Hunter by Night (2 page)

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Authors: Elisabeth Staab

BOOK: Hunter by Night
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The burn in Lee’s chest intensified. “I don’t have faith in anything. Some things you just know.” He pointed through the mess of bodies. “Like Twelve’s partner over there is about to get his ass handed to him.”

The two males in question wrestled on the ground. Twelve’s knee dug into his partner’s chest, his hands grabbed his opponent’s throat. A crackle and pop fired from Twelve’s hands, and then blood flew. Screams.

“There it is,” Thad said quietly.

“Yep.” Lee’s gums throbbed as he pushed through the group. Happened at least once a session. Good teachable-moment shit. He handed a knife to Twelve. “Give him your blood.”

Twelve went pale. “What?” The young vampire took a step back from his bleeding partner, pointing to the nearby training building. “There’s a doctor and a whore from Blood Service who can provide for him right over there.” In fact, the doctor and an unmated female from Blood Service approached quickly.

“Now. Or you are done. And speak with respect.”

Twelve’s jaw hardened.

“Do you refuse?”

When the kid took one uncertain step back, Lee drew the knife blade across his own wrist and held it above Twenty-Three’s open gash, drizzling blood directly into the wound. Truthfully, Lee despised giving his blood to anyone. But this was an injured trainee and they
had to learn.

“First of all…” He boomed loud enough that his voice echoed in the clearing, but kept his stare fixed on Twelve, broadcasting his disapproval. “Those of us who are unmated rely on help from our friends in Blood Service to stay strong. Every one of their providers is someone’s mother or daughter, brother or sister, father or son. Show fucking decency.”

When the doctor signaled Lee had given enough, he licked closed the cut on his wrist and gave the doctor space. The injured kid might have to go with the female from Blood Service to get a full feeding, but they had her present for such a purpose.

“Second,” Lee said, “there’s always the chance you get stuck. With a severe injury, even a few miles back to home can be life or death. Your patrol partner is your lifeline.

“What I just did there was not a blood exchange as it would be between mates. That’s like comparing CPR to kissing. Know the difference.” He motioned to Twelve. “Turn in your gear. Thanks for playing.”

The young vampire schooled his wide eyes and slack mouth. He spun away, muttering about unfairness through clenched teeth.

“I’m surprised he didn’t argue more,” Thad said. “I thought for certain he’d give you trouble.”

“He still might.” Lee checked his watch, then glanced up at the sky. Heavy clouds rolled across the half moon. He nodded across the way to his other lieutenants, signaling them to finish. “You and I should head to the mansion,” he said to Thad. “Check on Isabel. Review strategy.” The tension of the first royal birth in a century needled everyone’s nerves these days, and now of all times.

Thad nodded. “You’re certain about this threat?” He shook his head. “I just can’t imagine so many deaths being caused by one asshole.”

“That cord came peppered with Haig’s blood. I’m certain.” Centuries later, Lee still remembered the smell of the blood that had originated one of their planet’s greatest plagues. After all, he’d had the vile stuff slicked all over his skin. Splattered in his nostrils. “I’m surprised your father never told you about him.”

Thad tightened his jaw and said nothing. The late king had tried to leave many secrets buried in the past. The past did not like to stay buried.

How had Haig survived? Lee had cut the righteous piece of shit open and set him on fire, for Christ’s sake. Had seen the motherfucker burn alive with his own preternaturally enhanced eyes. He’d spent the past twenty-four hours asking himself whether or not he could have been mistaken, but in his gut he knew the answer. This meant a fight the likes of which their kind had forgotten to fear could come at any time. The likes of which humankind would never expect.

Jesus… Alexia.
She could easily wind up one of the casualties if Lee didn’t stop Haig in his tracks. If he didn’t keep her sheltered and inside the fucking estate. Lee insisted to himself that this only mattered because she was Queen Isabel’s best friend. He pushed away the dread that tried to settle in his gut.

His chest and arms ached. As he and Thad traversed the estate grounds in the direction of the mansion, he flexed his fingers and rubbed the back of his neck, putting on a show as if the tension of training caused him discomfort. Thad walked a few steps ahead and seemed not to notice. Good.

The heartburn-like soreness had been a dull constant for many months. Lee hadn’t bothered with seeing a doctor. No point. His last mission… He’d made it out alive, but nobody knew how close he’d come to death. How much his body had resisted. A vampire his age should have centuries remaining on earth, but in his core he knew what lay ahead. His body no longer functioned as it should.

Lee would fix this once and for all. Find Haig, kill him, and tear that sanctimonious monk into fucking confetti. Make sure the slaughterer stayed dead this time. See Thad and Isabel’s heir into the world safely. With hope, the stupid human cattle would never be the wiser.

Then, he could die in peace.

Chapter 2

It had been a week since her head-spinning run-in with Lee. Alexia crept through one of the estate’s barn-style garages, hauling her ever-present anxiety along with her duffel bag, while the sun rose outside. The lecture she hadn’t gotten from the king, the shoe that hadn’t dropped yet, she expected it around every corner.

The peacefully quiet morning announced nothing out of the ordinary. Chirping birds. Squirrels or something scampered over the roof of the garage. A woodpecker did its thing out on the siding, not realizing that it wasted its effort on vinyl that only masqueraded as wood grain.

She opened the door of one of the fleet’s black Land Rovers and slid behind the wheel, letting out a loud breath. She shoved her duffel into the backseat and pulled down the visor so she could slide on some lip goo and finger-comb her hair.

The passenger door opened without warning, and a shot of alarm made her go cold all over. “Fuck me.”

Lee slid inside, his body overwhelming the passenger side of the car. “I wonder,” he said slowly, “if you’re going deaf from all that techno music you love to use to shake your brain.” He scratched the side of his neck. The sweat-dampened skin over his biceps and forearms bunched as his muscles contracted. “We just had a talk a few days ago about how you were going to stay inside during the day from now on.”

“You talked.”

His eyes scanned her with a maddening lack of urgency. Up. Down. Up. “Willfully stubborn death wish, then. I stand corrected.” Really? What the fuck? “So.” He clicked his seat belt. “Where are we headed?”

What a crazy-assed dickhead. She jacked up her eyebrows. “
aren’t headed anywhere.” He accused her of having a death wish when he was the one who wanted to take a morning drive? “The sun’s already started to come up. Anyway, I’m just moving the car. I left it here last time I borrowed it, and it belongs at the back of the lot.”

Alexia believed in planning ahead. If she set everything up by packing what she needed and moving the vehicle to the back entrance now, she’d be all good to make her great escape after the baby came. She could leave while Isabel recovered, in the midst of all the fawning and bowing hoopla, and nobody would notice.

She took in all the grit and grime on his body, the way his clothes clung to him. “Why are you all gross and sweaty, anyway?”

“Training new fighters.” He studied her. “Anyway, where do you think you’re sneaking off to this time?”

Alexia’s gripped the steering wheel. “Are you going to tell?” She hadn’t heard word one about Lee catching her in the hall the week before, and waiting to get nailed by royal retribution had been eating her alive.

He yawned wide, turning to stare into the dark of the garage through the front windshield.

“This has nothing to do with getting a slap on the wrist for breaking the rules.” She turned in her seat, eyes traveling along the hard lines of his jaw. “I just want to lead something resembling a normal life. I’m always careful. And besides, your wizard enemies mostly keep the same hours as you guys.”

Lee folded his arms over his chest, still staring somewhere into the dark garage beyond the car window. “Wizards aren’t our only issue.” Lips pressed together, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly, like maybe he was trying to gather the patience to deal with her. He faced her again, eyes darkened. Storm clouds rolling in over the tropical water.

Alexia swallowed. Danger lurked in the obscure depths of his cloudy expression.

He leaned across the console, enveloping her with his smells. Night air, damp earth, and sweat. “I don’t need to remind you that your mere association with us makes our enemies yours. A centuries-old war couldn’t give half a tired fuck about one tiny human casualty, Lexi.”

Alexia closed her eyes. She knew. His enemies had attacked her before. Which was why it was best for her to get the hell out of Ash Falls. Away from all the vampires, especially this one. “I haven’t forgotten,” she said. She opened her eyes to find him staring even more intently, nose barely an inch from hers. “But I can’t hide indoors forever. It’s making me all kinds of cray-cray, you know?” Heat rushed to her face and she smooshed her cheeks with her hands, as if doing so would help. “I am
a nocturnal bloodsucker.”

The thing she couldn’t say to Lee, that she couldn’t say to anybody, ran so much deeper. Putting her protection in someone else’s hands these past months had been an intense and fear-inducing exercise in giving up control. That thing the other day, falling down and not being able to even get her own damn knee patched on her own terms? Fuck no. She deserved control over her own body, and she’d been rendered helpless.
was something she could not afford.

Large fingers brushed the hand she still pressed to her cheek. “I think I understand.”

Her brows drew downward. “You do?” Really, she’d expected more argument.

“You’re the only human living in a world of vampires. I may not like or trust your kind, but I can grasp that being told when to come and go feels stifling.” His hand tightened around her wrist. “But.” His face hardened. “I was dead fucking serious when I said there are threats you don’t understand. What’s brewing now has the potential to bring more destruction than any wizard. I need you to take this seriously.”

“How—” Her mouth didn’t work. “That doesn’t make sense.”

“A religious head case named Haig left his calling card by the back gate last week. That cord you tripped over.”

What? “Religious how? Like those guys who jump around with microphones on television?”

He shook his head, appearing lost somewhere in his memory. “I killed this fucker, Lexi. Six hundred and fifty years ago. Ran a sword through his mouth. Set him on fire. Watched him burn. Somehow, he’s back.”

Alexia didn’t say so, but she wondered if maybe this didn’t actually drive home the reasons for her to go. If some major revenge blowup was about to go down, shouldn’t she steer clear of the cross fire?

Lee’s thumb tapped her forehead. “I see your wheels turning. You’re safer here than out in the human world right now. You have to trust me.”

Alexia made every effort to match the intensity of Lee’s stare. Maybe for now it would be best to agree. “You know what? You’re right.” She smiled. “Why don’t you just let me move this car to make room in the garage?”

His eyes narrowed.

“Swear ta God.” She gave him her best smile. “I’m only gonna move the car. I’ll be back in five. Three.”

Slowly, he pulled away and stepped out of the SUV. A ripple in the shadows and a soft click of a door told her that he’d gone back inside the main house. Wow. She couldn’t believe he’d listened. He’d believed her. She resolved to return lickety-split so as not to lose the inch of trust she’d just gained from Lee.

She put the car in gear and pulled out of the garage, down the winding drive that led to the estate’s rear entrance. She was adjusting her mirrors against the sun’s morning glare when movement in the rearview caught her attention.


Alexia pulled onto the grass, racing out the door on shaky legs. “Oh my God.” A dog on a leash yipped from the yard under a large shady tree. Isabel’s dog. The leash was wrapped around Isabel’s wrist. Isabel, pregnant, pink all over where her skin showed, lay motionless on the ground.

The blood rushed between Alexia’s ears, and she let out a panicked scream as she dropped to the dewy grass. “Isabel!”

No response.


Lee had just met the king at the end of the hall when they heard Alexia’s scream.

“Thad! Lee!”

Pounding thundered on the door that led to the garage. They both tore down the hall. Alexia and a barely conscious Queen Isabel spilled through the door.

Lee had his phone in hand before Thad finished pulling Isabel through the entryway to a more comfortable position. “Brayden. Emergency with the queen. Looks like sunstroke. West hall.”

Thad had bitten into his wrist before his knees hit the carpet. Isabel wore only a tank top and monkey-themed pajama pants, but every visible inch of the queen’s once peachy skin glowed a glaring bright pink.

“Holy shit she’s heavy,” Alexia panted, sliding against the wall and down to the floor.

Lee couldn’t believe that Alexia, at hardly over five feet, had managed to move the barely conscious queen at all. The petite human packed an impressive amount of might.

Lee and Thad had been getting ready to have a late meeting with Anton, mate to Thad’s sister. Said former wizard who’d left the dark side for love chose that moment to mosey down the hallway. The startled male made a quick retreat back the way he came, muttering something about getting the queen some ice.

Yeah, wizard boy, ice will fix this problem

“What the hell was she doing outside?” Lee stuffed his phone back in his pocket. Rage and frustration nailed him right between the eyes. “Where did you find her?”

Alexia pried her half-closed eyes open, chest heaving from the force of her ragged breath. “Under that crab-apple tree not too far from the garage. I guess she must have been walking the dog too close to dawn.” Her eyes went wide, and she gulped audibly. “I don’t know where he went. I had to let him run off. I could hardly hold up Isabel.”

Lee wanted to tell Alexia, “Fuck the dog,” but clearly this was a concern. Of course. Isabel loved that animal. This would matter. Lee couldn’t claim to understand, but he knew it to be true.

“Fuck! She’s not swallowing.” Thad’s words, like his face, betrayed his fear and pain.

Lee was moving closer to see if there was any way he could assist when Anton came back with a plastic bag full of ice. The wizard dropped on the other side of Thad. “Here.” He reached out tentatively. “Permission to try to help her, Thad?”

Thad nodded with a thick swallow. “Go ahead.”

Alexia stood and moved across the hall to give them room. Her hand rested on Lee’s arm for support. Her body vibrated with tension.

Lee’s stiffened, each muscle cranking tighter by the second. He kept his hands curled and ready. Heaven forbid Anton do anything to harm the queen.

Alexia tapped Lee’s forearm. “He’s a good guy. He’s not going to hurt her.”

Lee looked down at her wide, dark eyes. “Brayden is on the way over. She should be seen by a

Anton might be on the side of the vampires now, but the hard truth was every time Anton healed—every time he used any of his powers—they all remembered he’d stolen that ability by killing a vampire and eating its heart. Trust would not come easily for the wizard, even though he’d pledged his loyalty to the vampires. Even if he did love the king’s sister.

Alexia squeezed Lee’s arm. “Anton’s intentions are good.”

Lee kept his focus on the action at his feet. Trying not to feel the heat of her smooth fingers on his skin.

“He’s been here for months. He’s done a lot of good. At some point, you have to let go and trust.”

Well. The human was entitled to her opinion.

With a deep inhale, Lee stepped sideways and circled the threesome on the floor, moving to stand opposite Alexia. Having her so close made his head cloudy. Made him want to take her in his arms to kiss her as much as to strangle her. Fuck, he despised how weak wanting her made him. Right now he needed his focus.

Across from him she twitched, pacing the small area with a funny jumpiness. Finally she grabbed the discarded bag of ice from Anton and dropped to the floor, resting it gently on Isabel’s forehead. Lee should have thought to do that himself, dammit. Isabel shifted and moaned, rolling onto her side.

The sluggish thing in Lee’s chest jumped, and Thad exhaled a heavy, relieved breath, trying again to get Isabel to take his blood.

“Oh, thankyouthankyou.”
Alexia’s head went back as if she whispered her gratitude straight up to the heavens.

Lee kept still even though the thing inside his chest nearly burst. The queen lived. Thank fucking God.

“Thad.” Dr. Brayden raced toward them from down the hall. He, too, had his hands full this week, helping Lee with the injuries incurred during training. “I’m sorry. I came from the barracks as soon as you called.”

A great deal of muttering and shuffling followed. Isabel moved and groaned again, and Lee’s head got light. He sent up his own silent prayer of thanks that the queen still fought for life. This all hit far too close to home.

“I want to get her to St. Anne’s,” Brayden said. The doctor checked around on her stomach with a stethoscope. “I
I’ve got a fetal heartbeat…”

“Oh, thank fucking God…” Thad rocked back on his heels, slamming his hand hard enough to leave a print against the white painted wall.

“…but she should be hydrated and examined properly. She’s close to her due date…”

Only a couple of weeks away. Thad had mentioned the due date many times.

Lee spotted a knotted cord around Isabel’s wrist, similar to the one Alexia had tripped over the week before. He bent swiftly to cut it from her arm. This could not be good.

The doctor swiped at a sheen of droplets on the queen’s arm. “This moisture was on her skin when you found her?”

Alexia nodded. “It was kind of a layer of frost at first. Like the outside of ice cream when you leave it on the counter.”

Lee pressed his lips together. Leave it to Alexia to use ice cream as an analogy under pressure.

Brayden only nodded as if this made perfect sense. “She must have used her power to produce ice to cool herself down.”

“Interesting,” Lee said. He always figured Isabel’s magic ability didn’t hold much use for a sitting queen who spent her days meeting subjects and settling land disputes. Now, Lee gave thanks for that fucking power.

Lee crossed his arms and shifted against the wall, wanting to jump out of his skin. Nothing for him to do right now but watch. The sheer impotence was maddening.

Brayden nodded. “Probably saved her life.” He looked at his watch. “We’ve got a lot of hours until dusk.”

“I can drive,” Anton said. “I’ll pull the van around into the garage.” He took off down the hall.

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