Hooked!: A Contemporary, Multicultural Romance (4 page)

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she ranted in frustration, punching her pillow, yet again. To get her mind off
of her heated center, she, turned on the TV and tried to find a program to
immerse herself in. It was just after midnight, and what was on in most hotel
rooms? Porn! Kammille groaned. “This shit is not funny!” she said to the
invisible entity she felt was visiting this ironic evil on her.


her will, Kammille's gaze got glued to the action on the TV. She muted the
sound, the words holding no meaning for her. A big-boobed blond was having the
crap fucked out of her by a really good-looking, very well-endowed man. As she
leaned over what looked like a kitchen counter, his hands were full of her ass
and thighs as his cock slid all the way into her dripping wet vagina. He pumped
slowly at first, slapping the woman on her behind as he drove home each long,
solid stroke. His tempo increased, making the woman’s breasts bob to a beat of
their own.


woman lifted her head from the counter as her soaked hole took a pounding from
the skillful actor. The woman leaned back, totally lost in the sensations the
man’s huge dick was causing her. He rammed into her so hard at one point that
she reached back and put a hand into his stomach as if to stave off his next
stroke. He reached around and slid a finger up and down her clit, rubbing it
back and forth as he began to slow-pump into her again. A look of sheer bliss
overcame her features, and the man starts grinding into her hard again, pulling
her back against cock as he drove into her over and over and over again.


could read the woman's lips. "Yes. Fuck me baby. Oh fuck me baby."
Then, "I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coming!"


man grabbed a handful of her hair with one hand and the side of one hip with
the other. Then he drove into her, one ... two ... three more times, before
exploding in orgasm too.


knock on Kammille’s door startled her. She quickly turned the TV off and walked
silently to it. There was almost nothing scarier to a single woman than a knock
on her door in the middle of the night. It was almost 12:30. Who could it
possibly be?


it’s Landon.”


breathed a sigh of relief.


saw your light,” he said as she opened the door. “Is everything ok?”


hesitated … just a second.


hackles went up.


you alright?” he asked, taking her by surprise and pushing the door all the way
open, as if he expected someone to be in the room with her.


I’m fine. … I … I just couldn’t sleep that’s all. Why did you push my door open
like that?” she said, confused.


in case someone was hiding behind it and forcing you to say everything was
okay. I wanted to hit them with it.”


put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud at his
protectiveness. It had been a long time since any man had been so concerned
about her. The realization made her a bit sad.


caught the reflection in her eyes. Are you sure you’re alright Kammille? You
don’t look like you’ve been to sleep. Anything you want to talk about? I’ve
been told I’m a very good listener,” he finished, crossing his well-toned arms
in front of him.


that so?” she responded. “Thanks for the offer, but no, I don’t need to talk
about anything.”


then. But the offer stands, ok? I’ll let you get some sleep.”


your lips to God’s ears,” she said. “Did you go out?” she asked, noting that he
was wearing different clothing from before. He looked just as good in jeans as
he did in a suit.


I went to that little jazz spot I told you about. I’m a night owl. Music helps
me to relax.”


Well have a good night then.”


night Kammille. I’ll see you in the morning,” he said, noticing how her nipples
were announcing themselves through the silk of the purple robe she pulled
tightly around her tiny waist. The whole time he’d been standing there, he’d
tried not to notice, but they seemed to have gotten harder.


cold shower was in order, he thought. Damn! It had been a long time since a
woman made his dick get so hard so quick. He turned to go.


she called softly, as he took a couple of steps. He turned around.


further words were needed. What she wanted was written all over that delectable
little body of hers – and in his overheated one.



was limp with unsated desire. He’d started with her mouth and worked his way
down to her center, sucking hard on the folded bud there. Her hips strained to
stay one with his mouth as his fingers worked their way in and out of her. Her
womanhood was overrun with juices, her clitoris so swollen from what his tongue
had done to it that it ached.


reached up and grabbed a pillow, sliding it under her wiggling hips to raise
the molten center of her higher. His head disappeared between her bent legs
again, thrusting his tongue deeper into the exposed recesses of her most
precious part, his whole mouth covering her opening. His fingers followed suit,
alternately gliding into her slowly, then thrusting roughly. An enthralling
pleasure engulfed Kammille. She'd never been finger and tongue fucked like this
-- not all at one time. She whimpered in total capitulation, so lost in the
ocean of desire she didn't care if she ever crested.


moan, whimper and cry from her made Landon want to explore more of her. Every
crevice. Every cove. Every orifice. He wanted to know all of her.


felt her desire surging. She was spiraling out of control.


yet baby. Not yet," he said, his lips working their way up her thighs,
waist, stomach and breasts. They were small, but well-rounded and he proceeded
to slather them in the same attention he'd given her vagina.


tongue curved around each peak, sucking the pert nipples to another level of


hips thrashed against him. She wanted to feel him inside her now.
"Please," she begged. "Oh please Landon." She pushed his
mouth away from her straining nipples and brought it to hers. She slid one hand
up and down his pulsating organ. It was so large, quivering even more with
every stroke she gave it.


exhaled a long, uneven breath. "Oh baby," he whispered in her ear as
he bent over her. "Do you know what you're doing to me?"


response, Kammille thrust her hip upwards, guiding the tip of his steel-like
staff just inside her slippery walls.


lost all restraint, sweat beading on his forehead as he bit down hard on his
lower lip, and rammed all the way into her -- hard and fast. 


lusted for every thrust, her tight walls sheer heaven for his powerful strokes.
Even though her center was already elevated on the pillows, it wasn't enough.
He wanted to go deeper. He put his hands under smooth buttocks and lifted her
to him, every thrust a testament to how much he wanted her.


arched her back and wrapped her legs tightly around him. “Don’t stop. Oh God
please don't stop," she begged.


she could feel was his hardness filling her to the brim, breaking the barriers
of anything she even thought was physically possible with another human being. She
screamed out his name as she came, almost choking on the ecstasy of the


was unprepared for the uninhibited way she gave herself to him. It sent him
spiraling, right into the vortex of orgasm with her.



Kammille Howard are a contradictory little minx," he said, rolling to the
side when the aftershocks of passion had subsided within him.


was all of a sudden shy, and a little embarrassed. She'd begged him ...
literally begged for more of him. She'd never done that with any man before.


saw -- and recognized -- some of the emotions playing out on her face. He knew
she was self-conscious about what had just transpired between them. He knew
only one way to bring her back to him; to not let her lose herself in the wondering
of 'why'; not yet. He scooped her face in his hands, and brought his lips down
to hers.


silently roped her arms around his neck, her mouth flowering open to him. He
tasted so good; felt so good.


Oh God yes. This is exactly what she needed and to her dismay ...  wanted.




stretched her body, a smile overtaking her face even before her eyes opened.
She reached towards the warmth on the other side of the bed, only to find it
empty. Her eyes shuttered open.


had to be in the bathroom. She got up, found her discarded robe and sat on the
edge of the bed. She had to pee, but didn’t want to disturb his time in the
bathroom. After waiting 15 or 20 seconds more, she realized she didn’t hear any
movements coming from the closed door.


she called, knocking quietly on the bathroom door. “Are you in there?”


knocking again and not receiving an answer, Kammille knew he wasn’t in there,
but she checked anyway, confirming her suspicions. She went to the large living
area of her suite. Then she looked towards the door. That’s when she knew he
was gone. The deadbolt wasn’t clicked. It could only be done so from inside and
she knew she’d locked it last night after letting him in.


went back to the bedroom to look for a note or something. She called the front
desk to check to see if there were any messages waiting for her. Nothing. Why
would he just leave like that, she thought. They had plans to spend the day together.


she told herself. He probably just went back to his suite to shower and change.
Even though she thought it was kind of ill-mannered to just leave with no
explanation, she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.


she go over to his suite? She immediately dismissed the idea. There was no way
she was going man hunting, especially one she’d just given herself to like a
wanton junkie last night. He had ‘put it on her’ as they said these days. A
girl could get used to some good loving like that she smiled, in spite of


would be too easy to become addicted to a man like Landon Shaw.




looked down at the sleeping woman next to him. Waves of pure lust surged
through him as he took in her exposed breast, the smoothness of her skin and
her mother-lode of heavenly hair spread out on the pillow under her head.


breathed evenly in her sleep, her bow-shaped lips curved into a satisfied
smile. He wanted to wake her, to feel her sleek thighs wrapped around him
again, to feel her tightness close around him as he pierced her again, to hear
her beg him take her harder.


had to get out of here, he thought. It had all started out so innocently; he’d
known from the moment he saw her and that he was going to have her. But he
wasn’t prepared for this. She’d made him lose control – something he’d learned
never to do.


eased from the bed, careful not to wake her. In the streaming light of day,
there were fewer places to hide emotions you thought you’d buried forever.




looked at the clock on her nightstand: 6:37 a.m. They had breakfast plans at
8:00, so she decided to get in a quick workout. She quickly dressed and went
for a hard run on the beach.


is what she missed about not living in a beach community. A Florida native and
prolific runner, she loved running in the sand. There was nothing like the
challenge of running in the thickness of it under a beaming hot sun to take all
of your troubles away.


had put her bathing suit on under her running garb and left her room key at the
front desk. That way, she could just strip down and get in the water without
having to worry about any valuables lying about on the beach while she indulged
in a swim in the ocean after her run. Not that she was worried about that
anyway. The staff at this 5-star hotel kept a careful watch on all guests and
their valuables, whether they were poolside or on the beach.


swimming, Kammille wondered if she should reserve two cabanas for the day. It’s
how she’d planned to spend her first full day here; she wondered what Landon’s
plans were. She decided it wasn’t necessary after talking to the staff member
in charge of the beach equipment. The young man assured her that, as penthouse
residents, there would be two available for her and her friend when they were
ready. The perks of success, she thought. Having excess amounts of money was
still kind of new to her. So these were some of the perks, she said to herself.


After completing her run and quick swim, Kammille returned to the hotel, fully
expecting to have a message from Landon. But nothing. She checked her watch.
She had exactly 21 minutes to shower and dress, which was more than enough


thing she loved about tropical climates is that they didn’t require much in the
way of clothing, hair and makeup. Her hair was naturally curly, so she let it
do its own thing when in the heat. It was pointless to try and do anything
else. A good shampoo and a light touch of mousse to reduce frizz and define her
curls was all that was required. Makeup consisted of a tinted lip gloss, a hint
of mascara and blush. Her outfit was a simple, cotton sundress. She
specifically chose styles that didn’t require a bra. She hated wearing bras in
hot weather – and unlike a lot of small-breasted girls, Kammille appreciated
being a member of the itty bitty titty committee.


all of the advantages of a bountiful supply of breasts, thanks to girlfriends, she’d
been schooled on the problems that came with having them: the sweating and
rashes that could appear underneath; the shoulder pain; the having to wear a
bra; finding clothing that fit. No thank you! She devilishly shook her little
mounds in the mirror as she emerged from the shower and laughed. Just enough to
satisfy; at least, she’d never had any complaints.


she emerged from the bedroom of her suite, Kammille tried not to constantly
notice the time, but she couldn’t help it. She was ready with three minutes to
spare. Landon should be knocking on her door any minute.








the minutes passed, Kammille felt tears sting her eyes – and she hated herself
for the betraying emotion. How could she allow one night with a stranger to have
such an effect on her, when she knew all along what men like him were all


tears were more frustration at her own expectations than anger directed towards
him, although there was plenty of that.


knew better!” she said to herself. You even told him what he was all about, and
you fell into the trap anyway. “What type,” he’d asked, “did she think he was?”


stereotypical jock. You know, you run a few flattering lines on your target.
She swoons. You get what you want. You leave, never to be heard from again. Her
heart is broken. She’s left wondering what she did wrong. End of story.”


Your words, she reminded herself. Those were your words and barely 12 hours
later, what you said has come true.


Kammille packed her beach bag, her sunglasses the last item she reached for.
She would not let this put a damper on her much-deserved getaway. She would


slid the sunglasses on as her hand reached for the door. If she did run into
Landon, she didn’t want him to have access to her emotions. The black depths of
her doe-shaped eyes weren’t very good at hiding her emotions. And right now,
her feelings were definitely hurt. That much she could admit.


hadn’t come to Miami looking to meet anyone – and she certainly hadn’t planned
to land in the cyclone of passion she’d experienced last night. But it had
happened, and heaven help her, it had been exactly what she needed. She’d
forgotten how good it felt to make love – to revel in physical pleasure. She’d
also forgotten how nice it was to enjoy the simple pleasure of having a
conversation over good food and drink. Landon had hit all of her ‘need’ buttons
last night; needs she’d suppressing the last year or so. She despised him for
that. The least he could have done was do what he said he was gonna do. Show up
if you say you’re gonna show up! Or if not, call and say you’re not. That’s all
she asked. Was that so hard for men these days? At this rate, she’d be single


cell phone rang. She dug into her bag to answer the ringing device.


oh Kammille, first off, I hope you’re having a fabulous time. You know I’d
never interrupt your little vacay unless it was
muy importante
. And it
is. Oh my goodness it is. I still can’t believe it happened. I just can’t
believe it,” her business partner, Liza, said breathlessly. She was talking a
mile a minute, and interspersing it with Spanish. It was hard to get the
unflappable Liza ruffled, so this had to be big. She just hoped it was good
news; she was in no mood to deal with bad news right now.


down Liza and tell me what’s going on.”


remember the account we’ve been trying to land the last few months? Well, there
are three of them, but the main one?”


X Spot; that new boutique hotel chain,
The X Spot
,” Kammille immediately


yes. That one,” Liza confirmed.


had been trying to network her way into a meeting with the executive who
handled all of their catering throughout the southeast for months.


they called,” Liza announced. “Apparently Mr. Lennox is going to be in town on
a layover this evening; only three hours. He wanted to know if you could meet
him in the VIP lounge at the airport around 6. And get this, they’re not just
looking for a one-time gig Kammille. They’re looking for one main catering firm
to handle all of their events. I hope you won’t be mad, but I told them of
course you could.


held her breath.


mind was racing with possibilities. This could open their firm up to the
celebrity market.
The X Spot
was the hotel du jour for celebrities,
especially the young -- read, ‘eager to spend insane amounts of money.’ They
hosted movie premier parties, record launch parties, sports signing parties –
the works. Although K&L Catering was doing just fine with the business
community in Atlanta, if they were able to add this feather to their cap, it
could literally triple the size of their business overnight. And even though it
was daunting, she knew they were ready for it.


she didn’t say anything, Liza continued, “I could take the meeting if you can’t
get back, but you know our numbers so much better and this is a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We need to put our best foot forward.”


snapped out of her reverie of celebrity-filled parties and premieres and what
it would mean for K&L. “Well of course I’m not mad. Are you kidding me?”


goody,” Liza said, exhaling. “Then I made the right move.”


booked on an 11:47 am flight back to Atlanta. It’ll be rushed, but you’ll be
able to get back, come to the office and get whatever paperwork you need, and
scoot back to the airport. I have a driver on standby from the time you land
until the time your meeting is over.”


is why they made such great business partners, Kammille thought. She was the
marketing brain … and Liza was the ‘everything else’ master. “Then I’d better
pack and get to the airport,” Kammille said. “That’s less than three hours


9:38 a.m., Kammille was in a cab on her way to the airport. Theoretically you
could get to the airport in about 20 minutes from the hotels on Ocean Drive,
which is where she was staying. But it usually took about 30 to 35 minutes.
Definitely pushing it, but as she was flying first-class, check-in would be a
breeze. The only thing that could make her miss her flight was a traffic
accident. She crossed her fingers like a ten-year-old and sent up a silent
Please God, let me get there in time



couldn’t believe what he’d just seen. That couldn’t have been Kammille getting
into a cab with her bag. He knew that piece of luggage all too well – and the
contours of her body. But he still refused to believe that it was true. His eyes
had to be deceiving him. 


she just left Miami?


didn’t even have her phone number.

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