Hot Stories for Cold Nights (12 page)

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Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

BOOK: Hot Stories for Cold Nights
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“Good choice. Okay, Emily, lie back and watch,” Toy Boy said.
He'd called her Emily. He knew her name. Amazing.
Toy Boy opened one pocket and pulled out a long, thick dildo. “This one vibrates, and this collar,” he said, showing her a thickened section about halfway down its length, “does some delicious things.” He put it on the table beside him. From another pocket he drew a slender dildo with a wide flange at the base. “An anal probe,” he said.
“I know how much you like that kind of play,” Randy said.
She couldn't deny it.
“And these should add to the sensations.” From a lower pocket Toy Boy pulled a chain with what looked like clothes-pins attached. “Randy, you've got the best connection with her. How about you do the honors?”
She looked down both in reality and on the screen and watched him tease her nipples until they were hard and tight. Then he clipped the pins onto first one, then the other. The clips were there on the screen, all right. She looked down at her hard nipples. No clips, but the pain she felt was very real. She took in a breath to ask Randy to take them off, then the pain receded a bit and arrows of pleasure went directly to her cunt. Toy Boy pulled on the chain connecting them and the delight intensified.
Toy Boy flipped a switch on the vibrator to show her how it worked, turned it off, and gave it to Randy, who pushed it into her already sopping pussy. Then Toy Boy flipped the switch on the base and the buzzing began. Her hips bucked. “Wow, she's so responsive,” Toy Boy said.
“I told you,” Randy responded, grinning with pleasure.
She loved the compliments, even if it was just from two animated characters on a computer screen.
She wanted to close her eyes and savor the ecstasy, but she didn't want to lose the connection with Randy and Toy Boy. “Now this one,” Toy Boy said, slathering some lube onto the anal probe. While Randy played with the vibrator in her cunt, Toy Boy said, “Knees up.” When she complied, he slid the slender staff into her ass. It was too much. Hips thrashing, fists contracting, toes curling, she climaxed. Until then she'd been able to control her screams, but tonight she couldn't. The power of her climax made her unable to control anything.
“She's quite something,” Toy Boy said. Then he looked at her. “Next time choose Option 13. Then we can have the greatest time.”
Option 13: The ultimate orgy. Maybe she would. Maybe she would.
Madam's Brothel: Option 13
HREE MONTHS HAD PASSED SINCE EMILY FIRST FOUND Madam's Brothel and Randy. She visited almost every evening and he was always there waiting for her. When she thought about what he did during the daytime, she actually experienced a twinge of jealousy, but when she considered that, she laughed. Jealousy? Of a character in an online game, an animation?
She had to admit, though, there was a connection. A physic connection. He made her feel things she never expected to feel, pleasures of the flesh, as the romance novels she enjoyed might say. She no longer felt embarrassed about any of the games they'd played.
“Let's celebrate your three-month anniversary, love,” Randy said. “Choose Option 13.”
She gazed at the menu.
13. The ultimate orgy
She thought a lot about Option 13 and it tickled her fancy as it wouldn't have three months before. Now she thought she was ready for anything. Anything? There might be women who desired her. Men who wanted to spank her. Water sports. Was she ready?
Emily knew she could always say no to an activity, and she trusted the characters in the drama to obey her wishes. Trusted? Cartoon characters? All she had to do was turn off her computer and they'd be gone. But it was so difficult for her to think of them in those terms. In the past weeks she'd invited many of them into threesome scenarios, and on the rare occasion that things had gone too far, they'd always stopped when she said so.
Of course they did,
she told herself.
They're characters in a computer game. They aren't real!
But they felt real, she argued with herself. They peopled her evenings. They talked to her, made her sense things, feel things. They knew her and what she liked. How? She'd long given up trying to solve that mystery.
Option 13. She clicked on it.
“Wonderful,” Randy said. After she stripped, he reached out and she saw him take her hand. Together they walked through a doorway into the Hot Tub Room. She'd noticed it on one of her early visits but had paid no attention. Now they were inside.
The party was in full swing. The room was dominated by a multiperson hot tub, bubbling, vapor drifting toward the ceiling. Several animated couples were making out. Fondling. Sucking. Breasts bobbing. Erections sticking up from the heated water. One woman had her arms extended on the edge, and Emily noticed that her wrists were tied there. A man on either side of her was sucking on her large breasts while a third man stood, his penis in her mouth.
Toy Boy sat on the ledge that half surrounded the tub, grinning, a dildo or vibrator in each hand, the heads of the women on each side of him thrown back, moans issuing from their open mouths.
“Join me?” Randy asked as he climbed the ladder and stepped into the hot water.
“Sure,” she said and sensed the heated water on her body.
As she settled, one woman winked at her and said, “I'm Georgia, and I have to tell you that I'm amazed. You sure have grown in the past three months.”
Boy, had she, but how in the world did Georgia know that? She was, though, part of the game. She had to stop thinking of them as real people. “Thanks to Randy.”
“No, love,” Randy said, “thanks to yourself. Take all the credit. You deserve it.”
She didn't want to challenge him so she nodded. Georgia made her way over, sat beside her, reached beneath the water, and tweaked one nipple. A woman's hands on her body? What the hell. It didn't feel any different than a man's.
Randy sat on her other side and played with her other breast. Then the two lifted her so she was sitting on the ledge, feet still in the bubbling water. One mouth on each tit. She was in heaven. “Close your eyes,” Randy said, “and see whether you can guess whose mouth is giving you pleasure.”
Close her eyes? She'd never been sure what would happen if she stopped looking at the screen, but she did as he asked and the mouths were still there. Then someone moved between her spread legs and a tongue flicked over her clit. Her juices mixed with the water from the tub and her excitement grew.
She was tempted to look but didn't want the mouth to stop sucking on her clit . . . Randy said, “Keep them closed.”
Higher and higher she climbed, one pair of lips on her breast, one on her clit. When a finger penetrated her soaked cunt and another slid into her ass, she came, barely able to keep her seat beside the tub. She braced her palms on the ledge, curling her fingers over the edge to try to keep her balance.
As she regained her breath, she realized that there was something solid beneath her fingertips. She groped beneath the ledge and pulled out a golden ring with a bright red stone. “She found it!” one man yelled, and there was a round of applause.
“Is this it?” she asked. “The Ruby Ring of Ultimate Sexual Pleasure?”
“That's it, love,” Randy said. “It means you get to join us.”
“Having found the ring, you get to become a character in our game.” Suddenly she was in the Hot Tub Room. It was real. Randy was real. She was no longer in her bedroom. She reached out and touched Randy, really touched him for the first time. The ledge was solid beneath her hands. The water was hot and she kicked, splashing Toy Boy and the women beside him. Everyone was laughing and congratulating her.
“How . . . ?”
Randy took a seat beside her. Flesh-and-blood Randy. “Actually, my name's Marco,” he said, “and Toy Boy's real name is Pierre. Everyone here has another life during the day, but each of us found the Ruby Ring of Ultimate Sexual Pleasure. You can now join us in here anytime you want to, just by holding on to the ring and thinking yourself here. You get to pick a name and participate in whatever kind of sex you want, with whomever you want.”
“With the folks here?”
“Yes, and with the new people who find our game room. You can teach, if you want, or just play.”
She clutched the ring. “What about off hours? Are you real? Are you Marco or Randy?”
Randy laughed and kissed her for the first time. “Funny. We've done so much together, but we've never kissed.” His lips played over hers and his tongue filled her mouth. “Actually, Marco lives just a few blocks from you.”
“Can we meet for real?”
He grinned. “Yes. Out there, in here, it's all the same. Now that you've found the ring, we can have dinner together, get to know each other. You might find that I'm a great sex partner, but not anyone you'd like to be with outside of Madam's Brothel. Or we might just hit it off.”
“That remains to be seen, doesn't it?”
“It certainly does.”
Unintended Consequences
UDREY DIDN'T KNOW WHY SHE BOUGHT THE LITTLE jar in the thrift store, but something about it appealed to her. Only a few inches tall, the jar, or bottle, or whatever, was brass, with intricate, swirly carvings around the base and a wide lip at the top.
She had a shadowbox on her wall and knew it would look just perfect next to the small, ruby glass bud vase. Sadly, as she put the small object on the narrow wooden shelf, the little vase fell and smashed on the floor.
“Shit, shit, shit!” she muttered, heading for the kitchen to get the dustpan and brush. “Damn and double damn!” Returning, she swept the floor and dusted the shards of broken glass from the brass. Before she replaced it on the shelf, she rubbed the surface to try to get a little extra shine. Suddenly, she saw a wisp of smoke drift upward from the inside. “What the hell?” she said.
“You know, Audrey you shouldn't curse like that.” The voice was—well, the best way she could describe it was
“What the fuck are you?” she spat.
“I guess genies are a little passé now, but that's what I am.” Slowly a large figure materialized looking like the friendly genie in
. “Right here, right now, and ready to grant you three wishes.”
“You've got to be kidding.”
“Nope,” he said, sounding a bit like Robin Williams. “Scout's honor.” He extended two chubby fingers and saluted.
“You have three wishes. If you don't care to use them, I can always give them to someone else.”
Really! Did he expect her to believe him? “Come on, be real. You slipped out of a brass bottle I bought at Goodwill, for God's sake. I didn't find it on a beach or have it given to me by a wizard.”
“I can't speak for where or how you got it. I've been stuffed in here for, well, to me it seems like forever.” He paused then tilted his head to one side quizzically. “What century is it anyway?”
“The twenty-first,” she replied without thinking.
“Already? I was just in the middle of the French Revolution. They say time flies when you're having fun.” He slowly shook his head. “Actually I wasn't having any fun at all.”
She snorted an exasperated breath. “Okay, let's say I believe you, or at least I believe that you believe. Let's just give it a test. Fix my broken vase.”
“That's a really puny wish,” the genie said. “You should think before you use up one third of your gift.”
Audrey grinned. “Got you. You can't do it. I knew it. I don't know who or what you are but just beat it.”

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