Honest Betrayal (18 page)

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Authors: Dara Girard

BOOK: Honest Betrayal
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“Is this the one?” a booming voice asked.

Brenna jumped; Hunter spun around. “Yes, Grandfather, this is the one. Brenna Garrett.”

Orson’s cutting dark brown eyes surveyed her. She felt a sense of unease by the scrutiny. She wasn’t easily made anxious, but he came close. “Not quite what I expected.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Brenna said.

“Don’t make hasty comments, my dear. You don’t know me yet.” He glanced at her cane. “Were you in an accident?”

“Yes, it happened at conception.”

“You were born this way? Shame.”

“I only find poor manners a true shame.”

Hunter stiffened; Orson smiled. “I’m old. I’m allowed to ask rude questions.”

“But I didn’t give you permission.”

His smile wavered. “Quite a woman of opinions.”

“Every woman has opinions I just tend to express mine.”

“So why did you choose Hunter?”

“Aside from the obvious attributes, he created this cane for me. I’ve never met a man so clever.”

Instead of looking pleased, Orson frowned. He slanted Hunter a glance.  “Did he? And when did he find the time to do that?”

“After hours,” Hunter said.

Brenna shifted awkward by the sudden tension between them. “I think—”

“What do you do?” Orson cut in impatient.

“I’m the owner of Love by Design, a matchmaking service.”

All polite formality left, leaving a cold piercing gaze. “And made quite a clever match for yourself.” Before Brenna could respond he turned. “You two better mingle.”

Brenna watched him leave. She thought the sense of unease would disappear at his departure, but instead it grew. “I’m not sure I handled that right.”

“You were fine.” Hunter took her elbow and led her to the ice sculptures. “However, I would prefer that you not mention the cane again.”

“I didn’t mean—”

“You didn’t know.”

She furrowed her brows confused. “You’d think he’d be proud.”

He shrugged. “Come. There are more people to meet.”


Orson stood by the window eyeing the crowd, pleased with the success of the event. However, his gaze involuntarily continued to wander back to Hunter and his fiancée. Audrey approached him. “What has you looking so grim?”

“Have you met Hunter’s fiancée?”

“A very charming young lady.”
He tapped his glass pensive. Of course she would say that, simple as she was. She didn’t know the necessity of a good match. He didn’t even know why he’d asked her.  He saw his younger son Curtis. “Get that boy over here.”

“That boy is over sixty.”

He sent her a look of annoyance. “Which is younger than me. Get him.” Audrey caught Curtis’ attention.

Curtis came over cautious. “You wanted me?”

“Have you met Hunter’s fiancée?” Orson asked.

He glanced at the couple in question. “I haven’t had the pleasure yet.”

Orson’s lips thinned. “Well, what are you waiting for? A formal invitation? Your son is thinking of marrying the woman. Your duty is to make sure it’s a prudent match.”

“If Hunter chose her, then I’m sure she’s a good choice. I think—”

“Thinking never came very easily to you son. I suggest you meet her before drawing a conclusion.”

Curtis kept any hint of anger from his tone, used to the careless insults. “I know Hunter.”

“Hunter’s just a man and there’s something a little too calculated about her. She doesn’t have the look of absolute devotion.”

Curtis sniffed. “Few women do nowadays. They’re a success in their own right.”

“You can still find a traditional woman. The question is why didn’t he?”

“He likes a challenge.”

“Or perhaps she trapped him.”

“Hunter wouldn’t allow himself to get trapped.”

Orson took a sip of his drink. He made it a slow process so they would have to wait for him. He finally said, “I’m not sure we should let him marry her.”

“We couldn’t stop him.”

He glanced at a passing waiter. “I’ve intervened before,” he said in a soft tone.

Curtis looked uncomfortable. “Hunter isn’t a boy. He won’t like his life to be toyed with.”

“His life belongs to me. He’ll do what’s best for the company.”


“Quiet, I have an idea brewing in my brain. Where’s your brother?”

“Right here,” Walter said, looking faintly amused. “Couldn’t miss such an intimate family gathering.”

“Have you met—?”

“Brenna? No, but Doran has. A bit of a wild card.”

Orson’s frown increased. “Dangerous. I was afraid of that.”

“Yes.” Walter pinned her with a cold look. “Wives can be very influential.”

“Why do you think he chose her?”

“The cane.”

“Hmm. Yes, that could be a motive, but I have a feeling he wasn’t thinking about that.”

“I’m sure she’s a sweet girl,” Audrey said.

They ignored her.

“We may be able to rein this donkey in with a carrot,” Orson said. “He’ll owe us and that will keep him in line.”

Walter turned to his father stunned. “But Doran—”

“Will get his turn,” he assured him. “Haven’t I taken care of your other two? I always take care of my own. Curtis you only have one son and tonight is going to be his night. You’ll welcome his fiancée and then announce the good news.”


Brenna was trying to hide a yawn when a lean man with keen dark eyes—a bit hard and slightly off-putting—and a pepper gray beard approached them. “Let me meet this gorgeous creature.”

Hunter introduced her. “Father, this is Brenna. The woman I plan to marry.”

Curtis Randolph bowed over Brenna’s extended hand. “My son has excellent taste.”

Brenna felt a tingling of embarrassment and apprehension, but she managed to offer a charming reply. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Randolph. My father and I have used Randolph products for years.”

He glanced down at her cane. “You don’t know how much that pleases me.” He tucked her hand through his arm. “Come, my dear. It’s time to introduce you.”

Brenna shot Hunter a panicked look, he responded with a wink. Curtis led her to the stairs. “Tell me if I’m walking too fast for you.”

“She’s no wilting flower, Dad. You can drag her along if you like.”

“Ignore him,” Curtis said.

“I usually prefer killing bugs,” Brenna replied. “But I’ll make an exception.”

Curtis laughed and threw his son a look of pride. “Excellent choice.”

Once they reached the stairs, Curtis signaled the string quartet to stop and the lighting dimmed while a spotlight shined on them. Curtis welcomed his guests then said, “But enough about business. I have exciting news. My son, Hunter, is going to be married to this beautiful woman beside me, Brenna Garrett. A woman who has used the Randolph products since she was a child. Help me welcome her into the Randolph family.”

Everyone applauded.

“And I was going to wait to reveal who would take over the director’s position, but I am also pleased to announce that after much consideration it has been decided that Hunter will become the new Director of Marketing and R&D. Although his uncle and I were worried that he would languish in the R&D department cooped up with his many strange designs.” He paused allowing an appropriate wave of laughter. “We were relieved that he proved he can do much more. I am now certain that he has the capability to handle the job.”

Everyone applauded again. Once Curtis ended his speech, Hunter and Brenna were inundated with people wishing them well. Brenna maintained her smile although all the faces blended together. Soon a familiar face appeared. An attractive woman in a gray shift dress with short brown hair cut in a bob. Her dangling earrings nearly reached her shoulders.

“I don’t believe it,” Janice said. “Is this for real? You and Hunter?”

Michael came up behind her. His thin, serious face offering a welcoming smile. “Of course it’s real. They wouldn’t announce an engagement that wasn’t.”

Janice gave Hunter a knowing look. “You’d be surprised.”

Hunter shrugged. “I admit that it appears to be a hasty decision, but it is no hastier than your own engagement.”

Janice had the grace to look embarrassed. “Well, you must admit that it seems a little odd that you’d become engaged to my matchmaker.”

He turned to Brenna sending her a look that made her heart tremble. She had to remind herself it wasn’t real. “Why? I took one look at her and realized I’d had my eyes set on the wrong woman. Three days later I knew she had all the qualities I wanted in a wife.”

Janice’s mouth tightened. “While I didn’t?”

He shot her a cool glance. “You were engaged.”

Michael spoke up. “Well, my joy to the happy couple.”

Janice slipped her hand around Brenna’s arm. “Do you mind giving us a chance for some girl talk?”

The men agreed and left them.

Janice released her hold and looked at Brenna puzzled. “So did he show you his precious plan?”

“We’ve discussed it, but there’s a lot more to him than that.”

She glanced at Hunter who was pretending to listen to whatever Michael was saying. “Not much.”

“Enough,” Brenna said. “When we were at the fair—”

Janice turned to her amazed. “He took you to a fair?”


“And what did he do? Analyze every ride?”

“No, he won lots of prizes. One, a purple bear we named Amanda.”

“Really?” Brenna couldn’t help but notice the look of renewed interest that entered Janice’s eyes. “Michael and I haven’t been able to do much since he’s taking night classes.”

“He’s improving himself.”

“Yes,” she said without enthusiasm.

A cultured feminine voice cut in. “Janice, I hope you’re not trying to scare her away.”

Janice moved back to include the other woman. “Not at all, Ruby.”

The woman turned to Brenna. “I’m Hunter’s stepmother. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to introduce myself earlier.”

Brenna shook her hand, glad that she hadn’t. She looked at the older woman who had short gray hair, a polish rarely seen anymore and eyes that saw too much.

“So Hunter convinced you to marry him?” Ruby asked.


“Having second thoughts?”

“Not at all.”

  Janice said, “I’m offering Brenna some tips.”

Ruby glanced at Hunter who still looked alone among the crowd. “I think Brenna knows how to handle Hunter.” She began to smile. “The question is, does he know how to handle her?”


Miles grinned at Hunter. Michael had drifted away giving him the chance to tell Hunter his assessment of his fake fiancée. “She’s wonderful.”

Hunter stared at Brenna and her two companions. “Hmmm.”

“She’s smart, funny. You didn’t tell me she was funny.”


“I may pop round to that agency of hers.” Hunter turned to him suspicious. “To find a match for myself,” Miles finished quickly.

He glanced away. “I wonder what Janice is saying to her.”

“Afraid she’s talking about you? Why worry? You two aren’t really getting married so it doesn’t matter what she thinks of you.”

“Hmm.” He watched the women part.

“But you do care.”

Hunter sent him a look of annoyance. “No, I don’t. She’s a grown woman who can make up her own mind.”

“Unless someone makes it up for her,” Miles said as he watched Doran make his way towards Brenna. “I suggest we get to her before he does.” He turned. Hunter was gone.


“So we meet again,” Doran said, flashing a smile that was too wide to be genuine.

“Yes,” Brenna replied, discreetly wiping her hand from his handshake.

Hunter approached them. “Where’s your wife?”

“At home with the baby.” He glanced at Brenna’s cane. “You chose well, Hunter. I wanted to extend my congratulations.” Sharp, dark eyes studied them. “I hope you both can make it to the wedding day.”

“If we do break up, I’ll let you know,” she said sweetly. “That way you’ll be the first to tell your grandfather the good news.”

His smile faltered. “I wasn’t trying to imply that I didn’t believe this was real.”

“Of course you were. You take pleasure in other people’s misfortunes. I bet you’d laugh in delight if an old woman tripped and broke her hip.” She winked. “More sales.”

Hunter nudged her. “Brenna—”

“I’m sorry,” she said without apology. “I suppose I shouldn’t be so honest. We’re not family yet.”

Doran stared at her, his smile completely gone. “No, and I doubt we ever will be.”

“Doubt or hope?”

“How about wish?” He turned and left.

She watched him go, thoughtful.

Miles patted her on the back. “Congratulations, you’ve successfully become the enemy.”

 “What a horrible man. I’d marry Hunter just to spite him.”

Miles nodded. “I’ll be a witness.”

Hunter frowned. “This wasn’t how I planned it.”

“Janice and Doran got on well,” Miles explained.

Brenna sighed. “Possibly because she has better manners.”

Miles grimly shook his head. “I don’t know how you will end this without him suspecting.”

Hunter shoved a hand in his pocket. “Don’t worry—”

Brenna and Miles shared a look then said, “We know. You have a plan.”

They watched Doran speak to Curtis then both men came towards them—Curtis grinning, Doran looking smug. The trio instantly knew that didn’t bode well.


“Uncle Curtis has a fabulous idea,” Doran said.

“You two must come to the ranch for Doran and Angie’s anniversary. I want to get to know my future daughter-in-law some more so come early.” He sent his son a secret look, making his casual statement an order. “I’ll be expecting you.”

Doran grinned. “See you there.”

Brenna turned to Hunter as the men left. “Your cousin is a bastard.”

“Actually he isn’t, his mother is around here somewhere.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

Miles raised his brows. “Is it time to panic?”

They both turned to him. “No.”

He sighed wistful. “It’s so nice to see two people so calm during a disaster.”

Hunter shrugged. “It’s a minor problem—”

“With a solution,” Brenna finished.

Miles shook his head. “I’m pleased you two think so.” He looked at Hunter. “I’ll just take her for a little stroll while you think of a solution.”

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