Hood's Obsession (13 page)

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Authors: Marie Hall

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Hood's Obsession
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There had been words Giles imagined she would say. Mating, however, hadn’t been one of them. Eyes gone wide, he studied her features, looking for any sign of duplicity. A shifter rarely lied, but they could tease mercilessly. Something he’d discovered while working one of Rumpel’s test for a supplicant years ago. Shifters were masters of the silver tongue.

But there was no hint of crow’s feet around her eyes, or a tiny twitch of laugh lines around her withered lips. Lilith was being entirely honest with him.

“We should find lunch,” he murmured, his voice sounding more like gravel.

Finally she chuckled. “Yes, we should. And I am sick to death of this hideous form.” She tugged at the clasp holding her cloak in place.

Placing a hand over hers to still her actions, he shook his head. “You should stay in disguise—”

She opened her mouth and he could practically hear the rebuttal fly off her tongue, but she surprised him by closing it and instead taking a deep breath before finally saying, “And I will. I learned my lesson. But we’ve barely walked five miles in the past three hours. Staying in this form requires I walk as though lame, and I should think you’d like us to hurry up, no?”

Actually, he’d nearly forgotten about the quest or anything else, for that matter, after what she’d done this morning. He still couldn’t get the image of her licking his finger out of his head.

He’d not known how to approach the subject, so he’d pretended it’d meant nothing to him, but the very opposite was true. Giles had been enjoying their leisurely pace more than he should have.

What she said made sense, so he nodded, though he didn’t really feel like it.

“Good.” She stepped back from him and scanned their woods.

They were in a well-lit clearing but with limited views, thanks to the towering pines all around.

“Do you sense anyone else about? It would do me no good to shift if there were others to see it happen.”

Giles wondered why she would ask him that. Surely as a wolf she’d know more about their surroundings than him. Lilith had been acting strangely all morning. Was it the heat causing her to behave in such a manner, or was there more to it than that?

He shook his head. “I’ve seen no one else for hours. But with your senses, shouldn’t you be able to—”

Sucking on her bottom lip, she shook her head tentatively. “No. Well, let me amend that. A true shifter is just as capable in either form. Sight, sense, smell, touch, all of it sharp and heightened, whether human or animal. But I am only half-shifter, so though I can shift, in human form I’m not as…capable.” The last she said in a low murmur.

Tipping her chin back up so that she would look at him, he shook his head. “You have no need to be ashamed of that, Lilith.”

Her soft, delicate fingers gripped his hand. “It is a vain conceit, this pride of mine.”

She said it with a thread of laughter behind it, but he sensed that it bothered her to share as she had. Wolves were unbelievably proud; that she could admit this to him was astonishing. To say the least.

Gently rubbing his thumb across her jawline, he smiled. “You should see me when I lose at poker.”

She laughed and gently pulled away from him. “I do believe you just made a joke, knight.”

He shrugged. “It happens on occasion.”

Lilith handed him the cloak. “If you could spread that out for us, I will go find us lunch.”

“I can come with you.” He frowned.

“You could,” she smirked, “but then you’d get to see how brutal I can actually be. Better for you if you think me a simple, country maiden.”

And with a wink she called her fire down. Giles stood within the heat of her flame. It was intensely hot, and broke him out in a sweat. But it also felt good. It felt a lot like home.

A second later the red wolf gave him a wolfish grin and then turned on its heel and trotted back into the tree line. He watched until she faded from sight. One day he would go with her on a hunt, just to see her in action.

But until then…

Fisting the cloak, he found them a suitable spot to sit and spreading out the cloak like a blanket. It wasn’t large enough for the both of them, but it didn’t matter. He’d take the ground, no big deal.

Foraging for dry sticks and anything else that could be used as tinder, he brought it back to their makeshift camp. Setting it up, he surrounded it with large stones, but kept it unlit for now.

Giles suspected Lilith wouldn’t tell him so, but she had to be hungry. The way she’d devoured food in the past two days, he could only imagine that her instinct demanded a lot of calories, and more than the rabbit or mouse she’d likely bring back.

But when he went off in search of berries or nuts, he came up empty. There’d been plenty of food to pluck straight from the trees at their last camp; if he’d been wise he would have thought to pack some with them, but it’d been in such abundance he’d failed to imagine it wouldn’t always be so.

For a brief moment he wished they were walking through Wonderland instead of these woods. Breads and cheeses and all manners of delights could be found on the trees that grew there. But Wonderland was the only part of Kingdom with such unusual trees; in this part of the endless woods they were surrounded by nothing more than pines that bore not a single cone to dig seed from.

Huffing out a breath, he returned back to camp only to spot an unusual woman headed his way.

Her skin wasn’t quite as dark as his, more like a creamy burnt caramel color. Her hair was short and spiraled in tight black curls around a heart-shaped face. Her eyes were wide and almond-shaped and a rich golden brown. She had full lips and a voluptuous body that instantly made his pulse quicken. Even the fact that there were two large swaths of dried blood staining her cheeks didn’t matter. The creature was alluring and he was unable to glance away.

Barefoot and wearing only a leopard-spotted sarong, she strode confidently toward him. She looked at him as though she knew him. Stopping only inches in front of him, she cocked a hip out and flicked a wrist. “So, knight, how do I look?”

Lilith’s scent of pine and rich earth washed through him, making his pulse thunder in his ears. Even her voice had dropped a seductive octave.

He blinked. “I thought the plan was to travel inconspicuously.”

Her laughter shivered across his flesh. “And a pale crone with a man as dark as ebony was inconspicuous?”

She had a point, but still.

Giles shook his head. “You stand out.”

“I always do, knight. It seems to be a flaw of mine.” She moistened her much fuller pink lips. “Don’t you like me?”

Clearing his throat, he took a step back. Even with the smears of blood staining her cheeks, she looked unbelievably gorgeous. Every inch of her.

“You’re too beautiful.” There, he said it.

Her eyes practically glowed. “Thank you.”

“That’s not a compliment.”

She rolled her eyes and gently hit his shoulder. “Look, I’m not becoming an old fart again. I’ll keep myself hidden, I promise.”

Grunting, he turned on his heel and walked back. “I assume by the blood on your face that you caught something.”

“Yes,” she said near a whisper.

Nodding, he knelt beside his pile of twigs and shifted them around. Not that he needed to, but he couldn’t keep looking at her.

It was her heat affecting him this way. It had to be. It wasn’t that he’d not noticed her beauty straight away, but he’d not felt this level of attraction before. Her nearness unnerved him.

“Need help dragging it over?” he asked with clenched fists.


When he turned to look at her, Lilith was gone.

Lilith had brought the wild boar down with ease. She’d been so proud of her kill. Of her chance to show Giles that she was capable, that she wasn’t a child.

Why had he said what he’d said? She’d hoped her latest transformation would be the one to get him to truly see her. To recognize that she was a woman and he a male and she was choosing him. She’d had time to think it through. There were ways around her deal with Rumpel, ways that could ensure her safety and his.

It would never be a true mating, which meant Giles would be free to bind his heart to another someday down the road, and no shifter in Kingdom would recognize their mating as legitimate, but if it meant happiness, even if only for now, then wasn’t it worth it to try?

She had no bluidy clue why she couldn’t turn her feelings off for the demone. But it was more than hormones. When a wolf chose it wasn’t simply because of bodily need. But because it recognized true compatibility. Against all odds, her wolf wanted not another wolf, but Giles.

Closing her eyes, she bowed her head. Her family had made a mockery of themselves long before she’d been born. Her father had dared to fall in love with a human.

Well, a magical vessel, really, but that was just semantics. Mother was a strong and honorable woman and she loved with the strength of the wolf. Father had made a wise choice, but the clan had never seen it that way.

They sneered at her parents whenever they showed up together for no other reason than Mother was not pack. She was more than capable and twice as strong as most of the she wolves, but it didn’t matter, because to them she would always be human.

Lilith had vowed she would do everything in her power to choose an alpha when the time came. And yet the apple hadn’t fallen far from the tree, because here she was, following the same path as her father, and the more distance she put between her and her people, the less she cared what they thought.

But no matter how she felt, Giles obviously did not feel the same. Growling, she lengthened her fingers into claws and ripped through the pig’s carcass, dressing it and ripping off the large chunks of flesh to roast. The rest she’d leave for the predatory birds to pick apart.

Using the end of her sarong, she placed the meat inside of it and walked back to their camp, determined not to show Giles just how much his rejection had stung.

Tonight was going to be hell on her.

It took three hours of roasting to make sure the pig was edible. Much longer than anticipated. By the time it finished cooking, the sun was well on its way to setting.

“We’ll have to make camp here for the night. You have a stream to bathe in if you’d like, and—”

“No!” She snapped, tearing into the sizzling porky fat with her human teeth, wishing she could rip into it like a wolf. Already she felt the strength of the moon’s call, tempting her to turn wolf, to run wild and unfettered by this form. “I need shelter tonight.”

His brows dipped. “I shall watch you as I did the night before.”

“No.” This time when she said it she heard the shiver of a growl move through her chest. She wished to the goddess that she had bread or some other form of carbs with this meal.

The bread wasn’t just to satisfy her cravings, but it also helped to lessen the effects of the blooming a little. A female in heat without her mate should avoid meat at all costs. The taste of the meat only fueled her wolf. But there had been nothing else available and she’d been starving. If she hadn’t eaten the pig, she would have attacked anything else living when she shifted.

And she couldn’t take that risk.

She’d looked for a while for anything other than meat and had even gone so far as to forage for mushrooms. As terrible as they tasted uncooked, she’d have gone for anything edible at this point, but her hunger was too great.

“Your eyes,” he whispered.

Taking a deep breath, she urged herself to calm and closed her eyes. “I know. They glow when I begin to bloom. It’s what I was trying to tell you. I have to be sheltered tonight. There is a full moon and without my mate to ground me I cannot control myself.”

He cocked his head. “There is no town for miles. Perhaps I could shift and take you with me—we could probably arrive there before nightfall.”

Swallowing hard, she rubbed at the throb building at the base of her skull. “There is a cabin built by my people for situations as these. It is not but a mile up the trail. We can get there in time.”

Shoving three final chunks of pork belly into her mouth, Lilith called her fire. The sun was minutes from setting. It didn’t matter to her if anyone saw her do it, either; the only thing that mattered was getting to that shack and locking the door.

The transformation from woman to wolf barely fazed her. The shifting of the bones, the reshaping of her limbs… A typically painful process was the least of her worries. She didn’t stop to look back at Giles with an imploring look to follow like she’d done every time before.

Digging her claws into the dirt she shoved off, running faster than she ever had before. Even the fear she’d felt when being chased by the pack of alphas was nothing to the knowledge of the chaos she’d inflict if she didn’t get to shelter.

Trees zoomed by, and in her periphery she caught the glimpse of a moving black shadow with glowing red eyes.

Tongue lolling out the corner of her mouth, she scented the air with it. Tasting the crisp scent of pungent pine needles, the decay of leaves on the forest floor, and musky odor of rodent burrowed in tunnels beneath her paws.

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