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Authors: Connie Brockway

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Raves for the Novels of Connie Brockway

Hot Dish

“With her contemporary debut, Connie Brockway blasts into modern times with her rapier wit and dazzling prose fully intact. Regardless of the time period, Brockway writes sheer magic. I’d say, ‘Welcome to the twenty-first century, Connie!’ but, quite frankly, I’m not sure I need the competition.”

—Elizabeth Bevarly

“A dazzling contemporary debut!”

—Christina Dodd

“A hilarious, bittersweet look at going home. Connie Brockway proves she’s got the contemporary chops to go the distance.”

—Eloisa James

“Connie Brockway’s contemporary debut is wry, witty, and wonderful! This cast of unforgettable characters will tickle your funny bone and your heartstrings.”

—Teresa Medeiros

The Rose Hunter Trilogy

My Surrender

“By brilliantly blending an exquisitely sensual romance between two deliciously stubborn individuals into a plot rife with danger, deception, and desire, and then wrapping the whole thing up in … elegant writing, Brockway deftly demonstrates her gift for creating richly imagined, completely irresistible love stories.”

Library Journal
(starred review)

My Seduction

“A well-crafted, engaging read.”

Publishers Weekly

“A fabulous love story … wicked, tender, playful, and sumptuous. Too wonderful to resist.”

—Lisa Kleypas

My Pleasure

“This is why people read romance … an exceptionally good read.”

—All About Romance

Bridal Favors

“A scrumptious literary treat … wonderfully engaging characters, a superbly crafted plot, and prose rich in wit and humor.”


“Never predictable, always refreshing, wonderfully touching, deeply emotional, Ms. Brockway’s books never fail to satisfy. Connie Brockway is simply one of the best.”

—All About Romance

The Bridal Season

“Characters, setting, and plot are all handled with perfect aplomb by Brockway, who displays a true gift for humor. Witty and wonderful.”


“If it’s smart, sexy, and impossible to put down, it’s a book by Connie Brockway.”

—Christina Dodd

The McClairen’s Isle Series

The Ravishing One

“Skullduggery, bitter English-Scottish hatreds, and harrowing cat-and-mouse pursuits fill the ebb and flow of this eighteenth-century romance.”

Publishers Weekly

“Exquisite romance…. Brockway’s lush, lyrical writing style is a perfect match for her vivid characters, beautifully atmospheric setting, and sensuous love scenes.”

Library Journal

“If you’re looking for passion, tenderness, wit, and warmth, you need look no further. Connie Brockway is simply the best.”

—Teresa Medeiros

The Passionate One

“Rich, romantic, and intense.”

—Jill Barnett

My Dearest Enemy

“Brockway’s respect for her audience is apparent…. This rare story introduces social issues without preaching, characters who are well-developed, and enough passion, humor, and pathos to satisfy most readers.”

—Publishers Weekly

“Connie Brockway is a master at creating sparkling chemistry.”

—Laura Kinsale

As You Desire

“Smart, sassy, sexy, and funny. Connie Brockway has a way with humor that not only makes you laugh, but touches your heart.”

—Romantic Times

My Scottish Summer

“Romance with strength, wit, and intelligence. Connie Brockway delivers!”

—Tami Hoag

Once Upon a Pillow

“(Brockway’s) work brims with warmth, wit, sensuality, and intelligence.”

Amanda Quick


Connie Brockway



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Copyright © Connie Brockway, 2006

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ISBN: 978-1-101-56283-3


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This one is for you, Doodah.

With all my love, Mom.


The decision to strike out in a new direction is always fraught with excitement and trepidation. So many people helped me make this book happen in so many different ways. Doris Egan, Bob Howard, Jay Halvorson, Kent-Erik Halvorson, and Kyle Mairose lent me their expertise in making sure the devil stayed out of my details, and I most gratefully thank them. The following people were always there to offer encouragement, direction, and most importantly, their unswerving confidence in me and my craft. Thank you, Damaris Rowland, who as my agent for more than a decade has always made me feel like a star and encouraged me to follow one. Thank you to my editor, Claire Zion, who provided a desperately needed lantern when the way got murky and I could barely feel the road beneath my feet let alone see it. Thank you to the Squawkers (Liz Bevarly, Christina Dodd, Eloisa James, Lisa Kleypas, and Terri Medeiros); a finer, more talented group of friends would be unimaginably hard to find—a more generous one, impossible! And finally, thank you, David, best friend, unflinching critic (a few flinches now and again would be appreciated), most trusted adviser, and wittiest companion. You put every hero, real or imagined, in the shade, and I love you.

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Ninteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six

Chapter Twenty-seven

Chapter Twenty-eight

Chapter Twenty-nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter Thirty-two

Chapter Thirty-three

Chapter Thirty-four

Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Thirty-six

Chapter Thirty-seven

Chapter Thirty-eight

Chapter Thirty-nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-one

Chapter Forty-two

Chapter Forty-three

Chapter Forty-four

Chapter Forty-five

Chapter Forty-six

Chapter Forty-seven

Chapter Forty-eight

Chapter Forty-nine

Chapter Fifty


Present day

Blue Lake Casino, Blue Lake Reservation, Minnesota

Fifteen miles northeast of Fawn Creek, Minnesota

I hate this town

Jenn Lind dragged her gaze away from the crowd held back from the poker table by a velvet rope and peered through her wraparound sunglasses down at the cards lying on the green baize table. She spat out a strand from the black polyester wig that kept finding its way into her mouth.

“Your bid, Ms. Uri,” the dealer said. When she’d given the dealer her pseudonym it had seemed appropriate.

“Yeah. I know.” She notched back the corners of the two cards, squinting at them again in the futile hope she’d been mistaken. She hadn’t. She sighed.
Crap. Now what am I going to do

Jenn lowered her head further, using the black plastic curtain of hair—it had begun life that morning as a witch’s wig in Pamida’s Dollar Bargain Bin—as a shield.

“Miss Uri?” the dealer prompted again.

“I’m thinking.” He could prompt until he went hoarse. There was no time limit on making up your mind. And she had some serious contemplation to do.

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