Horrible Harry Moves up to the Third Grade

BOOK: Horrible Harry Moves up to the Third Grade
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Table of Contents
Something horrible has happened to Horrible Harry's pet spider!
And then at 10:07 it happened.
When everyone was busy.
Harry was over by the windows trapping a fly for Charles's meal.
Sidney screamed. “The spider just crawled out of the trapdoor. He's gonna get me!”
Harry put down his flyswatter and raced over.
But not in time.
Sidney took one of my copper rocks and smashed the spider.
“You killed Charles!” Harry yelled.
Horrible Harry and the Ant Invasion
Horrible Harry and the Christmas Surprise
Horrible Harry and the Drop of Doom
Horrible Harry and the Dungeon
Horrible Harry and the Green Slime
Horrible Harry and the Kickball Wedding
Horrible Harry and the Purple People
Horrible Harry in Room 2B
Horrible Harry Moves Up to Third Grade
Horrible Harry's Secret
Song Lee and the Hamster Hunt
Song Lee and the Leech Man
Song Lee in Room 2B
Dedicated with love to my daughter Emily
and my son-in-law Victor Hurtuk, who had
their beautiful wedding in an old stone
church in Connecticut, August 2, 1997
Special thanks to my editor, Cathy Hennessy, for her help with this man
uscript ; and to my husband, Rufus, for his sense of humor; and to my
wonderful third-graders, who went with me to the Old New-Gate Prison
and Copper Mine in East Granby, Connecticut.
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First published in the United States of America by Viking,
a division of Penguin Putnam Books for Young Readers, 1998
Published by Puffin Books,
a division of Penguin Putnam Books for Young Readers, 2000
Text copyright © Suzy Kline, 1998 Illustrations copyright © Frank Remkiewicz, 1998
All rights reserved
Kline, Suzy.
Horrible Harry moves up to third grade / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by Frank
Remkiewicz. p. cm.
Summary: Horrible Harry and friends start off third grade with a new room
and a field trip to an old copper mine to study rocks.
eISBN : 978-1-101-07690-3
[1. Schools—Fiction. 2. School field trips—Fiction.
I. Remkiewicz, Frank, ill. II. Title.
PZ7.K6797Hp 1998 [Fic]—dc21 98-13098 CIP AC
RL: 2.5


Are We on Mars?
I couldn't wait for third grade in Room 2B.
Same class.
Same teacher.
Same room.
And most important ... Harry and I would be
for another school year. Safe and sound.
Boy, was I wrong!
On the first day of school, Harry and I went walking down the hall.
“Ready for third grade, Doug?” he asked.
“I'm ready,” I said.
We slapped each other five.
When we got to Room 2B, we stopped dead in our tracks. A tall man with green eyes and a bald head greeted us. “Welcome to school, boys!”
“You're not Miss Mackle,” Harry said. “This is Miss Mackle's room!”
“No. I'm Mr. Moulder. I'm teaching second grade. This is my room now.”
Harry stepped inside and looked around. “Are you hiding her somewhere?”
Mr. Moulder scratched his shiny head. “Hiding who?”
Harry and I exchanged looks. What was going on? Were we in the right school?
We ran outside the building to double-check. There it was in cement just above the door:
“This is crazy,” I said.
“This is weird,” Harry said. “We're supposed to have Miss Mackle for third grade.
Where is she?”
We walked back into the building.
“Let's go to the office,” I suggested.
When we got there, we saw a huge bouquet of flowers. Harry read the little note speared on the plastic fork: CONGRATULATIONS, MRS. CARPENTER!
We looked at the lady sitting at the secretary's desk. She had her back to us. She was typing something on her computer.
“That's not Miss Foxworth,” Harry said. “Miss Foxworth doesn't have blonde hair.”
“Let's go ask Mrs. Chan, our old kindergarten teacher,” I said.
We dashed down the hall.
“Can I help you boys?” asked a young woman who looked like Snow White. “I'm Miss Zaharek, the kindergarten teacher.”
“AAAAHHHHHHH!” we screamed.
We started pounding our hands on the wall poster, “ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN.”
Finally, the principal showed up.
When we spotted his curly hair and mustache, we cheered,
“Mr. Cardini!”
“Well, hello, Harry and Doug. You boys lost?”
“Yeah!” Harry said with his fist in the air. “It feels like we're on Mars!”
Mr. Cardini laughed as he twirled his mustache. “I think you two are looking for your third-grade room. That's upstairs. Didn't you read the number on your old report card?”
Harry and I shrugged.
“Take a left at the top of the stairs. Room 3B is the second room on the right side of the hall.”
Harry and I took off like two road-runners. We zoomed up the stairs in seconds, then took a left and counted two rooms down on the right side.
“This room must be Mars,” Harry said. “Look at these boulders stacked outside the door.”
“Just a minute,” I said. “These aren't real rocks. They're grocery bags from Park and Shop crunched up and sprayed brown.”
Harry smelled the rocks and saw the faint lettering through the paint. “Yeah. They're phony.”
Slowly, we passed through the boulder archway When we stepped inside, we were greeted by a big sign on the bulletin board. It said, THIRD GRADE ROCKS. There were lots of rocks on the display table, but we didn't go over and look at them. We just noticed the class.
“Hi, Harry! Hi, Doug!”
everyone. shouted. There were Song Lee, Mary, Sidney, Ida, Dexter ...
... and
Miss Mackle!
Harry ran over and gave her a big hug.

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