His Strict Requirement: Billionaire Secrets - Book Five (7 page)

BOOK: His Strict Requirement: Billionaire Secrets - Book Five
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"Oh my God Dale," Lindsay couldn't help it, she had teared up and was covering her face with her hands, looking over the tips of her fingers at the bastard she was determined to royally screw before the American public one way or the other.

"Jesus Christ…you didn’t…dear God, you didn’t have to do this."

"Oh yes I did." He said and then reached out his hand towards her. He closed the limo door and drew her towards him. Maybe it was the music and fairy dust but as he pressed his lips to hers it was the closest experience to being taken by a real live Prince Charming she could have imagined. They had been weeks just kissing, whispering, holding each other and she had always put him off from going further with some kind of excuse.

Then she would go home and furiously finish herself off with one of the well-used dildos from her growing collection.

The problem was that the damn things seemed to be making less and less of a dent in her growing desire for 'completion'. The kiss from Dale went through her now like a hot flame through ice-cream; melting her away and blowing rational thought from her mind. Her hand strayed down to his lap and she rested it to his inner thigh.

Oh my God.
He was hard as hell and her heart beat faster. That damn love rocket she had felt against herself dozens of times in the last weeks. She longed to satisfy it, to lower herself slowly down onto it from above and take full control, just like she always did. On top. She loved to be on top. She had to be on top. That was her one quirky screwed up thing. No man on top, fucking her, no way. The loss of control was too much. If her and Dale ever did get it on, my God, the thought of taking him that way was almost too much.

The limo started moving again.

"Dale." She drew back. "This can't go on. Where are we going? What about Nena?"

"Don’t worry about her. My people are with her and I'm paying Disney a mid-sized fortune to make the little girl the happiest human being alive on the planet today. Now I've just got you to worry about?"

"To worry about?"

"Yeah, my grown up princess. Nena's the easy one. I'm trying to figure out what I have to do to make Princess Lindsay a little bit happy in this world because I'm damned if you aren't about the toughest little cookie I've ever tried to bite into."

Lindsay shook her head. Maybe this was good. This was playing into her hands. This was the flow of events going smoothly and according to her original plan of action.

"Well you haven't thought very hard Dale because I'm easy to please. You know what it is that a princess like me wants more than anything else in this world?"

He smiled and nodded his head. This was it - the flow of events going smoothly and exactly according to his plan of action.

"Sure I do and I've been doing my damndest to give it to you, but there's one thing still holding me back."

"And that is?"

He sighed deeply, leaned back to create a little space between them and then locked her gaze with his deep, dark eyes.

"It's Nena."

A shiver went through Lindsay. It was too close to the truth, but how on earth could he have figured out her plan? She hadn't discussed this with anyone. She had intended to put the squeeze on him by saying that she really liked him but that for Nena's sake this couldn’t continue unless she knew what had happened to Boyevik. When he told her she would demand evidence, but even if he wasn't willing in that regard it would make no difference. She was already wearing her 'wire' now. The device was a mini spy camera built into the discreet necklace she had hanging around her neck. The quality was grainy at best but it would have to do. The thing had cost her fifty-two dollars online, delivery included, and  had served her well on a couple of other stories in the past. It would be enough for this one as well.

"What about her?" She asked, her heart pounding.

"I'm worried about what you're doing to her."

"You're worried about what
doing to her? You just rented Disney World for her; are you trying to turn her into most spoiled little brat in Washington DC?"

"It's only a small part of the park, but more than big enough for her and spoiling her a little should be the least of your worries. It's what you're doing to us and how it affects her that worries me most."

He was getting to close to home but maybe she could still turn it to her advantage.

"I'm not sure I know what you're talking about." She said. "I mean, sure it would make a difference to us if we knew exactly who you were. If you would finally just come clean about--"

"That's not the issue. I know you're still digging for your story Lindsay, I'm not an idiot."

"That's not true, not at all. Marco isn't interested so therefore, neither am I."

"Then why do you snoop around in my stuff every time you set foot in my home?"

"I do not."

"I can show you the footage if you want."

Her heart was racing, her chest heaving and the beginning of a pounding headache was threatening in her temples. She had given months to this accursed story, built up little Nena, the most important person in the world to her, for a huge disappointment and all the time this cold, calculating asshole had known been just stringing her along.

The pit of her stomach felt heavy, nauseous. Things could not work out like this. The world could not be so cruel.

"It wasn't for a story no matter what you're thinking." She said.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really. I know you think all journalists are snakes, but I've… I've really gotten to like you Dale it's just that… I just need to know what happened to that bottom feeding piece of crap before I take this relationship any further."

"You mean Boyevik."

"Who else? He kidnapped me and Nena, he threatened to kill us and then you just, just… make him disappear? For all I know you're worse than he is. Maybe you threw him and his crew out into middle of the sea over Point Nemo where no  one would ever find them again. Maybe that's who you are and if that's the truth then I don’t care if Nena worships you or not, I don’t want any part of this."

She was shaking. It had gone beyond an act. It was true, she really was scared for the little girl and the strain was getting to her. Hopefully the genuine part of her reaction would add to the effect and convince him to tell his story once and for all.

"Please Dale." She put her hand out and touched his cheek lightly. "This is killing me."

Keep going Lindsay, he's ready to crack, just keep it up a little longer.

He pushed her hand to his cheek with his own and then put it back down onto her lap.

"So you're not just faking being interested in us to get a story - that's what you're telling me, right?"

She swallowed hard and nodded. In one way it was true; she really did like him. That part was true, but with this shadow hanging over them…

He leaned in closer and gazed into her eyes. God he was so hard to resist when he did that.

"Lindsay, look, I don’t care if you are faking it, do you understand me?"

She shook her head, no she did

"I know things haven't been easy for you and Nena and I know this is the way you need to be in order to survive. I respect that now. I understand what you do and I respect it, I really do, but you have to believe me when I tell you that you are never going to get a story out of this. Period. And if you do publish something then Ruben and Clay will dismantle Marco's organization in hours if not sooner. Hell, I'll help them do it myself if it comes to that. Make no mistake, we've got files, video, sworn statements, all the evidence we need to shut him and you down if we need to."

Lindsay felt weak listening to him. This was getting scary again.

"I don’t want to have to do any of that." He continued. "But even if I did, I wouldn't want it to affect us or especially Nena. Do you understand me?"

She shook her head again. This was too crazy.

"I just want you to be honest with Lindsay, just this once. This one time only and I will never ask you again. Are you or are you not putting together a story on me for publication? Just be honest and we can put it behind us forever."

"If I tell you the truth will you tell me what happened? What you did to Boyevik and his men?"

He sighed.

"Damn it, you never give in, do you?"

She stared at him, utterly confused. Did he want her or not? Did
want him or not? Was any of this even real? Would he really forgive her or was he just playing her?

"Okay." He said. "You win. It doesn't make any difference anyway. You'll never be able to prove any of this so none if would be worth publishing."

This was it, he was finally going to reveal the missing piece of the Boyevik puzzle. She hoped her cheap little microphone wouldn't let her down.

"But when I tell you this it changes everything between us. There will be no more obstacles, no more excuses. Agreed?"

Her heart was pounding harder than ever. How bad could the truth be if he was really going to tell her? Surely this was real - he must be feeling something for her.

"What do you mean it changes everything? Exactly what will change?" Her voice quavered with pent up emotion.

"It means we take our relationship to the next level. No ifs or buts. You know I like you Lindsay. Hell you've known it since the moment I  saw you on that runway on Ruben's island. Now I know it's been a long road to get here, but I'm very serious about this, once you hear what you need to hear then that's it, you become mine in every way that a man has a right to."

His meaning was absolutely clear and her body was responding whether she wanted it to or not. She was already wet and would have been ready to chalk up submitting to him as one massive, massive perk of the job if only her feelings hadn't been so strong as well. Why couldn't he just be a hot as hell love God whose pants she wanted to get into? Just enjoy the good times - good clean fun with no strings attached and then feed him and his dirty, lying crew of arrogant friends to the lions afterwards.

No way. It wasn't that simple. She was beginning to believe he really felt something for her and that he would do anything to get next to her. And then there was Nena - he was so good with her and the little girl adored him.

Oh my God. I can’t do this.

Lindsay Day just hadn't been raised that way.

No. She would have to hear the story first. It all depended on the story. If he was a monster and a murderer then that would change everything, but if somehow, someway they had figured out a way to take care of Boyevik in way that wasn't morally reprehensible then what?

That was the billion dollar question.

She leaned in towards him, her lips dying to meet with his, ready to promise everything to him but the car had come to a halt.

"We're here Mr. Hargrave." The driver's voice came through the limo's PA system.

"Don’t answer yet." Dale said. "I've got a little surprise for you."

She went to speak but he held his finger up to her lips.

"Come on Lindsay, don’t tell me you didn't want to be a princess too when you were a little girl, because that's one lie I won’t believe."

"Dale, please, let's just clear the air before--"

He opened the door of the vehicle and two rows of fantasy court attendees were lined up either side of a red carpet. It was over the top, screwy, ridiculous and even though the memories were buried deep and almost forgotten they were still there. Hardnosed investigative journalist or not she had also once been a little girl and dreamed of being a princess and of going to Disney World, but nobody had ever taken her. Reasonable or not a lump came to her throat. She felt like a wide-eyed innocent little girl again, like the little girl she had been before she learned what a cruel place the world could be and long before she had ever made the decision to fight to make it a better place by telling the truths that people didn't always want to hear.

"Just let go Lindsay, for once in that uptight life of yours listen and learn. You saw how easy it was for Nena, come on, you can do it to."

Music was playing and there was fairy dust in the air.

She looked into his eyes and saw Prince Charming in a whole new light. If he had ever looked like this in a fairy tale it would have been banned. No princess ever fantasized about fucking Prince Charming the way she was doing now and clearly this Prince Charming had more on his mind than taking her to the ball.

Introducing her to his balls would have been more accurate.

What the hell….
She thought.
Nena is on cloud nine somewhere, I'm about to get my story, save my job, save Marco's business and keep a roof over our heads. I can be a princess for an hour or two in this screwed up life of mine.

She took his hand and they stepped from the car together to walk to the enchanted castle and for just a while, reality melted away behind them like a dream.




One couples' massage and pampering session, private fireworks display, ballroom experience, and Victoria and Albert's Disney Grand Floridian fine dining romantic meal later and the happy pair were ready to join back up with their little one again. Lindsay didn't want it to end, but still there something gnawed at her insides throughout. Dale refused to be drawn on anything of substance and instead spent the hours wheedling details about her childhood from her and making her talk about things she had forgotten existed inside her.

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