Honeymoon from Hell V

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Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #neighbor from hell, #rl mathewson, #contemporary romance series, #the game plan

BOOK: Honeymoon from Hell V
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Honeymoon from Hell

(Danny and Jodi’s story)


R.L. Mathewson

A Smashword’s Edition


Other titles
by R.L. Mathewson

The Pyte/Sentinel Series:

Tall, Dark & Lonely

Without Regret

Tall, Dark & Heartless

Tall, Silent & Lethal

The Hollywood Hearts

A Humble Heart

A Reclusive Heart

The Neighbor from Hell

Playing for Keeps



Truce: The Historic Neighbor from

The Game Plan

The Neighbor from Hell Collection

Double Dare

Double Feature: The Game Plan/Double

Honeymoon From Hell, I-IV

The EMS Series:

Sudden Response

The Cursed Hearts

Black Heart

Misc. Titles:

The 2014 Chronicle


How to Write, Publish and All That
Good Stuff…

This is a work of fiction. All of the
characters, organizations and events described in this novel are
either products of the author's imagination or are used

Edited by R.L. Mathewson,
Necie Navone

Cover designed by Rochelle

Honeymoon from Hell V ©
Rerum Industries, Inc. 2015 All rights Reserved.

e-book ISBN:


This book like every book that I have ever
written or will ever write is dedicated to my children, Kayley and
Shane, who have been with me on this journey from day


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this book.

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Dear Reader,

I’d like to start off by
saying thank you for all your support and kind words over the
years. It’s because of you that I am able to do be there and take
care of my children by doing what I love. So, on behalf on my
children, I wanted to say thank you.

Now, moving onto to this
mini-series. I never planned on writing the Honeymoon from Hell
series. It started off as a Chronicle or two on my website, which
is how I continue giving life to the characters that I’ve created
and fallen in love with. When I wrote a teaser about Jason and
Haley’s honeymoon I was hooked and immediately wanted to write the
whole story out as well as the honeymoons for the rest of the
Bradfords, but I wasn’t sure how it would turn out or if it was
even something that you would be interested in reading

So, I decided that I would
write the series and release it in December 2015 after I was able
to get out the books that I promised you. At the same time iBooks
was doing what iBooks does best, helping self-published authors
like myself get a chance to show readers what they could do. iBooks
helped me out, gave me my real break and honored me with the first
title of Breakout Author, so I decided to make my already busy
schedule even busier and write this series early so that I could
say thank you to iBooks for everything that they did to me and
release this mini-series early through them.

Some readers are upset
about the wait, and I am sorry about that, but I wouldn’t be who I
am if I didn’t step up and show my appreciation and gratitude to
those who have helped me and my children when we needed help. With
or without this early release through iBooks, this series would not
have been released at Amazon.com or anywhere else before December
because of my workload, so please don’t feel slighted, because that
was not my intention.

Now, as for this HFH, you
will notice that the prologue is one of the last chapters of
The Game Plan
. That was
done so that you wouldn’t need to go back and re-read the end of
the book to figure out where we left off. It also leaves you with
the choice to skip it and move on to the rest of the

With that being

I hope you enjoy the
Honeymoon from Hell mini-series.


R.L. Mathewson


Table of Content

Title Page

Other Books by R.L.

Dear Reader


About the


Let’s recap from where we left off,
shall we?

You left me,” Danny
whispered hoarsely when he finally managed to open his

You didn’t leave me with
much of a choice,” she said, trying not to cry or show him how
relieved she was that he was finally awake.

Had to,” he said, glancing
around the room as she poured him a small cup of water. “Where is

It’s three in the morning
so I’m guessing that they’re either sleeping or getting kicked out
of a buffet,” she said, earning a weak smile from him.

Take a sip,” she ordered,
holding the cup in front of him with her good hand.

Yes, ma’am,” he said,
obediently taking a sip.

After a minute, she pulled the cup
away and placed it on the tray, wishing that his father was here to
help with this, but around an hour ago Mary had finally managed to
browbeat her husband into going back to the hotel and getting some
sleep. Now, she was sitting here by herself, terrified that she was
about to find out that Danny was paralyzed.

She should call a doctor, but instead
she found herself climbing into bed with him and curling up by his
side. She needed this after everything they’d been through over the
past two weeks, she needed a moment before their lives went to hell
and stayed there.

What happened?” he asked,
pressing a kiss against the top of her head as he reached over and
placed his hand carefully on her cast.

I beat the shit out of
your brothers,” she admitted with a sniffle.

He chuckled weakly as he pressed
another kiss against the top her head. “That’s not what I

You beat the shit out of
your father,” she said, still regretting that she hadn’t been there
to stop that. “Your brothers had to pull you off and in the process
your back was broken and the scar tissue from your old injury and
surgeries tore, pulling free and caused some internal bleeding.
They were able to stop the bleeding and remove the scar tissue, but
your back-”

I had weak spots in my
vertebrae from the shrapnel,” he said matter-of-factly as she
struggled not to cry again. “I was supposed to take it

They broke,” she said, her
voice breaking.

He was quiet for a long time before he
asked, “Was my spine compromised?”

Can you move your toes?”
she asked, repeating the question that they’d been asking him every
time he regained consciousness and terrified of his

Yes,” he said, and just to
prove it, he brought his leg up slowly, bending it before he slowly
returned it back to the bed and just like that, she lost

Shhhh, don’t cry,
Tinkerbelle. I’m fine,” he said, soothingly.

I’m sorry,” she said,
trying to stop, but heaven help her, she couldn’t.

He’d scared the hell out of

Did you really beat up my
brothers?” he asked, kissing her head again and obviously trying to
distract her.

Yes,” she admitted with a


Because they hurt

It was an accident,” he
said, but she didn’t miss the amusement lacing his tone.

I don’t care,” she
muttered, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her hand. She
could take one of the painkillers the doctors had prescribed her,
but she’d been out of it enough over the last two weeks to last her
a lifetime.

I shouldn’t have hit him,”
Danny said, sighing heavily. “He started talking and I just lost

Your father’s not

That’s great, but that’s
not really what I meant. I want to know why you left

Because you were pulling
away,” she said around a small sob, and wow, did she sound

I wasn’t pulling away,” he
promised her.

Yes, you were,” she said,
because she knew the signs. She’d seen it before with Jerry. When
she’d felt Danny do it, she’d decided to leave before he could hurt
her. She hadn’t been able to stomach the idea of going through that
with Danny.

I would never leave you,
Tinkerbelle,” he said, gently cupping her chin and tipping her head
so that she was looking up at him. “Never.”

Then what were you doing?”
she demanded, wanting to know what kind of bullshit reason he could
come up with for the way that he was acting. He said that he hadn’t
been pulling away from her, but-

I was planning your
abduction,” he said, blinking innocently down at her.

She opened her mouth, but couldn’t
quite find the words to respond to that declaration.

I had to make a few phone
calls and call in some favors to get the ban temporarily lifted
from Vegas just long enough for me to drag you off and marry you
before you got a chance to run away,” he explained calmly as she
continued to lay there, staring dumbly up at him.

I’m sorry, what?” she
finally managed to get out.

We’re getting married,” he
said, shrugging like what he’d just said was no big

I told you that I didn’t
want to get married,” she reminded him.

Another shrug. “I chose to ignore

Okay…….,” she said,
because really, what else was she supposed to say to

As soon as they release
me, we’re going to get married,” he announced and yeah, now she was
wondering if they’d missed a head injury when they’d examined

And why exactly are you so
determined to marry me all of a sudden?”

Because I love you,” he
said with another shrug as he nodded towards the cup of water. “Can
I have another drink?”

D-did you just tell me
that you love me?” she asked, staring at him and unable to help
herself, because now she was pretty sure that he was suffering from
a brain injury. It was either that, or the drugs in his system
making him say this.

Yes,” he said, closing his
eyes. “Figured it out the day at the reptile zoo. It pissed me off
that you didn’t love me back, but I figured in ten years or so with
enough mind blowing sex, you’ll end up falling head over heels in
love with me so it’s okay.”

She chuckled, she couldn’t help it.
“You’re planning on using sex to make me fall in love with

Mmmhmmm,” he mumbled
sleepily. “I’m willing to make that sacrifice.”

Wow, you’re a giver,” she
said, smiling down at the man that she loved.

That I am,” he said,
smiling that sexy grin that drove her crazy. “And you’re marrying
me. Soon,” he said, firmly even as he started to nod

I am,” she said, nodding
her head solemnly in agreement, sniffling as tears started to roll
down her face, “because I love you.”

He stilled for a minute, that sexy
grin of his turning into a frown. “What about all the mind blowing

Smiling, she leaned down and kissed
him. “I’m still willing to have all the mind blowing

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