Honeymoon To Die For (45 page)

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Authors: Dianna Love

BOOK: Honeymoon To Die For
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“Now the world will see my power even if I can’t take credit tomorrow,” Terrence bragged in a voice devoid of humanity.

“I doubt that.” She had to push him to find out the target, but even if she did, then what? She had no cell phone and no one knew where she was.

“You doubt me?” Terrence shouted, taking a step forward and backhanding her across her face. “You’ll eat those words when scenes from Rome are on every news outlet.” His voice changed to a singsong taunt. “Oh, but, you won’t be alive to see that. Pity.”

“Ryder will figure out it’s you and come for you.”

Terrence leaned in and kept his voice whisper soft and his eyes blazed with excitement. “Actually, I’m banking on him coming for
. When he does, he’ll walk into a trap, just like he did when he went to see J. K. Kearn.”



Ryder studied the scene, seething. Munk was a dead man. The bastard had dragged Bianca through the woods to Terrence.

His brother.

How could it be Terrence? And why? Ryder had always defended him. He’d gone into the Army believing it would clear the way for Terrence. When and where had his brother hooked up with Munk?

Doesn’t matter. Focus.

Getting Bianca out of here alive was priority one.

Where was the damn FBI? Weren’t they tracking his chip? He’d expected them to show up any minute and have to race to keep ahead of being captured before he found Bianca.

Ryder moved with stealth through the low brush, easing closer. Exposing himself wouldn’t save her. They’d just kill Bianca before he could reach her. He should’ve searched for her damn phone before leaving, but the minute he’d realized that Munk had Bianca, Ryder had been in a rush to catch up before Munk hurt her.  

Terrence slapped her.

Ryder lunged forward, then caught himself and held still. If he rushed out like a madman, Munk would drop him with one shot.

What he wouldn’t give for a weapon right now.

He searched around his feet and found a small log three inches in diameter. It could be a weapon, but he had another use for it.



Bianca licked the coppery taste of blood from her lips and shrugged as much as she could with her hands pulled behind her. She told Terrence, “If you’re right about Ryder, then he should be long gone by now.”  

She hoped so, because more than anything else, she didn’t want him dead. But she knew in her gut he was hunting for her at this very minute.

“If not for you, I’d agree,” Terrence mused. “Never saw a weakness in him before, but our little terror campaign exposed a side of him that was unexpected. Loving a woman can soften a man’s spine.”

Loving a woman?

He’d been considerate and protective of her while they were together. He was honorable. She believed that. He cared for her, and he’d probably faked that last little scene to give her an out, but he didn’t love her.

If he did, she’d spend her life proving his innocence and waiting for them to have a chance.

Either way, she’d never stop until he was a free man.

She’d gotten over Bernard, but in hindsight she could see how that hadn’t been real love. Not in comparison to what she felt for Ryder. When she’d finally realized that Bernard was only in it for what he could get from her, a switch had flipped in her heart.

She’d never be able to just turn off her love for Ryder.

“You done?” Munk asked Terrence. “Time to kill her.”

Bianca jammed her foot back against Munk’s knee and he cursed but didn’t go down. Instead, he punched the side of her head, knocking her sideways.

Terrence shouted something as she hit the ground and stars flew through her vision.  


Protected from the line of sight by a cluster of thick bushes, Ryder ran out of options when Munk hit Bianca. Ryder stepped out slowly, carrying the small log. “You want me?”

Munk whipped the rifle around, aiming it at the center of Ryder’s chest.

Terrence laughed. “Well, well. Finally joining our party.”

 Munk grinned. “Good to see you, Van Dyke.”

“Sorry, I can’t say the same. I should have put this together sooner. You went to the hospital in Switzerland after your failed mission.”

“I didn’t
, asshole. The unit let me down.”

“No they didn’t.” Ryder continued moving forward slowly, keeping an eye on Bianca in his peripheral vision. She raised her head slightly and nodded, letting him know she was okay. Thank God. Ryder kept Munk’s attention on him by arguing the facts. “You jeopardized the mission. You were told to stand down, but no one realized you’d developed a taste for killing. Your screw up cost a good man.”

“Casualty of war. I paid a price, too.”

“No. A casualty is unavoidable. Don’t even compare the other men to yourself. The Army cut you loose, but they should have hung you. Besides, it looks like the hospital did a good job rebuilding your ear and cheek. Having your ear blown off was your own fault.”  

“At least I can still make the kill shot. Heard you pussied out after your last target.”  Munk grinned. “Got that out of your spotter. Bet you thought he’d never tell your secret. Took some incentive. He only told me ... right before I killed him.”

Ryder’s gut contracted into a sick knot. He’d heard his spotter died in a bombing. No autopsy to determine if his friend—a decorated soldier with two kids at home—had been tortured then murdered.

He couldn’t dwell on that now.    

“But advantageous for me,” Terrence interjected, clearly not happy to be ignored. “Had Munk not been in Switzerland when he was, we would not have met.”  He sent Ryder a sly smile. “Enough of old-home week.”

“Do you really want to end your days like this, Terrence?” Ryder needed to know why Terrence had done this. “Why not enjoy what little life you have left?”

Terrence bellowed with laughter. “That’s golden.”

Ryder chanced a quick look at Bianca who had pulled her legs up under her. She lifted her gaze, eyes sharp. He hoped she’d be ready to run.

“Save your tears, dear brother. I’m not dying.”

“What?”  Ryder jerked back to the conversation.

“I went to Switzerland for pain treatments, thanks to the problems I’ve had since birth because of that bitch who gave you life.”

Ryder could see the hate in Terrence he’d not noticed before when his brother had played the weakling
“Have you spent your life blaming my mother for going into labor early? Lady Anne was the one who wrecked the car. If not for that, my mother would have lived, but I never blamed you for that.”

“You have no grounds to hold anyone responsible for your life but the slut who bore you.”

Ryder couldn’t win this argument. His mother had been promiscuous and ended up pregnant, but Lady Anne was in a wheelchair and Terrence had health problems because of the wreck. Not Ryder’s mother.

But the point in keeping Terrence talking and Munk focused on Ryder was to give Bianca time to escape.

She’d managed to move a few feet away and was still sliding a little at a time, but there was no close cover other than the trees at his back.

No point in arguing when Terrence didn’t want to hear the truth. Ryder said, “You want me. You got me. Let her go.”

“I don’t want you dead yet,” Terrence explained. “As for your new wife, she’s become a bonus in my plan. I want you to suffer as I have.”  

“I get that you have pain, Terrence, but I didn’t cause it and you aren’t dying.” Ryder changed tactics. “Does Lady Anne know about that?”

“Absolutely not. I can’t afford to lose Mother’s indulgence.”

Munk shifted his stance, antsy. “Cut the crap. Let’s get this done.”

Terrence’s face distorted with anger and a vein stood out on his forehead. “I have waited a long time and paid a fortune for this moment. I will not be rushed when I can finally enjoy reaping the reward of years of work. Shut the fuck up.”

Ryder held his breath. Munk had killed for far less than that. To break the tension, Ryder asked, “How’d you do it, Terrence? How’d you convince doctors to tell Lady Anne you were dying?”

Terrence morphed into a man all too happy to boast about what he considered his superiority. “Lady Anne made Hubrecht fund the clinic in Switzerland when I told her how amazing they were. The director of the clinic and I had a nice win-win agreement. Their clinic not only treated my condition, but going there afforded me a perfect setting for making deals in my private quarters.”  

For the first time in months, Ryder took a really good look at Terrence. He didn’t look sickly so much as scrawny.  

“See, I’m the one who is on the ball, not you, Ryder. I’m the one who orchestrated all of this, right down to arranging for Munk to make your shots.”

“Shut up, Terrence,” Munk growled.

That’s when Ryder took a close look at the bolt-action rifle hanging from the cord attached to Munk’s vest. There was his McMillan, stolen the same week he’d been discharged. It still showed bits of the camo paint job he’d applied at his last desert duty station.

When the Army canceled Munk’s civilian contract two years ago, based on Ryder’s recommendation, Munk went ballistic, threatening payback for Ryder. Terrence must have been orgasmic when he met Munk in Switzerland and stepped in to feed the mercenary sniper’s lust for blood and money.

How much blood had those two spilled in all this time?

But did Terrence understand just how deranged Munk was?

Munk swung around to check on Bianca who went perfectly still ten feet away. Ryder prepared to rush Munk if he lifted his weapon, but he just stared at her as if he were trying to decide whether she’d moved or not.

Ryder shouted, “Munk’s right, Terrence. You can’t control a machine like him.”

Munk whipped back around, weapon ready.

Terrence chuckled. “Of course I can. He’s only a hired gun.”

 Ryder cut another look at Bianca who was sitting upright now. Good girl. She’d slowly moved onto her knees, appeared ready to move. Now would she just do what he wanted for once? He tried his best to warn her with his eyes. She blinked hers in response, as if she were tuned in to his every move.

Munk stood half way between Bianca and Terrence, so Ryder was the only one who could clearly see everyone in play. But there was no way for him to get through Munk to Bianca. The best he could hope for would be to draw Munk and Terrence into an argument to give Bianca time to run.

“I’d be careful, Terrence,” Ryder warned. “I know Munk. He takes orders from no one.”

Munk grunted an assent.

Terrence found that hilarious. “Munk will never be a problem to me. I know all of his dirty little secrets. Like the job you did in Bangkok, right Munk?”  Terrence smiled over at his hitman. “He’s
killer. He jumps when
tell him.”

Shut up!

“Careful, Munk, or you won’t get your bonus.”  Terrence shifted his arrogant gaze to Ryder and tilted his head. “See? Just like a trained monkey.”

Munk’s eyes churned bright and deadly like the centers of two volcanoes ready to erupt. He swung his rifle at Terrence, who went wide-eyed.

Bianca jumped up and dove at Munk, hitting him in the stomach as the bullet exploded from the rifle and hit Terrence in the gut, knocking him back against his car.

Terrence slumped to the ground.

Ryder rushed Munk and yelled, “
Go, Bianca!”

But did she listen?




Ryder shot straight ahead and dove at Munk as he turned on Bianca.

Munk’s instincts must have kicked in, because he twisted back in time, toward the greater threat.

Ryder shoved the rifle muzzle upward as he barreled into Munk.

If Bianca hadn’t jumped away, they’d have crushed her.

Ryder hammered blows at Munk, trying to get to his weak shoulder, but he must have had a bionic rebuild, because it was like beating on a brick wall.

Munk plowed his meaty fist into Ryder’s body, getting in solid hits. Munk kicked his side and he kneed Munk, but connected with a groin cup.

Just as Bianca had described the guy who had attacked her on her run.

This bastard would never hurt her again.


Bianca ran over and grabbed Terrence by the lapels of his suit. “Where’s the attack going to be on Sunday?”

He tried to smile but it turned into a grimace.

She shoved her hand against the hole in his abdomen and he gasped in pain. “Tell me or it will get much worse. What’s your pain tolerance like, Terrence?”  She pushed harder, surprised to discover this side of herself. But she had to stop the deaths planned for tomorrow. If someone had gotten to Terrence sooner, Sara Lynn would be alive today. How many men, women and children would die tomorrow if authorities didn’t pinpoint the location in time?

She dug her nails in around the wound.

Terrence cried out, “Stop.”

She wished Ryder was doing this instead of her. He’d know how to make Terrence talk, but Ryder and Munk still battled.

And based on the blood pooling underneath him, Terrence might not live long.

Ignoring her bloody hand, she threatened, “Ready for more?”

“No.” Terrence’s voice was thin.

“Who’s your contact?”

“You ... will never ... find him.”

She shoved her fingers deeper into his abdomen and he cried out “Noooo!” but his voice was getting weaker.

“Then tell me
the attack will be.”

“Rome.”  He was gasping for air.

“Got that. I want the exact location.”  She grabbed his collar and shook him. “Where? Who?”

Tears poured from his eyes. “Please. No pain. Please.”

She was so disgusted to be doing this. She moved her hand back to his wound.

The minute her fingers touched him, Terrence gasped, “Vatican.”

Bianca jerked back, shocked only for a second and yelled, “Who’s the target?”


Her hands shook, but she couldn’t back off now. “Why kill the pope?”


“Who’s your contact, Terrence?”

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