His Saving Grace (27 page)

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Authors: Sharon Cullen

BOOK: His Saving Grace
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When at fourteen, his father had discussed what was expected of Grayson. He should marry the daughter of a duke or a marquis. His mother had suggested, just before the carriage accident that had claimed his father, sister, and brother, too, that he must chose his allegiance carefully. Her advice was to give his love to his mistresses, picking women who pleased him in bed. When choosing a wife, he should look for a good breeder and treat her with respect. That would keep the Blackwood house strong.

However, Grayson’s view had changed over his years in the Flagstaff household. It was obvious to all that Lord Flagstaff loved his wife a great deal. Grayson had come to the conclusion that he would have a dutiful, obedient wife wrapped up in a woman he could love. So far, he’d not found any woman who could deliver both. There were plenty of dutiful, respectful women, but none who stirred his heart.

Portia, on the other hand, more than stirred his heart. She stirred his body and soul, too. Unfortunately, she was totally unacceptable.

Grayson cast Portia from his mind and set out to find Robert and offer his goodbyes. A thought, forbidden and dangerous, stilled his heart.
Admit it, man, you don’t want to give her up.

He’d been trying to deny his powerful and savage attraction to Portia, growing for so long that he’d forgotten what a good night’s sleep was. Tonight had made the situation a hundred times worse. Now, when he dreamed, he’d know exactly how she tasted, her scent would be swirling in his head, and he’d remember her soft, silken skin.

Perhaps it was just as well he was leaving to fight Napoléon in three days’ time. A battlefield could make his problem moot. He knew he shouldn’t go; he was the last of his family. But he would not let Robert go alone.

He must be the only man looking forward to war. Only then might he forget the red-haired vixen who haunted his dreams.

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