House Of Treason: The Rise And Fall Of A Tudor Dynasty (53 page)

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G⅕ - Papers relating to Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk.
G⅙ - Papers relating to Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey.
G1/7 - Papers relating to Thomas Howard, fourth Duke of Norfolk.
G1/9 - Will of Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, and a copy of the settlement on Anne [Dacre], Countess of Arundel, and her children, 1611.
G1/21 - Copies of three documents relating to the imprisonment in the Tower of Thomas Howard, fourth Duke of Norfolk, 1569-70.
G1/22 - Death warrant signed by Queen Elizabeth I, for execution of Thomas, fourth Duke of Norfolk, Palace of Westminster, dated 9 February 1572.
G1/23 - Copy of an anonymous note sent to Philip, Earl of Arundel, within the Tower, c. 1595.
G1/83 - Copies of Letters Patent, dated 1 February 1514, created Thomas Howard [second] Duke of Norfolk for services to the crown in Scotland and also granting an augmentation of arms and manors in Berkshire, Derbyshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Wiltshire.
G1/84 - Letters Patent appointing Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, as Lieutenant General of the English army in Scotland, dated 26 February 1523.
G1/87 - Letters Patent, restoring Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, all such titles of land in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Surrey and Sussex and precedence as Philip, Earl of Arundel, his father, had enjoyed, and as Earl of Surrey, to such dignities of Baronies as Thomas, late [fourth] Duke of Norfolk, his grandfather, lost by attainder; 22 November 1608.
G2/8 - Copy of Act of Attainder, 1485, against John Howard, [first] Duke of Norfolk and of his son, Thomas.
G2/9 - Copy of a petition, dated 1510, for an Act of Restitution granted to Thomas, Earl of Surrey.
G2/10 - Copies of Act of Restitution in blood, dated 24 October 1553, of Thomas, Earl of Surrey, afterwards fourth Duke of Norfolk.
MD 490 - Extent of Estates of Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, 1554.
MS 1638 -
The Genealogie of the Princelie Familie of the Howards
by Henry Lily, 1637.
T1 - Certified copy of will, dated 31 August 1516, of Thomas Howard, second Duke of Norfolk, allotting a jointure to Agnes [Tylney] his wife and disposal of lands.
T4 - Original will, dated 31 May 1571, of Thomas, fourth Duke of Norfolk.
In the Library of Arundel Castle -
a copy of the New Testament, printed by Richard Jugge, printer to the Queen’s Majesty, London, 1566, bearing on the second page of dedication a letter from Thomas Howard, fourth Duke of Norfolk, to his auditor and retainer, William Dix; the Tower of London, 10 February 1572.
Additional Charters
6,289 - Indenture between Thomas [Howard] Earl of Surrey, Great Admiral of England, and John Heron, Treasurer of the Chamber, and John Hopton, Comptroller of the King’s Ships, for the construction of a pond at Deptford ‘for certain ships to ride in’; 9 June 1517.
Additional MSS
5,754, fol. 12 - Payments to Lord William Howard for his service in the Scottish campaign of October 1542.
6,113, fol. 81 - Contemporary account of the christening of Prince Edward at Hampton Court; 15 October 1537.
8,715, fol. 220b - Letter from Ridolfo, Bishop of Faenza, to Signor Ambrogio, Papal Secretary, about Queen Anne’s ‘pretended’ miscarriage; 10 March 1536.
10,110, fol. 237 - An account of Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk’s expedition on the Scottish borders; October 1542.
15,891, fol. 126 - Letter from Sir Francis Walsingham to Sir Christopher Hatton
about the interrogation of the Earl of Arundel’s secretary Mr John Keeper;
Seething Lane, London, 30 January 1584.
fol. 148 - Letter from Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, to Sir Christopher
Hatton; the Tower, 7 May 1585.
fol. 154 - Letter from Sir Francis Walsingham to Sir Christopher Hatton
about Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel; Barn Elms, Surrey, 1 May 1585.
17,492 - A small collection of sixteenth-century poetry in a quarto volume, including some by Lord Thomas Howard and his wife, Lady Margaret Douglas.
32,348, fol. 77 - Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk’s complaints about lack of horses and wagons in the Scottish campaign; 19 October 1542.
32,647, fol. 115 - Letter from Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, to Sir
William Fitzwilliam, Earl of Southampton, about the lack of drink for the
English army about to invade Scotland; 7 September 1542.
fol. 121 - Letter from Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, to the Privy
Council about the supply of beer to the king’s army assembling for the
military expedition against Scotland; Kenninghall, 11 September 1542.
fol. 193 - Letter from Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, and Sir
Anthony Browne, Master of the Horse, about the non-arrival of ships carrying
victuals; York, 20 September 1542.
fol. 194 - Letter from Sir George Lawson, Treasurer of Berwick, to Thomas
Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, about shortages of equipment and victuals
for the English army; Berwick, 18 September 1542.
fol. 196 - Letter from Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, to Gardiner
and Wriothesley, seeking their help in defending him from blame for delayed
military supplies; 21 September 1542.
32,648, fol. 46 - Letter from Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, to Gardiner
and Wriothesley, asking them to intercede with the king, to prevent him being
appointed Warden of the Marches; Newcastle, 12 October 1542.
fol. 65 - Letter from Henry VIII to Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk,
reassuring him that he will not be ‘troubled’ by the Wardenry of the Marches;
16 October 1542.
fol. 96 - Letter from the Duke of Suffolk and Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall
announcing Norfolk’s invasion of the Scottish borders; 28 October 1542.
fol. 108 - Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, and others to the
Privy Council, announcing his withdrawal from Scotland; Kelso, 28 October
fol. 112 - Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, to Gardiner and Wriothesley,
complaining of ‘the lax’; Kelso, 28 October 1542.
fol. 114 - Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, to Wriothesley about the
results of his military expedition to Scotland; 29 October 1542.
fol. 120 - Henry VIII to Norfolk, inquiring about the success of the military
expedition to Scotland; 2 November 1542.
fol. 156 - Account of the Battle of Solway, 24 November 1542.
45,131, fol. 85 - Drawing of the tomb of Thomas Howard, second Duke of Norfolk, at the Cluniac Priory of Our Lady, Thetford, Norfolk.
46,372, fols 1-5
- Bill of Attainder against John Howard, first Duke of Norfolk, and Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, his son; 7 November 1485.
48,023 (Yelverton MS 26), fols 151-52 - Letter from Thomas Howard, fourth Duke of Norfolk, to Elizabeth I after his attainder, ‘written by the woeful hand of a dead man’; the Tower, 21 January 1572. Another copy is in Add. MS.
48,027 (Yelverton MS 31) fols 83-125
- Papers relating to the imprisonment, trial and execution of Thomas Howard, fourth Duke of Norfolk, 1570-72, including contemporary accounts of his execution. This account by [William Fleetwood, Recorder of London] recounts at fols 122-5
, a fight with gentlemen pensioners immediately after the beheading that does not seem to appear in contemporary printed accounts.
48,028 (Yelverton MS 32), fols 160-65 - Act of Attainder of Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, 29 June 1540.
48,029 (Yelverton MS 33), fol. 73 - Order of arraignment of Philip Howard, Earl
of Arundel; 14 April 1589.
fols 74-80 - Charges against Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel.
fol. 81 - Confession of Sir Thomas Gerard; 25 October 1588.
fol. 102 - Confession of William Bennet, priest; 16 October 1588.
fols 111ff - Star Chamber proceedings against Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel;
17 May 1586.
Arundel MS
152, fol. 294 - Account of the interrogation of Sir Thomas More by Thomas Cromwell; Tower of London, 31 April 1535.
Cotton MS
Caligula B, vi, fol. 35 - Catherine of Aragon to Cardinal Wolsey, announcing the victory at Flodden; 16 September 1513.
Caligula D, vi, fol. 104 - Letter from Lord Thomas Howard to Cardinal Wolsey
on the morale of his sailors; Plymouth, May 1513.
fols 106-7 - Letter from Lord Thomas Howard, to Henry VIII; ‘written in
Mary Rose
, Plymouth haven, 7 May [1513] at nine o’clock at night’.
fol. 107 - Letter from Sir Edward Echyngham, describing the death of Sir
Edward Howard; Plymouth, 6 May 1513.
Cleopatra E, iv, fol. 178 - Letter from Ralph Sadler to Thomas Cromwell reporting on his attempts to find him a seat in Parliament; November 1529.
Cleopatra E, v, fols 313-20 - Corrections and amendments in Henry VIII’s own hand to proposals for the Act to Abolish Diversity in Opinion’, the ‘Six Articles’.
Julius F. vi, fol. 11 - Questions to be put to Thomas Howard, fourth Duke of
Norfolk, during interrogation.
fol. 200B - Arraignment, trial and confession of Thomas Howard, fourth
Duke of Norfolk, with his confession at his execution, 1571.
Julius F. xi, fols 391ff -
Answer to a Slanderous Book that was published against the marriage of the Duke of Norfolk and the Scottish Queen
, dated 15 March 1570.
Nero C x, fol. 2 - Arrangements by Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, for 1,200 masses to be said in London churches for the soul of Queen Jane Seymour; 8 November 1537.
Otho C. x, fol. 250 - Letter from the Privy Council to Sir William Paget, ambassador in France, about ‘a most miserable case, lately revealed’ [Catherine Howard]; Westminster, [12] November 1541.
Titus B. i, fol. 84 - Letter from Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk, to Thomas
Cromwell, Redbourn; 30 December 1536.
fol. 94 - Letter from Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, to the Privy
Council; mid-December 1546.
fol. 100b - Offer of ‘cross marriage’ between the Howards and Seymour
families, June 1546.
fol. 104b - Letter from Wolsey to Bishop Fox, about Thomas Howard, Earl
of Surrey’s departure from court and Sir Edward Howard’s incitement of
Henry VIII against the Scots; Windsor, 30 September 1511.
fol. 125 - Letter from Thomas Howard, third duke, to Thomas Cromwell;
Buntingford, Hertfordshire, undated.
fol. 152 - Letter from Elizabeth Howard, Duchess of Norfolk, to her brother
Henry, Lord Stafford.
fol. 383ff - Five letters from Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk, to [Thomas
Cromwell], 26 June, 24 October and 10 November 1537.
fol. 386 - Letter from Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, to Thomas
Cromwell, denying his wife’s charges against him.
fol. 389 - Letter from Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk, to Thomas Cromwell,
Redbourn; 10 November 1537.
fol. 390 - Letter from Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk, to Thomas Cromwell,
Redbourn; 24 October 1537.
Titus B, ii, fols 201ff - Letter from Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, to Queen Elizabeth, explaining his decision to leave England.
Vespasian F, iii, fol. 15 - Letter from Catherine of Aragon to Henry VIII announcing the victory of Flodden; Woburn, 16 September 1513.
Vespasian F, xiii, fol. 75 - Letter from Mary Howard, widow of the Duke of
Richmond, to her father, Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, seeking his
assistance in a suit to Henry VIII to ‘have justice done’ her respecting her
maintenance; Kenninghall, Norfolk, January 1537.
fol. 78b - Letter from Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, to a minister
at court, desiring him to befriend him with the king; Carlisle, 24 February
fol. 79 - Letter from Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk, to Thomas Cromwell
asking him to procure some venison for her ‘as none was sent her since her
Lord’s displeasure’; Redbourn, Hertfordshire, 23 August [1534].
fol. 134b - Letter from Lady Margaret Douglas to Thomas Cromwell; August
Vitellius B, ii, fol. 50 - Letter from Cardinal Christopher Bainbridge to Henry VIII reporting how the Flodden victory was reported in Rome; 17 September 1513.
Vitellius B, xii, fol. 171 - Letter from Stephen Gardiner, secretary to Henry VIII, to Wolsey; Woodstock, Oxfordshire, August 1529.
Egerton MS
985, fol. 33 - Ceremony of the christening of Prince Edward, October 1537.
fol. 48 - Ceremonials of receiving, conveying and the coronation of Queen
Anne [Boleyn], May and June 1533.
fol. 59 - Creation of Thomas Howard, second Duke of Norfolk, February
fol. 65 - Ceremony of the degrading of Thomas Howard, late [third] Duke
of Norfolk and Henry Howard, late Earl of Surrey, his son [?1547].
2,014, fol. 2 - Letter written in Latin, from Henry VIII to Maximilian, Duke of Milan, reporting capture of Tournai and against the Scottish army [at Flodden], 16 September 1513.
2,074, fols 13, 29, 30, 32, 39, 54 - Interrogations of Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel;
the Tower, 4-17 May 1585.
fols 23, 25, 72 - Interrogation of Lord Henry Howard in the Tower, May 1585.
fol. 46 - A list of Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel’s household.
Harley MS
78, fol. 24 - Letter by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, to the Privy Council, promising to curb his ‘heady will’; Fleet Prison, 15 July 1542.
283, fol. 75 - Circular letter from Queen Anne [Boleyn] addressed to Lord Cobham, announcing the birth of a child, with ‘prince’ amended to read ‘princess’; Greenwich Palace, 7 September 1533.
290, fol. 88 - Letter from Mary Queen of Scots urging Thomas Howard, fourth
Duke of Norfolk, to escape from house arrest at Howard House; 31 January
fol. 117 - Manuscript copy of
A Discourse touching the Pretended Match between
the Duke of Norfolk and the Queen of Scots
. Another manuscript copy is in
Harleian MS 4,314, fol. 120 and a printed version is in Cotton MS Caligula
C ii, fols 284-91.
297, fol. 256 - Confession of Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, before the Privy Council, 12 January 1547.

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