Hot Pursuit (30 page)

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Authors: Lorie O'Clare

BOOK: Hot Pursuit
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“If you aren’t out of town by the morning,” Brutus snarled, his soulless eyes black with rage, “the only way you’ll leave Zounds is in a coffin.”

“Think I heard that in a movie once,” Wolf said under his breath. “Or was that a few hundred times? Tell Cortez to say that to my face and I might possibly consider it.”

He raised his gun to Brutus’s chest. Brutus moved fast for a man with a bullet hole in his foot. He raised his hand with lightning speed, intending to knock the gun out of Wolf’s hand. Wolf had a lot more experience fighting with his fists than with a gun. Regardless of how people might think of bounty hunters, most of his experience with a gun came from a shooting range. But hand-to-hand combat was mastered only one way.

Wolf moved faster and sent Brutus flying backward by smashing the side of his gun against Brutus’s head. The man fell loudly, howling in pain as he did. Wolf moved over him, once again pointing his gun at the man.

“Get up and get the hell out of here,” he snarled.

*   *   *

It shouldn’t have been that difficult to make Zoey understand why Ben wouldn’t take her virginity during casual sex. Goddamn! They’d only known each other a few days, and not under ideal circumstances. Yes, taking walks with her in the forest was fun. Fixing dinner and playing house was bringing them closer to each other. The physical attraction had been there since he’d first laid eyes on her. That part didn’t need any help. But Zoey would put more importance on them having sex, since she was a virgin, than Ben was ready to give. How did he explain that for him it would just be sex?

Maybe because it wouldn’t have just been sex.

He’d fought that little voice in his head throughout most of the night as he’d tossed and turned on the couch. Whereas before the large couch had been fairly comfortable, tonight, no matter how he tried lying, he couldn’t sleep. Partially it was because he knew if he entered that bedroom, Zoey would forgive him if he asked and take him into her bed. Those luscious curves, those incredible breasts and ripe, oval shaped nipples, her smooth taut, concave tummy, and those small, tight shimmering black curls between her legs could be nestled up against him right now.

And he would plow right through her virginity and deep into her velvety heat before he could stop himself. There was no doubt. He wouldn’t be able to endure the torture of stopping twice.

“Damn it!” Ben grumbled grouchily, and flipped to his side on the couch, punching his pillow. It didn’t do a thing for releasing the mounting frustration inside him. He
done the right thing.

Maybe he wasn’t the most noble man walking the planet, but he had scruples. He cared about people. Zoey had been a sultry cat in heat, wild and alive with passion that would have easily misled any man into thinking she had previous experience in bed. Ben should have thought it through before letting it get as far as it did. Zoey was far more sheltered than any lady he’d ever meet in his life. He imagined her father wouldn’t let her date unless it was under strict supervision. And the way she’d described to Ben the marriage her father had arranged for Zoey—damn if just thinking about that didn’t piss him off even more—it made perfect sense that she was a virgin.

Ben punched his pillow again. This time he sat up and dragged his hand through his hair. He might as well give up on sleep. Although pacing the small cabin wouldn’t work with Zoey sleeping close enough he could smell her sweet, enticing scent. He needed a diversion.

Slipping into his boots and yanking his shirt over his head, Ben stalked out the door. He wouldn’t be gone too long, but just in case, he took the key to the cabin and locked the dead bolt once he was outside in the cold night air.

And it was cold. Damn, every breath came out in a cloud before his face. He’d thought of tearing across the countryside on his bike, but it was definitely too fucking cold. He barely could stand riding it in this cold fall weather during the daytime.

As dark as it was, Ben could still see low-hanging, heavy clouds above him. Freezing-cold temperatures and rain—just great. His mood was getting better and better by the moment!

The rental car was new and endured Ben’s heavy foot as he pushed the Taurus along back highways. If he would just cheer up, the early-morning fog draping around the huge trunks of the large trees might possibly have appealed to him. As it was, he scowled out the front window through the hole that grew larger as the defrost cleared the windows. His hands lazily rested on the steering wheel as he took each curve without slowing. Who cared how loudly the tires squealed in protest? They didn’t squeal loudly enough to chase the demons from his head.

He was losing a battle in his brain, and it soured his mood even further. Ben had refused to fuck her because she was a virgin. And he’d seen the hurt in Zoey’s eyes when she looked at him, then quickly diverted her gaze. She’d closed down to him, moving around the small cabin so quietly it was as if she didn’t want him to know she was there. The one time he’d tried apologizing—and he’d gotten as far as facing her and sighing—she’d cut him off by talking about dinner. She had spoken too fast. It was like it pained her to speak to him, so she wanted to dump all necessary words out as quickly as possible so she could withdraw back inside her inner shell and ignore him.

He hated the thought that Zoey might speak to her father the same way. Just imagining her feeling Ben was no better than that bastard made him feel worst of all. He hadn’t wanted to take her virginity during casual sex. And it was eating him alive that Zoey was starting to mean enough to him that making love to her at any point, if she ever let him touch her again, would be a hell of a lot more than casual sex.

Why did the perfect woman for him come with the devil as a father? Ben didn’t want to remain in hiding with Zoey. He wanted to take her out, dress her up, watch her face glow with happiness at loud clubs where they would dance the night away. Or take her to his favorite pool hall. He had no idea if Zoey even played pool, but he could teach her. Let his friends gawk over the perfect woman at his side.

Perfect woman?

Ben took a curve too fast and gripped the steering wheel, coming out of it barely without the car hauling ass off the road.

Crap! What the hell was he thinking?

The perfect woman didn’t need to be with him. Once she got a taste of what he really did for a living, Zoey would wave him off without as much as a glance over her shoulder. Not to mention, he didn’t want another relationship right now. It was the last thing he needed.

He slowed the car below the speed limit when he realized where he was. Ben had driven to where Wolf had been shot or, more accurately, where his tires had been shot. If Micah had wanted Wolf dead, the man would have been dead. Ben had already parked and walked as far as he dared down quite a few of the gravel roads off this quiet, secluded highway. He didn’t want to trespass. Some people in Northern California didn’t take kindly to anyone on their land who wasn’t supposed to be there. And Ben wasn’t looking for private crops, which he knew were in abundance in this part of the state.

Driving farther down the highway, he slowed again when he came to more one-lane roads off the main highway. It was quite possible Maggie had known Wolf was following her. The woman wasn’t stupid, and after a year of living with Micah she probably knew fairly well to keep an eye on all of her mirrors at all times. But it was the only lead Ben had at the moment, regardless of how slim it might be.

He glanced down the roads that turned off from the highway. The fog was growing thicker, and a slight mist forced him to turn on the windshield wipers. It was impossible to see down any of the roads.

Why was it so damn hard to find one man in a community that was so small? Maggie would have told Micah that Ben was in town. Why didn’t Micah want to see him?

His irritation turning as gloomy as the weather, Ben turned back toward the cabin. By the time he reached it, a heavy sleet fell around him. It was like rain, but louder, crackling and popping when it hit the ground. Did it snow here in October? Ben admittedly didn’t know enough about the climate this far north.

Starting toward the cabin, he sidetracked to his bike. Best to make sure it was securely covered so this sleet wouldn’t hurt it. As he walked around the bike, he paused. Bungee cords secured the tarps he’d put over his bike. Underneath one bungee that was stretched tight over his handlebars, a piece of paper grew damp from the weather.

Ben pulled the paper out and managed not to tear it. He saw ink bleeding through the paper and flipped it over. The message was still clear and easy to read.

Be at my house at ten this morning. Bring Z. M would love to see her. Don’t bring or tell anyone else. Destroy this note.

Ben stared at the address, which was a highway with a box number. He would confirm online, but he was ready to bet this wasn’t anywhere near where Maggie had led Wolf.

Micah had been here at the cabin!

Ben swung around, clasping the damp piece of paper as he searched the ground, looking all around him for any indication that the man had recently been there. He stared at the wet stuff that wasn’t quite rain as it did its best to leave tiny indentions when it hit the ground. A mean wind picked up. The sleet swirled over the frozen ground as if somehow it had the capability of wiping away all signs that there had been an intruder. There was no evidence that anyone had been anywhere near his bike. No one else had pulled into the parking area next to the cabin where he’d parked the rental car. He walked all the way to the highway just to be sure.

How the hell did that man do it? He was like a goddamn ghost!

Ben headed to the cabin. He was going to wake his sleeping beauty. Somehow they’d get past their first sexual encounter. But right now, he had an assassin to worry about.

*   *   *

Zoey got out of the Taurus rental car, standing as Ben came around the car to close her door. She studied the well-kept rustic cabin hidden in a grassy clearing.

“You’re going to meet a friend of mine.” Ben’s straight blond hair was more tousled than usual and his expression tense. But it was his eyes, so focused and blue that held her attention.

Zoey looked up and couldn’t look away. “Yes; Micah,” she said, her voice soft. Something about Ben’s actions and behavior since she’d gotten up was off. Instead of being incredibly nice, which she attributed to him trying to make up for walking out on her right before having sex, Ben was tense, anxious. “I’ll be on my best behavior,” she teased, and smiled.

His expression seemed to tighten further. “I know you will be, darling. That isn’t it. Micah and I worked together just over a year ago.”

Zoey was all ears. More than once she’d started conversations that would make Ben talk about himself. He was so close mouthed about his life, and good at it, too. Instead of refusing to tell her where he’d lived before Zounds, other than the L.A. area, or if he’d had a girlfriend, or what he did, or anything about his family, Ben had an incredible knack at turning the conversation so Zoey was talking about herself.

“Doing what?” she couldn’t help asking.

Ben sighed. His blue eyes seemed to grow larger and darker. “Bounty hunters,” he said on the exhale of his sigh.

“Bounty hunters,” she repeated, unable to hide her surprise. It wasn’t what she’d expected him to say.

“Hey there, you two!” a man yelled from behind Ben. “If you’re out here trying to prepare Zoey, you’ll be out here all damn day,” the man continued, laughing, as he walked up toward them.

“Zoey!” Maggie called out, also laughing. “Oh my God! This is so wonderful. I’m so glad you’re here. Do you know how long I’ve wanted to have company? No offense,” Maggie added, her voice full of happiness and laughter as she put her hand on the arm of the man, who must be Micah.

Zoey wasn’t sure what she’d expected out of this Micah, but the man who moved in next to Ben was tall, really tall. And big. He wore comfortable-fitting faded jeans and work boots, which possibly added to his height. Micah had to be well over six feet tall. Ben looked short next to him, and Ben wasn’t short. He was taller than her father. Micah’s soft, well-worn-looking T-shirt hugged every inch of his torso. Muscles ripped and bulged everywhere.

But it was something in his face, where Zoey spotted several scars that added to this dangerous aura about him, that damn near robbed her of her breath. She made a conscious effort to inhale as she continued with her quick appraisal. His hair was dark and long. It fell in curls and waves to his shoulders. Sexy, she decided, but in a dangerous, definitely scary kind of way. Some girls would find that appealing, but Zoey much preferred the more honest bad boy in a mischievous way that was all Ben.

When it came down to it, there really was no comparing the two men. Apples and oranges were at least both fruit. And although Ben and Micah were most definitely all man, Ben’s sex appeal went deeper than his boyish good looks. It was in his eyes, so full of compassion and integrity.

That didn’t exist in Micah’s eyes. They weren’t exceptional in color, probably hazel or a melting mixture of blue, green, and brown. But when Micah looked at her, making no qualms about scrutinizing the bruises lining the side of her face, Zoey felt … scared. She wouldn’t go as far as to say they were soulless eyes. Brutus and Julius had soulless eyes. Micah’s soul was there but as scarred as his body. So yes, sex appeal, but something told her the devil might think twice about taking on this man.

“Who did that to your face?” Micah asked, his soft baritone relaxed.

“She’s Cortez’s daughter,” Ben said flatly, as if that were explanation enough.

“Goddamn it,” Micah growled under his breath.

It was the strangest sensation. Zoey watched Micah, unsure what to say or if anything needed to be said. He turned from her, looking at the ground for a moment. Zoey had seen that look on a man’s face before, and it instantly brought fear to her gut. Micah looked as if he were losing a battle to demons rising inside him. Whenever her father got that same look on his face, something bad always happened.

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