Read His Virgin Acquisition Online
Authors: Maisey Yates
She’d done a wonderful job concealing the provocative, sexual part of her nature. Despite her reputation she’d nearly managed to convince him that she was an uptight prude. He could see now what a good little actress she was.
The woman sitting in front of him was a woman who
the effect she had on men. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were bright, giving her the look of a woman
who had recently indulged in hedonistic passions. There was simply no way she could be unaware of the sheer sex appeal that she exuded.
It might be fun to play her game, to take what she was offering for a while, as long as they were both sharing the same home. It was definitely tempting. He knew she had an agenda, but it was of little concern to him. He would be more than able to enjoy her physically and not get snared in her trap.
Later, when the deal with James Preston was ironed out, he would consider taking her up on the offer to use her delectable body.
He cleared his throat and sat in the chair opposite her. He looked to Elaine as if he was readying for a board meeting. Still, looking as formidable as he did, he was the sexiest man she had ever seen.
“What did you do with my clothes?” she asked, one eyebrow quirked.
“They’re still in a box somewhere,” he said, waving his hand dismissively.
“You didn’t think you should consult me before giving my wardrobe a complete overhaul?”
“It needed one. You can trust me on that.”
“I don’t relish feeling like you’re buying me.”
He chuckled. “But that’s basically what I’ve done. I’m paying you with Chapman Electronics to be my wife. And if you’re going to be playing the part of Mrs. De Luca you need to look the part. Actors are provided with costumes. If it makes you feel better, then look at it that way.”
She opened her mouth as if she was going to offer up one of her tart one-liners, then closed it again as if she’d thought better of it.
“You already know that I’ve been eyeing one of James
Preston’s resort properties in Hawaii, and that he’s reluctant to sell to me because of my reputation?”
“Yes, I remember. The Hanalei Bay Resort.”
James Preston was a legendary hotelier. His resort property on the island of Kauai was the “it” spot for corporate retreats, celebrity weddings, and romantic getaways for the über-wealthy.
He gave her a wry smile. “That’s the one.”
“Is he still unsure about you?”
“He’s getting there, but he wants to meet with me personally before he agrees to anything.”
He nodded. “And of course I’ll need to do a thorough sweep of the property before I make a final decision.”
“How long will you be gone?”
shouldn’t be gone for more than a couple weeks.”
“Yes. We.”
“What about my job? You just expect me to pick up and go gallivanting off to paradise and leave them in the lurch?”
“Yes, Elaine, I do. Think of this as an extended job interview. If you do things to my satisfaction, in the end you’ll get the company. However, if my goals are compromised so are yours. Remember that.”
Marco could see the war that was being waged behind her eyes. The fierce light that had glinted in their blue depths when she’d thought about arguing, the anger when she’d realized she had no choice but to accompany him, to hold to her end of the contract. Then, finally, he’d seen acceptance.
“When do we leave?”
vibrant colour of the island rushed up into Elaine’s vision as the plane began to move closer to the viridian land. The trees were so dense she could hardly see the runway, and it felt as though the plane was going to crash into the thick palms and kukuis that lined the coast.
“It’s so beautiful,” she said.
Marco barely looked up from his laptop. He was sitting across from her in a captain’s chair that was adjacent to the small loveseat she was perched on.
His private plane was the size of her apartment, and was lavishly furnished. She’d probably looked completely gauche when she’d boarded the plane back in New York, her mouth hanging open as she took in the absolute indulgence and luxury of her surroundings.
“Yes. It is. Which is why it’s such valuable real estate.”
Even the matter-of-fact statement sent a shiver of wanting through her. He could recite baseball statistics and still sound unbearably sexy. She’d had her own bedroom and
en suite
bathroom for the duration of the thirteen-hour flight, but not even that little bit of privacy had been enough to keep her from feeling horribly, embarrassingly aware of the man.
It bordered on being infuriating. Where was her focus? She was so close—twelve months away—to reaching the ultimate prize, and half of her mind, and all of her body, were homed in on Marco.
Maybe it was the natural order. Maybe hormones and normal adult desires could only be ignored and suppressed for so long. Maybe they’d spent the last ten years building up in her system, only to be unleashed on the first desirable male to come within five feet of her.
It wasn’t as though she’d never had the opportunity. There had been plenty of men who’d showed interest in her, especially in college. And she’d even liked some of them, dated some of them. But in the end their lack of ambition had made her crazy, while her driving need for success had driven them away. There had been kisses—none of them overly passionate, all of them ending at the front door. There had never seemed to be the time or the adequate desire for a physical relationship.
And then there had been Daniel. Whom she’d liked a lot. Whom she’d been attracted to—whom she’d very nearly said yes to when he’d asked that all-important question at the door. But in the end she’d turned down his request to come in, nerves or maybe even morals stopping her from accepting.
That moment of refusal had changed everything. The next day Daniel had started spreading the rumors, and by the end of the day everyone
why she’d been getting promoted. At least they’d thought they did. Nobody would believe that she’d gotten the promotions on her own merit, and her co-workers had been more than willing to believe that she’d slept with the boss rather than believing she might actually be good—better than they were—at what she did. And just like that her career had been killed before it had started.
Which brought her full circle to where she was now. On a private plane that had just landed in Hawaii, with her mercenary husband, whom she was appallingly attracted to, and twelve months of marriage to a man who threw her thoroughly off kilter looming ahead of her.
Marco stood when the plane came to a halt, his laptop secured in its travel case. “We will go straight to the Hanalei Bay Resort and get settled into our accommodations. Later we will be having dinner with James and his wife.”
“Our accommodations? As in, we’re sharing?”
Marco watched as hectic color flooded Elaine’s face. It was a source of amazement to him that a woman of her age could blush so easily. He preferred a more sophisticated type of woman, the kind of woman who didn’t expect anything from a man but a few nights of mutual satisfaction. The only sort of pink any of those women got in their cheeks came from their make-up bag. He found it an interesting sort of challenge, making her blush.
“No, actually I was planning to have you installed down the hall, so that I could use your services by day and entertain my mistress by night.”
Color reddened her neck and slowly climbed into her face, staining her cheeks a deep crimson. “Well, the stipulations of the prenup would certainly allow it,” she said stiffly.
He chuckled. “You’re not getting rid of me so easily,
cara mia.”
He strode across the cabin of the plane and leaned down, cupping her chin and tilting her face up so that she was forced to meet his eyes. “I’m here to play devoted husband.” He smoothed his thumb along her lush bottom lip. Lust attacked him, hot and hard. “And we’re on our honeymoon. That means you will be staying very, very close to me.”
Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips and the pink tip slicked across his thumb. Electricity shot from his hand to his groin. Her eyes widened, her pupils dilated. She wanted him. She probably wanted his money even more, but there was no denying that she wanted him physically.
And he ached to take her. To pull her to the floor and have his way with her, pound into her while those gorgeous, endless legs were wrapped high around his waist, as she whispered soft, feminine sounds of pleasure in his ear.
He was so hard it hurt.
But he didn’t have any protection with him—and not by accident. He wasn’t taking any chances with this mercenary woman he’d married. His own parents had given him an early crash course in the essence of human nature. Greed and self-satisfaction were at the core of every human being. Even the most honest and good could be corrupted for the right amount. With enough incentive a father could throw his family out onto the streets to fend for themselves. A mother could leave her children when she got a better offer than sleeping in alleyways. Yes, the right incentive could entice people to commit all kinds of sins.
He didn’t trust the woman. Her motives were anything but pure. He was certain of that. She had lied to her own father and married a stranger, all for her personal gain. He had no intention of falling prey to her. She was a fabulous manipulator. She was a calculating businesswoman, the embodiment of sex appeal, a ruthless competitor…and a blushing innocent?
Until he was able to ascertain exactly what her true motives were, exactly which of the characters she portrayed reflected the real woman, he would have to keep his distance.
His erection pulsed in protest.
She turned her face away and picked up her purse. When she faced him again her composure was intact. The face of the flustered girl covered by the mask of a perfectly collected, icy businesswoman.
She was either a very good actress or a very naïve young woman who was in way over her pretty blond head. It bothered him immensely that he wasn’t able to figure it out for certain.
She pushed past him, and the tips of her breasts brushed lightly against his chest. Her eyes widened fractionally and she hurried to break the contact. It seemed natural, like an honest mistake. But if there was one thing he knew about women it was that they practiced looking natural until they had it honed to a fine art.
“Well, there had better be two beds.” She craned her long, elegant neck and lowered her eyelids, the light lashes fanning across her cheekbones.
He studied her beautiful, haughty profile. Everything about her was designed to entice men. Even, he was discovering, her ice queen routine. She was a challenge—a challenge that roused something in the most primitive, unenlightened, masculine part of him.
A man who really understood female beauty would be able to see hers—be able to appreciate the rarity of it, the quality, even buried beneath the layers of boardroom armor. And any man who recognized her beauty would want a taste of it. Would want to draw from her a response. Would want to make her shed her inhibitions, to take the tight knot of her hair down and sift it through his fingers. Kiss her, make her cry out in pleasure. Make her lose every bit of that hardened exterior until she was soft, pliant, and all out of that control she seemed to prize so much.
He was beginning to think she’d been cleverer in crafting her persona than he could have imagined.
He chuckled at her uptight expression. “I don’t think honeymoon suites are typically outfitted with two beds. Unless the newly married couple wants to experience a change of scenery now and then, I don’t really see the point.”
“If this is some sort of childish trick to get me into bed…”
He reached out and hooked an arm around her slender waist and drew her close to his body. “I don’t have to stoop to subterfuge to get a woman to sleep with me.” He trailed his finger along the line of her collarbone, and he didn’t miss the shiver of awareness that racked her slight frame.
She wiggled, extricating herself from his hold. “Well, I’m not going to become another of the legions of notches on your bedpost. Besides, if you add any more notches the whole bedframe is going to collapse—and where would that leave you and your lovers?”
“The floor.”
Elaine’s heart stuttered. Images of twined tanned and lily-white limbs flashed through her mind’s eye. Marco kissing her passionately, desire overwhelming them to the point that they couldn’t make it to the bed, Marco taking her gently to the floor, settling between her thighs…
She blinked, trying to stop the erotic slideshow.
The look in Marco’s dark eyes told her that they were experiencing a moment of identical thought, and that was enough to bring common sense and sanity back.
“Classy.” She sounded prissy even to her own ears.
“Class is sometimes overrated. Particularly in the bedroom.”
The fact that he was always ready with some casual, off-the-cuff
response was infuriating. She couldn’t hope to compete with him there. She lacked both the sophistication and the experience to fake nonchalance when he said things like that. Before this moment sex on the floor had never even crossed her mind, and she was way too busy grappling with the new, unsettling notion to try and be witty.
“Where is my luggage?” she asked, hoping he wouldn’t comment on the abrupt subject change.
His wicked half-smile told her he knew exactly what had prompted her to shift the gears of the conversation. “One of my flight staff will see that it gets put in the rental car.”
She held back a comment about the excesses of having staff on a private plane. They were going to be meeting James Preston soon and they were supposed to look like blissed-out newlyweds, not tense strangers.
She followed Marco out of the plane and into the balmy outdoors. A warm salt breeze was blowing in off the sea. The tang from the salt mingled with the smell of moisture and tropical flowers to create a heady perfume. It smelled like sensuality, and it made her acutely conscious of her body. And Marco’s.
“Aloha oe.”
They stepped onto the tarmac and a woman with glossy black hair and burnished copper skin slipped a fresh flower
over Elaine’s head, then Marco’s. Elaine didn’t think it was her imagination that the double-cheek-kiss the woman planted on Marco lingered longer than was strictly necessary.
Marco said, his husky voice making the word sound exotic and sexy—like an invitation. An invitation to engage in bedpost-demolishing activity. It wasn’t as
though she could blame the woman. Marco was a walking advertisement for the pleasures of the flesh.
Elaine saw the woman slip a card into the pocket of Marco’s pants and a strange, heated emotion rolled through her stomach, causing it to cramp and twist. Jealousy? She’d never actually experienced the emotion before, and it wasn’t the time or the place to start feeling it now. Or the
to feel it for.
A glossy silver Mercedes McLaren was parked near the edge of the tarmac, the convertible top down, the keys in the ignition. She ought to have figured that Marco didn’t go to the rental counter like mere mortals.
Marco opened the passenger door, his smile aimed only at her. He looked every inch the devoted husband. He wouldn’t have any trouble convincing James Preston he’d reformed.
As long as he doesn’t convince you.
She brushed the thought aside as soon as it popped into her mind. She didn’t care if he did truly reform and decide he wanted love, commitment, and two point four kids. He could find them with some other woman who actually
those things. She wanted to realize her full potential, not become a casualty of marriage—a mere accessory to a husband who valued her about as much as he did his brand-new Rolex.
She’d seen it happen to her mother. Seen the decline of her self-esteem. Seen her make an absolute fool of herself over male attention, craving validation from her husband and, when that failed, from her many young lovers, unable to find value in herself. Elaine had vowed she would never be that woman. She would never pin her hopes, dreams and sense of self-worth on someone else.
Marco put his hand on the small of her back, and she
all but leapt into the car to escape the burn of his touch through her thin button-up blouse. The cool, butter-soft leather of the seat helped to douse some of the flames that his touch had ignited, but the embers still burned in her veins. She hoped he didn’t notice how much he affected her physically. One look at his dazzling grin as he sank into the car told her he was acutely, absolutely aware of what he did to her.
The virgin and the playboy. It was an unfair pairing. She had never felt this level of desire for a man in her life, and she certainly didn’t have any practice suppressing it.
The high-performance engine roared to life and Marco tapped the gas pedal, taking the sleek sports car from zero to sixty in a fraction of a second.
Elaine’s eyes widened when she looked at the speedometer. “Slow down!”
Marco took a sharp corner on the narrow two-lane road with ease. “A car like this isn’t meant for slow.”
After a few moments she relaxed. The car handled with total precision, and Marco was in complete control of the roaring beast. He tamed it, harnessed its power, drawing from it the response he wanted—a response only he could command…and just like that her mind was back on sex.
He had that effect on women,
women, she thought sourly, as she remembered the forward actions of the gorgeous native woman.