Hot Item (5 page)

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Authors: Carly Phillips

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary Women

BOOK: Hot Item
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“Happy birthday,” they both said as if on cue.

“Thank you,” the redhead said, beaming.

Riley glanced at Sophie but couldn’t tell whether she was buying Darla’s story. For Riley, the jury was still out.

Darla rose from her seat. “Now you’ll stay here for as long as you’re in Florida. Spencer would never forgive me if I didn’t treat family right.”

The woman had no idea how right on the mark she actually was with that particular word, Riley thought. He tried not to wince while Sophie immediately reached out to him in understanding, her hand covering his thigh. He wondered if she realized how intimate the gesture was or how often she’d touched him in the past few hours, mostly when she was looking out for him or protecting his feelings.

He liked it. A lot.

“We don’t want to cause any trouble, so we’ll stay in a hotel,” Sophie said.

Darla shook her head. “Nonsense.” She waved the suggestion away with her hand. “Didn’t Spencer tell you this is sort of like a retirement community, only better because we don’t rent, we own it all. Spencer bought the land years ago and helped us develop it. Rose’s daughter, Amy, runs the place and lives in one of the homes. You’ll meet her soon enough. Luckily one of our patio homes that we normally lease is empty. The place is clean, fumigated and immaculate. You two will be quite comfortable.”

Had she come up for air? Riley wasn’t certain. He couldn’t focus on anything except the notion that he and Sophie would be sharing a patio home. She continued to prattle on, giving him no time to digest the information now or even decide how he felt about them living together for the duration of their stay in the Sunshine State.

One night or a week, it didn’t matter. With the sparks flying between them, he knew damn well he wasn’t leaving Florida without sleeping with Sophie Jordan.


, Spencer crouched in the bushes outside his sister’s patio home. Thanks to an open kitchen window, he was able to listen to Darla’s chatter and Sophie’s concern. She hid it well, but knowing Sophie, she was climbing the walls trying to handle all the publicity herself without the help of her sisters. Spencer had left her in a bind and for that he felt badly.

But he wasn’t ready to face the world with his secret exposed. He might as well walk through Central Park bare assed, as Yank would say. In any other profession, his clients would be shocked but they’d understand that his private life didn’t have anything to do with his professional one. Any other profession wasn’t the world of sports.

Most athletes were macho men who had neither the time nor patience to understand anything outside their world. He wouldn’t be surprised if some of them had a phobia about homosexuals. Still, he hoped he wouldn’t lose more than one or two clients. He’d be home in time for the football draft, but he needed a plan before he returned. Then he’d see how evolved they actually were.

He glanced at his sister’s house and frowned. He wished Darla hadn’t insinuated he’d call her later, giving Sophie a reason to stick around. Instead, his well-meaning, ever-talkative sister had offered the use of an empty unit in the neighborhood so Sophie would remain here. The worst part of it all was that Sophie hadn’t flown down here alone.

The door to the house opened wide, interrupting his thoughts. Sophie stepped outside followed by Riley,
Spencer’s son.

He broke into a sweat, the realization of all he had to answer for in his life overwhelming him. He understood that in Riley’s eyes, Spencer didn’t deserve a damn thing. He’d planned it that way, looking out for Riley behind the scenes. Yet now that Spencer’s reality was public knowledge, he thought maybe his son deserved to understand his absent father’s choices. But the same truth that had sent him underground would probably cause his son to turn away in disgust.

He wondered why Riley had come looking for him now.

Why had he hooked up with Sophie in his quest?

And, he also wondered, why did they look so at ease together?

Spencer squinted against the sun and stared at their retreating backs. Was that Sophie slipping her hand into Riley’s?

Holy moly, were they involved?

If they weren’t, they should be. The idea settled in Spencer’s brain and remained. Sophie, the sister with the intellect he admired and the warmth his son would appreciate. She was strict and would crack the whip, taming Riley’s wild side while giving him a run for his money.

Spencer knew he had nerve, planning anything for the child he’d never publicly acknowledged, but it wouldn’t be the first time he had looked out for his son behind the scenes, and it wouldn’t be the last.


Spencer looked up. His sister, Darla, opened the kitchen window and called to him.

“They’re gone. You can come back inside now.”

Spencer waited until the rental car pulled away from the curb before standing, then stretching his old legs until the cramping subsided. “This hide-and-seek stuff is for the young,” he muttered, smoothing the wrinkles out of his pants.

He walked into the house and joined his sister.

“You’re only as old as you feel and right now you’re feeling sorry for yourself. For no good reason, either,” Darla said.

Spencer scowled. “Would you rather I go home and do a tell-all interview? Embarrass my only son and disgust my clients?”

Darla shook her head. “I think you underestimate those who care about you.”

He burst out laughing. “You care. You, Rose and Amy.” He mentally added Yank, Lola and the girls to the list. “But if you think my clients care about anything more than their next paycheck and their status in the sports world, you’re wrong. To them, a gay agent would be an embarrassment and I damn well know it. I need time.”

Darla started for the door.

“Where are you going?” Spencer asked.

“To pick out my outfit for my birthday party tonight.”

He hated what he had to tell her next. “I can’t be there.”

“Because Sophie and Riley will be?” Darla delivered a challenging stare.

Spencer massaged the sore muscles in the back of his neck. “I hate like hell to miss it, but I’m not ready to deal with them.”



“He looks like you,” Darla said. “He has your eyes.”

“He has my good looks, doesn’t he?” Spencer asked.

His sister rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

Spencer grinned. He couldn’t control his pride in the man his son had become and he couldn’t help but hope that one day Riley would feel the same pride in him.

And maybe the 49ers would win the Super Bowl.

“Just make sure you find a way to keep those two together,” Spencer said.

Because if his coming out accomplished nothing else, maybe it would help his son settle down.


her seat belt and glanced at Riley’s taut expression. His jaw had been locked tight ever since they’d left Darla’s house and started the short drive to the patio home as instructed by Spencer’s nutty sister.

“I don’t believe a word Darla said.” Sophie broke the silence first, figuring if it were up to Riley, he’d remain mute.

Riley nodded in agreement. “I don’t, either.”

Sophie wondered what Darla really knew about Spencer’s disappearance and how hard it would be to find out. The other woman liked to ramble but Sophie had seen hints that she wasn’t as flighty as she appeared.

In the meantime, she and Riley would have to spend time in sunny Florida living under one roof and they needed to set some ground rules. “You never should have told Darla we were lovers.” Sophie had counted the minutes until they were alone so she could call him on that whopper.

“Does the idea bother you that much?” He placed his arm behind her head and glanced over, searing her with his sexy gaze. “Or is it the fact that I turn you on that’s driving you crazy?”

Stars spun in front of her eyes and she blinked, trying to focus on anything but his accurate words. “Why didn’t you tell Darla who you were?” she asked, changing the subject to one
wouldn’t like as much.

“I’d think that was obvious. Darla didn’t strike me as the silent type. I need to ask Spencer to keep the news of my parentage quiet.”

He’d never before told her why he needed to speak with Spencer and he clammed up again about why he wanted his relationship to Spencer to remain under wraps. As he gripped his hands tighter around the wheel, she decided now wasn’t the time to ask. Later, when they were settled, she’d question him more. At the moment, she was more worried about the feelings this trip had to be stirring up inside him.

The fact that she cared about his emotions at a time when hers were being tested told her too much about her growing feelings for this man, and that they weren’t just sexual. It would be so much easier if they were.

He drove along a circular road, their path marked by frequent speed bumps. “You were hoping that Darla would recognize you, weren’t you?” Sophie asked.

“Hell, no.” But a muscle twitched in his jaw, proof that she’d come too close to the truth.

Spencer’s sister had been so enthusiastic about Sophie and how Spencer felt about her, yet she’d been painfully oblivious to who Riley really was.

Sophie inched closer, bumping her knee on the center divider. “Come on. Riley’s just not all that common a name and I bet that you were wondering if she’d know who you were.”

He let out a frustrated groan. “Do me a favor? Find someone else’s life to dissect.”

Though his lips tipped upward in a sexy grin, softening his words, he’d hit a nerve anyway. Her uncle always complained about how she tried to run his life and her sisters joked about how they were glad that their marriages gave them a break from her constant prodding.

She wasn’t a silent middle child. Instead, her compulsive nature was a sore spot and she’d hate to think her personality would drive Riley away. Not that she wanted him…well, she
him, she just didn’t want to want him. But she certainly had no desire to turn him off. Not when he turned her on so much.

She groaned. Her thoughts were a jumble and Sophie realized the time had come to think through what she wanted to do about this uncontrollable attraction to Riley Nash, especially now that they’d be under one roof. As soon as she had some alone time, she’d weigh the pros and cons of her alternatives—the way Sophie always made a decision. Though not spontaneous, the method worked.

A sunny yellow-colored house caught her eye. “I think this is the place,” Sophie said.

Riley turned into the short cobblestoned driveway and parked the car. “Darla said Rose’s daughter would meet us here.”

“That’d be your cousin Amy.” The words slipped out before she could censor them.

“Anyone ever say you can be a real pain?” Riley asked.

Well, hell. She obviously wasn’t going to change, so if he didn’t like it, he could lump it, as her uncle would say. “On occasion.”

Sophie had many faults, but she prided herself on knowing both her strengths and weaknesses. Though she’d promised herself to work on her more compulsive tendencies—like trying to control others’ lives along with her own—some habits were hard to break. And her married sisters assured her that the right man would love her for who she was. All of her, faults included. That man couldn’t possibly be Riley Nash.

Not in the long term, but you’re only in Florida for a few days.
A little voice in her head teased her with possibilities, but he stopped the car at the curb before she could ponder further.

No sooner had they stepped onto the curb than a pretty brunette pulled up in a golf cart. She jumped out to greet them, a wide smile on her face.

“You must be Sophie.” Without warning, Amy pulled Sophie into a hug, just as Darla had.

Sophie stiffened. Though she considered herself a warm person with her family, she wasn’t overly affectionate with people she didn’t know well. She kept her reserve and her distance until she learned whether or not she could trust them. Spencer’s sister and niece held no such qualms about strangers and they breached Sophie’s personal space without thought.

She stepped back and immediately felt the press of Riley’s hand into her back. He understood, she realized, and she relaxed into his touch. Obviously she hadn’t pushed him too far. The thought pleased her much more than it should.

The fact was, she was way beyond attracted to him. The man could have her with the snap of his fingers and it was time she dealt with the fact. Besides, she had enough chaos in her life without adding fighting with herself over Riley. Obviously there was something mutual going on between them.

So what if he flirted with every woman on the planet? Sophie didn’t want a lifelong commitment with a brash athlete who liked to do things his own way and ignore the rules. That didn’t mean she couldn’t sleep with him though.

Just to get him out of her system, she assured herself. Besides, ever since his earlier comment about them being lovers, she couldn’t shake the notion from her mind. She couldn’t turn off her body’s response to his voice or his touch.

Sophie trembled. She’d never had such persistent thoughts like these about any man. But then Riley Nash wasn’t just any man. He never had been.

“And you’re Riley.” Amy walked up to Riley and perused his face.

Riley stared back, attempting not to squirm and trying not to think of this woman as his cousin, but Sophie had put the words out there and he found himself studying her for resemblances. He immediately detected similarities in their eye color, or maybe he just thought he should.

How did Sophie expect him to walk away with his pride and his emotions intact if she insisted on labeling these people in a way that indicated they ought to mean something to him? They didn’t. Not any more than he meant anything to them.

Amy shaded her eyes from the sun with one hand. “You’ve got your father’s eyes.”

Riley stiffened. Apparently he should never underestimate these Florida relatives. “You know who I am?”

Amy nodded. “Of course. My mother keeps a scrapbook of all your accomplishments. She knows Uncle Spencer will want to have it one day.”

Riley snorted in disbelief. But he couldn’t dispel the pleasurable warmth her words caused. Someone on this side of the family kept tabs on him. It just wasn’t Spencer.

“I take it Aunt Darla pretended not to know you?” Amy asked.

“I don’t know if she was pretending or not. She just didn’t acknowledge me as anyone other than a visiting guest.” He squared his shoulders, trying not to let this woman’s prying eyes get to him. He sure as hell didn’t want her pity.

Without warning, Amy reached out and touched his arm. “Aunt Darla and Uncle Spencer are thick as thieves, as my mother likes to say. I would guess she thought she was doing what Spencer would want her to do. Although personally I think it stinks that he’s never publicly recognized you all these years.”

Riley flushed hot. His entire life he’d lived with the notion that he was an embarrassment to his real father. To have it verbalized was mortifying. To have Sophie hear it bothered him even more.

“I’m sure it’s small consolation, but my uncle Spencer is proud of you. He talks about your accomplishments all the time,” Amy said.

“I doubt it. Did you know he was gay?” He forced himself to ask.

Amy shook her head. “But now that I do, if I had to venture a guess, I’d bet he thought he was protecting you by keeping his distance, as ignorant and misguided as that might be.”

“I’d rather save this conversation for Spencer.”

Amy clasped her hands in front of her. “Aunt Darla told me you came down here hoping you’d find him.”

Sophie nodded. “Have you heard from him lately?”

“Not since the story hit the papers, poor Uncle Spencer.”

“This can’t be easy for him,” Sophie said. “Do you know whether your mother or aunt have heard from him?”

Riley wouldn’t be surprised if they caught Darla in a lie to protect her brother, but Amy shook her head.

“Not that I know of. But today is my aunt Darla’s birthday and we’re having a big bash out by the pool tonight. If Uncle Spencer’s going to show up at all, it would be for his sister’s party. I really hope you’ll join us. It’s always fun for the residents and trust me when I say it’s a sight to see.”

“What are you, the cruise director?” Riley asked. He couldn’t picture this young, vibrant woman spending her days with wackos like his aunt Darla.

Amy laughed. “A pretty good comparison. I schedule the activities and entertainment, I break up the occasional squabbles among the residents and I get free room and board. It’s not a bad life.”

“Are there any other young people here?” Sophie asked, giving voice to his thoughts.

“Enough. We aren’t a retirement place with specific rules about age. We’re a happy mix. I’m a social worker, but I hate being confined to an office all day, so this kind of job is perfect for me. So can I count on seeing you tonight?”

“We’d be happy to come.” Sophie answered for them both before Riley could even think it over.

“That’s great! You’ll get to meet my mother and hopefully Uncle Spencer will show up or at least call by then. And now we know where to find you if he does,” Amy said, a satisfied smile on her face. “Oh, FYI, it’s a luau theme and bathing suits are required. If you didn’t bring the right clothes, there’s a mall not fifteen minutes from here where you can pick up something to wear.”

“Yippee,” Riley drolly.

Sophie shot him a glare. “We’ll be fine,” she assured her.

Amy laughed. “Okay then, let me show you the house.”

His newfound cousin walked off with Sophie, chatting as she led them inside. The two women had developed an easy rapport, which was surprising to Riley since he’d thought Sophie would break in two, she’d been so stiff when Amy had pulled her into a tight hug.

From the day he’d met Sophie, Riley had realized her uptight persona was every bit as much a part of her as his carefree one was to him. Over his years as Yank’s client, Riley had learned a good amount about each of his agent’s nieces. Sophie was the one who’d dealt with the loss of her parents by erecting a self-protective shield that she wore like armor and that few people could pierce.

He’d seen firsthand what happened to her when someone disrupted that sense of well-being she clung to for security. This trip to Florida was an attempt to set her world right once more. How ironic that it seemed destined to turn his upside down.

As they stepped inside, Amy dove right into the grand tour. The one-story house had an easy flow and, from the front door, he could see straight out to the backyard and small pool. She walked them around, from the kitchen with a breakfast nook for two, to the small den with a big-screen television, to the large master bedroom which had screen doors leading directly to the pool and hot tub beyond.

Riley could definitely spend some time here getting to know Sophie while waiting for his father to surface, he decided, unable to suppress the thought that had been the only thing keeping him sane. Being alone with Sophie gave him a sense of belonging he lacked down here among his very distant relatives. Not to mention the fact that sex with a willing Sophie, a Sophie who let down her guard, held tremendous appeal. After all, they were both consenting adults and understood the concept of no promises made, none to keep.

Sophie paused in the living room and turned to Amy. “Between your job and this party tonight you’ve got your hands full here. You don’t need to worry about entertaining guests. Riley and I can easily stay in a hotel.”

Riley wondered if her objection had anything to do with the master bedroom and king-size bed. Personally, the idea of staying here had begun to grow on him.

“Don’t be silly.” Amy waved away her objection. “What good would an empty unit do? Of course you’ll stay here.”

“Why isn’t this place rented?” Riley asked.

“A married couple lived here until last month. They decided to move north to Jupiter where things are less crowded than in Fort Lauderdale.”

“Why haven’t you rerented it?” Riley asked. The home had been kept up, the furnishings clean and modern. He was sure it would garner a profit.

“We will. But for now, it’s yours. So enjoy.”

“As long as you’re sure.”

Amy nodded. “I am.”

“Then we’re happy to take you up on your offer,” Sophie said.

As she turned to Riley, her eyes darkened with the smoldering heat he’d seen in the airplane earlier.

“I’m certain we’ll enjoy it.” Sophie’s words were for Amy, but Riley understood the underlying meaning was meant for him alone and the temperature in the small house suddenly soared, sweat rising beneath his shirt.

Amy smiled in approval, then let herself out, leaving them alone. Before either of them could address anything personal, Riley wanted the necessities out of the way.

“Guess we need to go shopping for luau attire?” Riley asked.

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