His to Have (A Claimed Story Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: His to Have (A Claimed Story Book 2)
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,” Dr. Kizer says as we walk into her office hand in hand.

Erika’s cheeks redden as she leans against my shoulder.

“Dr. Kizer,” I say in greeting.

The doctor’s smile broadens. “Tell me, Mr. and Mrs. Cross: how was the cabin?”

I squeeze Erika’s hand. “I think it was just what the doctor ordered.”

“Ms. Ellis?” the doctor asks.

, Mrs. Victor Cross,” my wife says. “I’m having them change my name at the station too. Soon it will be Erika Cross on channel fifty-three. I had some notion that I couldn’t continue in my career if I used my married name, but now I realize what that did to Vic. We’ve been married for almost five years, I want everyone to know.”

“Victor, how do you feel about that?”

“I think I have the only woman I’ve ever loved next to me at this moment.”

Dr. Kizer shrugs. “My fee includes use of the cabin. If you two are all done there, we can adjust—“

“No,” Erika and I say together. Though a smile tugs at my lips, I narrow my eyes at my wife in an unspoken warning.

Her blue eyes sparkle as she lowers her lids. “I’m sorry, Sir. It’s your decision.”

“Doctor, we’d like to use the cabin again next weekend.”

She grins. “Very good, I’m sure you still have a few things to explore.”

“Yes, we do.”

I squeeze Erika’s hand. We never made it to the canes nor did I take her ass. It was a lot for our first time as Dom and sub. I wanted her to be comfortable. Now, with the pink on her cheeks, and downcast eyes, I don’t want to hold back...fuck me!

Yes, next weekend we will have a lot to explore.

, Sir!”

Victor’s cock teases my cunt, rubbing over my clit and moving in and out of my entrance.

“Please,” I beg, wanting him deeper, wanting more.

“I told you, kitten, where I was going to fuck you and it’s not in this tight, warm pussy.”

My throat dries as I try to swallow. I’ve gone along with everything since last weekend. And while Victor made me nervous on our first drive to the cabin, everything since has been as he promised. It’s my fantasies played out in real life. Over the last week we’ve talked and said things we should have said before. More than that, these new roles have given our marriage something we’ve never had—total trust and freedom.

Freedom to be open with one another with our bodies and our hearts. Freedom to give the kind of trust it takes to allow a man to do what Victor has done and is doing to me. My wrists are bound to the bondage table, but instead of lying flat, my ankles are bound, attached with short chains that hook to my wrists. I’m on my knees and shoulders with my cheek pressed to the table and my ass in the air. I couldn’t straighten my legs if I wanted to.

His finger moves in and out of my cunt. Each time it’s gone, I tremble at the loss. Not only that, but each time it leaves my pussy, it gets closer and closer to my tight hole.

“Do you trust me, kitten?”

“Yes, I do, Sir.” My answer gives me the strength to let him continue.

Cold gel combines with my cum as Victor lubricates my hole.

“When you get used to this,” he explains, “we won’t need the gel. You’re always so fucking wet. But now, I want to make it easy. I don’t want to hurt you.”

His words seem ironic, being as he’s just flogged my ass and thighs, but I understand. I understand the difference between intentional pain for pleasure and pain for harm. The flogging was to clear my mind, to get me ready, and bring my focus on him, my husband, where it belongs.

It worked. Nothing else exists beyond the walls of this cabin.

I whimper as his finger penetrates the tight ring of muscle.

“Then do it,” he says. “Trust me.”

The flogging left my ass and thighs tingling while building my want. I long for relief. I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and concentrate on his movements—the way his finger moves in and out of my ass and the way his other hand works my clit. He knows my body better than I do. He knows just how much I can take.

Higher and higher he strums me until my toes curl.

“Not yet.”

I hold my breath as the tip of his cock presses against my tight ring of muscles.

“Relax and I’ll let you cum.”

I’ve learned his meanings. My Sir is really saying that if I don’t relax, he won’t let me cum. And as much as I want air right now, I want to cum.

“Who owns you, kitten? Who do you belong to?”

“To you, Sir.”

“And what do you want?” His cock pushes harder applying more pressure.

I push back toward him as much as I can in my bindings. “To cum. Please, Sir, fuck my tight hole and make me cum.”

He’d said he wouldn’t do it until I begged. I never thought I would, but I did. I’d do anything for him.

I suck in a breath and ball my fists as he plunges forward, taking my ass and making it his. Tears leak to the table as he moves, thrust after thrust, until the rhythm is right and my body accepts the invasion. His warmth covers my freshly punished skin. My thoughts are monopolized by the fiery burn of his cock in my ass and pleasure of his fingers in my pussy. Higher and tighter until I see explosions of light and I cum apart. Moments later Victor does too, filling my ass with his seed until it can’t take any more and drizzles down my leg.

He pulls out and kisses my holes. Next he unfastens the chains and my legs relax. When he rolls me over, his expression takes my breath away. So much love and adoration. He smoothes back my hair, tucking a piece behind my ear and gently kisses my lips.

“Kitten, you’re perfect and you’re mine—forever.”

I’m too tired to speak. Instead, I smile and nod. He’s right.

I am.

I’m his to have and I’ve never been happier.


ou're such an ass
," Jess blurts out. Her tone sounds angry, but her volume is still low.

I shrug with a smirk as I heave my backpack higher on my shoulder. As we step through the front doors of our high school, the onslaught of the warm Missouri sun causes me to squint my eyes. For a few steps I think about how to answer her, what to say. If she were a guy I'd have the perfect response. I'd say that I wasn't the ass, but Maura Sharpe had a fine ass and I'd fucked that too.

But Jess isn't a guy, and even though she's my best friend, I'm confident she doesn't want that much detail. I can see her in my imagination scrunching her cute little nose and after hitting me halfheartedly saying, 'Gross, TMI!'

Trying to avoid her manhandling—something I wouldn't take from anyone else—I start to reply when she purposely bumps her shoulder against mine, her tiny frame filled with enough hostility to almost bounce me from the sidewalk. I grin. So much for my attempt to avoid her physical aggression.

Catching my balance as car after car peels past, determined to leave the parking lot before the line begins to form at the stoplight, I stare down at her and with a gleam in my eyes, ask, "Are you trying kill me?"

Jess shakes her head. "Maura? Maura?" Each time she asks, echoing the name belonging to her friend and my latest fuck, her voice gets louder and the name more exaggerated.

I hit the unlock on my truck as Jess goes around to the passenger side.

Once we're both inside, I start the truck and immediately roll down the windows. Missouri weather has serious multiple-personality issues—freezing one day, sweltering the next. It’s like it has as much trouble as I do deciding what it wants.

Jess lifts her long blonde hair and directs the air conditioning vent in her direction.

"What do you want me to say?" I finally ask as I back out of the space, barely missing two girls walking with their heads together, too lost in their conversation to realize they're about to become road kill.

As my bumper moves in their direction, one of them turns toward me, but as soon as she recognizes my truck, her anger turns to a smile and her eyes search for mine in the side mirror.

"Hi Ashton," she calls with the telltale flick of her neck and a finger wave. "Call me."

I wave at the same time I see Jess's head shake in my peripheral vision. As I ease the truck into the line of traffic, I say a silent prayer that the girl won't try to come up to my open window.

Jess cranes her neck over her shoulder. "Isn't she a freshman?"

"Is she?"

"Jeeze, Ash. You really are a manwhore. You know that?"

I lift my brows. "No, Jess, I'm not a whore. Whores get paid. I willingly share my talents with those in need. I think that's called a humanitarian."

We finally make our way out of the parking lot and onto the side streets and with a little acceleration comes a nice breeze to cool the cab. Admittedly, it works better than my AC. But one day I won't be driving a beat-up old truck. One day, I'll have a car to go along with my body and personality.

"Maura's my friend," Jess says.

"Maura's a big girl. She knew what she was doing. Actually, she knew—"

Jess lifts her hand. "Stop. You know our deal. No details. I don't want to know about the little freshman or Maura."

"Well, let me just say that Maura is much more experienced."

"Noted. But you know she just broke up with Matt. The last thing she needs is you using her for a one-night stand."

I reach over and squeeze Jess's leg. "You know me. I don't use girls. They come to me."

"Because you're so freaking fantastic in the sack?"

My cheek rises, creating my signature cocky, lopsided grin. "That
the word on the street."

She sighs and lays her head against the seat. "Is that all you want?"

I look over at my best friend. There's something about Jess that makes her different than every other girl I've ever known. Maybe it's that we've known each other since we were kids. Maybe it's that we know everything about one another. Maybe it's that we swore never to lie to one other, and we haven't. I'm not sure of the reason, but for the first time since I was balls deep in Maura Sharpe, I feel a little bad about it.

Which is strange.

I never feel regret.

Euphoria, a fucking fantastic release as my dick explodes and some pussy squeezes it tight, yes, but never regret.

"Jess, what is it?"

She turns toward the open window, her hair blowing in the breeze and takes a minute before she answers. "I think it's that we're graduating in a few weeks. We're going off to college and we have friends getting married."

"We also have friends with kids on the way. Do you want that to be you?"

Jess looks at me for a minute and then turns back to the open window. "Someday."

"Someday, but not now. Not at eighteen."

After a sigh, she leans back against the seat. In the few seconds that passed, her fun smile, the one that has gotten us both in trouble more times than I can count is back. "Then Mr. Michaels, keep your cock in your pants."

"Don't worry. I have a lifetime supply of wraps. I'm well practiced at safe sex."

"It's just that Maura has been texting me all day. She's sure she's 'in love'. And by the way, 'you're the best.'" Her voice does this sing-song thing when she relays Maura's messages.

"Oh, I am
the best
, but
? No way." I shake my head. "I told her the same thing I tell them all: I'm not a commitment kind of guy."

"She mentioned that," Jess says. "She also asked me what your favorite color is. Your favorite food. Your favorite TV show...on and on. She's got it bad."

I bypass our neighborhood and keep driving. It's easier walking away from someone if there's no connection. I should have followed my gut and told Maura no. I should have realized that her friendship with Jess would be an issue. But I swear, Maura wouldn't take no for an answer, and well, my dick wasn't saying no.

"Where are we going?" Jess asks.

"How about coffee?"

She shakes her head. "No, I'm broke."

"I'll buy." I offer, but we both know I don’t have much money either.

"No. How about the lake? It's a beautiful afternoon."

I nod, taking in the bright blue sky.

A few minutes and a few dirt roads later, I park and turn off my truck. The lake isn't big and it's kind of hidden away. It's owned by some guy who doesn't even live close by. The old gate at the end of the lane that is supposed to keep people out has been permanently removed from its rusty hinges.

Now it's one of the places teenagers in our town go. It's not just teenagers. Dads bring their kids here to fish and families even come to swim. It's too early in the year to swim. The water would be freezing.

I lead as we walk the edge of the lake, up some high rocks. It's the perfect spot. From up here you can see down into the depths of the dark water and over to the lane. No one can sneak up on you here. You can see everything, like being on the top of the world.

"Truth or dare," I say.

Jess sways her shoulders back and forth as she contemplates my question. "Truth, you know I'd never lie to you."

"Are you still holding out?"

She smiles with her eyes gazing down. "Do you mean have I put out yet?"

"I mean, has Todd gotten in your pants yet?"

"Those are two different questions. Pick one."

My chest aches a little at the thought of that dick with his hands down Jess's shorts. But I remind myself that she's my friend. I have no right to expect her to stay a virgin when I'm fucking every other girl out there. "First one."

"I am, but I don't think it can last much longer."

I stand taller. "Jess, if that ass is pressuring you..."

"That’s not what I mean. I mean, I think I want to. I just don't know if he's the forever kind of guy."

"Your turn," I say as I peer down. The water is easily twenty feet below us. In the summer there were many times we'd jumped from here into the cool spring-fed lake below.

"OK. Truth or dare?"

I look up at her sparkling green eyes and realize that she's seeing the same thing—the water. I can practically see her think about jumping or making me jump. It's not that I don't want to. If it were summer and twenty degrees warmer, I wouldn't hesitate, but well, my better sense says, "Truth."

"Do you think you'll ever be a forever kind of guy?"

That wasn't what I expected.

I sigh as I lower myself to the warm rock and stretch out my legs. "I really don't see it. I don't see me being committed to anyone but myself. That makes me sound like an ass, and I probably am, but forever is a really long time."

Jess nods as she sits beside me. "What if I never find that forever guy?"

I reach out and squeeze her hand. "You will, but if you don't, you'll always have me."



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