Hunter Mourned (Wild Hunt Book 3) (10 page)

BOOK: Hunter Mourned (Wild Hunt Book 3)
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Trevor settled his hands on Rowan’s waist. Her breath hitched, and he inwardly berated himself for the automatic reaction. Memories of the previous night tugged at him. The moment she’d stepped into his personal space, he’d acted on his subconscious need for her. He craved her. Simple as that.

“Don’t worry about it.” He lifted Rowan and set her away from him. “It doesn’t concern you or the Huntsmen. It’s a private project for Allie.”

Rowan looked over her shoulder at Allie. The move caused Rowan’s top to gape, offering a teasing glimpse of her breast, the one marked by her Huntsman’s mark. The hound’s eye showed from behind the edge of her shirt. “Another environmental cause, huh?”

Allie gave a small half shrug in answer.

Rowan shook her head, her exasperation easy to see, then faced Trevor. “I need to talk to you.”

The serious expression she wore didn’t bode well for him. No doubt she wanted to talk about the previous night. He’d hoped to avoid the topic. Best they got it over with, though. The hours he’d spent contemplating his words hadn’t helped. He was going to end up hurting her. That was a given. His goal of becoming a Hunter had to come before anything he might want with Rowan.

Only one question remained—how was he going to salvage things
he became a rider? Being with her last night had convinced him of the truth. He wanted her in his life, in his bed.

He motioned toward the path leading into the woods. “Sure. Let’s walk. I want to show you something anyway. I think you’ll like it.”

“What is it?”

He skimmed his gaze over her. A mistake. He should’ve waited until they were alone to drink in the sight of her. The loose top barely reached the waistband of the short skirt. Her hair hung freely over her shoulders, and a pair of heeled sandals added inches to her already tall frame, bringing her eye level but also drawing attention to her leanly muscled legs.

The sight of her sculpted thighs stirred more memories of the previous night. They’d felt good wrapped around his waist. He bet they’d feel equally as good draped over his shoulders.

His cock twitched. He bit his cheek hard to stop the lust from consuming him. That reaction wasn’t appropriate to have in front of Allie or Rhys. It was bad enough Zeph had caught them together. The only saving grace in that situation had been the fact that they’d been clothed.

He hadn’t even yanked his jeans down. His cock had been free to sink into Rowan’s warmth. That had been good enough. Better than good. Probably the best sex he’d ever experienced, and he hadn’t even undressed her. Worshiped her. Memorized every inch of her.

Gotten to see her lips stretched wide around his cock.

“Well?” Rowan moved closer, dangerously close.

Her scent wrapped around him. Aroused him. He inhaled deeply, drugging himself on her personal fragrance while berating himself. There were more important things to deal with than what Rowan did to his peace of mind and his body. Too bad he couldn’t focus on them.

“It’s a surprise.” More like a present.

“Really?” A mischievous glint sparked in her eyes, brightening the green color. “Is it for me?”

“Yeah.” He shoved his hands in his pockets to avoid reaching for her hand. “It’s for you.”

She waved him forward. “Then lead the way.”



Guilt churned Rowan’s gut. Trevor’s hands on her hips had caused the roiling in her stomach. He’d triggered a memory with the simple gesture. Kai had often greeted her the same way, especially around her brothers. Kissing her or engaging in other public displays of affection wasn’t respectful. Her siblings didn’t have anyone to love them. That had been Kai’s rationale for the simple sign of his love. She’d treasured it as much as she had cherished the passionate nights they’d shared.

With Trevor’s gaze on her and his palms resting on her hips, she’d been transported back in time, not to when Kai had lived but to the previous night in Trevor’s arms. Need had spiraled through her. Rowan had wanted to press her body against his and feel him. All of him—his body, his heart, his soul. She wanted to wrap him around her and never let Trevor go.

In that moment, Kai’s memory held no power over her, and that had felt like a betrayal to their love. But was it wrong to have enjoyed the moment with Trevor? Perhaps it was just another step in healing her cracked soul and overcoming the Triad’s challenge.

“My goddess cried for you.”
Alana’s words repeated in Rowan’s head.

Minerva’s sacrifice in the name of love ensured soul mates found each other again. If Trevor was hers, then wanting him wasn’t wrong, not emotionally or physically. Neither was letting Trevor rewrite those memories she’d cherished for over a millennium. Why mourn the events of one lifetime when she had the chance to pick up where they had left off—happy and in love.

She cut a quick glance at Trevor. Hands shoved deep in his pockets as if he were trying not to hold her, he walked beside her. He hadn’t spoken since they’d left Rhys and Allie behind. She didn’t mind the silence. It had given her time to get her emotions in order.

“Where is this present for me stashed?”

Gaze straight ahead, he said, “I never said it was a present.”

“No. You said it was a surprise. For me.” She waited a moment, but he didn’t speak or look at her. “That’s what presents are. Personal surprises.”

“It’s not like it has your name on it or anything. Anybody can use it.”

She was dying to know what “it” was, but securing his admission that he’d gotten her something special was more important.

A scan of the area didn’t offer any clues. She’d familiarized herself with the estate’s property and knew they were headed toward the greenhouse, but the building was in disrepair. Had he cleaned it for her? If so, he was in for a shock. Her gardening skills were pathetic.

“But you bought it with me in mind, right?”

“I didn’t buy you anything.”

She stepped into his path, colliding with him. He steadied her with his hands on her waist. A moment passed, then another. He didn’t pull her closer, but his gaze did shift from her eyes to her mouth. Finally, he exhaled slowly and slid his palms to her hips. His touch branded her and sent butterflies to flight in her belly. The sensation of excitement was better than the guilt that had left her uneasy. She embraced it eagerly.

“You’re lucky I was paying attention, or we both would’ve landed on our asses.”

“As long as you cushioned my fall, I wouldn’t have complained.”

Hunger flared in his eyes. As quickly as it came, it disappeared. An indifferent mask slipped over his features. He dropped his hands and moved around her. “Come on. I want to show you what I built.”

Two questions surfaced—why was he ignoring the attraction between them, and what had he built? The demand to get the latter one answered won. The former, she suspected, would be too complicated to deal with today. Besides, she was almost positive she knew the answer. Trevor didn’t want to compete with her memories of Kai. Easier to avoid her. She’d have to help him understand the truth about them.

“You built me something?” She hurried to catch up to him.

“I built something with you in mind. I didn’t build it for
, specifically. Like I said, it’s for anyone who gets the urge to play.”

“Play?” She grabbed his arm, stopping him a second time. “What do you mean, play?”

An exasperated sound escaped him. “You’re as bad as Rhys, you know that?”

“I’m not. You just piqued my curiosity. I want to know.”

He pointed past her. “Then look.”

She glanced over her shoulder in the direction he indicated. Two ropes were wrapped around a thick tree branch. At the bottom of the coils was a flat piece of wood. “A swing?”

“Yeah.” He took her hand and tugged her forward. “It took me close to an hour to find a strong enough branch to use. You’re skinny, but I figured if any of your brothers secretly enjoy playing like you do, it’d be best to use a tree that can hold their weight.”

Gaze on his face, she walked with him, letting him lead her. “Why would you think my brothers would want to…to
? Huntsmen don’t relax that way. I was only swinging that night to pass the time.”

“Maybe not, but just in case, it’s here. I’m going to get a gym set up in the basement too. That creepy room where Harley used to be locked away is perfect for it. It’s soundproofed, and there’s a bathroom and kitchen.”

“That’s a great idea.”

Eyes narrowed, he studied her. “You sound shocked.”

“I just didn’t expect you to do something so…” Nice? No, that would not go over well.


“Well…no.” And could she sound any more ungrateful? She blew out a rough breath. “I mean, yes. You just caught me off guard. This is a surprise. A pleasant surprise.”

“You’ll find I’m full of surprises.”

They stopped a few feet away from the swing. She met his gaze. “I’m learning that.”

“Playing is soothing. So is exercising. Both are good ways to deal with stress and rage. The Huntsmen need those outlets.” He brushed a lock of her hair from her shoulder, then dropped his hand. “
need an escape. You’re too intense.”

“Am I? I don’t feel agitated.”

He dragged the tip of his tongue over his lower lip, wetting it and tempting her to yank his head to hers and suck on it, taking his flavor into her. Instead, she locked her knees, wanting him to reach for her.

“You’re not stressed now, but I’ve seen you on edge. You use that cocky attitude as a shield and a weapon to keep people away so they don’t see the darkness in you, but it’s there, simmering right below the surface, ready to take over.”

“That’s the beast I can become, nothing more.”

“I’ve seen your other form. I’m not talking about the Hunt’s influence on you. That’s different.”

“How so?”

“The Hunt fuels your need to seek retribution for the wronged. It’s not any different from what your siblings feel. What I’m talking about is unique to you.”

The distance between them—a single foot—was too much. She stepped closer until a mere inch separated them, then tipped her head slightly to look into his eyes. “You’ve lost me. I don’t get where you’re going with this conversation. I’m the daughter of Arawn, Lord of the Underworld. That’s not a pretty place. It’s horrible, actually. Nothing you’ve seen on earth can compare. Nothing, Trevor. Not even the Unseelie Court. Hell is where sinners go to pay for their crimes, to experience pain that’s ten times…a hundred times worse than what they’ve caused. I’ve witnessed their punishment. I—”

He dragged his knuckles over her jaw, stopping her rambling. “Try out the swing, Rowan. I’ll push you.”

She wanted to finish telling him how she had delivered punishments to the damned. How she’d hurt those sinners, even while they’d begged for mercy. How she’d enjoyed it. She couldn’t bring herself to admit the last.

She leaned into his touch. “Only if you promise to tell me what you mean.”

“I promise.” He moved his hand to the back of her neck and slid his fingers into her hair so he cradled her head in his big palm. With her held steady, he brushed his parted lips over hers. “Now, get on the swing before I lose control. You tempt me, Rowan. More than any woman ever has, but I’m trying to do the right thing here. Let me tell you, it’s hard. I am not a saint.”

“Neither am I.”

He caught her lower lip between his teeth and tugged on it, tearing a gasp from her and jerking her body. The nip didn’t hurt. The tug connected to her womb, whipping desire through her.

On a groan, he released her lip. With a slow lick, he caressed her tender flesh. “I know. You’re dangerous. There’s a darkness about you that calls to me.”

He had said she carried a darkness that was different from what the Hunt caused within her. She wanted to understand what he meant. Being close to him distracted her, however. The same thing had happened in the alley. With the scent of leather and man drugging her, nothing else had mattered beyond him. His admission confirmed he felt the same for her. The knowledge would come in handy. At the moment, she wanted to understand his words, though.

“Let me go, then. It’s hard to swing when you’re holding me.” And looking at her as if he wanted to devour her.

He opened his mouth but closed it without speaking. He stepped back. The loss of him chilled her, but she sat on the wooden board anyway. He’d have to touch her again to push her.

He gathered her hair and twisted it so it fell in a loose ponytail down her back. The moment she soared into the air, the strands would fan out around her. The reason why he’d done so became clear a moment later. He dropped his hands to her shoulders and massaged. Tension she hadn’t known had tightened her muscles eased with each caress.

“Relax, Rowan. I didn’t mean to imply there’s anything wrong with you.”

The second he spoke, she realized she had been upset by his words. She tipped her head back, needing to see if the expression on his face matched the sincerity in his voice.

Lust darkened his brown eyes and slackened his jaw. It was a look many men had worn for her. Seeing it triggered an equal desire within her, but that wasn’t all. Her pulse raced, and her breath caught. It was excitement, need…


He exhaled roughly and bent toward her. His lips rubbed against hers. Then he was kissing her. Not aggressively. Not passionately. Tenderness fueled the strokes of his tongue along hers. The gentle circular caress of his thumb over the racing vein in her neck added to the moment.

She relaxed, resting against his stomach and enjoying Trevor, this part of him she’d just discovered the previous day in the alley. No doubt it had been there all along, but he’d kept it hidden behind the arrogance he wore like a shield and wielded as if it were a weapon. Why, she didn’t know. She was simply glad she’d unleashed it.

Finally, he eased back. “Ready?”

She nodded. No other words would form.

He hooked an arm around her waist and took a few steps back. She gripped the rope, and he pressed his free hand to her lower back. With a firm push, he sent her sky-high. She swung her legs out on the upward arc, tucking them as she swung back. He met her with another shove that gave her more momentum. Another couple more pushes and she swung by herself, rocking back and forth.

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