Honeymoon from Hell Part I

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Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #neighbor from hell, #contemporary romance series, #rl mathewson chronicles, #bradfords, #rl mathweson

BOOK: Honeymoon from Hell Part I
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Honeymoon from Hell I

Haley and Jason


R.L. Mathewson

A Smashword’s Edition

Other titles by R.L. Mathewson

The Pyte/Sentinel Series:

Tall, Dark & Lonely

Without Regret

Tall, Dark & Heartless

Tall, Silent & Lethal

The Hollywood Hearts Series:

A Humble Heart

A Reclusive Heart

The Neighbor from Hell Series:

Playing for Keeps



Truce: The Historic Neighbor from Hell

The Game Plan

The Neighbor from Hell Collection I

Double Dare

Double Feature: The Game Plan/Double Dare

The EMS Series:

Sudden Response

The Cursed Hearts Series:

Black Heart

Misc. Titles:

The 2014 Chronicle Collection

Nonfiction Titles:

How to Write, Publish and All That Good Stuff…

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations and events described in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

Edited by R.L. Mathewson, Jessica Atchison, Jodi Negri, and Jennelyn Carrion

Cover designed by Rochelle McGrath

Honeymoon from Hell I © Rerum Industries, Inc. 2015 All rights Reserved.

e-book ISBN:


This book like every book that I have ever written or will ever write is dedicated to my children, Kayley and Shane, who have been with me on this journey from day one.


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Dear Reader,

I’d like to start off by saying thank you for all your support and kind words over the years. It’s because of you that I am able to do be there and take care of my children by doing what I love. So, on behalf on my children, I wanted to say thank you.

Now, moving onto to this mini-series. I never planned on writing the Honeymoon from Hell series. It started off as a Chronicle or two on my website, which is how I continue giving life to the characters that I’ve created and fallen in love with. When I wrote a teaser about Jason and Haley’s honeymoon I was hooked and immediately wanted to write the whole story out as well as the honeymoons for the rest of the Bradfords, but I wasn’t sure how it would turn out or if it was even something that you would be interested in reading about.

Well, while I was trying to decide what to do I wrote the Chronicle to let you see how Haley broke the news of their impending family to Jason. After that I really couldn’t stop thinking about this series, but time was a factor.

So, I decided that I would write the series and release it in December 2015 after I was able to get out the books that I promised you. At the same time iBooks was doing what iBooks does best, helping self-published authors like myself get a chance to show readers what they could do. iBooks helped me out, gave me my real break and honored me with the first title of Breakout Author, so I decided to make my already busy schedule even busier and write this series early so that I could say thank you to iBooks for everything that they did to me and release this mini-series early through them.

Some readers are upset about the wait, and I am sorry about that, but I wouldn’t be who I am if I didn’t step up and show my appreciation and gratitude to those who have helped me and my children when we needed help. With or without this early release through iBooks, this series would not have been released at Amazon.com or anywhere else before December because of my workload, so please don’t feel slighted, because that was not my intention.

Now, as for this HFH, you will notice that the prologue is one of the last chapters of
Playing for Keeps
. That was done so that you wouldn’t need to go back and re-read the end of the book to figure out where we left off. It also leaves you with the choice to skip it and move on to the rest of the story.

Both Chronicles that you were introduced to for the HFH series are in this novelette. They were treated as sneak peeks on my website and now you can see how they come together.

With that being said….

I hope you enjoy the Honeymoon from Hell mini-series.


R.L. Mathewson


Table of Content

Title Page

Other Titles

Dear Reader


About the Author


(A Little Recap for those of you who may have forgotten where we left off)

Stop!” Jason begged.

Haley finished pulling his belt loose, unbuttoned his pants, and had his zipper down before he could say it again. She sat back, leaving his pants open and revealing the large bulge now hidden only by his gray boxer briefs.

Okay,” she said soothingly. Jason sucked in a deep breath and visibly relaxed.

She knew that she was pushing him, but she had no choice. Jason was being so damn stubborn and wouldn’t listen to her. She mentally tsked him as she stood up. If only he’d stuck around two weeks ago, he’d know exactly how much she wanted him and how sorry she was that she’d hurt him.

There was no doubt in her mind that she’d hurt him and she hated herself so much for it. Months ago when she’d welcomed Jason into her life she’d been so foolish to think that she was done with categorizing people into safe little groups to protect herself. All she’d managed to do was hurt both of them and push Jason away.

When she’d told herself there could never be anything more with Jason she’d been so foolish. She’d been so frightened to let herself truly love him and hope for a future that she’d told herself was impossible. She’d been so damn selfish and because of that she’d hurt the man she loved.

Now he was hurting and trying his best to take care of her by protecting her. As much as it warmed her heart that he’d do anything to make her happy, even suffer, she was actually pretty pissed. His stubbornness was only delaying the inevitable. She’d break out the fists of fury to knock some sense into him, but she didn’t want to hurt him.

So that left only one thing.......

Biting back a smile, she stood up and leaned back against the kitchen table. She’d never done anything so bold in her life, but this was for Jason. It didn’t hurt that he was handcuffed and couldn’t stop her.

Are you sure you want me to stop?” she asked coyly.

Yes,” he hissed, still panting.

Hmmm, then perhaps we should just talk?” she suggested as she stepped out of her high heels.

Jason’s eyes narrowed on the action as he absently nodded.

I think we should forget about being friends, Haley, and go our separate ways,” he said, looking up, but not quite meeting her eyes. “Once my house sells, I’m moving away for good.”

That’s really not going to work for me,” Haley said, reaching up and slowly unbuttoning her silk blouse.

That’s too damn bad, Haley! I’m moving. You need to move on,” he snapped, clearly trying not to watch as she revealed a black lacy bra.

Have you moved on?” she casually asked, gently shrugging out of her shirt.

Yes,” he said without any hesitation.

I see,” Haley said, biting back a smile, as his eyes practically devoured her.

She reached back and released the fastenings on her skirt and watched as Jason followed the skirt as it hit the floor, hesitating at the matching black panties. Haley stepped out of the skirt and kicked it aside before leaning back against the table.

So,” she said, tracing the top of her bra with the tip of her finger, “you’re over me?”


I guess this means you want me to get dressed and leave,” she said, having absolutely no intention of leaving until he was hers.

He hesitated, making her smile. “Yes.”

That’s a damn shame,” Haley said, reaching up between her breasts and undoing the front clasp. She held the cups together as she studied him. He couldn’t seem to stop shifting in his chair or take his eyes off her.

What is?” Jason asked distractedly.

Well, what if I don’t want it to be over?” she asked, slowly peeling away each cup, revealing tight hard nipples.

Jason cursed softly as she let the bra drop to the floor. “You don’t care,” she started to ask as she spread her legs to give him a better view of what waited for him, “if another man touches me?”

She watched a large muscle in his clenched jaw twitch while she absently ran the tips of her fingers of one hand over her breast and down her stomach.

No, I don’t,” he bit out coldly.

Really?” she asked, turning so that she could lean over the table and grab the Tupperware bowl she’d brought with her. She looked over her shoulder and bit back a smile when she caught Jason licking his lips hungrily as his eyes ran over her bottom.

I guess then I should tell you that Mark, the new biology teacher, asked me out tomorrow night. Dinner at his house,” she said offhandedly, popping the top of the container as she watched his reaction.

His eyes snapped up to hers and she couldn’t help but notice all the muscles in his neck and chest going taut.

It’s none of my business,” he ground out.

She picked up the bowl, turned, and knelt in front of him.

What the hell are you doing?” he asked, shifting nervously.

Haley pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she placed the bowl on the floor. She reached over and pulled his boxer briefs down, releasing his rather angry looking erection. She resisted the urge to run her fingers down it.

There, that looks more comfortable,” she murmured as she picked up the bowl again.

Oh God.....is that buttercream frosting?” Jason asked in a strangled voice

Mmmhmm,” she said, dipping her finger in the buttercream and making a show of licking it off. “Mmmm.” She dipped her finger in the delicious frosting again. “I believe I owe you,” she said, reaching up and smearing the frosting over one of his nipples.

He hissed in a breath when she leaned over and licked it off. “The deal was that I licked an entire bowl off of you,” Jason said between clenched teeth.

But this is so much more fun,” Haley said, scooping up more frosting. She gave him a sly smile as she reached over and smeared the frosting over the underside of his hard cock. “A lot more fun.”


Jason groaned long and loud at the first swipe of her tongue. Christ, it was a lot more fun than he’d imagined. Granted, it would be a lot more fun to lick it off her breasts and off her round little bottom. He watched as Haley traced her tongue over his cock, slowly licking off the buttercream frosting.

He should stop this. It wasn’t right to lead her to believe that he’d stick around, but when she took the large head into her mouth and sucked hard, he couldn’t do anything more than moan and pant.

She took her time licking him clean, clearly enjoying herself. Finally when she’d licked off all the frosting, she released his cock with a loud
. With a soft grip, she ran her hand down his length.

You’d be fine with me doing this for another man?” she asked.

His breaths came quicker as he imagined his little grasshopper doing this for anyone else. He couldn’t deal with it. He knew he’d fucking kill any man that so much as touched her never mind this.

Fuck it.

She was his.

He didn’t care if she didn’t love him the way that he loved her. It didn’t matter. He’d more than make up for it. He’d spoil the hell out of her and keep her in orgasmic bliss so that she wouldn’t realize that she was settling.

No one else touches you, Haley. No. One.”

What about you?” she asked shyly, rising to her feet.

Only me,” he promised as she shimmied out of her panties. She grabbed something off the kitchen table and walked around him. He heard the
of the handcuffs as she released each hand and foot.

When she was done, she tossed the key on the table and walked out of the room towards his bedroom. Jason wasted no time in pulling his pants and underwear off the rest of the way. He walked into his room and nearly sighed with relief when he spotted his little grasshopper waiting for him on his bed.

He walked over and climbed onto the bed. Without a word he picked up her left leg and pressed a soft kiss to her calf before setting it back down to the side. He did the same for the other leg, exposing heaven on earth. He leaned over and pressed a kiss against her swollen wet lips, earning an enticing moan.

Just so we’re clear,” he said, running the tip of his tongue between her slit, “you’re marrying me.”

Just so we’re clear, I decided
two weeks ago,” she said, earning a pained chuckle from him. “I’m in love with you, Jason,” she said softly, running her fingers through his hair.

He raised his eyes to watch her. “You’re not in love with me,” he somehow managed to say. He knew that she didn’t love him the way that he loved her, but it felt like a physical blow to have to say it out loud.

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