Hunter's Moon.htm (26 page)

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Authors: C T Adams,Cath Clamp

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"Come on, Linda," Frustration edged my voice, "Pick a spot." I spoke loud since the phone wasn't by her ear.

I repeated the words several times. Finally there was a response. "Okay. I got in the limo. Anyway, here's the deal. I get here and Sue is dressed, but not good enough, you know? All she's got is really dowdy office stuff."

I twirled my hand, hoping she would speed up. The one thing you can't get Linda to do is go faster than she wants to. And it's questionable whether you want her to. Once she gets going it's like a runaway freight train.

"But she's got the greatest hair, Tony! You ought to see it up like I did it!"

"Linda… " I said pleadingly. "The game?"

She remembered where I was. "Oh yeah, sorry. Anyway, I told her that the clothes just had to go! I had to dig through her whole closet and then chop up a silk shirt with sissors. But we found her something to wear. You ought to see her, Tony. She's hot! She'll make the guys go crazy at the clubs."

My eyes narrowed and my voice grew flat. I've seen Linda's version of 'hot'. "I'm not sure I like the sound of that."

She blew out an annoyed breath. "Oh please! We're going to Carmine's clubs. We don't have a hope of getting hit on."

I had to agree with her. Carmine is the jealous sort. Everyone knows it. Nobody would want that kind of trouble.

"So what's the problem?"

"Oh yeah! Anyway, we're all set to go and jeez— that mother of hers. She's like the bitch from hell!"

I let out an exasperated breath. I was wrong. Linda's a runaway freight train with multiple spurs. "No shit. But can we move this along a little, Linda? I've got to get back."

I could imagine her placating hand movements. "Okay. So anyway, we were just about to leave when the front door opens and in comes this little yuppie family. Dad, Mom, and two rugrats." She paused and then sighed. "Actually, that was mean. The kids are cute. It's the parents who are jerks. The mom is Sue's sister."

Yep. I knew it.

"They started in on Sue, saying that Mommy dearest had promised that Sue would watch the kids 'cause of how Sis was inconvenienced last week, whatever that means."

I rolled my eyes. "Sue and I went to Vegas together—without permission"

There was a pause before her incredulous voice. "You're joking. I hope."

'"Fraid not."

There was a slow exhale of air. "Oookay, then. So we've established that Mom and Sis have it in for Sue. Problem is, Sue's trying to cancel. She says she feels guilty."

I shrugged. "No surprise. She's seeing John Corbin for that very thing."

I could hear a smile in Linda's voice. "John-Boy? No kidding! I haven't seen him for ages. How is he?"

I glanced at the poker table longingly. Another hand was starting without me. "Stick to the subject, Linda. I want Sue to go out tonight. Any ideas?"

"Well, I actually did have an idea but Carmine shot it down. If you can get him to bend we'll be home free."

Carmine glanced at me just then like he knew what Linda was saying. "Go ahead."

"Mike and Jerry are our bodyguards tonight. You know how Mike adores kids. Got four and a bun in the oven. He hates clubbing but Carmine insists on sticking him with it 'cause he's big and mean looking. We're not going to do anything tonight, Tony. We'll stick to Carmine's clubs. Word of honor." I could see her in my head, holding up her hand like in a Girl Scout salute.

"So… what? You're suggesting that Mike watch the kids? Why not tell the parents to get screwed and just leave with Sue?"

"Easier said than done. We're in the limo. It's Carmine's new baby— this year's model. We're blocked in by the other car. We'll have to satisfy them or ram the car out of the way. Carmine wouldn't like that." I had to agree with that. God knows how much insurance costs on one of those beasts.

"I asked him, Tony. Mike, I mean. He'd rather stay here with the rugrats than go with us. Carmine said he won't pay for Mike's time to babysit. I suggested it to Sue and she said she would pay. Thing is, I don't think she should be responsible for it. I mean, it's not like she said she would and forgot. Someone else promised her time. That just isn't right. The kids already adore Mike. You know how kids are around him. He's playing some board game with them in the next room while we're working this out. So what do you say? Carmine will okay it if you pay. I still think the parents should pay. I'll try to push for that on this end. But Carmine will want your word."

I thought about it for a moment, and as soon as I thought of Sue I could feel her. Angry and hurt. She wanted so badly to go have fun. She liked Linda. But she felt guilty even though she knew she had no reason. That decided it. I held the phone away from my ear without covering the speaker.

"Yo! Carmine." He turned to my voice. I could see his hand. Unless someone could beat a full house, Queen high, he had the pot. It made me "glad I wasn't sitting in this hand. It was a pretty big pile, with mostly blue chips.

He raised his chin slightly in acknowledgment.

"I'll pony up for Mike if you'll okay Linda's idea. What do you say? My lady needs a night out. Her family are assholes."

He snorted lightly. "From what Linda says, they beat out Joey's family." He let out a slow thoughtful breath as I walked closer to the table.

Joey responded to that statement with raised eyebrows. "Gawd, I hope not! I feel for your goil if they do."

His people are serious jerks. Talk about dysfunctional. Unfortunately, I had to agree with Linda.

"C'mon, Carmine, what say? You know that Mike would rather be with kids. I'll pay his fee."

He tapped his finger on the table. "It's not just that, Tony. I'm just not sure that I want the girls going out with just Jerry watching them."

I knew that he'd been having trouble with Jerry for a while now. Had it gotten worse? Was I sending Sue into danger?

I could hear the edge in my voice. "Yeah? What's up?"

He moved his head in tiny little shakes. He was trying to fight off a bad feeling. He smelled a little angry and worried. He set his cards on the table face down while he thought.

"He's been real pissy lately. He asked for a promotion and I turned him down."

"What did he want a promotion to?" Carmine doesn't usually hold a guy back if he wants to move up in the world.

He looked at me pointedly. "To your job." Well, I'll be damned. I didn't know he was interested in my line of work.

"I told him I was satisfied with your work for me and we didn't need two in this region. Not anymore. The work's just not there. He knows that he can't freelance without my support but he's not happy." He shrugged. "But, I guess it's not the end of the world. He'd never hurt the girls. He knows what I'd do."

He thought for a moment while I held the phone at my side. I could hear Linda trying to get my attention. I pressed the mouthpiece more firmly against my thigh, muffling the words.

"Mike got a raise last year. Think you're up to it?"

He named a figure and I let out a slow whistle. "Guess I'll have to win tonight."

"So you'll pay? Up front?"

I reached into my stack of chips and sadly removed most of my blue chips from the pile and dropped them into his stack.

"Agreed?" He grimaced for a second but nodded reluctantly. I started to put the phone back to my ear. I stopped when he suddenly snapped his fingers. He raised an index finger in the air and shook it slightly.

"Wait. Have them stop at Carlin's first. They can pick up Jake to take along. Yeah. That'll work." He smiled the smallest bit, then went back to his hand without a word. His scent calmed immediately. He was no longer worried. That relieved my own unease.

"You catch all that, Lin?" I asked.

"Thanks, Tony! I'll make sure that Sue has a real good time tonight." She paused and then added, "Did you know they call her Suzi. Makes her sound like a Barbie doll. Blech!"

"Well, it is her name."

"So? Damn it, when you know that someone doesn't like the name and she said so right in front of them, you ought to call them what they want. Hell, she could want to be called Carmen Miranda and they should respect that, you know?"

I couldn't disagree.

"And her mom! God, that woman's attitude sets my teeth on edge, you know? She started complaining about how she was so helpless 'cause she's in that chair." Linda's voice was bitter and sarcastic.

I spit the words angrily. "She's faking!"

"Hey, doesn't matter! My mom's in a wheelchair too! She does just fine."

Shit. That's right. I'd forgotten that. Once upon a time, I thought Lissell was going to be my mother-in-law. She's great; got a real zest for life. Linda inherited that from her.

"You remember. It was such a stupid thing," said Linda with equal parts of anger and sadness. "She got drunk and fell down a flight of stairs. Broke up her back real bad. She's paralyzed below the waist. Won't ever walk again." The words ended flat but I knew Linda. She was near tears thinking about it.

"How's she doing, anyway?"

Her voice firmed up. In my mind, I could see her chin raise high defiantly. "Mom didn't take it lying down. Shit happens. Carmine bought her one of those motorized wheelchairs. You know, the ones with the buttons to move around? She buzzes around her place like a madwoman. It's solar powered and everything. Mom insists on living by herself. She even does her own shopping with a little cart that she drags behind. Last month, she went to Hawaii with her cronies. They fixed the wheelchair so the back laid down."

She hooted with laughter for a moment. "She did the limbo! and won the contest! Got a trophy and everything." She snickered. "Although I think they probably let her win."

I laughed. That sounded like Lissell. "Glad she's doing well."

"So I don't have any sympathy for someone that doesn't even try."

"Did you say that?" My grin was a mile wide.

"Damn straight I did! Didn't win me any friends. Except maybe Sue. Oh! I forgot to tell you. Mom asked me if Carmine might buy her one of those special wheelchairs with the tilted-in wheels. She wants to enter races! Can you believe it? She lost all of the fat on her upper arms when she had a regular chair and doesn't want to go soft." Her voice was proud, happy.

I laughed.

"Hey, I've got to get back before they bum Sue out for the whole night. Catch you later! Give Carmine a big smooch from me! He's great!"

"How about I let you— " But she hung up.

I clicked off the phone and handed it back to the guard.

"Everything kosher?" asked Ira when I returned to my seat. There was a new pot and a big stack of chips in front of Joey. Well, I'll be damned! He beat Carmine's hand.

I nodded. "Yeah." I turned to Carmine. "Linda said to give you a big smooch. Want it on the lips?"

He looked at me and I made kissing motions. His broad face split in a smile and he reached for his belt. "Yeah, baby. I'll show you what I want you to kiss. Pucker up."


Chapter 23

It was about 4:00 in the morning when Mike and Jerry were admitted to the poker game. Verbal reports won't do for Carmine when it comes to the girls. People can be bought or tortured. Carmine wants to see their faces. He's really good at spotting lies. He was better than me before I got my new nose.

Ira lost his money early and was snoring away on the couch in the corner. Louis had just lost his last chip and was sulking at the bar. If I didn't win the next hand, I was out too. Joey and Carmine were about even so it looked to be a long game in front of us.

See, once a person is out he can't just leave. We have certain rules. Fifty grand is a chunk of change and it's all cash. So all the games are on weeknights. That way there's a bank open the next day.

Then, to prevent any "accidents" as the winner is leaving, one of the guards escorts the winner directly to his bank. The rest of the players are stuck in the house with the other guard until the winner makes his deposit. Anything happens to the winner or the guard, the rest of us are held until we determine who's responsible. Then that person is eliminated from the game. Permanently. It's how Louis got his seat and Marvin his job.

Louis's predecessor had a turn of bad luck. He decided he needed the money. He should have asked for a loan. His problems were taken care of the hard way. Pity. Harry was a nice guy, but he let his problems get in the way of his ethics.

When Mike and Jerry came in, Joey took a bathroom break so Carmine could talk to them. Mike stepped over to the table while Jerry grabbed a beer from the fridge. Mike smells like good quality Italian spice— probably from Marie's cooking, like fresh basil and garlic.

"Everything okay?" Carmine asked.

"Yeah. The girls are all home safe."

"You get paid?" I asked Mike. "Or does Carmine owe you?"

"Nah." He gestured casually. "They paid. I cut 'em a break. They were nice kids."

"How much did you charge?" Carmine's voice had an edge to it. I wasn't sure what it was. Sort of a mix of stuff.

He shrugged. "Five hundred. Like I said, Cindy and Mike were real well behaved. Good kids. They just need a firm hand. Shame they're saddled with those parents. Little Mike— that's what I called him, has a real interest in shooting. Parents won't let him." He shook his head. "Shame to waste potential talent."

I chuckled under my breath when I thought about it. Bekki and hubby probably didn't plan on a five hundred dollar sitter bill.

"You charged them five hundred? What the hell am I paying you twenty-five hundred for?"

I replied before Mike could. I knew that he wouldn't speak his mind to the boss. He'd come up with something that would satisfy Carmine, but it wouldn't be the truth.

"You got him doing something he doesn't like doing, Carmine. You know as well as I do that costs more."

Carmine looked steadily at Mike. He smelled suspicious and a little angry. "You don't like going with the girls?"

Mike shrugged again. No big deal. "I can take it or leave it. I do what you tell me to do."

"Do you like it?" he asked slower, and a little dangerous.

Mike never lies to Carmine. Nobody does. "Truthfully? I'd rather be home with Marie and the kids. But the girls only get together once a month. I'll do it. No sweat." Carmine nodded, satisfied.

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