His Obsession Next Door (In the Line of Duty) (5 page)

BOOK: His Obsession Next Door (In the Line of Duty)
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A long time later, tired as the workday came to a close, Gemma walked into her back office. She plunked down in her cushy chair and, after a call to the event planner, she remembered her blind date.

Grimacing, she shook her mouse to wake her computer and typed in the name Douglas Washington. If he was going to be her escort, she at least wanted to know a little bit about the guy her mother wanted to marry her off to. She read his profile, which was about as exciting as a wet crouton, then let loose a long sigh. Honestly, she needed to stop comparing every man she went out with to Cole, otherwise she was going to spend the rest of her life alone. Someday she’d like to get married and have a family of her own, which had her wondering more about Cole. Now that he was back for good, what did he want out of life besides work?

As she thought about Cole, she wondered if he might have changed his mind about attending the charity event. Now that they shared a common goal and he was getting involved in her no-kill shelter, would he want to attend to learn more about her cause?

Benefactors would love to hear stories about bomb-hunting dogs working in the field, and how he and his comrades wanted to train new service dogs and place them in the hands of ex-soldiers. If he took the podium, it would go a long way to help them both. Except Cole was a private guy, one who held his secrets close—compliments of a hard childhood no doubt—and it wouldn’t be right for her to ask him to step out of his comfort zone to help her in such a manner. He was already doing enough as it was. And honestly, it wouldn’t be fair of her to ask him to dredge up memories from the field. After what he’d been through, it couldn’t be easy for him, or any soldier, to rehash those dark days.

A noise at her door had her glancing up from her screen. Ripples of sensual pleasure danced over her skin when she spotted Cole lounging casually against the doorjamb. By God, no man should ever look that good.

Desire turned to worry as she thought about why he’d be here. “Is Charlie okay?”

“He’s home resting.”

She angled her head. “Why are you here?”

“I thought I’d walk you home.”

Knowing it wasn’t in her best interest to spend any more time with him than necessary, she said, “I can walk myself.”

“It’s dark.”

“I’m not afraid of the dark.”

“You used to be.”

“I used to be a lot of things,” she countered, remembering how shadows created monsters on her walls when she was young and how Cole would stay with her until she fell fast asleep.

Everything in the way he looked at her, the way he dropped his head and drove his hands deep into his pockets, reminded her of the Cole from her youth. She thought about the boy who’d searched all night for her during a raging thunderstorm when she went riding in the woods and lost her way, a boy who’d held her hair back when she’d snuck out to a party, drank too much and became violently ill. A boy who’d turned into a man and didn’t want her the same way she wanted him, which gave credence to her logic to keep her distance from him.

“It’s on my way,” he said.

She arched a curious brow. “I thought you said you were moving out of Jack’s today.”

“I did.”

The way he averted his gaze instantly gave her pause. She took a moment to focus her thoughts. As understanding dawned in small increments, a slow burn began deep in her belly. She climbed from her chair and braced her hands on her desk.

“You’re the one who bought the condo across from mine, aren’t you?” she asked, praying she was wrong.

“Yeah,” he said. “It’s nice and close to work.”

Nice and close to work my ass.

Her heart began beating wildly and anger surged through her veins as her brain leaped to the most logical conclusions. “Cole, seriously,” she said, shaking her head. “Tell me you didn’t buy that place because it’s across from mine and you want to keep an eye on me because you still think you need to protect me.”

“Gems, it’s not like that,” he said, but from the way he was shifting his feet she knew it
just like that.

“I don’t need a bodyguard,” she bit out.

“Gems—” he began, swaying like a guilty schoolboy standing before his principal, but when she took in his watchful eyes she cut him off.

“Fine, then,” she said. As she moved swiftly across the room her mind raced with outlandish ideas before her inner bad girl settled on the most devious one. “You can play it your way,” she added. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t play by her own rules. If Cole insisted on watching over her, she would damn well give him something to watch. And maybe, just maybe, in the process it would alter his perception of her and he’d finally see she was all woman.



What the hell did she think she was doing?

Night blanketed the city as Cole stood near his living room window, watching Gemma mill about her condo through the crack in her curtains. His condo might be the only one with a direct view into her place, but if someone passed by on the street, they could easily see her barely clad body moving from one room to another.

Dressed in a silky little piece of nothing that had his passion-rattled mind urging him to go over there and fuck some sense back into her, he fisted his hands, drove them into his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels.

A slow tremor worked its way through his body. His cock, still hard since setting sight on her four days ago, when she’d answered her door in a silky nightgown, was ready to break through its zippered barrier and rise up for a front row seat. Seeing her standing there looking all warm, soft, sexy and sleepy, had him aching to capture her in his arms and carry her straight back to her bed. Once he had her where he wanted her he’d climb between those long legs of hers and bury his mouth in the apex of her thighs—something he’d been dreaming of doing for far too long now. Christ, what he wouldn’t have done to spend the rest of that day making her scream for him. And scream she would. He growled, and on the floor near his feet, Charlie, who had healed up quite nicely since his surgery, thumped his tail.

Cole gave a hard shake of his head in a failed effort to clear it. He’d been watching her for three long nights now, going into his fourth, and he was pretty sure the girl next door—one who suddenly seemed more seductive than sweet—was up to her old tricks, teasing and tormenting him to the point of distraction.

“That girl is going to be the death of me,” he said to his dog, and Charlie gave a whimper, like he was fully aware of Cole’s discomfort.

The light in her living room flicked off. Cole shifted, about to grab a cold beer to help tamp down the heat inside him when her bathroom light came on. Jesus, with her curtains parted he could see her standing in front of her mirror, her hands gripping the hem of her camisole. He swallowed, hard, and tried not to look. He really did. But by God, even though ogling the half-naked beauty across the street was all kind of wrong, there was nothing he could do to tear his gaze away from the woman who’d become the object of his obsession. After all, he was a man, and a man only had so much willpower.

She peeled her top off to expose the most luscious breasts he’d ever set eyes on. As lust settled deep in his groin his cock throbbed, aching for attention. Working to summon a modicum of control as she wiggled, he gripped the windowpane and swallowed down the saliva pooling in his mouth. He couldn’t see below her waist, but from the way her breasts were swaying, her long dark curls flaring around her face, he could only guess she was shimmying out of her panties.


She turned her back to the window and reached into her shower to turn it on. If he wasn’t mistaken she shot a sassy glance his way before climbing in. Son of a bitch. She really
fucking with him.

Cole backed away and headed straight for his fridge. He grabbed a beer, cracked it open and took a long swallow. After draining half the contents in one gulp, he dropped it onto his counter and looked around. If he didn’t find something to do with his hands he was either going to take his cock into them or go over there and fuck the hell out of her.

Just then his phone rang and he was thankful for the distraction. He grabbed the receiver.

“Yeah,” he said, trying for normal.

“Cole, it’s Jack. You busy?”

Cole grunted. Here it was Saturday night and he was home watching the sexy girl next door get ready for her banquet when he should be out prowling. What he needed was a woman to help take his mind off his friend’s kid sister and all the ways he’d like to fuck her.

“The guys and I are going to the park to shoot hoops.”

“I’m on my way.” He hung the phone up and looked at Charlie. “Let’s go, boy.”



Cole spent the next hour shooting hoops with the guys while the dogs played in the park. But not even the exercise, sweat or camaraderie could help take his mind off Gemma. He continually tripped up and missed even the easiest of shots.

Josh razzed him about being off his game as Cole reached for his towel, deciding he’d had enough. “I’d better get Charlie home,” he said, knowing it was a half-truth. Some part of him was anxious to get back to his place, to catch a glimpse of Gemma before she left for her event.

“What time are we on for tomorrow?” Josh asked, taking another shot.

Cole might have spent the last few nights watching over Gemma but his days had been spent at the abandoned base with his comrades. Jack’s father had called in a few favors and managed to get approval to use the space. The four guys had already erected a detection wall inside one of the compounds and were now building boxes to take training one step further. Once they had everything in place they’d be able to test the dogs and determine which could be trained.

“Early, I want to be done before the heat of the day hits.”

After a round of agreements the guys dispersed. Cole leashed Charlie, tucked his ball under his arm and made the short trek back to his place. When he rounded the corner he spotted a limousine outside Gemma’s condo. A man climbed from the back seat. As Cole looked him over, a surge of possessiveness raced through him. Picking up his pace, he closed the distance between them and the second he caught a glimpse of Gemma exiting her condo, his breath left his lungs in a rush.

She was dressed in a form-fitting, sexy black cocktail dress that hugged her curves and showcased a supple body. While his fingers itched to caress her, she accepted the arm of her date. At first she didn’t see Cole standing in the shadows, but then Charlie barked, excited to see the woman who’d stitched him up.

She turned, and her hand went to her chest. “Cole,” she said, sounding breathless as she peered at him. “I didn’t see you there.”

“Gems,” he returned and switched his attention to her date, taking note of his expensive suit and how everything about him screamed wealth—the kind of guy her mother would want her to marry.

She quickly recovered from the shock of seeing him and said, “This is Douglas Washington. Douglas, this is Cole Sullivan.” A pause and then, “Cole and I go way back.”

A confused look came over Douglas’s face as his glance moved over Cole’s sweaty clothes. He greeted Cole with a curt nod before he put his mouth close to Gemma’s ear and said, “We’re running a bit late, darling.” She nodded and he slipped his hand around her back to guide her to the waiting vehicle.

Seconds before she got into the car she said, “If you change your mind, we’ll be at Grand Union Ballroom and there’ll be an invitation waiting for you at the doors.”

Charlie barked and Cole watched her drive off. While he should walk away, considering Douglas Washington was the kind of guy she should be going out with—rich, sophisticated, a guy from the right side of the tracks—he couldn’t bring himself to back off. Truthfully, he should be blessing the union, yet there was something about the guy that rubbed him the wrong way. Perhaps it was his arrogance, or perhaps it was simply because he was escorting Gemma to her event.

Either way, he didn’t like the guy, and if he wanted to keep the vow he made to her brother, he had no choice but to go to the banquet and watch over her from a distance. He twisted back around, because while he didn’t own an expensive suit himself, he knew Jack would. After all, he wasn’t known as
Jack of all trades
for nothing, and as the son of a general, he attended many formal events. Ten minutes later, he and Charlie stood outside Jack’s door.

He knocked twice, then found Jack staring at him. Colby came over to greet Charlie, and since both dogs were tired after playing in the park, they went to the water bowl before dropping onto Colby’s bed next to the television.

“I need a suit,” Cole said, giving his friend a glance over, thankful they were the same size.

Jack laughed. “You? In a suit?”

“Do you have one or not?” he bit out, much harsher than he intended. But goddammit, Gemma had completely thrown him off his game and lit a dangerous fuse inside him, one he’d better find a way to extinguish before he did something he could only regret later.

“What’s gotten into you? You look like you’re ready to go off.”

“Nothing,” he said, raking his hands through his hair. “Look, I didn’t mean to bark, it’s just…I think I should go to the benefit tonight.”

“You want to go to the benefit?”

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