Holiday With Mr. Right (2 page)

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Authors: Carlotte Ashwood

BOOK: Holiday With Mr. Right
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Angie shifted a bit but stilled when she felt a huge bulge beneath her backside. “Er, look Alex I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

“Just relax,” he coaxed. “You’re a beautiful woman and I’m not dead, but try to ignore it. We’ll just continue with the questions.” He saw that she still wasn’t convinced. If she insisted, he would have to let her go, but she felt so damn good so he tried to distract her instead. Carefully placing his arms on the seat so she knew she was free to stand up if she wanted, he focused on their game. “You haven’t asked me anything yet?”

Very few women could resist the lure of a man ready to answer any question and Angie was no exception. Her eyes brightened then she shifted a bit like she was nervous. Feeling him beneath her, she stilled again and held herself carefully, like she was afraid to trigger something. Alex hid his amusement. Unless she planned to stop breathing there wasn’t much she could do about his reaction to her. Just the smell wafting from her hair was enough to make his blood boil.

Suddenly she looked at him, pinning him with her piercing eyes. “Are you married?”

Alex couldn’t help the tiny smile that played around his mouth. This was going even better than if he had planned it, and he hadn’t. “Nope. No girlfriend either.”

She nodded slowly, almost absent-mindedly. “Okay, your turn,” she said with a smile. It was the first genuine smile she’d turned his way and Alex immediately felt himself grow harder. She must have felt it too because her eyes widened.

“Ah, maybe the sitting arrangements were not such a great idea after all.” Much as he loved the feel of her round bottom on him, if she kept sitting on his laps he was pretty sure he would embarrass them both. So he didn’t protest too much when she moved from his lap back to the sofa. He glanced down at his bulging erection and turned to look at her. Her eyes were trained on his erection. She noticed him watching her and her face immediately flooded with color.

“Ah…” she cleared her throat. “Look, I think...” Her voice trailed off and he noticed she was still staring at his southern region in fascination, her mouth slightly parted.

As he watched, her tongue darted out to wet her lips. It was so quick that he would have missed it if he had blinked. Except he hadn’t blinked and seeing that little piece of pink suddenly set his blood on fire. He drew in a harsh breath and it took him a moment to realize that he’d actually let out a groan. Experimentally, he moved closer to her on the sofa and trailed his knuckles over her face. Her skin felt like satin, smooth and soft. She closed her eyes briefly and he could see the pulse throbbing on her neck. “Angie you are so beautiful and I want to kiss you now,” he said, his voice hoarse. “But if I start I may not want to stop. Are you okay with that?” He needed her to be okay with a strange sort of desperation, but if she wasn’t he would get up and walk the short distance out her door to his apartment next door.

She hesitated for a split second then her eyes darkened and she nodded. “Kist me.”

He didn’t wait for a second invite. He scooped her back to his lap where she’d been sitting only a moment before, framed her face with his hands and took her mouth in his.


As his lips met hers, Angie stiffened then slowly melted into the kiss. He played with her lips and when he gently nipped at them, she felt the effect in the lower part of her tummy, close to that place between her legs. She had never been turned on so quickly before, probably a legacy of going an entire year without sex. She supposed she had now joined the league of the sex starved. She kissed him back and tried to push back that feeling of starvation, flicking his lips with the tip of her tongue then retreating in a bid to keep the kiss light. But Alex wasn’t having any of that. He used his tongue to prod her closed lips and she opened up, letting him in. Taking his tongue into her mouth and kissing him with everything she had.

Angie leaned into him, straining to get more. Without breaking the kiss, Alex shifted and moved one of her legs so that she was now straddling him. She wriggled a little and he groaned into her mouth, the sound so sexy she felt the reaction all the way down to her toes. She wriggled again and he groaned once more. She liked the sound and was planning a third wriggle when Alex decided to take matters into his hands. He broke the kiss to trail hot kisses on her face and neck. When he gently bit that spot just a little below her ears, a shudder went through her body and she moaned.

“Oh boy, can you do that again?” he asked as his hands moved over her body and settled on her backside. He pressed her closer to his erection and bit on her neck again. This time she gasped just before she moaned. His hands traveled up to her waist then inched higher as his mouth found hers again. He rubbed her back gently then his hands moved up again.

Angie was gasping for breath as she ground her hips against his erection. It was nestled between her thighs and the friction between his cotton shorts and her silk panties was almost driving her insane. His hands halted their exploration just at the swell where her breasts started. She needed his hands on that part of her or she would explode. Releasing her hands from his hair, she took hold of his hands and placed them firmly on her breasts. His hands brushed her already taut nipples. “Oh, that’s so good.” They had found a rhythm of sorts and Angie began to rock against his erection.

“Yeah? What of this?” He pinched her nipples.

And without warning she felt herself spiral out of control, the orgasm hitting her even before she was fully aware of what was going on. She tensed and let out a keening wail as she shuddered against him. Alex held her until her trembles subsided and she collapsed on him. They were both silent, then, “Wow. That was awkward.”

Alex held her away from him so he could look into her eyes, his suddenly serious. “Don’t. No woman has ever responded to me like that. You’re a very sexy woman, Angie.”

Angie was embarrassed but it really had been so long. She hadn’t even been kissed in an entire year. She hadn’t wanted to be kissed. But there was something about Alex that was driving her wild and even at that moment, after a rather good orgasm, she could still feel the fire in her veins and knew that until she had him deep inside her, she would not be satisfied. The thought that she still wouldn’t be satisfied even after that crept into her mind but she shook it off. Her best friend Tricia was right, she needed a hot passionate affair like yesterday.

“Angie?” Startled from her thoughts, Angie lifted her eyes to Alex’s concerned ones. “Are you okay?”

She nodded absent-mindedly, suddenly aware that Alex was still hard beneath her and just like that, she was horny all over again. She swiftly felt the need to take him inside her and something of what she was thinking must have shown on her face because his eyes turned dark and his pupils dilated. Her tongue came out to moisten her lips and his eyes moved to her mouth, transfixed. And though she didn’t think it possible, she felt him get harder.

“I’m better than okay,” she said replying his earlier question. Her hand trailed to his belt buckle, “I’m ready to play.”

Amusement lined his eyes. “Are you, now?” he teased then turned serious. “Angie I’m going to make love to you, to bury myself deep inside you so that when you come I can feel every single tremor. I want to hear you scream and I want to see your face when you come for me.”

Angie felt her chest tighten and she was struggling to get enough air into her lungs. She opened her mouth to reply to him but found her voice wasn’t working. She cleared her throat and tried again. “I’d like that very much,” she answered politely, even though there was nothing very polite about the way he was looking at her, or about the thoughts going through her head for that matter.

“Do you have condoms?”

Condoms? As in more than one? How many times did he intend to do it? She wondered silently even as she felt a thrill shoot through her. She got off his legs and headed for the bathroom. “I’m not sure, let me check.” She hadn’t bothered with condoms because she hadn’t come to Kuala Lumpur to have an affair, even if that was what her best friend had urged her to do. She’d actually run as far away from Boston as her legs could carry her. Far away from Christmas.

In the bathroom she searched through the medicine cabinet and felt a huge wave of relief when she found a pack of condoms. Hmm, what was her mother-in-law doing with a pack of condoms in here? On second thought, she didn’t even want to know. She peered at herself in the mirror and took stock.

Her neck was a bit longer than was usual but considering the year she’d gone through she was just grateful she even had a neck, so to speak. She still had nightmares about that night a year ago, which took her husband and left her hovering between life and death for several weeks. When she eventually became lucid enough to realize she wasn’t going to die, she’d wept until there was nothing left. She spent that Christmas at the Massachusetts General Hospital and the months afterward in therapy.

The thought of facing another Christmas had been too much for her and her mother-in-law had taken pity on her. Her lips curled in a slight smile when she thought about Glenda Stewart. Who would have thought that the woman who had made her life a living hell for the three months she’d been married to her son - and the year and a half they’d dated before then - would turn out to be her anchor after the accident, when her life had seemed to completely unravel at the seams.

Holding onto the edges of the sink, Angie took a deep calming breath. She didn’t want to think about the accident. She felt alive in a way she hadn’t in the last year and there was a man there with a raging hard-on waiting for her. She smirked.
Who used the word ‘raging’ outside of a romance novel anyway?

Shaking her head, she ran her fingers through her pale blonde hair then ran them over her body and felt a thrill rush through her when she encountered the taut tips on her chest. She was going to have this one night with the sexy Alex Farhadi and maybe hot sex with a stranger was just what she needed to forget the past year and move on with her life. Using her hands, she smoothed the folds of her dress, picked up the box of condoms and walked out.

Chapter Three


Angie led Alex to the master bedroom. They were barely inside before he caught hold of her hand and drew her to him in a hot, passionate kiss, using his body to press the door shut. Burying her hands in his curly hair, Angie gave herself up to the sensations swirling through her body as she pressed into him. Taking her hands out of his hair, she ran them over his broad shoulders, his back, then brought them up to his hair again.

Alex ran his hands along her spine and down to her backside, pressing her against his erection. He turned her around until she was leaning against the door and broke the kiss to nibble on her ear lobe, his hands going under her short sundress at the same time. His hands brushed softly against her bare skin and when they encountered the flesh behind, a shudder went through him. She was wearing a thong.

“Damn Angie, you are so damn sexy.” He whispered raggedly, running his hands slowly on her bottom.

Angie moaned and felt her knees give way beneath her when he pushed aside the thin scrap of silk that was her panties and slipped a finger inside her moist center. She held on to Alex as though she was drowning, and she did feel like she was drowning in an ocean of desire, waves of lust coursing through her. She angled her head and bit down hard on his neck. His moan sent rockets of desire shooting through her veins. This was unlike anything she’d ever experienced and she hadn’t been a virgin when she got married. But she had never felt the kind of desperation she felt when Alex slipped in a second finger into her. She moaned and cried out in frustration, she was so close.

Alex found the tiny nub inside and rubbed gently on it. Angie couldn’t hold back her cry, even if her life depended on it. She began to pant as she felt the waves cresting. “Alex,” she panted his name over and over. He slipped in a third finger, brought them out once and pushed them into her again. Suddenly the walls of her sex contracted, spasm after spasm hitting her as Angie climaxed.

Alex held her as she convulsed and pressed kisses on her face, her hair, her neck before taking her lips. “God, you’re like a livewire,” he teased, his voice warm with amusement.

Angie buried her face in his neck and groaned in embarrassment. “You do things to me,” she muttered.

He held her away from him so he could look into her eyes. “How long has it been?”

She darted her eyes away from the intensity in his. Was she ready for this? Then she sighed, the man had already brought her to two fantastic orgasms and she still had her clothes on. “It’s been a year,” she replied reluctantly.

She looked at him but his face showed no reaction to her words. “You haven’t been with anyone since you lost your husband.” He said quietly.

It wasn’t really a question but she nodded anyway. “I haven’t really wanted to be with anyone.”

He closed his eyes briefly while a rueful smile played around his lips. “Aw babe, you’ll give me a swollen head before we’re done.”

An answering smile tipped Angie’s lips upward. She reached down and cupped his erection through his cotton pants. “I thought you already had a swollen head.” She pressed the head of his erection and smirked when his eyes turned smoky. She placed her free hand on his chest and could feel the erratic pounding of his heart. It echoed hers. “Well, we need to do something about this.” She rubbed him gently but firmly.

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