Honor Bound (17 page)

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Authors: Michelle Howard

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Honor Bound
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“As I need you,

Morid spun on his

Miki gasped. Her
heart thundered in her ears. She choked back a sob at the sound of the words.
Words, she’d never expected to hear. She turned to the side and standing
slightly behind Morid, her mate waited. A welcome sight. Miki almost launched
to her feet but he shook his head. His sword extended in his left hand toward
her tormentor. Vaan’s chest gleamed with the blue green sheen of his armor.

“Overlord Vaan.”
Morid sneered the greeting. “Impossible, Thenl killed you.”

The statement was
so ridiculous considering Vaan stood right before his own eyes that Miki
laughed. The sound half-sob half-humor. Morid tossed the dagger to the ground
and the sweet twang of his sword unsheathing had Miki trying to get to her feet

“Today is your
last day, Morid.”

She managed to get
half way up. As soon as she straightened her knee, fire burned its way to her
ankle, sending her staggering. She would have hit the cold ground again if not
for the warm arms wrapping around her middle from behind.

“No.” No more. She
pulled sharply but the arms moved up her waist and became bands of steel.

Her mate kept his
eyes on the opponent facing him. “Be at ease, Mikayla. Ramar will make sure you
are safe while I rid Thenl of one more worthless Warlord he has defiled with
his corrupt touch.”

Tension kept Miki
from relaxing in the arms around her.

“My lady, may I
lift you? You are injured.”

Ramar. She trusted
Vaan’s warrior. “No, thank you, Warlord.” She only wanted Vaan’s arms.

“Ramar, my lady.
You may call me Ramar if you wish.” Other than Balal, none of Vaan’s Warlords
had given her leave to call them by their birth names.

Miki started to

Chapter 17


Relief battled
with the stirrings of Fenal. Vaan remained on his feet by strength alone. He
expected to be too late and instead he’d heard Mikayla screaming for him. His
sweet mate on her knees before his enemy as she begged for Vaan’s assistance.
Morid would pay for that alone. Galips did not plead for mercy.

Morid’s face
twisted in a sneer. “The Overlord lives after all. I guess Kavan had the right
of it.”

Vaan grunted
eyeing the vicious wounds on his face. The skin appeared burned in places, his
mouth and left cheek having received most of the damage.

Morid spit on the
ground. “It’s too bad your Warlord fell to my men. He tried to protect the
Raasa but your training failed, as you soon will.”

Vaan laughed.
“Warlord Kavan yet lives. I denied him permission to join the Blessed One. Like
a well trained warrior, he is on his way with Warlord Tolan to our home.”

Morid’s eyes
widened. He parted his legs and gripped his sword with both arms at the hilt.
“It is not possible that you all survived. I witnessed you fall in the hall while
Thenl took over.”

Vaan wanted to cut
Morid down where he stood for what he did to Mikayla. Admitting to his presence
that faithful evening reaffirmed his lack of honor. “Yet you did nothing as you
watched your Overlord fall.”

Morid’s wild eyes
darted around. “Thenl had a new plan. Those of us prepared to make difficult
decisions stood by his side.”

Vaan bit back a
curse. “Then you were all fools. Have you found the glory he promised under his
reign? Where are your riches, Morid? Or do you still run about for Thenl as he
bids you?” Vaan pointed a finger at Mikayla. “You lie in wait to attack a
defenseless female as Thenl has commanded.” He shook his head and cast Morid a
pitying glance. “That is where you are now, Warlord. I led you in battle to
victory and Thenl has you fetching a reluctant female. What a mighty warrior
you have become under Thenl’s rule.”

The taunt based in
truth proved too much. With a battle cry, Morid charged Vaan. He took the first
strike on his blade. Vaan dipped low and turned the edge of his blade on the
upswing. It made contact even as Vaan danced back from Morid’s next blow.

“I am one of his
best Warlords.” The nick on his upper arm dripped blood to his elbow.

“No,” Vaan
disavowed, taking a step back as Morid slashed at his mid-section. “The best
Warlords are with me. They stood at my side while Thenl and my uncle sought to
destroy me.”

Morid stumbled.
His chest rose rapidly, only the whites of his eyes visible. “What say you?”

“Thenl summoned me
and my top fifteen that eve as I am sure you recall.” Vaan attacked but Morid
wheeled away and came swinging. Vaan adjusting his stance and went on the
defensive. “The best Warlords fell by my side as true warriors that day. I hold
no blame on the warriors. They looked to their Warlords for guidance and were
told to stand down. But you were a Warlord, Morid and you snatched the easy

Morid hesitated.
“Tolan, Kavan and Ramar, I bear witness to seeing in these woods. You claim the
others live?”

Vaan used Morid’s
distraction to strike but Morid leaped back.

“They survived.
All of us and Thenl will rue the day he attacked all that is mine.”

Vaan chanced a
glimpse at Mikayla but she leaned safely in Ramar’s embrace. He twirled his
blade and moved forward in a quick two step, his feet silent on the cold ground
beneath his boots. Morid side stepped his attack, proving he was still a worthy
fighter despite his cowardice. Vaan half whirled, seeking an opening and his
sword whistled through the air. Contact. Morid glared as blood welled from the
diagonal cut on his chest.

For the first
time, Morid looked nervous. The air filled with the fresh scent of blood. Morid
lowered his weapon, the point dipping to the ground. “I would plead mercy,

Vaan snorted and
knocked his sword against Morid’s. “Raise arms, Warlord. I plan to cut you down
where you stand so that my mate can see with her eyes your death and rest easy
this night.”

The madness in
Morid’s eyes flared. “You would kill me?”

Vaan advanced, his
arms moving overhead and slashing downward. Morid staggered back, his hand
flying to his head as his ear flew through the air followed by a spray of

“I will slaughter
you, Morid,” Vaan promised. “Your slights are one too many against your
Overlord. I hold no trust with you.”

“I did no lasting
harm to your female.” The lackluster protest angered Vaan but he had to control
the urge to kill Morid instantly. Fenal would not rule him in this moment. A
quick and easy death was too kind for this hapfe dung.

“You can lift your
sword and attempt to save yourself or you can die defenseless but know this
Morid, you will be dead when my mate closes her eyes this night to sleep.”

Morid howled and
raised arms. “I followed orders, Vaan,” he spat, dropping his title. “You would
punish a Warlord for this?”

“You chased my
mate. Made her cry and forced her to beg for help while on her knees.” Steel
met steel. “She resorted to her venom for defense.” Vaan finally realized what
caused the burns on Morid’s face. His mate should not have needed to fight. She
was to be safe at all times, surrounded by Vaan’s strength. He would never
forgive himself this night.

Morid slashed,
whirled, scored Vaan on the forearm and danced out of reach.


Vaan heard Ramar
soothe his mate but his eyes never left Morid’s. The Warlord moved warily
around Vaan, maintaining the distance between them. Vaan feigned a weakness.
Morid attacked but Vaan countered his approach. Their swords locked and Vaan
let rage fuel his arms. He shoved hard and Morid stumbled but rolled to the

Not letting the
Warlord regain his balance, Vaan whirled his sword in the air and slashed.
Morid tried to block the punishing blows to no avail. Vaan’s blade clashed
again and again, finally breaking through Morid’s guard. The steel sliced
through the downed Warlord’s throat.

A gurgle escaped
and blood poured from Morid’s mouth. His grip fell slack and his sword dropped
with a clank. Vaan stepped on the hilt and crushed it beneath his boot. He
knelt by the fallen warrior’s side. Morid’s chest heaved with each breath, a
wheeze escaping on each exhale.

Vaan drew the
dagger from his calf and showed Morid. The Warlord’s eyes widened. His mouth
moved but no words came forth. “I will give you the same mercy you intended to
give my mate,” Vaan leaned over and whispered. “You planned to rape her. Force
her to give you that which is mine only to touch.”

More blood welled.
Vaan laid the tip of his blade to Morid’s cheek where a vicious burn oozed. “I
think the tarka wolves will enjoy their dinner this night.” Morid managed a
groan but Vaan ignored him. He got to his feet and faced Mikayla. Ramar’s arms
loosened and Mikayla stepped in his direction before crying out and crumbling
to the ground.

Vaan reached her
side and pulled her into his arms. “Mikayla.” He buried his face in her hair
and inhaled her sweet scent. “You are mine, she’ma. The Blessed One heard my

“Vaan. Vaan.
Vaan,” she said his name in between cries. He lifted her onto his lap and
nodded his thanks to Ramar. “Send for the others. Thenl comes. We must

Ramar took off
running. Vaan rocked his mate in his arms. Mikayla entwined her arms around his
neck and pressed her face into his throat. Hot tears soaked his neck. “All is
well. Calm yourself.” She continued to cry and all he could do was keep his
arms around her. His hands rubbed her back until she finally lifted her head.

Her green eyes
were swollen and puffy but the sight warmed him. She lived. Vaan pressed a kiss
to her forehead. Mikayla’s hands moved from his neck and delved deep into his
hair while she began to babble. “I didn’t know if you’d find me in time. Thenl
sent warriors. Morid attacked and Warlord Kavan.” She blinked up at him and
Vaan pulled her in close pushing her head back to his chest.

“Kavan is well.
Tolan rode ahead with him.”

Mikayla’s lips
moved against his chest. Vaan leaned lower. “Speak again, she’ma.”

“He made amends,
Vaan.” Her hands thread through his hair and tugged his face close. Her lips
brushed his cheeks, his jaw before resting her head on his shoulder. “He saved
me and fought all those men. I’ll never doubt your faith in him again.”

And for that, the
Warlord would always have Vaan’s gratitude. He’d hold Mikayla close until Ramar
returned with the hapfe. With that thought in place, Vaan shifted her and
buried his head in the hollow of Mikayla’s throat.

His mate lived.

Chapter 18


“I’m fine. I feel
well.” Mikayla screamed the words but Assa paid her no heed and shut the door
behind her. Mikayla reached behind her head, grabbed a pillow and tossed it at
the closed door. The muffled thump did nothing to ease her anger.

The door opened
instantly and the cause of her problems entered. “Mikayla, you will cease your
stubborn behavior. You are upsetting everyone.”

Miki pushed to her
elbows as Vaan crossed the room to her side. He sat on the bed and brushed the
hair back from her face. She hated when he spoke quietly while she went mad
staying in bed.

“Two days is
enough. There’s so much to do. Thenl was spotted several hours away.”

“And we will be
ready. My Warlords can handle this.”

She pouted and
fell back on the bed. The ceiling looked the same as it had each time she
stared at the view. “They need you at their side.”

“My mate needs me

Miki bit her lip
to keep from smiling. She never tired of hearing those tender words. Vaan said
them several times to his Warlords, seeking to interrupt his care of her. “I
think I love you, Vaan.”

“Some day you will
be the mother of my youngling. It is good you have strong feelings for me.”

Miki’s mouth fell
open. Vaan’s lips twitched and she swatted him on the thigh closest to her.
“You jest.” He said no more and it was fine with Miki. The tremor in his arms
as he held her after Morid’s attack was all the confirmation she needed that
her Overlord cared for her.

She rolled to her
side and hid her wince when her leg bumped the mattress. She’d rested enough
though. “Going to the lower level won’t hurt me. I promise I’ll sit and not

Vaan stared hard.
His eyes showed doubt about the sincerity behind her statement. Sensing his weakness,
Miki placed a hand on his chest. “You can have Kavan and Balal keep an eye on

He snorted and
pushed the thin covering of the bed away. “The same Balal who has recovered
from your sword practice? And the same Kavan who believed I gave permission for
you to leave without checking with me?”

Miki frowned,
thinking of the events two days past.

Vaan heaved a
heavy sigh. “Come, mate. I will carry you to the main hall but you are not to
put weight on your leg.”

Miki would have
agreed to anything to view something other than the four walls of her room.

Vaan carefully
scooped her up in his arms. Miki wore a knee length dress but nothing could
hide the thick bandage around her knee. Vaan stared until Miki cleared her
throat. She didn’t want him dwelling on what happened.

Eran assured Vaan
it was severe bruising and she’d recover once the swelling went down but her
mate continued to force Miki to rest in their bed. Vaan took her injury

“Kavan heals
well?” She looped her arms around Vaan’s neck as he carried her downstairs.
Kavan hadn’t been forced to his bed despite the severe nature of his injury.

“Kavan is a

 Which did not
explain why he got to leave his room for brief periods of time to eat while
Miki was sentenced to time in bed.




Vaan placed Miki
carefully on a seat at the table beside her noan. The remnants of the afternoon
meal had yet to be cleared. Sera and Vesa came over and hugged her about the
shoulders. Assa smiled and headed to the kitchen.

“I’m well. My leg
is only slightly tender.” Miki accepted the greetings from the servants as they
passed by. A few remaining Warlords gave her a pleased nod.

Kavan sat across
from her a half finished plate in front of him. His skin looked pale and pain
lines bracketed his grim mouth. He wore his hair pulled back in a high tail.
Layers of bandages lined his torso and were visible over the top half of the
table. Miki considered his dark eyed stare. Something changed between them
after their time together.

Assa returned with
a bowl of vegetables and Miki’s stomach growled. Miki smiled ruefully. “I’m
sorry I yelled and left the food you prepared upstairs.”

Assa accepted the
apology and turned to Vaan. “Would you like anything more, Overlord?”

Vaan frowned and
Miki’s confused gaze met his. Was he angry with Assa?

“You will tell
Balal I want him with Mikayla until Kavan is fully recovered.”

Assa twittered and
hurried off to the kitchen. A short moment later, Balal exited the kitchen with
a broad smile on his face. Vaan glared and the Warlord straightened his
shoulders, a hint of red on his cheeks. “You have need of me, Overlord?”

Vaan grunted and
faced Miki. He bent one leg and squatted near her. One hand tentatively touched
her injured knee. “Do not, I ask of you, move from this spot. If you tire,
Balal can fetch me and I will carry you back to our room.”

Miki grinned and
leaned forward to kiss his temple. He rolled his eyes and got to his feet. To
Balal he said, “Assa is not a distraction.”

Balal lost his
smile. “Never, Overlord.”

Vaan left the hall
and Argan, ever present, stepped to his side to follow. Balal took a seat next
to her and pointed at her knee. “All is well?”

Miki shrugged. The
knee didn’t pain her right now and she considered that a good thing. “I needed
to get up and move about.” Miki began to eat and realized she was starved.

Balal stayed by
her side throughout the entire meal. Warlords slowly took their leave, each
bowing to Miki and murmuring. “My lady.” Their acknowledgment made her

When Miki
finished, she faced Kavan who remained seated. “How are you Warlord Kavan?”
There was so much she wanted to say but didn’t know where to start.

“I will heal, my

“I never thanked
you for your actions. They saved my life.”

Kavan frowned and
rose to his feet. “Thanks are not expected. I gave my vows to the Overlord to
protect and care for you. I stand by my word as a warrior and a Warlord.”

“Oh,” Miki chewed
her bottom lip. Kavan rounded the table and pushed on Balal’s shoulder.

The young Warlord
moved to the side allowing Kavan to come closer. His large hand reached for
Miki. She jerked back, eyes flying to his.

“But a moment.”

Miki hesitated and
then nodded. He pressed two fingers to her throat. Miki felt a pinch at her
neck. “Ow.” Her hand flew to the spot but Kavan held a small bug in his hand.
Miki’s eyes widened. The coccar.

Kavan stepped
back, his hand closed to form a fist before she could study it further. “You
have no further need of this.”

“T-thanks, Warlord
Kavan,” she stammered again because if not for the armor, Morid would have
severed her head from her shoulders. A gruesome thought.

Kavan moved back.
“You have leave to call me, Kavan.” He placed two sheaths on the table near her
hand. His daggers. “I believe you have need of these more than I.” Kavan turned
and headed for the stairs to the upper level, leaving Miki to stare dumbfounded
at his back as he painstakingly made his way.

Balal poked at her
plate. “Are you finished?”

Miki passed it to
him, unable to fathom how he consumed so much food. All of the Warlords
fostered large appetites but Balal seemed a never ending pit.

“How long before
Thenl reaches us?” Her thoughts strayed to the approaching Warlord’s attack.

Balal finished her
meal. “He is but hours away. The Overlord is sending riders to meet him half
way. He will not allow the battle to start close to you.”

“Vaan must lead.”
She pushed up to her feet and flinched.

Balal used a hand
on her shoulder to make her take her seat again. “Please, I beg you. Sit or the
Overlord will truly have my head.”

Miki reached for
Balal’s hand and grasped it tightly. “Vaan must lead them. He’s your Overlord.”

Balal pulled his
hand away gently. “All will be well. The Overlord sends Argan to lead the
warriors. They will crush Thenl.”

His words did not
appease her. Based on rumors, Thenl fought with trickery. “Take me to Vaan.”

Balal lowered his
head and breathed deeply. Miki knew he thought long and hard about his next
action. When he lifted his head, she knew she’d won. “Ever do you get me in
trouble. He will not be pleased.”

Miki waved her
hands and lifted her arms. The big warrior picked her up in his arms and
carried her from the hall. Miki clasped his shoulders and held herself stiffly.
Though he was careful, the movement jarred her knee with each step he took as they
made their way outside.

Standing next to
Vaan, she found Argan, Ramar and three other Warlords whose names she did not
recall. All of them turned at Balal’s presence. Vaan’s expression remained
neutral but she sensed his anger.

Balal must have
also picked up on it and the Warlord cursed under his breath. His pace,
thankfully, did not slow. When they neared, Argan unexpectedly laughed. The
others joined in but Vaan did not.

“She will never
follow instruction well, Overlord.”

“This I am
learning,” her mate answered. His hand came out to caress her cheek.

Miki loved his new
found affection. She extended her arms, wanting Vaan to hold her. Without
hesitation, Balal passed her over and Vaan eagerly accepted her weight with
minimum jostling to her legs. He leaned down and nuzzled her head. “Are you in

“No,” she lied and
kissed his nose.

Vaan sighed,
recognizing her untruth. “Argan, stick with the tactic we outlined. Carog,
Ramar, Eatan and Merik have ridden with Thenl in battles. They know his

Miki recognized
the Warlords but never conversed with them. Now they planned to battle on her
behalf. “Thank you.” She expressed her emotions with the grateful words.

They frowned and
Vaan stiffened. “They require no thanks, Mikayla.”

“But they are helping

Vaan huffed and
tightened his hold. “It is their sworn duty to help you. They took vows.”

Miki fell silent.
Gratitude was never wrong but these men took it for insults. She’d keep her
thanks to herself going forward. “Agreed.”

The men smiled at her
easy concession. Only Argan had the nerve to mutter. “No matter. She will do it

Miki shot him an
ugly look that he ignored.

“Which is why my
mate and I will have a long talk while you are gone.” Vaan’s pronouncement
caused a feeling of dread for Mikayla. Those words did not bode well for her.

Tolan opened the
gate and Wessel came in leading five of Miki’s hapfe. The bi-pedal creatures
jumped eagerly when they scented Miki and pawed the air with their short

“Closer, Vaan,”
she demanded, not missing the look the men exchanged.

Vaan met Wessel
half way. The animals tugged on the reins and stretched their long hairy necks
toward her. Miki laughed and stroked their brown snouts. Short bristly hair
pricked her fingers. The animal, farthest from her, rolled its third eye and
Miki clapped Vaan’s shoulder.

“It’s Falal. I
want to greet him, Vaan.” Her mate moved toward the animal she referred.

After several
minutes of scratching and rubbing, Argan interrupted. “My lady, we must leave.
Sometime today.” She didn’t miss his sarcasm.

Miki settled back
in Vaan’s arms. “Of course. Be safe.”

The Warlords
huffed a sigh but it was Balal who laughed. Miki leaned back in Vaan’s arms to
see her mate’s face. “I should not say that either?”

He shook his head
and Miki sighed. She’d never remember all the rules that governed them. They
watched the battle party mount up. Tolan manned the gate and the four men under
Argan took off, the hapfe always ready for a swift ride.

“You must rest,

She hated to admit
that she tired. Her knee also started to throb. At least she’d managed to greet
everyone outside her bedroom. Almost everyone. Vaan’s long strides returned
them to the main hall. “Where is Tesai? He hasn’t been to see me since my

Balal hurried ahead
and disappeared. Miki frowned searching for her friend. Vaan skipped the eating
room and charged the stairs. “Vaan? Where is Tesai?”

He didn’t speak
until he lay her on the bed and crossed the room to lock the door. “The Raasa
received punishment.”

“What?” she
shrieked. “Why, Vaan? What has he done?”

She knew Tesai’s
behavior of late crossed the line, but she hoped he’d adapt with time. Perhaps
the good memories of all they’d shared clouded her judgment.

Vaan leaned
against the door and crossed his booted ankles. “He opened the gate for you.”

Miki made to
stand. “What?” He couldn’t hold Tesai responsible.

“Sit,” Vaan boomed
and she sat.

Vaan glared at
Miki and she focused her attention on him. His lips flattened and his brows
lowered to create a vee in the middle. “Your Raasa allowed you to leave.”

“But that’s my
fault he shouldn’t be blamed.” Tesai shouldn’t take blame for her actions.

“His job is to man
the gate. No one comes in or leaves without my permission. It is the first rule
I set when you gave me charge of your people.”

Miki gasped and
slammed her hand on the bed. “It’s unfair. I should receive punishment too.”

Vaan moved away
from the door, his steps slow and steady, until he stood next to her. Miki held
her breath. “Do you not think being attacked and almost raped punishment

Miki worried the
sheet beneath her fingers. Vaan never frightened her but right now she
experienced the first stirrings of fear from her mate. “But Tesai…”  “Faced my
punishment,“ he cut her off. “Rest. We will talk no more of this.”

Miki dropped back
on the bed. “At least tell me what you did.” What would the Overlord consider
sufficient punishment? Cleaning duty? Work in the hapfe stalls?

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