of her into his lungs. There was also the faint scent of musk. Triumph and satisfaction roared through him. He wasn’t the only one who needed a release. All he need do was obey her commands, and he’d soon find himself between her legs. His confidence regained, he ignored the pain in his arms.

“Will you let me pleasure you, my Lady?”

“I will…consider it.” It was a noncommittal response, and he frowned.

“Have I displeased you, my Lady?”

Puzzled by the rejection of his offer, Tobias started to raise his head then stopped. A second later, her hand on his chin,
lifted his head to look directly into his eyes. The sapphire eyes behind her burgundy mask studied him carefully. For a brief moment, he sensed something familiar about her, but the thought vanished as he jerked his gaze down to where her forefinger was tracing its way toward his cock.

“On the contrary, you please me very much,” she whispered.

Thunder echoed in his ears as her finger glided under the base of his erection to press against the ridge she found there. She maintained the pressure on the thin line of sensitive flesh as she dragged her finger along the underside of his hard length. Tobias drew in a sharp hiss of air between his teeth at the touch, his body taut with need. His cock jumped with anticipation as her finger reached the mushroom cap of his hard erection, and a small drop of cum seeped out of him.
smeared it over the head of his cock with her thumb.

The sensual touch made him grunt with need. Christ, if she didn’t take him in hand soon, he was apt to unwillingly disobey her command and spill his seed without any assistance whatsoever. His chest tightened at the thought. He’d be damned if he’d lose control until she said he could. With what little bit of will power he still possessed, Tobias growled his determination to stand his ground.
stroked his cheek and forced him to look at her again.

“I don’t think I told you how pleased I am that you saved your seed for me,” she whispered as her mouth curved in a slight smile.

“It was my honor to do as you commanded, my Lady.”

“And if I continued to deny you your release, what then, Tobias?”

“I would continue to serve you, my Lady,” he said through clenched teeth.

Bloody hell, why did he think the woman intended to make him beg for the release his body was shouting for. His mouth went dry as he watched a smile slowly curved her lips. She was a siren beckoning him to follow her into the abyss. Suddenly, he wanted to find his release inside her, not by her hand or his. Every muscle in his body twisted into tight coils of anticipation at the thought. A second later, her fingers wrapped around his cock, and despite his desire for her, thinking became impossible.

“Are you ready to spill your seed, Tobias?”

“If it pleases you, my Lady, but might I not give you pleasure at the same time?” He rasped uncertain how he’d managed to speak.

“At the moment, I think it will give me greater pleasure to simply milk you.”

Her hand wrapped more tightly around him, and he groaned. With an unhurried stroke that threatened to blind him with raw need,
began to pump his cock. Her caresses were leisurely, and he was certain she intended to extend this exquisite torture as much as possible. Unable to help himself, Tobias thrust his hips forward to rock himself against her fingers.

“From your reaction, it appears you enjoy my touch, Tobias.”

Christ Jesus
, my Lady.”

He barely considered the ramifications of revealing how much he enjoyed her hand on him. Every part of him was focused solely on the force building in his sacs. The friction of her fingers against him was hot and fiery. The sensation tugged him toward a release he’d been seeking for far too long. Deep in the back of his mind, the voice of reason shouted over the raging lust filling his body and reminded him to avoid damaging his fragile restraints.

As he rocked the lower half of his body against her hand, her scent filled his nostrils. She smelled wonderful. God, if only she would allow him to pleasure her. He’d see to it that it would be something she’d never forget. The imagery of thrusting into her softness with her legs wrapped around him only served to heighten the desire expanding inside him at an exponential rate. A low groan rolled up out of his chest to pour out of his throat in a loud roar.

The lust inside him peaked, and his head snapped backward as he violently thrust his hips forward into her hand one last time. In a blinding flash of pleasure, he came hard. With each throb he spilled his seed, while his body shook from the violence of his release. A red mist cluttered his senses as he dragged in deep breaths of air, his chest burning as though he’d run a great distance.

As he pulled himself back from the brink of his release, he noted
had miraculously made a handkerchief appear out of nowhere to capture his seed. Without a word, she cleaned him with the edges of the material then stepped away to dispose of the handkerchief. The moment she walked away, he found himself overwhelmed with the need to have her near him.

The violence of his release slowly eased out of Tobias, and he looked up to find one of his lace restraints was torn. He grimaced at the sight. He would need to take care not rip it completely. His gaze shifted to where
stood in front of a wash table near a large wardrobe. The soft sound of water splashing in the large water basin said she was rinsing his slick essence from her hands.

Free for the moment to watch her without the possibility of penalty, Tobias studied her as one might a work of art. His gaze swept downward to the curve of her waist and where her skirt billowed outward. Her dark hair brushed against her back like brown silk. The lust she’d drawn from his body only a moment ago took hold of him once more as he contemplated the temptation hidden beneath her wide skirts. In his mind’s eye, he knew exactly how he would pleasure her.

He’d make her cry out just like he had, and then he’d do it again until they were both satiated. As he saw her about to turn back to him, he quickly dropped his head knowing that by looking at her he was defying her orders. He wanted to please her, not make her unhappy.

“My Lady,” he rasped. “I am grateful for your attention to my needs.”

“It gave me a great deal of pleasure to take care of you, Tobias.” she said softly as she returned to his side. “And despite a small tear, you even managed to avoid breaking your restraints. It demonstrates the extent of your self-control.”

There was an undefinable emotion in her voice that made him think she regretted not allowing him to bed her. Once more images of him filling her with his cock flooded his head. Almost immediately, he began to harden. It would be only a minute or two before he’d be able to satisfy her as she’d satisfied him.

“Allow me to satisfy you as well, my Lady,” he said quiet confidence.

She didn’t respond to his request. Instead she turned away. Although his gaze remained downcast, he watched her bend down to pick up her jacket. Frustration blistered its way through him as he watched her pull on the burgundy waistcoat. Fuck, she’d covered her beautiful breasts. One hand on her waist and the other at her throat, Tobias knew she was contemplating his offer. Even though he couldn’t see her face, he was certain she was frowning as she considered his words. The deep breath she drew in made his heart sink.

“I don’t think that’s possible.” Doubt riddled her words as she turned to face him. Long, beautiful fingers made short work of buttoning her jacket, and he sensed her uncertainty. It merely strengthened his desire to convince her to let him pleasure her.

possible, my Lady.” Tobias’ body tightened with desire, his cock already halfway to becoming fully erect again. “Let me worship your body with my hands and mouth. Let me satisfy you as no other man has done before.”

“A bold promise.” There was a hint of breathlessness in her voice, but laughter as well. Tobias chafed at her amusement.

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