Human Hieroglyphix - Dex & Leila (21 page)

BOOK: Human Hieroglyphix - Dex & Leila
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When I turned back, I could see that Dex's eyes were checking out all the portions of my anatomy that I was trying to display.  And when his eyes met mine, he definitely had a 'deer in the headlights' thing going on.

"Wanna play, Dex?" I said softly before I moved slowly upstairs, making sure to swing my ass as I moved.  When I got to the top, I glanced down and saw that he was still at the bottom.

"Said it before, babe, and I'll say it again. You don't play fair," he said before he ran up the stairs and pulled me to him.

That night, Dex insisted on undressing me and sat down on my bed, while I stood between his legs. He removed my skirt and my sweater slowly with lots of small kisses on the skin that he uncovered, giving me full body rushes with every touch of his lips.

"Babe, we really need to talk about your underwear," he said against the skin of my belly, his hands holding the cheeks of my ass.

"But, I really like this set," I said, wondering how he could possibly complain about what I was wearing.  The purple demi bra and matching thong I found extremely attractive and I was kind of crushed that he didn't think so too.

He looked up at me and, without thought, my hands entangled themselves in his hair.

"Wasn't complaining, Leila, not in the least.  Was going to talk about going shopping with you the next time you needed underwear," he said with a cocky grin.  "I find you sexy as hell no matter what you're wearing, and especially when you aren't wearing anything."

Okay, then.

"Open your legs, babe," I heard him whisper and I moved my legs to the outside of his, careful not to step on his feet with my heels.  He ran his fingers around the gusset of my thong, which was close, oh so close, to the area I
his fingers to be.

"Why you moving, Elle?" he whispered with a small lick to the skin just below my navel.  "Stand still, babe, okay?"

I locked my knees and felt his hands as they moved to my ass to squeeze and caress.  He ran his fingers over the satin strap that was between my cheeks, touching the beginning 'V' which started a couple of millimeters before my opening.

"Damn, I love how fast you get wet for me, Leila."

My hips were moving even though my knees were locked, and I could hear the sounds that came out of my mouth in response to his teasing touch.

His hands moved up my back, bringing my breasts to his face.  His fingers were swift as he undid the clasps before using his teeth to remove it from my chest. 

My pink parts pulsed as I watched him use his teeth to bring the bra down my arms. 

I released him so I could flick it off but his mouth was already busy licking and sucking on my sensitive nipples.

Honest to God, I don't know how the man did it but, Dex was multi-tasking by using one hand on one of my breasts, tweaking and turning my nipple as he sucked on the other one and his other hand was stroking me between my legs.

"You okay, babe?" he mumbled against my breast, keeping his hands busy.

Screw this, I thought and I pushed him down onto the mattress to straddle his hips.  I made short work of getting his jeans undone and pushed them, plus his boxer briefs done far enough so I could slide my panties to one side, straddle his hips and impale myself on him.

I was riding him hard, working myself on him so caught in what I was doing that I paid no attention to what his hands were doing. 

That is until I felt the straps that had been on my hipbones release.

 I stilled and looked down at my sexy man as he pulled my former beautiful thong off.

"Did you just
my panties off me?" I asked in wonder as I sat up.

"Babe," he said reaching down between us and using his thumb on my clit.  "Ride me."

So I rode him until I hit mine.

And he flipped me onto my back so he could hit his, giving me another one in the process.

We were in the snuggle position, my head on his shoulder, his hand on my back, our legs tangled, when I heard him ask about Evan. 

Well, actually Dex said, "So what the fuck was up with the shithead at the concert?"

"I honestly don't know, honey.  When I first started at Grantham, he was one of the faculty that joined the table of people that I ate lunch with and that was all I knew.  But Emily, that Professor friend I told you about, says that Evan has called me his girlfriend on a number of occasions.  To tell you the truth, he kind of creeps me out."

"Don't like that he seemed not to understand boundaries.  Any other guy would have seen that you were with somebody and asked you when the other guy wasn't around, but he didn't even seem to notice."

"I know, right?"

"Have a care, Leila, okay?  Especially when he is around because that shit isn't right."

"You don't think he'd do anything do you?  I mean if you did an internet search of 'Marvin Milquetoast' his picture would be front and center."

"There's something 'off' about him, babe.  Just have a care."

I yawned and nodded at the same time.

"You tired, princess?"

"Maybe a little."

"Guess I'll have to get creative for round two then, huh?

I nodded again.

And Dex got very, very creative and suddenly I wasn't tired anymore.

Go figure, huh?



I woke up before Dex and found that I had curled myself around his back, my arm across his stomach and our finger entwined.  I loved this, waking up next to Dex.  I still hadn't been able to figure out why I was so attracted to him and, truthfully, as time went on I stopped questioning it and just went with the flow. 

He made it easy to go with the flow.

I quietly disentangled myself and got up, throwing on his blue oxford shirt before doing my bathroom routine.  I made my way downstairs and put on a pot of coffee, adding the cinnamon, and looked in the fridge for breakfast ideas.  Pulling out a few items, I moved to the living room and set my Nano to shuffle before going back to the kitchen.

I was just turning the first batch of French Toast, when Dex came down the stairs in just his jeans that he hadn't buttoned up all the way. 

He came straight to me, his front to my back, chin over my shoulder and arms wrapped around my waist.

"Morning, honey," I whispered.  I got a kiss on my shoulder in response.

"What's playing?" Dex asked in a sleepy voice.

I stopped and listened.

"Bill Evans 'The Sunday After'. Good isn't it?"

He didn't answer but reached around and turned off the burner before he turned me in his arms. 

He put my arms around his neck as he held me tight to him and began to dance.


Right there in my kitchen on a Sunday morning with the sun streaming in, the scent of coffee and French toast as well as the feel of a gorgeous man beneath my cheek, locked in my arms and moving with him to the wonderful music.

I had a Rock of Gibraltar sized lump in my throat and my eyes were getting suspiciously misty.

And, as fate would have it, the next song to play was the Cowboy Junkies, 'Sweet Jane', so I knew we would be dancing for a few minutes yet.

When the song was over, Dex moved to the breakfast bar and I brought him his coffee in an Ohio State mug. 

I turned the burner back on and carried on with making breakfast, enjoying the quiet sounds of the music and the company, Dex's company.

"What's this song?" Dex asked sounding a bit more awake.

While I was enjoying the music I hadn't really been listening to it, so I had to stop for a moment and tune in.

"Lyle Lovette's 'Nobody Knows Me'," I replied.  "Open up my laptop, honey and pull up the Excel sheet marked, 'Leila's Songs' and you'll see the playlists by who recommended them as well as the song and artist."

I was spooning the blueberry syrup I'd put together from a bag of frozen blueberries and added a couple of sifter shakes of powdered sugar before I set the plate in front of him with a napkin and utensils.  Dex's eyes were still glued to the list as he began to eat.

I refilled our coffee before bringing my own plate over to the breakfast bar and began eating.  Pretty soon, I felt Dex's left hand move to my right thigh as he continued to eat and read.

If you were to wish me the absolute best of Sunday mornings, then this one couldn't have been any better.

"Do you think you can tell a lot about a person by their playlists?" Dex asked closing the laptop.

"You mean, like Crystal's list versus Marianne's?"  At his nod, I went on.  "I guess you could but I was just figuring that the playlists were emailed with the music that they thought I'd like."

I felt him rub my thigh in answer.

"Like you in my shirt, Elle." he whispered leaning towards me and tucking my hair behind my ear before moving his hand to the back of my neck, thumb softly stroking the sweet spot behind my ear.

"What do you want to do today, princess?" he asked softly.

I thought about it as I took our plates to the sink, where he joined me.

"Could we maybe go for that motorcycle ride today?" I asked handing him a plate that he put in the dishwasher.

"Perfect," he said.  "You'll need to dress warm, babe.  And we'll need to stop by my place so I can feed Fred and Wilma and grab some clean clothes."

I nodded as I washed the pans and he began wiping down the countertops, which we both finished at the same time.

I was just about to make my way upstairs, when Dex came up from behind and took my hand.

"Let's go save some water," he said looking back over his shoulder at me as we moved upwards.  I didn't know what that meant, until we were in my master bathroom and Dex turned the water on in my shower and starting unbuttoning the shirt I had on.

Oh, hello.

Shower sex.

I'd read about it in a couple of books, and it was hot to

Hot to

But to actually do it in a shower with Dex?

Oh. My. God.



"Ah, babe?" Dex said coming from the garage into his house where I was standing by the kitchen counter.  "There's gonna be a bit of a delay with the ride, okay?"

I looked at his face and even though his voice sounded normal, his jaw was clenched.

"What's going on?"

"Someone got into my garage and trashed my Jeep," he replied.  "I called Grantham P.D. so I can file a report.  Seein' it's a Sunday, they have minimal staff available but said they'd get someone out in about an hour."

"How'd they get in your garage?" I asked, moving to him and wrapping my arms around his waist.  I felt his arms wrap around my back.

"Don't know, babe.  I checked and can't find anything to show how they got in."

"How bad is it?"

I felt him take a deep breath before he answered.

"All four tires slashed, all the windows broken out along with the headlights," he said but there was a tone in his voice I didn't understand.

"That's it?"

"Ah…no, babe."

"What else?"

"There's some spray paint on there, too."  I could totally tell he didn't want to tell me.

"What does it say?" I pressed.

"It says, 'Stay away from her'", Dex said softly.

I tilted my head back.  "You're kidding right?"

"Wish I was."  I felt him start to rub my back as we just stood there.

The police officer came and took Dex's statement as well as taking some pictures of the damage.  He said that he would file a report and gave Dex the report number so he could give to his insurance company.

After he left, I moved back to Dex and tucked myself against his side.

"Would you like to reschedule our ride for another time, honey?"

"No, Elle.  Now I kind of
to ride, get my head on straight."  He leaned down and gave me a nose stroke.

So that's what we did.

I'd never been on a motorcycle before and found it wonderful.  The quiet, the landscape, the feeling of Dex pressed against my front was absolutely amazing and I knew now what he meant about needing to ride.  It was the perfect way to de-stress and 'get your head on straight'.

I don't know how long we rode but soon Dex was pulling into a parking lot next to a huge cabin type structure.  He snagged my hand as we walked towards it and said, "Welcome to Smithville."

When we went in, I saw that it housed a large restaurant on the right and a combination of gas station and post office on the left.  The interior was fabulous, looking just like what you'd think the inside of a log cabin would look like.

Dex steered me to the restaurant on the right and we did a quick scan to find an open table, since the sign said, 'Seat Yourselves'.

 I saw one of the hottest men I'd ever laid eyes on waving our direction.

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