Honeymoon from Hell III (6 page)

Read Honeymoon from Hell III Online

Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #checkmate, #rl mathewson, #rl mathewson chronicles, #neighbor from hell series

BOOK: Honeymoon from Hell III
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God, he fucking loved that sound, he decided
as he tightened his hold on the bed, ignoring the creaking sounds
of the headboard protesting the abuse, spread his legs, planted his
feet on the bed and used his hold on the headboard to raise his
hips and grind the tip of his cock against her wet pussy. She
gasped in pleasure, a small whimper escaping her when he did it
again and again until she was holding onto his biceps, her fingers
digging into his muscles as he continued to thrust up against her,
harder and faster until the tip of his cock finally found her core
and with one hard thrust, he slid inside her.


Oh, Fuck!”
he roared, tightening his hold on the headboard as
he dug his feet harder into the bed and thrust inside her hard
enough to force his sweats down further and freed his cock so that
he could slide deep inside her.

The bed creaked and with each hard thrust he
sent the headboard banging into the wall, but it wasn’t enough, not
nearly enough. He needed to be deeper inside her, fuck her harder
and as amazing as it felt to slide his cock inside her wet pussy,
it wasn’t enough. Releasing his hold on her breast, he dropped back
onto the bed, giving up his hold on the headboard and brought his
cuffed hands over his head until he was gripping her ass and using
the hold to move her on top of him.

It didn’t take long before Rory caught on
and took over. Raising up on her knees, she shifted so that she
could spread her legs wider and take him deeper inside as she
released her hold on his biceps, cupped his face and kissed him
like she’d die if she stopped. He kissed her back, tangling his
tongue with hers as she rode his cock with abandon, taking him
deeper and harder with every stroke.

That’s it, baby,” he said,
encouraging her to take what she wanted. “Take my cock,

Her answer was an incoherent moan and a cry
of frustration as her movements became more desperate and frantic.
“So fucking wet and tight,” he groaned, loving the way she lost it
when he talked dirty to her.

Keeping his hold on her bottom, he rolled
her onto her back and thrust inside her, ignoring the bite of the
metal cuffs digging into his wrist as he kissed his way to her ear
and whispered. “I missed you, Rory. I’m missed holding you at
night. I missed touching you, kissing you and sliding my tongue
inside your pussy before I fucked you. Did you miss that, Rory?” he
asked, slowing his thrusts as he fucked her.

Yes,” she moaned,

Say it,” he demanded,
slowing his thrusts even further as he had to grit his teeth,
struggling not to come until he had her screaming his name and
digging her nails into his back. “Tell me how much you missed me,
Rory. Tell me how much you missed getting fucked!”

Oh, God! she gasped,
licking her lips hungrily as she spread her legs and tried to ride
his cock, but he wouldn’t let her, not until he heard her tell him
how badly she’d missed this, missed

Tell me just how badly you
missed this,” he said tightly as he fucked her.

I missed you,” she
admitted, practically yelling the admission and earning a harder
thrust. “I missed you so much, Connor. God, I missed

And did you miss this?” he
asked, pulling out so that he could slowly slide back inside her,
letting her feel just how hard she’d made him.

Gasping, she nodded frantically, but that
wasn’t good enough.

Tell me!” he whispered
harshly, needing to hear her say the words. “Tell me how badly you
missed getting fucked!”

Oh, God!” she screamed
just as he felt her sheath clamp down tightly around

Fuck!” he growled, wanting
to hear how badly she missed him, but unable to stop himself from
fucking her harder, the feeling of her pussy squeezing him too
fucking good to ignore.

Within seconds she was screaming her release
and he was cursing harshly as he continued to fuck her, his orgasm
building down his spine as he felt his balls pull up tight and-

Oh, fuck no!” he groaned
when she somehow managed to take him by surprise and shove him onto
his back.

Before he could stop her, she was pulling
off his cock and sliding down his body, ducking beneath his cuffed
hands when he went to reach for her, needing to slide back inside
her so badly that he’d thought he’d fucking die if he didn’t feel
her sheath wrapped around him again.

,” he said her name tightly as he reached blindly for her
again, never so close in his life to begging before, but he needed
her so fucking badly that it hurt. “Baby,
Oh, fuck
he roared as she grabbed the waist of his sweatpants and yanked
them down right around the time that her lips wrapped around the
tip of his cock.

Gasping, he reached back and grabbed hold of
the headboard, terrified of what he’d do if he didn’t stop himself,
and looked down to watch Rory swallow his cock with that
mischievous glint in her eyes, the one that he’d seen over a
hundred times in the past and the one that told him that the tables
had just been turned on him.

Panting hard, he watched as she slowly
pulled her mouth back, allowing his glistening cock to escape her
beautiful lips. “Did you miss me, Connor?” she asked calmly with a
sensual smile as she dipped her head and ran her tongue from the
base of his cock to the tip as though she hadn’t just been
screaming his name less than a minute ago.

This woman was calm and in control and they
both knew it.

Yes,” he answered harshly,
groaning seconds later when she rewarded him by licking his cock
from the base to the tip again.

Did you miss fucking me,
Connor?” she asked, making him close his eyes in pleasure, because
there really was nothing like Rory taking control and bringing him
to his knees.


What did you miss most
about me?” she asked, licking her way back up to the tip of his
cock and then slowly took it back between her lips.

Every fucking thing,” he

She chuckled around his cock, sending a new
wave of pleasure through his body. “Everything, huh?”


What do you want, Connor?
Hmm, my mouth or my pussy?” she asked right before she took his
cock back in her mouth and robbed him of the ability to

A loud, long groan escaped him when she
cupped his balls and sucked on his cock, making it difficult to
decide, because as much as he loved sliding deep inside her, he
loved this, too.

Did you think about me
over the past week?” she asked as she once again allowed his cock
to slide free of her mouth.

Every fucking minute of
every fucking day,” he admitted, gasping for air as he watched Rory
slowly sit up and straddle him again.

Really?” she asked with
that teasing little smile of hers that drove him crazy as she ran
her hands over his torso and ground down against his cock, rubbing
her wet pussy over him.

Yes!” he practically
snarled, desperate for her as his hold tightened on the headboard
and he somehow resisted the urge to shove her on her back and fuck
her until his balls stopped hurting.

What do you want, Connor?”
she asked, slowly rubbing her pussy on him, rubbing back and
forth…back and forth…

You!” he roared as she
sent him over the edge with a simple twist of her hips, rubbing her
clit over the underside of his cock, making him groan and every
muscle in his body tighten as he came, harder than he ever thought
possible without being inside a woman.

She kept grinding her wet pussy on him,
causing his cock to jerk with each movement until he suddenly found
his cock back inside her tight sheath as she lost control, riding
him harder and faster as he laid there, gritting his teeth and
watching her as she lost control until he couldn’t take anymore and
he found himself yelling her name just as his name was ripped from
her beautiful lips. She fell on him, panting hard as she turned her
head, gave him a sleepy little smile that ended on a sigh as he
turned his head and brushed his lips against hers.

I love you, Rory,” he
managed to get out before he joined her with the knowledge that he
would never have to spend another night without her.

Chapter 5

I am never speaking to you again!”

Rory sighed heavily as she walked past
Jason, pausing only long enough to ram her finger into his side, a
move she’d perfected years ago thanks to Connor, and sighed with
satisfaction when the big baby gasped in pain and jumped back.

How could you?” he
demanded in outrage, pressing his hand against his side as he gave
her what he probably considered his best pout.

Easily,” she admitted with
a smile that was quickly followed by a yawn as she walked past all
her brothers and cousins standing around the kitchen, devouring
everything from boxes of cereal to bags of chips and letting her
know that there was absolutely no hope of finding something to eat,
not with her brothers and cousins in the house, but she still held
out hope that they’d missed an egg or two.

She opened the fridge, sighed, shook her
head with disgust, let the refrigerator door close and walked back
the way that she came, contemplating her choices. She could go next
door and see what Andrew had, but something told her that her
brothers and cousins had most likely spent the night over there,
staking out the house, waiting for a chance to get their hands on
Connor and finish what they’d started and had probably already
eaten everything that they could get their hands on.

That left her with a couple of choices, she
could go pick up donuts, drag Connor out of bed and make him take
her out for breakfast or go back upstairs, crawl back in bed and
have her wicked way with her husband again.


I’m going back to bed.
Make sure to lock up on your way out, boys,” she said, heading for
the kitchen door that she’d already decided to replace with her own
design when all five of her brothers stepped in front of her and
blocked her way.

Not just yet,” Bryce said,
folding his large arms over his chest as he did his best to glare
down at her.

Not until we have the

,” Johnny
added, mimicking Bryce as the rest of her brothers followed

Oh my God, you can’t be
serious,” she said, rubbing her hands down her face, because if
they were seriously trying to have the sex talk with her, she was
going to have to-

Good morning, gentlemen,”
Connor drawled as he strolled into the kitchen behind her brothers,
tossing the set of handcuffs to one of the twins, and startling the
hell out of all of them and making them jump out of the way as
Connor, wearing only a pair of jeans and a devilish glint in his
eyes that she knew only too well, walked past her brothers, who
practically scrambled across the room to get away from

Sick bastard!”
Bryce hissed as he grabbed one of the kitchen
table chairs and pulled it in front of himself as though that would
somehow protect him from the man that only seemed to have eyes for
her and seriously making her wonder what he’d done to them, because
she’d never seen any of her cousins or brothers this freaked out

Then again, this was Connor they were
talking about here…

Good morning, Rory,” he
whispered, oblivious to the fact that he had every single man in
the room plastered against the wall and shooting desperate glances
at all the exits. He leaned down and kissed her, ignoring the gags
and groans of protest coming from her brothers, he gave her the
sweetest kiss, laying claim to her and letting her brothers know
with that one kiss that he would not be intimated by

Good morning,” she said,
smiling back as she returned his kiss, pleased beyond words that
she’d found the one man in the world that wasn’t afraid of her

You got up too early,” he
said softly, wrapping his arms around her and pulled her close so
that he could press a kiss to her forehead as he savored the feel
of having her in his arms.

Look,” Jason said,
reminding them that they weren’t alone, “as much as we’d all love
to be mentally scarred for life, we came here for a

Connor pressed one last kiss against her
forehead before he let her go. “You mean besides eating everything
that wasn’t nailed down?” Connor asked with a weary sigh as he
leaned back against the kitchen island, which for whatever reason
seemed to startle every single man in the room.

She shot Craig a questioning glance only to
find him shooting Connor a nervous glare even as he shifted ever so
slightly to the right and further away from her husband. Frowning,
she looked around the room to find all of her brothers and cousins
doing the same thing. When Reese and Darrin, two very large and
highly trained police officers who never backed down from a fight,
noticeably swallowed as they shifted away, she decided right then
and there that it was probably for the best if she never found out
what happened in the woods.

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